• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Greek (Modern) in 2024

Discourse Analysis and the Greek New Testament: Text-Generating Resources by O'Donnell, Matthew Brook, Porter, Stanley E.
The Meaning and Uses of βασιλεία In the Gospel of Matthew: Semantic Monosemy and Pragmatic Modulation by Ålöw, Tobias
The New Documents in Mycenaean Greek by
Estudios de Literatura, Traducción Literaria Y Otras Modalidades de Traducción by
Discourse Features of New Testament Greek: A Coursebook on the Information Structure of New Testament Greek, 2nd Edition, Revised by Levinsohn, Stephen H.
My First Grade Koine Greek reader by Moore, Thomas
My First Grade Koine Greek reader by Moore, Thomas
Redefining the Standards in Attic, Koine, and Atticism by
Exploring Modern Greek as a Second, Foreign, and Heritage Language: In Greece and Beyond by
Apprendre Le Grec En s'Amusant - Pour Les Enfants: Tous Les Âges - Étudiez 100 Thématiques Essentielles Grâce Aux Mots Mêlés - Vol.1 by Linguas Classics
Hoefische Dichtersprache. Gemeinsprachliche Tendenzen im Mittelhochdeutschen?: Unter Mitarbeit von Nina Bartsch, Florian Gieseler und Denise Roensch ( by
Answer Key and Commentary to Introduction to Classical and New Testament Greek by Boler, Michael
Aeolic and Aeolians by Woodard, Roger D.
Aprender Grego Se Divertindo! - Nível Avançados: Intermediário a Difícil - Estude 100 Temas Essenciais Com Caça Palavras - Vol.1 by Linguas Classics
Leer Grieks Met Plezier - Voor Beginners: Gemakkelijk Tot Gemiddeld - Bestudeer 100 Essentiële Onderwerpen Met Woordzoekers - Vol.1 by Linguas Classics
Aprender Griego Divirtiéndose! - Nivel Avanzado: Intermedio a Difícil - Estudia 100 Temáticas Esenciales Con Sopas de Letras - Vol.1 by Linguas Classics
Impara Il Greco Divertendoti! - Per Adulti: Facile a Avanzato - Studiare 100 Argomenti Essenziali Grazie Alle Parole Intrecciate - Vol.1 by Linguas Classics