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Hebrew in 2022

Biblical Hebrew for All: Volume 1 (Beginner) - Second Edition by Hattingh, Tian
Biblical Hebrew for All: Volume 2 (Elementary) - Second Edition by Hattingh, Tian
Italiano-Ebraico Io sono timido Libro illustrato bilingue per bambini by Carlson, Richard
Biblical Hebrew for All: Volume 3 (Intermediate) - Second Edition by Hattingh, Tian
The Hebrew Signs language of Adam - Volume I, The Ancient Language Master Key, Untold story of Language: The origin of the ancient Hebrew letters, wor by Kanyavski (Kanyavsky), Moti
Rudiments of the Hebrew Grammar by Kaulen, Franz, Vosen, C. H.
Rudiments of the Hebrew Grammar by Kaulen, Franz, Vosen, C. H.
Hebrew Matters: 110 Hebrew Roots; the Roads They Take; the Stories They Tell by Lowin, Joseph
שבע תחנות by ארליך, שמו&#, Erlich, Samuel
Around the World in 80 Days: (in simplified Hebrew) by Verne, Jules
Hebrew for Dummies by Jacobs, Jill Suzanne
Biblical Hebrew for All: Volume 4 (Advanced) - Second Edition by Hattingh, Tian
Learn Hebrew While Having Fun! - For Children: KIDS OF ALL AGES - STUDY 100 ESSENTIAL THEMATICS WITH WORD SEARCH PUZZLES - VOL.1 - Uncover How to Impr by Linguas Classics
Learn Hebrew While Having Fun! - For Beginners: EASY TO INTERMEDIATE - STUDY 100 ESSENTIAL THEMATICS WITH WORD SEARCH PUZZLES - VOL.1 - Uncover How to by Linguas Classics
Getting to Grips with Biblical Hebrew, Revised Edition: An Introductory Textbook by Baker, David L.
Histoires Drôles: Livre Bilingue Hébreu - Français by Ben, Phil
Biblical Hebrew for All: Volume 5 (Lifting the Veil) - Second Edition by Hattingh, Tian
Sefer ha-Pardes by Jedaiah ha-Penini by Torollo, David
Sefer ha-Pardes by Jedaiah ha-Penini by Torollo, David
Ebraico per Principianti: Un programma di autoapprendimento di 10 settimane by Taşer, Ahmet Murat
Il più comune Coniugazioni di Verbi Ebraici con Traslitterazione: Verbi Semplici by Taşer, Ahmet Murat
Il più comune Coniugazioni di Verbi Ebraici con Traslitterazione: Verbi Complessi by Taşer, Ahmet Murat
Il più comune Coniugazioni di Verbi Ebraici con Traslitterazione: Verbi Semplici e Complessi by Taşer, Ahmet Murat
Sprache in der Geschichte by Puvaneswaran, Brinthanan
Libro de Vocabulario Hebreo: Un Método Basado en Estrategia by Languages, Pinhok
Aprender Hebreo - Rápido / Fácil / Eficaz: 2000 Vocablos Claves by Languages, Pinhok
Apprendre l'hébreu - Rapide / Facile / Efficace: 2000 vocabulaires clés by Languages, Pinhok
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses: A magical text allegedly written by Moses, and passed down as lost books of the Hebrew Bible. by Scheibel, Johann
Libro Vocabolario Ebraico: Un Approccio Basato sugli Argomenti by Languages, Pinhok
Impara l'Ebraico - Velocemente / Facilmente / Efficiente: 2000 Vocaboli Chiave by Languages, Pinhok
Aprenda Hebraico - Rápido / Fácil / Eficiente: 2000 Vocabulários Chave by Languages, Pinhok
Studies in the Masoretic Tradition of the Hebrew Bible by
Studies in the Masoretic Tradition of the Hebrew Bible by
Hebreisk ordbok: En ämnesbaserad metod by Languages, Pinhok
Lär dig Hebreiska - Snabbt / Lätt / Effektivt: 2000 viktiga ordlistor by Languages, Pinhok
Hebræisk ordbog: En emnebaseret tilgang by Languages, Pinhok
Lær Hebræisk - Hurtigt / Nemt / Effektivt: 2000 Nøgleord by Languages, Pinhok
A Hebrew and English Lexicon to the Old Testament; Including the Biblical Chaldee by Gesenius, Wilhelm, Gibbs, Josiah W. 1790-1861
A Complete Hebrew-English Pocket-dictionary to the Old Testament by Feyerabend, Karl
A Grammar of the Hindi Language by Kellogg, Samuel Henry
The Analytical Hebrew And Chaldee Lexicon: With A Grammatical Analysis Of Each Word, And Lexicographical Illustration Of The Meanings by Davidson, Benjamin
Jehuda Halevi, zweiundneunzig Hymnen und Gedichte. Deutsch, mit einem Nachwort und mit Anmerkungen [von] Franz Rosenzweig. Der sechzig Hymnen und Gedi by Judah, Ha-Levi, Rosenzweig, Franz
A Hebrew Word-Book for Study and Classroom: Comprising Common Hebrew Words Grouped by Roots, Meanings of These Words Alphabetical List of Them Without by Hovey, George Rice
A Hebrew and English Dictionary, Containing all the Hebrew and Chaldee Words Used in the Old Testament ... With Vocabularies of all the Roots With The by Frey, Joseph Samuel C. F. 1771-1850
A Dissertation Concerning The Antiquity Of The Hebrew-language, Letters, Vowel-points, And Accents by 1697-1771, Gill John
Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar by Kautzsch, E., Cowley, A. E.
Wilhelm Gesenius' Hebräische Grammatik Völlig Umgearbeitet Von E. Kautzsch by Kautzsch, Emil, Gesenius, Wilhelm
The God of Vengeance by Goldberg, Isaac, Asch, Sholom
Wilhelm Gesenius' Hebräische Grammatik Völlig Umgearbeitet Von E. Kautzsch by Kautzsch, Emil, Gesenius, Wilhelm
A Grammar of the Hindi Language by Kellogg, Samuel Henry
Aramaic Incantation Texts From Nippur by Montgomery, James a. 1866-1949
Jehuda Halevi, zweiundneunzig Hymnen und Gedichte. Deutsch, mit einem Nachwort und mit Anmerkungen [von] Franz Rosenzweig. Der sechzig Hymnen und Gedi by Judah, Ha-Levi, Rosenzweig, Franz
A Dissertation Concerning The Antiquity Of The Hebrew-language, Letters, Vowel-points, And Accents by 1697-1771, Gill John
A Hebrew, Latin, and English Dictionary: Containing All the Hebrew and Chaldee Words Used in the Old Testament; Volume 1 by Frey, Joseph Samuel Christian Frederick
Dictionnaire Hébreu-Français,: Contenant La Nomenclature Et La Traduction De Tous Les Mots Hébreux Et Chaldéens Contenus Dans La Bible ... L'explicat by Sander, Nathaniel Philippe
Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar by Cowley, A. E., Kautzsch, E.
The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon: Consisting of an Alphabetical Arrangement of Every Word and Inflection Contained in the Old Testament Scrip by Davidson, Benjamin
The God of Vengeance by Goldberg, Isaac, Asch, Sholom
A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament: With an Appendix Containing the Biblical Aramaic by Robinson, Edward 1794-1863, Brown, Francis 1849-1916
A Treatise on the Accentuation of the Twenty-One So-Called Prose Books of the Old Testament by Wickes, William
The Hebraic Tongue Restored: And the True Meaning of the Hebrew Words Re-established And Proved by Their Radical Analysis by Fabre D'Olivet, Antoine, Redfield, Nayán Louise
The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon .. by
The Analytical Hebrew And Chaldee Lexicon: With A Grammatical Analysis Of Each Word, And Lexicographical Illustration Of The Meanings by Davidson, Benjamin
Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, and the Liturgy of the Synagogue by Dalman, Gustaf
The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon .. by
Aramaic Incantation Texts From Nippur by Montgomery, James a. 1866-1949
The Hebraic Tongue Restored And The True Meaning Of The Hebrew Words Re-established And Proved By Their Radical Analysis, Volumes 1-2 by D'Olivet, Antoine Fabre
A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament: With an Appendix Containing the Biblical Aramaic by Brown, Francis 1849-1916, Robinson, Edward 1794-1863
The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon: Consisting of an Alphabetical Arrangement of Every Word and Inflection Contained in the Old Testament Scrip by Davidson, Benjamin
A Hebrew and English Lexicon to the Old Testament; Including the Biblical Chaldee by Gesenius, Wilhelm, Gibbs, Josiah W. 1790-1861
Hebrew and English Dictionary, Biblical and Rabbinical: Containing Hebrew and Chaldee Roots of the Old Testament Post-Biblical Writings by Bresslau, Marcus Heinrich
Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, and the Liturgy of the Synagogue by Dalman, Gustaf
Genenius's Hebrew And Chaldee Lexicon To The Old Testament Scriptures by Gesenius, Wilhelm
Dictionnaire Hébreu-Français,: Contenant La Nomenclature Et La Traduction De Tous Les Mots Hébreux Et Chaldéens Contenus Dans La Bible ... L'explicat by Sander, Nathaniel Philippe
A Complete Hebrew-English Pocket-dictionary to the Old Testament by Feyerabend, Karl
Dictionnaire Hébreu - Français... by Sander, Nathaniel Philippe, Trenel, Isaac
Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol by Gabirol, Solomon Ibn
A Hebrew, Latin, and English Dictionary: Containing All the Hebrew and Chaldee Words Used in the Old Testament; Volume 1 by Frey, Joseph Samuel Christian Frederick
Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar: Revised And Enlarged On The Basis Of The Twenty-fifth German Edition Of E. Kautzsch by Gesenius, Wilhelm, Kautzsch, Emil
Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar: Revised And Enlarged On The Basis Of The Twenty-fifth German Edition Of E. Kautzsch by Kautzsch, Emil, Gesenius, Wilhelm
Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar by Roediger, E.
Genenius's Hebrew And Chaldee Lexicon To The Old Testament Scriptures by Gesenius, Wilhelm
The Hebraic Tongue Restored And The True Meaning Of The Hebrew Words Re-established And Proved By Their Radical Analysis, Volumes 1-2 by D'Olivet, Antoine Fabre
Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures; Translated, With Additions, and Corrections From the Author's Thesaurus and Other Works by Tregelles, Samuel Prideaux, Gesenius, Wilhelm
Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar by Roediger, E.
Hebrew and English Dictionary, Biblical and Rabbinical: Containing Hebrew and Chaldee Roots of the Old Testament Post-Biblical Writings by Bresslau, Marcus Heinrich
A Hebrew Word-Book for Study and Classroom: Comprising Common Hebrew Words Grouped by Roots, Meanings of These Words Alphabetical List of Them Without by Hovey, George Rice
Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures; Translated, With Additions, and Corrections From the Author's Thesaurus and Other Works by Tregelles, Samuel Prideaux, Gesenius, Wilhelm
The Hebraic Tongue Restored: And the True Meaning of the Hebrew Words Re-established And Proved by Their Radical Analysis by Fabre D'Olivet, Antoine, Redfield, Nayán Louise
A Hebrew and English Dictionary, Containing all the Hebrew and Chaldee Words Used in the Old Testament ... With Vocabularies of all the Roots With The by Frey, Joseph Samuel C. F. 1771-1850
Dictionnaire Hébreu - Français... by Sander, Nathaniel Philippe, Trenel, Isaac
Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol by Gabirol, Solomon Ibn
Hebräisches Wurzelwörterbuch by Meier, Ernst Heinrich
Hebräisches Wurzelwörterbuch by Meier, Ernst Heinrich
Zur Geschichte Und Literatur Des Schachspiels: Forschungen by Von Heydebrand Und Der Lasa, Tassilo
Funem yarid: Lebensbeshraybungen by Sholem Aleichem, 1859-1916
Hebräisches und aramäisches Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament, mit Einschaltung und Analyse aller schwer erkennbaren Formen Deutung der Eigennamen sowie by König, Eduard
The Laughable Stories Collected by Mâr Gregory John Bar Hebræus. The Syriac Text Edited With an English Translation by E. A. Wallis Budge by Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286, Budge, E. a. Wallis
Hebräisches und aramäisches Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament, mit Einschaltung und Analyse aller schwer erkennbaren Formen Deutung der Eigennamen sowie by König, Eduard
Grammaire Hébraique, À L'usage Des Écoles De Sorbonne: Avec Laquelle On Peut Apprendre Les Principes De L'hébreu, Sans Le Secours D'aucun Maître by Ladvocat, Jean Baptiste
Griechische und Lateinische Lehnwörter im Talmud, Midrasch und Targum, Teil II. by Krauss, Samuel
The Weak and Geminative Verbs in Hebrew by Ayyuj, Judah Ben David
Kalilag Und Damnag: Alte Syrische Übersetzung Des Indischen Fürstenspiegels by Benfey, Theodor, Bickell, Gustav
Yiddish Tales by Frank, Helena
Hebrew Inscriptions, From the Valleys Between Egypt and Mount Sinai, in Their Original Character by Sharpe, Samuel
A Modern Hebrew Poet: The Life and Writings of Moses Chaim Luzzatto by Isaacs, A. S.
Elements of Hebrew Syntax by an Inductive Method by Harper, William Rainey
Glossaire Hébreu-Français Du Xiiie Siècle: Recueil De Mots Hébreux Bibliques Avec Traduction Française, Issue 302 by Brandin, Louis, Inscriptions &. Belles-Lettres, Académie, Lambert, Mayer
A Manual Hebrew Grammar for the Use of Beginners by Seixas, James
Humorisishe shrifen; Volume 1 by Apotheker, David
Humorisishe shrifen; Volume 1 by Apotheker, David
Students' Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary to the Old Testament by Harkavy, Alexander, Hyman, A.
A New Hebrew And English, And English And Hebrew Lexicon. To Which Is Appended A New Hebrew Grammar by Duncan, William Wallace
A New Hebrew And English, And English And Hebrew Lexicon. To Which Is Appended A New Hebrew Grammar by Duncan, William Wallace
The History Of Alexander The Great, Being The Suriacyversion Of The Psuedo-callisthenes by
Lexicon syriacum: 3 by Hassan Bar Bahlul, 10th Cent, Duval, Rubens
Der under-oytser fun der Yudisher shprakh: folksimlikhe redensaren, glaykherlekh un anedoen: 02 by Avida, Yehuda Leib
The History Of Alexander The Great, Being The Suriacyversion Of The Psuedo-callisthenes by
Glossaire Hébreu-Français Du Xiiie Siècle: Recueil De Mots Hébreux Bibliques Avec Traduction Française, Issue 302 by Lambert, Mayer, Brandin, Louis, Inscriptions &. Belles-Lettres, Académie
Students' Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary to the Old Testament by Harkavy, Alexander, Hyman, A.
Manuel De L'hebraïsant: Contenant Des Éléments De Grammaire Hébraïque... Une Chrestomathie... Un Lexique Hébreu-français... by Glaire, Jean Baptiste
An English and Hebrew Lexicon, to Which is Added a Selection of Proper Names Occuring in Scripture and in the Rabbinical Writings by Josephs, Michael 1763-1849
Hebrew-english Lexicon, Containing All The Hebrew And Chaldee Words In The Old Testament Scriptures, With Their Meanings In English by Anonymous
Manuel De L'hebraïsant: Contenant Des Éléments De Grammaire Hébraïque... Une Chrestomathie... Un Lexique Hébreu-français... by Glaire, Jean Baptiste
Gramática Hebrea: Con Ejercicios De Lectura by Remiro, M. Gaspar
An Introductory Lecture Delivered In The University Of London On Tuesday, November 11, 1828 by Hurwitz, Hyman
An Introductory Lecture Delivered In The University Of London On Tuesday, November 11, 1828 by Hurwitz, Hyman
Wilhelm Gesenius' hebräische Grammatik, kleine Ausgabe, 26. Auflage by Gesenius, Wilhelm, Kautzsch, Emil
Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar: As Specially Prepared and Improved by E.Rödiger... Tr. by B. Davies With Reading Book and Exercises by the Translator. by Gesenius, Wilhelm
Lieder by
Hebrew Inscriptions, From the Valleys Between Egypt and Mount Sinai, in Their Original Character by Sharpe, Samuel
A Treatise on the Use of the Tenses in Hebrew by Driver, Samuel Rolles
Aramaeische Pflanzennamen by Löw, Immanuel
The Book of Governors: The Historia Monastica of Thomas, Bishop of Marga, A.D. 840 by Thomas, Budge, E. A. Wallis
Hebräische Grammatik by Gesenius, Wilhelm
A New Easy and Complete Hebrew Course: Containing a Hebrew Grammar, With Copious Hebrew and English Exercises, Strictly Graduated; Also a Hebrew-Engli by Bowman, Thomas
Jüdisches Wörterbuch: Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Gegenwärtig in Polen Üblichen Ausdrücke by Strack, Hermann Leberecht
Hebräische Grammatik by Gesenius, Wilhelm
A Grammar of the Hebrew Language, Comprised in a Series of Lectures; Compiled From the Best Authorities, and Drawn Principally From Oriental Sources, by Lee, Samuel
A Grammar of the Hebrew Language, Comprised in a Series of Lectures; Compiled From the Best Authorities, and Drawn Principally From Oriental Sources, by Lee, Samuel
A New Easy and Complete Hebrew Course: Containing a Hebrew Grammar, With Copious Hebrew and English Exercises, Strictly Graduated; Also a Hebrew-Engli by Bowman, Thomas
Mi-shire Avigdor Foyershin by Hameiri, Avigdor
Mi-shire Avigdor Foyershin by Hameiri, Avigdor
Songs From the Ghetto. With Prose Translation, Glossary, and Introduction by L. Wiener by Rosenfeld, Morris, Wiener, Leo
Documents of Jewish sectaries. Edited from Hebrew mss. in the Cairo Genizah collection now in the possession of the University Library, Cambridge; Vol by Schechter, S. 1847-1915
Documents of Jewish sectaries. Edited from Hebrew mss. in the Cairo Genizah collection now in the possession of the University Library, Cambridge; Vol by Schechter, S. 1847-1915
An English-hebrew Lexicon: Being A Complete Verbal Index To Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon As Translated By Prof. Edward Robinson by Potter, Joseph Lewis
A Critical Grammar Of The Hebrew Language, Volumes 1-2 by Nordheimer, Isaac
Hebrew Grammar by Conant, Thomas Jefferson, Gesenius, Wilhelm
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew: Presenting Graduated Instruction in the Language of the Old Testament by Kennedy, James
Hebrew Grammar by Conant, Thomas Jefferson, Gesenius, Wilhelm
A Critical Grammar Of The Hebrew Language, Volumes 1-2 by Nordheimer, Isaac
Hebräische Grammatik; by 1886-1933, Bergsträsser Gotthelf, Gesenius, Wilhelm
A Hebrew Grammar Without Points Designed to Facilitate the Study of the Scriptures of the Old Testament by Smith, John
A Primer of Hebrew by Fagnani, Charles Prospero
A Hebrew Grammar Without Points Designed to Facilitate the Study of the Scriptures of the Old Testament by Smith, John
A Primer of Hebrew by Fagnani, Charles Prospero
An English-hebrew Lexicon: Being A Complete Verbal Index To Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon As Translated By Prof. Edward Robinson by Potter, Joseph Lewis
William R. Harper's Elements of Hebrew by an Inductive Method by Smith, John Merlin Powis, Harper, William Rainey
Binyan Shelomoh: Aedificium Salomonis: Kolel Korot Leshonenu Ha-Kedroshah, Enthaltend: Eine Vollständige Geschichte Der Hebräischen Spr by Blogg, Salomon Ephraim
Manual of Hebrew Syntax by David, Wijnkoop Josephus
William R. Harper's Elements of Hebrew by an Inductive Method by Harper, William Rainey, Smith, John Merlin Powis
A Manual Hebrew And English Lexicon, Including The Biblical Chaldee: Designed Particularly For Beginners by Gibbs, Josiah Willard
An English and Hebrew Lexicon, to Which is Added a Selection of Proper Names Occuring in Scripture and in the Rabbinical Writings by Josephs, Michael 1763-1849
Solomon and Solomonic Literature by Conway, Moncure Daniel
Binyan Shelomoh: Aedificium Salomonis: Kolel Korot Leshonenu Ha-Kedroshah, Enthaltend: Eine Vollständige Geschichte Der Hebräischen Spr by Blogg, Salomon Ephraim
The Book of Governors: The Historia Monastica of Thomas, Bishop of Marga, A.D. 840 by Budge, E. A. Wallis, Thomas
Solomon and Solomonic Literature by Conway, Moncure Daniel
Zur Geschichte Und Literatur Des Schachspiels: Forschungen by Von Heydebrand Und Der Lasa, Tassilo
Grammatical Analysis of the Hebrew Psalter by Greswell, Joana Julia
The Laughable Stories Collected by Mâr Gregory John Bar Hebræus. The Syriac Text Edited With an English Translation by E. A. Wallis Budge by Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286, Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Romance of the Hebrew Language by Saulez, William Hely
The Romance of the Hebrew Language by Saulez, William Hely
Stempenju; Roman von Scholem Alechem. Aus dem Jüdischen bearb. von Samuel Meisels by Aleichem, Sholem
Stempenju; Roman von Scholem Alechem. Aus dem Jüdischen bearb. von Samuel Meisels by Aleichem, Sholem
Séfer ha-Kabbaláh. Libro de la Tradición. Traducido del hebreo por Jaime Bages by Ben de Torrutiel, Abraham Salomón
Griechische und Lateinische Lehnwörter im Talmud, Midrasch und Targum, Teil II. by Krauss, Samuel
A Grammar of the Hebrew Language by Lee, Samuel
The Festal Letters Of Athanasius, Discovered In An Ancient Syriac Version by Cureton
Séfer ha-Kabbaláh. Libro de la Tradición. Traducido del hebreo por Jaime Bages by Ben de Torrutiel, Abraham Salomón
Paronomasia in the Old Testament by Casanowicz, Immanuel M.
Grammar of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac, As Spoken by the Eastern Syrians of Kurdistan, North-West Persia, and the Plain of Mosul, With Notices o by MacLean, Arthur John
Der onfanger: lerbukh tsu lernen inder leyenen un shrayben Idish; mi zeyer fil ilusratsyes un bilder in es: 3 by Lein, Yaaov
The Hebrew Grammar of Gesenius by Gesenius, Wilhelm
Lieder des Ghetto. Autor, Abertragung aus dem Judischen von Berthold Feiwel, mit Zeichnungen von E.M. Lilien by Feiwel, Berthold, Rosenfeld, Morris
Lieder des Ghetto. Autor, Abertragung aus dem Judischen von Berthold Feiwel, mit Zeichnungen von E.M. Lilien by Feiwel, Berthold, Rosenfeld, Morris
Grammaire Hébraique, À L'usage Des Écoles De Sorbonne: Avec Laquelle On Peut Apprendre Les Principes De L'hébreu, Sans Le Secours D'aucun Maître by Ladvocat, Jean Baptiste
A Manual of the Aramaic Language of the Babylonian Talmud; Grammar, Chrestomathy and Glossaries by Margolis, Max Leopold
A Compendious and Complete Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament: With an English-Hebrew Index by Davies, Benjamin, Mitchell, Edward Cushing
Mandäische Grammatik by Nöldeke, Theodor
Denkwürdigkeiten der Glückel von Hameln by Hameln, Glueckel Of
Outlines of Hebrew Accentuation by Davidson, A. B.
An Hebrew and English Lexicon: Without Points by Parkhurst, John
A Treatise on the Use of the Tenses in Hebrew by Driver, Samuel Rolles
A Complete Hebrew and English Critical and Pronouncing Dictionary: On a New and Improved Plan, Containing All the Words in the Holy Bible, Both Hebrew by Roy, William L.
An English-Hebrew Lexicon: Being a Complete Verbal Index to Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon as Translated B by Potter, Joseph Lewis
La Langue Hébraïque Restituée Et Le Véritable Sens Des Mots Hébreux Rétabli Et Prouvé Par Leur Analyse Radicale ...... by D'Olivet, Antoine Fabre
A Hebrew, Latin, And English, Dictionary: Containing All The Hebrew And Chaldee Words Used In The Old Testament, Including The Proper Names ...: The D by
A Hebrew, Latin, And English, Dictionary: Containing All The Hebrew And Chaldee Words Used In The Old Testament, Including The Proper Names ...: The D by
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