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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Grammar & Style in 2003

Understanding Complex Sentences: Native Speaker Variation in Syntactic Competence by Chipere, N.
The Development of Grammar in Spanish and the Romance Languages by Faingold, Eduardo D.
Syntax of Imperatives in English and Geramic: Word Order Variation in the Minimalist Framework by Rupp, L.
Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Truss, Lynne
Anaphora by
The Associated Press Guide to Punctuation by Cappon, Rene J.
Word: A Cross-Linguistic Typology by Dixon, Robert M. W.
From Memory to Speech and Back: Papers on Phonetics and Phonology 1954 - 2002 by Halle, Morris
Die Logische Form Von Kopula-Sätzen by Maienborn, Claudia
Syntactic Derivations: A Nontransformational View by Brosziewski, Ulf
Analogy, Levelling, Markedness: Principles of Change in Phonology and Morphology by
A Writer's Guide to Nonfiction: A Clear, Practical Reference for All Writers by Lyon, Elizabeth
Für Eine Grammatische Kategorie >Respekt: Synchronie, Diachronie Und Typologie Der Deutschen Anredepronomina by Simon, Horst J.
Aspects de la Modalité by
English--Not Anguish II: Text and Exercises by Shultz, Imogene
Modifying Adjuncts by
Determinants of Grammatical Variation in English by
Lexical Categories: Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives by Baker, Mark C.
Grammar Crammer: How to Write Perfect Sentences by Kesselman-Turkel, Judi
Exploring the Dynamics of Second Language Writing by Kaplan, Richard L.
Cognitive Linguistics and Non-Indo-European Languages by
The Logical Grammar of Abelard by Pinzani, R.
Towards an Elegant Syntax by Brody, Michael
The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need: A One-Stop Source for Every Writing Assignment by Thurman, Susan, Shea, Larry
Word Order and Scrambling by
Core Syntax: A Minimalist Approach by Adger, David
Classifiers: A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices by Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y., Aikhenval'd, A. Iu
Shakespeare's Grammar by Hope, Jonathan
Gender Shifts in the History of English by Curzan, Anne
A Grammar of Mangghuer: A Mongolic Language of China's Qinghai-Gansu Sprachbund by Slater, Keith W.
Modality in Contemporary English by
English Inversion: A Ground-Before-Figure Construction by Chen, Rong
Fear of Writing: for writers & closet writers by Thornton, MILLI
The Semantics of English Prepositions: Spatial Scenes, Embodied Meaning, and Cognition by Evans, Vyvyan, Tyler, Andrea
English Grammar and Syntax: Grammatical Functions and Syntactic Values by
English Grammar and Syntax: Grammatical Functions and Syntactic Values by
Introducing Linguistic Morphology by Bauer, Laurie
Perfect Explorations by
The English Change Network: Forcing Changes Into Schemas by Broccias, Cristiano
Cognitive Models in Language and Thought: Ideology, Metaphors and Meanings by
A Cognitive-Functional Approach to Nominalization in English by Heyvaert, Liesbet
Europa Vasconica - Europa Semitica by Vennemann Gen Nierfeld, Theo
Modern Spanish Grammar Workbook by Wilkie, Irene, Kattan-Ibarra, Juan
Hawai'i Creole English: A Typological Analysis of the Tense-Mood-Aspect System by Velupillai, V.
Diminutives in English by Schneider, Klaus P.
Causes and Consequences of Word Structure by Hay, Jennifer
Quantity and Prosodic Asymmetries in Alemannic: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives by Kraehenmann, Astrid
The War Against Grammar by Mulroy, David
Optimality Theory and Language Change by
Optimality Theory and Language Change by
Grammaticalization by Hopper, Paul J., Traugott, Elizabeth Close, Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
The Development of Grammar in Spanish and the Romance Languages by Faingold, Eduardo D.
Understanding Complex Sentences: Native Speaker Variation in Syntactic Competence by Chipere, N.
Syntactic Change: A Minimalist Approach to Grammaticalization by Roberts, Ian, Roussou, Anna
Two-Step Approaches to Natural Language Formalism by Morawietz, Frank
Subordination by Cristofaro, Sonia
The Structure of Coordination: Conjunction and Agreement Phenomena in Spanish and Other Languages by Camacho, J.
The Structure of Coordination: Conjunction and Agreement Phenomena in Spanish and Other Languages by Camacho, J.
Factivity: Its Nature and Acquisition by Schulz, Petra
English Syntax for Spanish Speakers: A Comparative Introduction by Castillo, Concha
Optimality Theory in Phonology: A Reader by McCarthy, John J.
Manifestations of Genericity by Greenberg, Yael
Vowel Harmony and Correspondence Theory by Krämer, Martin
Syntactic Structures and Morphological Information by
Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew by Zuckermann, G.
Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew by Zuckermann, G.
Analysing Real Texts: Research Studies in Modern English Language by Hillier, Hilary
Dependenz Und Valenz / Dependency and Valency. 1. Halbband by
Living on the Edge by
Resource-Sensitivity, Binding and Anaphora by
Resource-Sensitivity, Binding and Anaphora by
Morphological Structure in Language Processing by
The Mixed Language Debate: Theoretical and Empirical Advances by
Variationstypologie / Variation Typology: Ein Sprachtypologisches Handbuch Der Europäischen Sprachen in Geschichte Und Gegenwart / A Typological Handb by
Contrastive Analysis in Language: Identifying Linguistic Units of Comparison by
Variation and Morphosyntactic Change in Greek: From Clitics to Affixes by Pappas, P.
Optimality Theory and Pragmatics by Bezuidenhout, Anne, Blutner, Reinhard
Optimality Theory and Pragmatics by Bezuidenhout, Anne, Blutner, Reinhard