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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Grammar & Style in 2004

Deutsche Handelskorrespondenz by Stern, Robert
Skeptical Linguistic Essays by Postal, Paul Martin
Spanische Grammatik by Vera-Morales, José
Saying, Seeing and Acting: The Psychological Semantics of Spatial Prepositions by Coventry, Kenny R., Garrod, Simon C.
Medium und Reflexiv by Kaufmann, Ingrid
Intransitive Predication by Stassen, Leon
Pronouns by Bhat, D. N. S.
Onderzoeksverslagen Schrijven: Praktische Handleiding Bij Het Schrijven Van Scripties En Andere Werkstukken Voor HBO En Wo by Soudijn, K. a.
Cognitive Linguistics by Croft, William, Cruse, D. Alan
Cognitive Linguistics by Cruse, D. Alan, Croft, William, Cruse, Alan
Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and Their Effects by
A Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language Arranged With Reference to the Classical Languages of Europe for the Use of English Students by Williams, Monier
New English Grammar for Esl Students by Sannon, Fritz-Meyer
New English Grammar for Esl Students by Sannon, Fritz-Meyer
The Noun Phrase by Rijkhoff, J.
A History of English Negation by Mazzon, Gabriella
The Unaccusativity Puzzle: Explorations of the Syntax-Lexicon Interface by
Theme and Rheme: An Alternative Account by Leong Ping, Alvin
The Grammar Cookbook by Bensky, Pat
The Syntax and Semantics of the Left Periphery by
Grammar Troublespots: A Guide for Student Writers by Raimes, Ann
The Syntax and Semantics of Split Constructions: A Comparative Study by Mathieu, E., Butler, A.
Everyday Grammar by Seely, John
The Syntax of Anaphora by Safir, Ken, Safir, Kenneth J.
The Syntax of Anaphora by Safir, Kenneth J., Safir, Ken
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Truss, Lynne
The Grammar Cookbook by Bensky, Pat
Linearization of Chains and Sideward Movement by Nunes, Jairo
The Generative Enterprise Revisited: Discussions with Riny Huybregts, Henk Van Riemsdijk, Naoki Fukui and Mihoko Zushi by Chomsky, Noam
Studies in the History of the English Language II: Unfolding Conversations by
Mastering German Vocabulary: A Practical Guide to Troublesome Words by Donaldson, Bruce
When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People: How to Avoid Common Errors in English by Batko, Ann
Analyzing Syntax: A Lexical-Functional Approach by Paul R., Kroeger, Kroeger, Paul
Chinese Grammar: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives by
English Syntax: An Introduction by Radford, Andrew
801 Action Verbs for Communicators: Position Yourself First with Action Verbs for Journalists, Speakers, Educators, Students, Resume-Writers, Editors by Hart, Anne
The Art of the Book Proposal: From Focused Idea to Finished Proposal by Maisel, Eric
Lexical Diversity and Language Development: Quantification and Assessment by Richards, B., Chipere, N., Malvern, D.
Lexical Diversity and Language Development: Quantification and Assessment by Richards, B., Chipere, N., Malvern, D.
English Syntax: An Introduction by Radford, Andrew
A Writer's Guide to Fiction: A Concise, Practical Guide for Novelists and Short-Story Writers by Lyon, Elizabeth
No Uncertain Terms: More Writing from the Popular on Language Column in the New York Times Magazine by Safire, William
Fuzzy Grammar: A Reader by
The Everything Spanish Phrase Book: A Quick Reference for Any Situation by Luna, Cari
The Structure of Cp and IP: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 2 by
Minimalist Syntax by Radford, Andrew
Minimalist Syntax by Radford, Andrew
Formal and Functional Perspectives on Tense and Related Categories by Heyde Petersen, Christian
Relations and Predicates by Mulligan, Kevin, Hochberg, Herbert
The Grammar Bible: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Grammar But Didn't Know Whom to Ask by Douglas, Auriel, Strumpf, Michael
A New Architecture for Functional Grammar by
Grammaticalization and Language Change in Chinese: A formal view by Wu, Xiu-Zhi Zoe
The On-Line Study of Sentence Comprehension: Eyetracking, Erps and Beyond by Clifton Jr, Charles, Carreiras, Manuel
A Grammar of Kwaza [With CD (Audio)] by Voort, Hein Van Der
Complex Predicates in Oceanic Languages: Studies in the Dynamics of Binding and Boundness by
Person by Siewierska, Anna, Anna, Siewierska
Structures and Beyond: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 3 by
Structures and Beyond: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 3 by
Person by Siewierska, Anna
Grammar of Raising and Control by Dubinsky, Stanley, Davies, William D.
Grammar of Raising and Control: A Course in Syntactic Argumentation by Davies, William D., Dubinsky, Stanley
Morphology and Lexical Semantics by Lieber, Rochelle
Ellipsis in Comparatives by Lechner, Winfried
Chomsky's Minimalism by Seuren, Pieter A. M.
The Art of the Interview: Lessons from a Master of the Craft by Grobel, Lawrence
Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and Their Effects by
A Shakespearian Grammar: An Attempt to Illustrate Some of the Differences Between Elizabethan and Modern English by Abbott, E. A.
Linguistic Theory and Complex Words: Nuuchahnulth Word Formation by Stonham, J.
Linguistic Theory and Complex Words: Nuuchahnulth Word Formation by Stonham, J.
Information Structure: Theoretical and Empirical Aspects by
Screenwriting Is Storytelling: Creating an A-List Screenplay That Sells! by Wright, Kate
Predicates and Their Subjects by Rothstein, Susan
Linear Syntax by Kathol, Andreas
Subject Clitics in the Northern Italian Dialects: A Comparative Study Based on the Minimalist Program and Optimality Theory by Goria, Cecilia
Subject Clitics in the Northern Italian Dialects: A Comparative Study Based on the Minimalist Program and Optimality Theory by Goria, Cecilia
Word Histories and Mysteries: From Abracadabra to Zeus by
The Book of the Hand: A Complete Grammar of Palmistry for the Study of Hands on a Scientific Basis 1928 by St Hill, Katharine
A Quick-And-Easy Reference to Correct Grammar and Composition by Jenkins, Rosemary
Triggers by
Minimality Effects in Syntax by
Assessing Grammar by Purpura, James
Studies in Linguistic Motivation by
Yearbook of Morphology 2004 by
Writing Guide: Marine Corps Historical Center by Ripley, J. W.
A Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German and Sclavonic Languages by Bopp, F.
A Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German and Sclavonic Languages by Bopp, F.
Adjective Classes: A Cross-Linguistic Typology by
Explorations in Nominal Inflection by
Textures of Time by Rathert, Monika
At the Same Time...: The Expression of Simultaneity in Learner Varieties by Schmiedtová, Barbara
What Makes Grammaticalization?: A Look from Its Fringes and Its Components by
Arguments and Structure: Studies on the Architecture of the Sentence by Hoekstra, Teun
A Valency Dictionary of English: A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Complementation Patterns of English Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives by Heath, D., Heath, David, Herbst, Thomas
Interactions between Markedness and Faithfulness Constraints in Vowel Systems by Giulia Miglio, Viola