• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Grammar & Style in 2000

Checking Theory and Grammatical Functions in Universal Grammar by Ura, Hiroyuki
Studies in Contemporary Phrase Structure Grammar by
The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style by Garner, Bryan A.
Hebräisches Übungsbuch: Separatausgabe by Ludwig, Karl
Las relaciones léxicas by Casas Gómez, Miguel
Phonological Projection by Oostendorp, Marc Van
Predicates & Temporal Arguments by Fernald, Theodore B.
Changing Valency: Case Studies in Transitivity by Dixon, Robert M. W.
Discovering Grammar: An Introduction to English Sentence Structure by Lobeck, Anne
Writing as a Way of Healing: How Telling Our Stories Transforms Our Lives by DeSalvo, Louise
Markierte Verbvalenzen im Sprachvergleich: Lizenzierungs- und Linkingbedingungen by Blume, Kerstin
Probleme der Interaktion von Lexik und Aspekt (ILA) by
Einführung - Grundbegriffe - 14. Bis 16. Jahrhundert by Polenz, Peter Von
Deutsche Sprachgeschichte Vom Spätmittelalter Bis Zur Gegenwart by Polenz, Peter Von
Romanian/Limba Româna: A Course in Modern Romanian by Augerot, James
Writing the Natural Way: Turn the Task of Writing Into the Joy of Writing by Rico, Gabriele Lusser
Verben, Ereignisse und das Lexikon by Engelberg, Stefan
Ellipsis in Conjunction by
Clauses Without 'That': The Case for Bare Sentential Complementation in English by Doherty, Cathal
Schaum's Outline of English Grammar by Ehrlich, Eugene H., Rozakis, Laurie
Grammar Broonie by Rennie, Susan, Fitt, Matthew
Understanding Written Grammar by Walpole, Jane
Essays in Syntactic Theory by Epstein, Samuel David
XP-Adjunction in Universal Grammar: Scrambling and Binding in Hindi-Urdu by Kidwai, Ayesha
XP-Adjunction in Universal Grammar: Scrambling and Binding in Hindi-Urdu by Kidwai, Ayesha
Mind The Gap: Ellipsis and Stylistic Variation in Spoken and Written English by Wilson, Peter
The Acquisition of Scrambling and Cliticization by
Tense and Aspect in the Languages of Europe by
Classifiers: A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices by Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y., Aikhenvald, A. Y.
Die Funktionen der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen by Carling, Gerd
Cause - Condition - Concession - Contrast: Cognitive and Discourse Perspectives by
Comparative Syntax and Language Acquisition by Rizzi, Luigi
Layers in the Determiner Phrase by Zamparelli, Roberto
The Syntax of Verb Initial Languages by
Grammar and Conceptualization by Langacker, Ronald W.
Metapunctuation by Frumkes, Lewis Burke
The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing by Kane, Thomas S.
Archaic Syntax in Indo-European by Bauer, Brigitte
Standard Arabic: An Elementary-Intermediate Course by Reuschel, Wolfgang, Krahl, Günther, Schulz, Eckehard
Emerging English Modals by Krug, Manfred G.
English Abstract Nouns as Conceptual Shells by Schmid, Hans-Jörg
Phrase Structure by Chametzky, Robert A.
Writing and Thinking: A Handbook of Composition and Revision by Foerster, Norman
Nation Und Sprache: Die Diskussion Ihres Verhältnisses in Geschichte Und Gegenwart by
Syntax in Functional Grammar by Morley, G. David
Verbal Projections by
Tempus Und Temporalität in Geschriebenen Und Gesprochenen Texten by Hennig, Mathilde
Morphological Change Up Close: Two and a Half Centuries of Verbal Inflection in Nuremberg by Fertig, David
Evidentials by
Parameters and Universals by Kayne, Richard S.
Parameters and Universals by Kayne, Richard S.
Aspect in English: A "common-Sense" View of the Interplay Between Verbal and Nominal Referents by Kabakciev, K.
Negation and Polarity: Syntactic and Symantic Perspectives by
Negation and Polarity: Syntactic and Semantic Perspectives by
The First Glot International State-of-the-Article Book by
Analogy, Levelling, Markedness by
The Science of Science Fiction Writing by Gunn, James
Spanish: Programmatic Course Workbook by Arbelaez, Vicente
Anaphora: A Cross-Linguistic Study by Huang, Yan
Anaphora: A Cross-Linguistic Study by Huang, Yan
French Words: Past, Present and Future by Offord, Malcolm
The History of English in a Social Context by
Process and Paradigms in Word-Formation Morphology by Pounder, Amanda
Predicates and Their Subjects by Rothstein, Susan
Elements of Control: Structure and Meaning in Infinitival Constructions by Landau, Idan
The Syntax of Verb Initial Languages by
Competition in Syntax: A Synopsis by
A Cognitive Approach to the Verb: Morphological and Constructional Perspectivs by
The Phonology and Morphology of Reduplication by Raimy, Eric
Move! a Minimalist Theory of Construal by Hornstein, Norbert
Codeswitching Worldwide. II by
Dynamic Syntax: The Flow of Language Understanding by Gabbay, Dov M., Kempson, Ruth, Meyer-Viol, Wilfried
Optimality Theory: Phonology, Syntax, and Acquisition by