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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Heart Conditions in 2018

35 Recipes to Lower Your High Blood Pressure: Watch Your Blood Pressure Go Down in Just 7 Days by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
50 Juice Recipes to Lower Your Blood Pressure: An Easy Way to Reduce High Blood Pressure by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
A threpsology for vegan improvement by Tolliver, John D., II
My Broken Heart: Conquering Heart Disease by Borgford, Brian, Bos, Rochelle
An expectant parent's guide to hypoplastic left heart syndrome and other single ventricle heart defects by Lafranchi Np-C, Terra
The DASH Diet Cookbook: A 30 Day Meal Plan to Speed Weight Loss, Lower Blood Pressure, Prevent Diabetes, and Promote Wellness by Tyler, Amanda
Intentionally Red: A Definitive Guide for a Healthy Heart by McNeal Ph. D., Tamera
Intentionally Red by McNeal Ph. D., Tamera
Racing Heart: A Runner's Journey of Love, Loss and Perseverance by Mihevc Edwards, Kate
How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally & Quickly: Powerful Tricks to Deal with Hypertension Using Supplements and Other Natural Remedies by Hilton, Kim
Cardiovascular Health: Living Your Best with a Healthy Heart by Juneau, Martin
A Stronger Pump: A Guide for People with Heart Failure by Fletcher, Barbara J., Purcell, Julia Ann
50 Recetas de Jugos Para Reducir el Estrés: Atraviese Tiempos Duros y Momentos de Ansiedad Usando los Jugos Como Camino a Un Cuerpo Revitalizado Nueva by Correa Csn, Joe
The End of Heart Disease: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Fuhrman, Joel
The Vitamin Cure: Clinically Proven Remedies to Prevent and Treat 75 Chronic Diseases and Conditions by Lai, Monte
The Blood Pressure Diet by Murray, C. K.
39 Low Sodium Juice Recipes: Reduce the Amount of Salt You Consume Using Organic Ingredients that Taste Great by Correa Csn, Joe
Upbeat: Growing Resilience and Positivity in the Face of Medical Adversity by Greenaway, Beth
37 Heart Disease Juice Recipe Remedies: Begin to Feel the Difference with These Easy to Prepare Juice Recipes! by Correa Csn, Joe
44 Stroke Preventive Juice Recipes: The Stroke-Survivors Home Remedy Solution to a Better Life by Correa Csn, Joe
58 Stroke Preventive Meal Recipes: The Stroke-Survivors Solution to a Healthy Diet and Long Life by Correa Csn, Joe
Thriving With Heart Failure by Debusk, Robert Frank
37 Recetas de Jugos Para Enfermedades Cardíacas: ¡Comience a Sentir la Diferencia Con Estas Recetas de Jugos Fáciles de Preparar! by Correa Csn, Joe
Reversing heart disease: The truth about reversing and preventing heart diseases revealed(scientific approach) by Thompson, Paul
45 Effektive Saftrezepte Zur Natürlichen Kontrolle Deines Bluthochdrucks: 45 Heilmittel Zur Lösung Deiner Hypertonie by Correa Csn, Joe
58 Rezepte um Schlaganfall vorzubeugen: Die Lösung von Schlaganfall-Überlebenden zu einer gesunden Ernährung und einem langen Leben by Correa Csn, Joe
64 natürliche Rezepte für Menschen, die an Herzproblemen leiden: Beginne mit diesen Rezepten eine Ernährung, die dein Herz stärkt und verändere dein L by Correa Csn, Joe
64 Recettes Naturelles Contre les Maladies Cardiaques: Démarrez un Régime Sain Pour Votre Coeur Grâce à ces Recettes et Changez Votre Vie Pour Toujour by Correa Csn, Joe
48 Ricette potenti che ti aiutano a controllare la pressione arteriosa alta: Una soluzione naturale per l'ipertensione senza pillole o medicine by Correa Csn, Joe
64 Ricette naturali per le persone che soffrono di malattie cardiache: inizia una dieta per un cuore sano con queste ricette e cambia la tua vita per by Correa Csn, Joe
44 Recetas de Jugos Para Prevenir Ataques Cardíacos: La Solución Casera de los Sobrevivientes de Ataques Cardíacos Para Una Mejor Vida by Correa Csn, Joe
44 Recetas de Jugos Para Cáncer Testicular: Prevenga y Trate Naturalmente el Cáncer Testicular Sin Recurrir a Tratamientos Médicos o Píldoras by Correa Csn, Joe
44 Recetas de Jugos Para Solucionar los Síntomas Del Resfrío Común: Prevenga y Cure el Resfrío Común Rápida y Naturalmente Con el Uso de Ingredientes by Correa Csn, Joe
45 Recetas de Jugos Efectivas Para Controlar Naturalmente su Presión Sanguínea Alta: 45 Soluciones Caseras Para Sus Problemas de Hipertensión by Correa Csn, Joe
48 Recetas De Comidas Para Eliminar El Acné: ¡El Camino Rápido y Natural Para Reparar Sus Problemas de Acné En 10 Días O Menos! by Correa Csn, Joe
48 Recetas De Comidas Poderosas Que Ayudarán A Controlar Su Presión Sanguínea Alta: Una Solución Natural A La Hipertensión Sin Pastillas O Medicamento by Correa Csn, Joe
48 Recetas De Comidas Rápidas Y Efectivas Para La Resaca: Recupérese Rápida Y Naturalmente Usando Estas Poderosas Recetas by Correa Csn, Joe
The Practical DASH Diet: Learn How to Lower Blood Pressure, Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, Prevent Disease, Feel Better! The Only DASH book You'l by Savage, Kate
50 Recetas de Jugos Para Eliminar el Acné: Reduzca Rápidamente el Acné Visible Sin Cremas ni Medicinas by Correa Csn, Joe
50 Recetas de Jugos Para Combatir la Osteoporosis: Haciendo los Huesos Más Fuertes Un Día a la Vez a Través de Ingredientes de Rápida Absorción En Vez by Correa Csn, Joe
50 Recetas de Jugos para Disminuir Su Presión Arterial: Una Forma Simple de Reducir La Presión Alta by Correa Csn, Joe
64 Recetas de Comidas Naturales Para Personas Que Sufren De Enfermedad Cardíaca: ¡Empiece una Dieta Saludable Para EL Corazón Con Estas Recetas y Camb by Correa Csn, Joe
85 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para Bajar Su Presión Sanguínea Alta: ¡Resuelva Su Problema de Hipertensión en 12 Días o Menos! by Correa Csn, Joe
The Easy Heart Healthy Cookbook for Slow Cookers: 130 Prep-And-Go Low-Sodium Recipes by Morrissey, Nicole R.
Arrhythmia and Palpitations: When You Have No Clue Your Doctor Can't Find What's: How to Stop Palpitations, Irregular and Fast Heart Beats and Get by Love, Krystie
Solving the Mysteries of Heart Disease: Life-Saving Answers Ignored by the Medical Establishment by Buckberg, Gerald D.
A (Patented) Heart Disease Cure That Works!: What Your Doctor May Not Know. What Big Pharma Hopes You Don't Find Out. by Leake, David H.
Life to the Years: Living a Robust Life After Heart Disease by James, Michael, Ranville, Michael
Lose Weight Lose A-Fib: How Losing Weight Can Reverse Atrial Fibrillation by White, Lisa M.
Lose Weight Lose A-Fib: How Weight Loss Can Reverse Atrial Fibrillation by White, Lisa M.
Intervallfasten: Die besten Methoden für ein intermittierendes Fasten - 16 8, 5 2, 20 4 & 10in2 - Gesund und schlank durch Kurzzeitfast by Kraft, Julia
Heart Book: How to Take Control of Your Heart Health and Prevent Coronary Artery Disease by Dach, Jeffrey
Régime Méditerranéen: Guide du débutant et livre de recettes pour réduire le risque de maladies cardiaques et recettes de régime alimentaire by Jacobs, Simone
Be Heart Smart: Understand, Treat, and Prevent Coronary Heart Disease by Khan, Waqar
Miracle Cancer Cure by Burks, Dan S., Sr.
Keto Meal Plan for Beginners: 3 Manuscripts - Everything You Need to Know to Lose Weight, Save Time and Eat Healthier Following the Ketogenic Diet by Wells, Elizabeth
Never Skip A Beat by Nowak, Linda
50 Recetas de Jugos Para Reducir el Estrés: Atraviese Tiempos Duros y Momentos de Ansiedad Usando los Jugos Como Camino a Un Cuerpo Revitalizado Nueva by Correa, Joe
Heart Healthy Cookbook for Two: Simple Low Sodium & Low Fat Recipes to Cook Heart Healthy Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less by Cook, Tony
Blood Sugar Blood Pressure: Flat geometric abstract cover by Shamrock Logbook
Blood Sugar Blood Pressure: Natural drawing style cover by Shamrock Logbook
Blood Sugar Blood Pressure: Yellow Abstract geometric cover by Shamrock Logbook
The Heart Failure Patient Log by Janzen, Raechelle
Healing Nourishment For The Heart: Delicious, heart-friendly recipes that are simple to prepare at home by Simmons, Emily
The Art of Healing: A Glimpse of Cardiac Surgery by Gilchrist, Ann
The Art of Healing: A Glimpse of Cardiac Surgery by Gilchrist, Ann