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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Hinduism in 2020

Sadho Ye Utsav Ka Gaon by Upadhyay, Abhishek
Sanskrti Ek: Naam Roop Ane by Swarup, Devendra
Bhagwan Shri Ram Ke 7 Roop by Gen, A. K. Maj
Bhagwad Geeta Part-II (भगवद गीता भाग - २) by Nithyanand, Paramhans
Ayodhya Ram Temple and Hindu Renaissance by Swamy, Subramanian
Chitrakoot Mein Ram-Bharat Milap by Kumar, Pramod Agrawal
Rama Gita: The non-dual essence of Upanishads by Chaturvedi, Shraddhesh
The beauty of Hinduism by Santosh Gairola
Empires Between Islam and Christianity, 1500-1800 by Subrahmanyam, Sanjay
Devotional Sovereignty: Kingship and Religion in India by Simmons, Caleb
The Story of My Experiments with Truth: Mahatma Gandhi: An Autobiography by Gandhi, Mahatma
Sunderkand: (Deluxe Silk Hardbound) by Tulsidas, Goswami
The Soul of the Cosmos: Beyond the Understanding of Only Science by Pratyush Singh
Sri Damodar Lila by Govinda Das Goswami, Sri Srimad Radha
Conscious Confidence: Use the Wisdom of Sanskrit to Find Clarity and Success by Mane, Sarah
Life of Yogananda: The Story of the Yogi Who Became the First Modern Guru by Goldberg, Philip
Amarakosam for Beginners: Word to Word Detailed Explanation by T. Vanaja
Bhagavad Gita - Volume 2 by Saraswati, Swami Dayananda
Holy Himalaya: the religion, traditions and scenery of a Himalayan province (Kumaon and Garhwál) by Sherman Oakley, E.
Hinduism: This is Hinduism - Learn the Basics about Hindu Beliefs, gods and rituals by Peters, Jane
Mundaka Upanishad: Essence and Sanskrit Grammar by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
Hindu Culture and Lifestyle - Part III: Living Indian Traditions in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Vaishali Shah
Desire To See Sunrise Again by Ashish Vig
Inside Out: A Philosophical Enquiry of Hindu Dharma by K. V. Vishwanathan
Vivekananda: Spirituality for Leadership & Success by Pranay
Love and Grace of Maa Durga: Real life encounters and unbelievable miracles experienced by her devotees by Ritika Sawhney
The Guide to Unity: aka Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, Maharshi
Prashna Upanishad: Essence and Sanskrit Grammar by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
Parvati ou l'amour extrême by Devin, Christine
La légende de la descente du Gange by Devin, Christine
India's Epic, Vyasar's 'Mahabharata': For the Youth and Kids by Shiv Shankar
Hinduism: What do we know about it? by Babu, Ramesh
Lord Shiva: About the Basics by Sara, Vanan
Modern Hinduism in Text and Context by
Astrology: The Complete Guide to the 12 Zodiac Signs and Horoscopes - Discover their Traits and Meanings and Learn the basis of N by Hastings, Peter
Hindu Law And Judicature: From The Dharma-Śástra Of Yájnavalkya In English With Explanatory Notes And Introduction By Edward Röer And W. A. by Yájnavalkya
Religion in India: Past and Present by Babb, Lawrence A.
A Ton Nom by 108
Awaken: An Experiential Exploration of Enlightenment by Kadayam, Sundar
Hanuman Mantras in English: Hanuman Chalisa, Beeja Mantras, and More.. by Brahma, Nalla
Awaken: An Experiential Exploration of Enlightenment by Kadayam, Sundar
Pandavas In Exile: The Third Book in the Mahabharata Trilogy by Umesh Kotru, Ashutosh Zutshi
Viswamatha: Ishkrithi by Dr Prattipati Ramaiah
Ganesha Coloring And Activity Book For Kids: 37 Cute Ganesha Coloring Pages, 8.5 x 11 size, Glossy Cover Finish by Shan, Dar
Can We Serve Visvamatha: Viswamatha = The Science of Cow by Dr Prattipati Ramaiah
Hindu Goddess Coloring And Activity Book For Kids: 20 Adorable Goddess Coloring Pages, 8.5 x 11 size, Glossy Cover Finish by Goddess, My, Murli, Bal
Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #35: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings by Kindler, Babaji Bob, Hixon, Lex, Shapiro, Rami
Hindu Gods & Goddess Coloring & Activity Book For Kids Vol 1: 60 Adorable Coloring Pages, 8.5 x 11 size, Glossy Cover Finish by Yuktha, Sam
A Synoptic Panorama of the Hindu Thought and Practice: A Generous Outpouring of the Thoughts and Practices of Hinduism by Dwarika Nath Raina
Estudios Sobre El Hinduismo by Guénon
Stories on lord Ganesh series -2: from various sources of ganesh purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series-3: From various sources of Ganesh puran by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series -4: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series-5: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Vedic Astrology for Beginners: An Introduction to the Origins and Core Concepts of Jyotish by McDonough, Pamela
Essential Chakra Yoga: Poses to Balance, Heal, and Energize the Body and Mind by D'Arrigo, Christina
The Sacred Fire Within: A defense of the Sanatana Dharma in the 21st Century by Abdo, Rodrigo Pereira
Stories on lord Shiva series-2: from various sources of Shiva Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord shiva series-3: from various sources of Shiva Purana by Hs, Anusha
Avataras by Besant, Annie
Avataras by Besant, Annie
Maryada Purushottam Rama: The story of Lord Rama by Gairola, Santosh
Immortal Siddhas: Iconography of Siddhas on South Indian Temples by Shaw, Richard Neil
Pearls of Wisdom: Quotations from ancient Sanskrit texts (With meaning in English). by Srinivasan, Ramakrishnan
The Song Celestial or Bhagavad- Gita (From the Mahabharata) by Arnold, Edwin
The Song Celestial or Bhagavad- Gita (From the Mahabharata) by Arnold, Edwin
Stories on lord Ganesh series-6: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Transmission of the Flame by Klein, Jean
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Book of the Spiritual Man by Patanjali
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Book of the Spiritual Man by Patanjali
Hindu Dharm ka Itihaas: Aadi Kaal se Lekar Vartamaan Kaal Tak by Lal Mani Ojha
Stories on Lord Ganesh series-7: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 8: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Hinduism Before Reform by Hatcher, Brian A.
Adhyatma Ki Khoj Mein by Shah, Sanjiv
Inhaling Spirit: Harmonialism, Orientalism, and the Western Roots of Modern Yoga by Foxen, Anya P.
O My Friend! O My Friend!: Exploring the Inner Life of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda by Āśrama, Swāmī Bhakti Abhaya
Advaita Vedanta: Being the Self by Yosef, David Ben, Har-Zion, Prabhuji
The Song of God: A Simple Translation of the Bhagavad Gita by A. K. C. Panikkar
The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali: "The Book Of The Spiritual Man", An Interpretation By Charles Johnston by Patañjali
Creative Unity by Tagore, Rabindranath
Autobiography Of A Yogi: With A Preface By W. Y. Evans-Wentz by Yogananda, Paramhansa
Deception: A true story about wounded souls, who extrapolated a murder conspiracy, from the ambiguous moments that occurred durin by William, Roberts G., Mayesvara, Dasa
Stories on lord Ganesh Series - 9: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Rigveda by Brereton, Joel, Jamison, Stephanie
A Tale of Indian Heroes; Being the Stories of the Mâhâbhârata and Râmâyana by Steel, Flora Annie
Shri Krishn Arjun Samvaad: Gyan Satra Evam Vigyan Satra by Umesh Dhar
Scribbling on JIVA, SHAVA & SHIVA: Resonance of reality by Master, Estranged
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 10: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Loving Stones: Making the Impossible Possible in the Worship of Mount Govardhan by Haberman, David L.
Material Devotion in a South Indian Poetic World by Comeau, Leah Elizabeth
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 11: From various sources of Ganesh purana by Hs, Anusha
Science of Daily Yajñas: A Handbook on Hindu Daily Rituals and Underlying Principles, Based on Ancient Kalpa Authorities (Holy Veda Series) (Vo by Thakur, Hardev S.
Stories on lord Ganesh series-12: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Hindu manners, customs and ceremonies by A. DuBois, J.
Stories on lord Ganesh series -13: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series -14: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series -15: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Historical Dictionary of Hinduism by Long, Jeffery D.
Stories on lord Ganesh series -16: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Sadhana: The Realisation of Life by Tagore, Rabindranath
भारत में विज्ञान और नवजा&#2327 by Dubey, Rakesh Kumar
My Guru and His Disciple by Isherwood, Christopher
The Complete Chakra & Energy Healing Library by Stiles, Kg
Hanuman Chalisa by Nepal, Anand
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 17: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Hinduism: Adopting Hinduism as a Way of Life + The Ultimate Guide to Hindu Gods, Hindu Beliefs, Hindu Rituals and Hindu Religion by Coleman, Cassie
Transcending Science by Dr K Sadananda
Hinduism by Barnett, L. D.
Stories on lord Ganesh Series - 18: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Aitareya Upanishad: Essence and Sanskrit Grammar by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
Aitareya Upanishad: Essence and Sanskrit Grammar by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
Hinduism: A Comprehensive Guide to the Hindu Religion, Hindu Gods, Hindu Beliefs, Hindu Rituals and Hinduism History by Coleman, Cassie
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 19: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Swami Vivekananda's History of Universal Religion and its Potential for Global Reconciliation by Gayatriprana, Sister
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 20: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
The mystics, ascetics, and saints of India: a study of Sadhuism, with an account of the Yogis, Sanyasis, Bairagis, and other strange Hindu sectarians by Campbell Oman, John
Love Is My Religion V3 by Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 21: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 22: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Neptune Secrets, Illusions and Scandals: A Neo-Vedic Approach by Patry, Joni
Ram Ratnavali by Prem Lata Uppal
Souffle et corps subtil: Nâdis, chakras, padmas, tattvas, vayus by Laffez, Marie Jeanne, Laffez, Jean Pierre
Die Bhagavadgita by Von Schroeder, Leopold, Krishna, Krishna
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 23: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 24: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Paribhāshā Stotra-s: An exploration of Lalitā Sahasranāmam by Natarajan, Ramamurthy
Daily Prayer Lifelines by Ram, Saroj D.
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 25: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
OM Chants for Everyone by Thirunarayanan, Mandayam Osuri
1,566 Questions of the Laws of Manu, Sama Veda, Vajur Veda, and Atharva Veda: Hinduism by Richesin, L. Dale
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 26: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 27: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Praśna Upaniṣad: Six Intriguing Questions of the Sages by Rāmānuja, Ranga, Swami, Hh Bhanu
The Goddess and the Sun in Indian Myth: Power, Preservation and Mirrored Māhātmyas in the Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa by Balkaran, Raj
Dialogue and Doxography in Indian Philosophy: Points of View in Buddhist, Jaina, and Advaita Vedānta Traditions by Bouthillette, Karl-Stéphan
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 29: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Genealogy of the South-Indian Gods by Ziegenbalg, Bartholomaeus
Genealogy of the South-Indian Gods by Ziegenbalg, Bartholomaeus
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 30: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 31: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 32: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Amritashtakam by Puri, Swami Ramakrishnananda
Hänen jalkojensa juuressa - 2. osa by Puri, Swami Paramatmananda
Duften af ren kærlighed by Prana, Swamini Krishnamrita
108 Citater om Meditation af Amma by Amritanandamayi, Sri Mata
108 citas de Amma sobre la Naturaleza by Amritanandamayi, Sri Mata
108 Quotes on Love by Amritanandamayi, Sri Mata
Amritashtakam by Puri, Swami Ramakrishnananda
Luce del mio cuore by Dreier, Anna Prabha
Olas de gracia by Satish, Brahmachari
La Lumière du coeur by Dreier, Anna Prabha
Ein Licht in der Dunkelheit by Prana, Swamini Krishnamrita
108 citations d' Amma sur la Méditation by Amritanandamayi, Sri Mata
108 Pensieri di Amma sulla Meditazione by Amritanandamayi, Sri Mata
Classical Telugu Poetry: Volume 13 by
Nadčasová cesta by Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri
S Láskou, Amma by Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri
Arčana by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi
Nous sommes la Beauté éternelle by Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri
108 Zitate von Amma über Meditation by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi
The philosophy of the Upanishads by S. Geden, A., Deussen, Paul
Shri Hanuman Chalisa with meaning of verses: verse meaning explained by Mr. Gaurav Choksi by Poet, Tulsidasa
Seeing the Power of God by James, Sidney St
The Indian Drum of the King-God and the Pakhāvaj of Nathdwara by Pacciolla, Paolo
Stories on lord Ganesh series-33: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Lectures on Hindu religion, philosophy and yoga by Chakravarti, K.
Karma is a B*tch: Sattology: How to tame it? by Satsangi, Aditya
Bhagavad Gita (Sanskrit): Original Sanskrit Text with Transliteration - No Translation - by Sushma
Vishnu-Sahasra-Nama-Stotram Legacy Book - Endowment of Devotion: Embellish it with your Rama Namas & present it to someone you love by Veda-Vyasa, Prehistoric Sage
Bhagavad Gita, The Holy Book of Hindus: Original Sanskrit Text with English Translation & Transliteration [ A Classic of Indian Spirituality ] by Sushma
Bhagavad Gita, The Holy Book of Hindus: Original Sanskrit Text with English Translation & Transliteration [ A Classic of Indian Spirituality ] by Sushma
Stories on lord Ganesh series - 34: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Contemplation on Taittiriya Upanishad by Anubhavananda, Swami
Amarakosam for Beginners: Word to Word Detailed Explanation by
Thánatos: El Hombre, la Muerte y los destinos de ultratumba by
La Bibbia Dello Yoga Per Principianti: 30 Posizioni Essenziali Illustrate per una Salute Migliore, Sollievo dallo Stress e Perdita di Peso by Kiernan, Charice
Una Sola Esencia by Adamson, Sailor Bob Adamson
Sublime Spiritualite, la philosophie mystique du yoga by Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan, Anandamurti, Shrii Shrii
Stories on lord Ganesh series-35: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Circling the Elephant: A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity by Thatamanil, John J.
Circling the Elephant: A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity by Thatamanil, John J.
Stories on lord Ganesh series-36: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Stories on lord Ganesh series-37: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
In Days of Great Peace: The Highest Yoga as Lived by Sadhu, Mouni
How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali by
The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: Indian Philosophy and Yoga in the Contemporary World by
Trikamukhyamatāni: Main Tenets of Trika Shaivism by Pradiipaka, Gabriel
The way of Yoga: Knowledge from Patanjali' Sutra and Shiva Samhita by
100 Year Patra Volume 4 by Ram Charran, Swami
Karma Yoga: Het geheim van Werk by Vivekananda, Swami
Blood of the Goddess by Schindler, William
Discovering your connected Self: Exploring Brahma sutras Chapter 1 by Raskutti, Mohan Dorai
La Bibbia Dello Yoga Per Principianti: 30 Posizioni Essenziali Illustrate per una Salute Migliore, Sollievo dallo Stress e Perdita di Peso by Kiernan, Charice
Shākta Upanishats: Upanishats about Sri Devi by Natarajan, Ramamurthy
Gandhi and Philosophy: On Theological Anti-Politics by Mohan, Shaj, Dwivedi, Divya
Principles of Hinduism Explained to Non-Hindus by Sivasankaran, Mohan
Two Works of Shankaracharya by Chaturvedi, Shraddhesh
Stories on lord Ganesh series -38: From various sources of Ganesh Purana by Hs, Anusha
Lakshmi: The Goddess of Health, Wealth, and Fertility by Singh, Seema
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