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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Greek History in 2023

Athens: City of Wisdom by Clark, Bruce
The Forgotten Front: The Macedonian Campaign, 1915-1918 by Lewis, Jon B.
Imagined Communities in Greece and Turkey: Trauma and the Population Exchanges Under Ataturk by Bedlek, Emine Yesim
Greece from Junta to Crisis: Modernization, Transition and Diversity by Tziovas, Dimitris
Die Griechische Mythologie: Eine fesselnde Einführung in die Welt der griechischen Mythen, Götter und Göttinnen by Wellman, Billy
The Bronze Lie: Shattering the Myth of Spartan Warrior Supremacy by Cole, Myke
Under Stalin's Shadow: A Global History of Greek Communism by Marantzidis, Nikos
Under Stalin's Shadow: A Global History of Greek Communism by Marantzidis, Nikos
The Rise and Fall of Atlatia by Todd, D. Baxter
Naval Battle of Crete 1941: The Royal Navy at Breaking Point by Konstam, Angus
Archaeology of the Mediterranean During Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages by
The Nurse in Greek Life by Sister Mary Rosaria
The Shortest History of Greece: The Odyssey of a Nation from Myth to Modernity by Heneage, James
Social and Cultural History of Greece in the 19th Century by Turczynski, Emanuel
Mitologia Greca: Dèi ed Eroi dell'Antica Grecia. Un viaggio alla scoperta dei miti e delle leggende epiche del mondo antico by Magistra, Historia, Apollaro, Raffaele
La antigua Grecia para niños: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Grecia, de la civilización micénica, la guerra de Troya, la edad de oro de Peric by History, Captivating
Syros. Das edle Herz der Kykladen by Roubien, Denis
History Of Greece 3 In 1: Ancient Greek Mythology, Byzantium And Modern Greece by Kingston, A. J.
Naxos - Tinos - Syros. Drei Edelsteine der Kykladen by Roubien, Denis
Andros. Das kleine England der Kykladen by Roubien, Denis
An Archaeology of the Turkish War of Independence: Landscape and Time by Aksoy, Ömer Can
Andros - Tinos. Zwei Edelsteine der griechischen Inseln by Roubien, Denis
Lakes and Empires in Macedonian History: Contesting the Waters by Vickers, Miranda, Pettifer, James
Die Agaiskonflikte Im 20. Jahrhundert by Richter, Heinz A.
Harmful Interaction Between the Living and the Dead in Greek Tragedy by
Alexander the Great: Letters: A Selection by
Sparta: 4-In-1 History Of Spartan Warriors, Kings, Queens & Politics by Kingston, A. J.
The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 20th and Early 21st Centuries: Global Perspectives by Liakos, Antonis, Doumanis, Nicholas
Greece (1941-1974): Years of Occupation, Years of Strife, and Years of Exclusion by Kaloudis, George
Der Trojanische Krieg: Ein fesselnder Überblick über einen legendären Konflikt des antiken Griechenlands und seine Rolle in der Geschichte un by Wellman, Billy
The Shortest History of Greece: The Odyssey of a Nation from Myth to Modernity by Heneage, James
Sifnos. Perfekte Harmonie von Kunst und Natur by Roubien, Denis
Sifnos - Serifos. Oasen der Authentizität auf den griechischen Inseln by Roubien, Denis
The Greek Revolution in the Age of Revolutions (1776-1848): Reappraisals and Comparisons by
The Mystery of the Great Pyramid: Traditions Concerning It and Its Connection with the Egyptian Book of the Dead by Stewart, Basil
Andros - Tinos - Mykonos - Delos. Die griechischen Inseln des Äolus by Roubien, Denis
Trojan War: 4 In 1 History Of Hector, Achilles, Odysseus & Helen Of Troy by Kingston, A. J.
Greek Gods & Goddesses: Hera, Poseidon, Athena & Zeus by Kingston, A. J.
Ancient Greece: 500 Interesting Facts About Greek History by Publications, Ahoy
Turkish-Greek Relations: Foreign Policy in a Securitisation Framework by Dizdaroğlu, Cihan
The Road to Lentekada by Fronimos, Matthew
Wunder der griechischen Inseln. Die Kykladen by Roubien, Denis
The Minoans by Glasgow, George
The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 20th and Early 21st Centuries: Global Perspectives by Liakos, Antonis, Doumanis, Nicholas
Pausanias' description of Greece, Volume II by Shilleto, Active Approximately
Pausanias' description of Greece, Volume I by Shilleto, Active Approximately
Greek Mythology for Teens: Enthralling Tales and Myths from Ancient Greece by Wellman, Billy
Pilion. Der magische Berg by Roubien, Denis
The Hellenistic Age: Hellenization after Alexander The Great by Valamontes, Antonios
Ali Pacha by Dumas, Alexandre
Sparta: The Road to Thermopylae by Valamontes, Antonios
Meteora. Zwischen Erde und Himmel by Roubien, Denis
Wunder des kontinentalen Griechenlands. Thessalien: Pilion - Meteora by Roubien, Denis
History Of The Byzantine And Greek Empires by Finlay, George
The First English Church Service In Chio, Christmas, 1878 by Anonymous
Greece, During Lord Byron's Residence in That Country, in 1823 and 1824: Being a Series of Letters, and Other Documents, On the Greek Revolution, Writ by Stanhope, Leicester
Histoire De La Révolution Grecque by Soútsos, Aléxandros
Histoire De La Revolution Actuelle De La Grece... by Blaquière, Edward
Scenes in the Thirty Days War Between Greece & Turkey, 1897 by Nevinson, Henry Woodd
Histoire De La Régénération De La Grèce: Comprenant Le Précis Des Événements Depuis 1740 Jusqu'en 1824, Volumes 1-3 by Pouqueville, François Charles Hugues La
Hellas and Unredeemed Hellenism: The Policy of Victory in the East and its Results by Bourdon, Georges, Vellay, Charles
Mémoire Sur L'état Actuel De La Civilisation Dans La Grèce... by Korais, Adamantios
Geschichte Griechenlands: Th. Vom Lateinischen Kreuzzuge Bis Zur Vollendung Der Osmanischen Eroberung (1204-1740) by Hertzberg, Gustav Friedrich
Devia Cypria; Notes of an Archaeological Journey in Cyprus in 1888 by Hogarth, David George
The War of Greek Independence, 1821 to 1833 by
Hellas and Unredeemed Hellenism: The Policy of Victory in the East and its Results by Bourdon, Georges, Vellay, Charles
La Grece contemporaine by About, Edmond
Declaration of the Northern Epirotes From the Districts of Korytsa and Kolonia Demanding Union of Their Native Provinces With Greece by
Athènes Aux Xv, xv. Et Xviie. Siècles... by
De Iis Quae Post Pugnam Mantinensem Apud Graecos Gesta Sunt Libri Ii... by Pletho, Georgius Gemistus
Letters & Journals of Samuel Gridley Howe During the Greek Revolution by Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, Howe, Samuel Gridley
Mémoires Historiques Et Militaires Sur Les Événements De La Grèce: Depuis 1822, Jusqu'au Combat De Navarin; Volume 2 by Jourdain, Jean Phillippe Paul
Correspondance Du Comte J. Capodistrias, Président De La Grèce: Comprenant Les Lettres Diplomatiques, Administratives Et Particulières, Écrites Par Lu by Bétant, Elie-Ami, Capodistria, Jean
The History of Modern Greece: From Its Conquest by the Romans B.C. 146, to the Present Time; Volume 1 by Tennent, James Emerson
Modern Greece, two Lectures Delivered Before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh, With Papers by Jebb, Richard Claverhouse
Going to War in Greece; by Palmer, Frederick
Lettres Et Documents Officiels Relatifs Aux Derniers Évènements De La Grèce, Qui Ont Précédé Et Suivi La Mort Du Comte Capodistrias, Publ. Par Plusieu by Anonymous
The History of Greece Under Othoman and Venetian Domination: (1453 - 1821) by Anonymous
Letters & Journals of Samuel Gridley Howe During the Greek Revolution by Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, Howe, Samuel Gridley
History Of The Byzantine And Greek Empires by Finlay, George
The Victory Of Venizelos A Study Of Greek Politics 1970 1918 by Seligman, Vincent J.
Hellas, II. by Wagner, Wilhelm
Letters From the Ægean by Tennent, James Emerson
L'épopée Byzantine À La Fin Du Dixième Siècle ... by Anonymous
Geschichte Griechenlands Von Der Eroberung Konstantinopels Durch Die Türken Im Jahre 1453 Bis Auf Unsere Tage: T. Von Der Eroberung Konstantinopels Du by Bartholdy, Karl Mendelssohn
The Ionian Islands: What They Have Lost and Suffered Under the Thirty-five Years' Administration by Zambelli, N.
Une mission géologique en Grèce: Suivi de: L'Île de Chypre, souvenirs d'une mission scientifique by Gaudry, Albert
Bouboulina and the Greek Revolution: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Heroine of 1821 by
The Greek Revolution and the Greek Diaspora in the United States by
Mitología Griega: Cuentos del panteón griego by Andino, Adam
Mitología Griega: Cuentos del panteón griego by Andino, Adam
The Sea-Kings of Crete by Baikie, James
Father Time's Footsteps: Exploring Sundials Around the World by Wilson, Isaac
Stoic Meditation: Mastering the Art of Silence and Clarity of Thought by Francis, Oscar
The Phoenician Puzzle: Exploring the Enigmatic Seafarers by White, Kate
The Minoans: Unraveling the Labyrinth of the Bronze Age by Brown, Pauline
The Unknown Roots of Western Medicine in the Ancient World by Quinn, Teddy
Paradoxes of Emancipation: Radical Imagination and Space in Neoliberal Greece by Soudias, Dimitris
Paradoxes of Emancipation: Radical Imagination and Space in Neoliberal Greece by Soudias, Dimitris
Byzantine Greece: Microcosm of Empire?: Papers from the Forty-Sixth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies by
The Gods of Olympus for Kids by Karra, Maria
Prince Michael of Greece: Crown, Art, and Fantasy: A Life in Pictures by Hrh Prince Michael of Greece
The Secret History of the Court of Justinian by Procopius
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 7 by Halsey, Francis W.
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 8 by Halsey, Francis W.
Public and Private Welfare in Modern Europe: Productive Entanglements by
British Responses to Genocide: The British Foreign Office and Humanitarianism in the Ottoman Empire, 1918-1923 by Grubb, Amy E., Murray, Elisabeth Hope
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 by Plutarch
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 1 by Plutarch
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 4 by Plutarch
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 3 by Plutarch
Molyvos: A Greek Village's Heroic Response to the Global Refugee Crisis by Webb, John
Meeting the Melissae: The Ancient Greek Bee Priestesses of Demeter by Ashley, Elizabeth
Greece After the War: Years of Hope by
Making Heritage Together: Archaeological Ethnography and Community Engagement with a Rural Community by Anagnostopoulos, Aris, Kyriakidis, Evangelos, Stefanou, Eleni
Griechische Mythologie: Götter, Heroen und die zeitlosen Mythen der Antike by Thalberg, Antonius
Kreta. Wunder eines ruhmvollen Landes: Teil I: Westkreta (Chania - Rethymno) by Roubien, Denis
British Foreign Policy on the Aegean Islands: : 1912-1914 by Kondis, Dimitrios M.
Ripped Apart: Volume 1 -- The Cyprus Crisis 1963-64 by Vassilopoulos, Dimitris, Watson, John David, Cooper, Tom
Political Change in Greece: Before and After the Colonels by
Xenocracy: State, Class, and Colonialism in the Ionian Islands, 1815-1864 by Gekas, Sakis
The Myths And Legends of The Etruscans: A Guide to the Fascinating Myths, Legends, and Deities of the Ancient Etruscan Civilization by Tillery, Richardson
Empire of God: How the Byzantines Saved Civilization by Spencer, Robert
A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Traveling the Hellenistic World: An Odyssey Through Political Dynasties and Cultural Mosaics by Haynes, Dominic
A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Traveling the Hellenistic World: An Odyssey Through Political Dynasties and Cultural Mosaics by Haynes, Dominic
Antigua Grecia: 500 datos interesantes sobre la historia de Grecia by Publications, Ahoy
Antigua Grecia: 500 datos interesantes sobre la historia de Grecia by Publications, Ahoy
Do Not Forget Me: Three Jewish Mothers Write to Their Sons from the Thessaloniki Ghetto by
The Greek Military Dictatorship: Revisiting a Troubled Past, 1967-1974 by
The Greeks: A Global History by Beaton, Roderick
Historia de Grecia: Un apasionante recorrido por la historia de Grecia by Wellman, Billy
Power and Representation in Byzantium: The Forging of the Macedonian Dynasty by Churchill, Neil