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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Hinduism in 2021

Adult Mandala coloring VOL 1: adult coloring pages by Ball, Stevie
Tracing the Path of Yoga: The History and Philosophy of Indian Mind-Body Discipline by Sarbacker, Stuart Ray
Footfalls of the Indian Rishis: Charting the Timeless Wisdom of Mother India by Kindler, Babaji Bob
Till Kingdom Come: Medieval Hinduism in the Modern Himalaya by Ohri, Lokesh
Illustrated Ramayana for Children by Vilas, Shubha
Mahatma Buddha Ki Kahaniyan by Lal, Bharat Sharma
Ashtavakra Mahagita by Rajasve, M. I.
Sounds of Liberation: The Spanda Karikas by Chaudhri, Ranjit
Chakra Healing For Beginners: Discover 35 Self-Healing Techniques to Awaken and Balance Chakras for Health and Positive Energy by Alverson, Alison L.
Bhagavad Gita: The Eternal Song Goes On by Acharya, Vijaya
Vedic Astrology & The Vedas: An Intermediate Guide on Hindu Astrology & The Ancient Teachings of The Vedas (Large Print Edition) by Tara, Manjula
Nalayira Divya Prabandham - Moondram Ayiram: English by Venkatesan, Tca
An Ordinary Life Transformed, Second Edition by Rutt, Stephanie
The Story of My Experiments with Truth: Mahatma Gandhi: An Autobiography by Gandhi, Mahatma
An Ordinary Life Transformed, Second Edition by Rutt, Stephanie
Swami Vivekananda: His Life, Legacy, and Liberative Ethics by
Vishnu Puran by Vinay
Conversaciones con Gurudev: Volumen 1: Vol by Nityananda, Swami
Garuda Purana (गरुड़ पुराण) by Dr Vinay
Shiv Puran (शिव पुराण) by Dr Vinay
Ganesh Puran by Vinay
The Hidden Stories of Mahabharata by Shan
Ashtavakra Mahageeta Bhag-II: Dukh Ka Mool (अष्टावक्र महागी&#234 by Osho
Ashtavakra Mahageeta Bhag-v: Sannate Ki Sadhana (अष्टावक्र महाग&#2368 by Osho
Ashtavakra Mahageeta Bhag-III: Jo Hai So Hai (अष्टावक्र महागी&#23 by Osho
Ashtavakra Mahageeta Bhag-I: Mukti Ki Aakansha (अष्टावक्र महागी by Osho
Shree Mad Bhagwat Geeta (Sangeetmay): Raj Das Krit - Radhey-Shyam-Tarj by Raj Das
My Forgiveness Journey: Changing My Destiny As I Traveled Worlds, A Memoir by Goodman, Evelyn
Das altindische Neu- und Vollmondsopfer: in seiner einfachsten Form mit Benutzung handschriftlicher Quellen dargestellt by Hillebrandt, Alfred
Yoga Sutras: Una guía esencial para entender los Yoga Sutras de Patanjali by Moon, Kimberly
Yoga Sutras: Una guía esencial para entender los Yoga Sutras de Patanjali by Moon, Kimberly
Krishan Tumhein pukaar rahe hain (कृष्ण तुम्हें पुका&# by Maharaj, Sudarshan Jee
Bhagwan Mahavir Ki Drishti Mein Bhagwan Ram (भगवान महावीर की द&#23 by Jain, Sadhna
Thought Relics by Tagore, Rabindranath
Allied Stories of the Ramayana: Unheard Tales from the Immortal Epic by Ganeshkrishna
Hanuman: (Second Edition) A Novel based on Mythology by Pandit Janardan Rai Nagar
The Science of Satyug: Class, Charisma, and Vedic Revivalism in the All World Gayatri Pariwar by Heifetz, Daniel
The Bhagavad Gita: A new poetic translation by Hill, Keith
The Bhagavad Gita: A new poetic translation by Hill, Keith
Burning the Dead: Hindu Nationhood and the Global Construction of Indian Tradition by Arnold, David
Hand-Book Of The Arya Samaj by Vishun Lal Sharma, Pandit
The Cosmology Of The Rigveda; An Essay by W. Wallis, H.
The Metaphysics Of The Upanishads; Vicharsagar by Sreeram, Lala
Ramavijaya, The Mythological History Of Rama. With Illustrations by Unknown
Making Christian Decisions in an Age of Deception: Second Edition Revised and Updated by Streeter, Loyst R.
Srimad Bhagavatam: A Comprehensive Guide for Young Readers: Canto 1 by Devi Dasi, Aruddha
Free Will by Kunwar Bahadur Singh
Ownership and Inheritance in Sanskrit Jurisprudence by Fleming, Christopher T.
Religion and Pride: Hindus in Search of Recognition in La Réunion by Lang, Natalie
Caste, Conversion A Colonial Conspiracy: What Every Hindu and Christian must know about Caste by K. Sharma, Pt Satish
Srimad Bhagavatam: A Comprehensive Guide for Young Readers: Canto 3 by Aruddha Devi Dasi
Srimad Bhagavatam: A Comprehensive Guide for Young Readers: Canto 2 by Aruddha Devi Dasi
Śrī Kīrtanāmṛtam Bindu: The Nectar of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava songs by Dau Dayal Das, Dauji
The Grandeur Of Om: Mandukya Upanishad - A Meditative Approach by Katravulapally, Tejaswi
Śrī Soundaryalaharī - an Insight by Natarajan, Ramamurthy
Existence Shining As Awareness: Commentaries on Ramana Maharshi's Sat Darshanam by Swartz, James
Mother Divine: Spiritual Awakening-Manifestation & Transformation of Goddess Durga. by Krishnan, Indira
A Song for My Mother: Writings for Kali Maa by Stoltenburg, Sean
The Holy Science by Yukteswar, Swami Sri
Nalayira Divya Prabandham - Nangam Ayiram: English by Venkatesan, Tca
Sri Rama Charithram by Sreenivas, Vishnu
A Brief Insight to Visishtadvaita Philosophy by Sreenivas, Vishnu
Grihastho ke Sadachar by Govinda Das Goswami, Sri Srimad Radha
Bhishma Stuti by Govinda Das Goswami, Sri Srimad Radha
Siva: The Auspicious Lord by Atma, Kiran, Ponnappan, Jai Krishna
Rudra Puja North Indian Rudrashtadhyayi by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga (Large Print Edition) by Ramacharaka, Yogi
A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga (Large Print Edition) by Ramacharaka, Yogi
Rudra Puja North Indian Rudrashtadhyayi by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
All Vedic Hindu Gods are of Mesopotamian Origin by Das, Sukumar
Putna Uddhar by Govinda Das Goswami, Sri Srimad Radha
Upadeśa Sāra: Knowing the source of "I" by
Life & Teachings Of Swami Dayanand by Prakash, Vishwa
Vedic Mythology by Anthony Macdonell, Arthur
Piercing Human Experience: Based on Mandukya Karika by Choksi, Tushar
Om, la syllabe primordiale by Caputo, Roberto
Sindhanai Seidhigal / சிந்தனை செய்திகள் by Kavi, Sai
Sadhana: The Realisation of Life (Large Print Edition) by Tagore, Rabindranath
Bhagavad Gita: Cours d'Étude de la Bhagavad Gita - Volume 2 by Dayananda Saraswati, Swami
ICH BIN die Violette Tara in Aktion: Unterricht in Meisterschaft by Mt Shasta, Peter
Hindu Dharma by Gandhi, M. K.
Anhad Naad - Srimad Bhagwad Gita Short Tika / अनहद नाद - श्रीमद भ& by Sunder, Vaibhav
Dharma Kya Hai by Tolstoy, Mahamata
The Bhagavad Gita by Gandhi, M. K.
Cownomics: The Holy Cow - Fulcrum of a Civilization by Agarwal, Arti
Modern Transnational Yoga: The Transmission of Posture Practice by Bartos, Hannah K.
Tantra, Mantra and Yantra of Sri Vidya by Vinita Rashinkar
Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta as I understand it: Vol 3 - Chapters 13 to 18 by Kulkarni, Kishor
The Purusha Suktam: An A-Religious Inquiry into a Sacred Text by Borde, Victor
The Purusha Suktam: An A-Religious Inquiry into a Sacred Text by Borde, Victor
Brahma: The Self Born by Ponnappan, Jai Krishna, Atma, Kiran
Vishnu: The Lord of Sacrifice by Atma, Kiran, Ponnappan, Jai Krishna
Chakras For Beginners: Your 8-Day Guide To Natural Self-Healing And Chakra Balancing. Includes 8 Day Meal Plan With Recipes And Audio To Bala by Lyon, Katey
Defending God in Sixteenth-Century India: The Śaiva Oeuvre of Appaya Dīkṣita by DuQuette, Jonathan
Introduction to Sanatana Dharma by Acharya, Dharma Pravartaka
Homage to Mary Helen by Eggenberger, Narad Richard M.
Homage to Arabinda Basu and Nolini Kanta Gupta by Eggenberger, Narad Richard M.
Homage to Amal Kiran (K.D. Sethna) by Eggenberger, Narad Richard M.
Homage to Parichand by Eggenberger, Narad Richard M.
Advaita Vedanta: Being the Self (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process by Crotty, Michael
An Introduction to Yoga Philosophy: An Annotated Translation of the Yoga Sutras by Malhotra, Ashok Kumar
Gods on Earth: The Management of Religious Experience and Identity in a North Indian Pilgrimage Centre by Van Der Veer, Peter
In Dialogue with Classical Indian Traditions: Encounter, Transformation and Interpretation by
Swami Vivekananda and Non-Hindu Traditions: A Universal Advaita by Gregg, Stephen E.
The Bhagavad-Gita for the Modern Reader: History, Interpretations and Philosophy by Nadkarni, M. V.
Advaita Vedanta: Ser el Ser (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Tantra: Liberation in the world (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Tantra: Liberación en el mundo (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Dev Vani and Indian Astrology by Misra, Ram Bilas
Finding the Joy Within You (Estonian) by Mata, Sri Daya
Why God Permits Evil and How to Rise Above It (Danish) by Yogananda, Paramahansa
The Hagiographer and the Avatar: The Life and Works of Narayan Kasturi by Rigopoulos, Antonio
Annamalaï Swami, une vie auprès de Ramana Maharshi by Godman, David
Cownomics by Agarwal, Arti
Wiser: Sanskrit Maxims Explained by Prof V Krishnamurthy
Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam-A Brief Overview by Venkataraman, M.
Branding Bhakti: Krishna Consciousness and the Makeover of a Movement by Karapanagiotis, Nicole
Branding Bhakti: Krishna Consciousness and the Makeover of a Movement by Karapanagiotis, Nicole
The Secret of Krishna: Deciphering The Krishna Code by Pai, Udaylal
Devotional Hindu Dance: A Return to the Sacred by Misirhiralall, Sabrina D.
The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Emotions in Classical Indian Philosophy by
Srimad Bhagavatam: A Comprehensive Guide for Young Readers: Canto 4 by Devi Dasi, Aruddha
Third Eye Awakening: Open Your Third Eye Chakra with Guided Meditation to Increase Awareness and Consciousness by Brisbane, Chloe
Third Eye Awakening: Open Your Third Eye Chakra with Guided Meditation to Increase Awareness and Consciousness by Brisbane, Chloe
Third Eye Awakening: 5 Techniques to Open Your Third Eye Chakra, Activate and Decalcify Your Pineal Gland by Brisbane, Chloe
Third Eye Awakening: 5 Techniques to Open Your Third Eye Chakra, Activate and Decalcify Your Pineal Gland by Brisbane, Chloe
Third Eye Awakening: How to Open Your Third Eye Chakra, Increase Awareness, and Activate and Decalcify Your Pineal Gland through Guided Med by Brisbane, Chloe
Third Eye Awakening: How to Open Your Third Eye Chakra, Increase Awareness, and Activate and Decalcify Your Pineal Gland through Guided Med by Brisbane, Chloe
Third Eye Awakening: 4 in 1 Bundle: Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Open Your Third Eye Chakra, Achieve Higher Consciousness, Increase Mind Po by Brisbane, Chloe
Third Eye Awakening: 4 in 1 Bundle: Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Open Your Third Eye Chakra, Achieve Higher Consciousness, Increase Mind Po by Brisbane, Chloe
Third Eye Awakening: Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Open Your Third Eye Chakra by Brisbane, Chloe
Third Eye Awakening: Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Open Your Third Eye Chakra by Brisbane, Chloe
Know the Seers of India: A collection of One Act plays on Sages and Devotees of ancient India by Verma, C. D.
Ram ka Vanavas / राम का वनवास by Vivek
Once upon a Time Thousands of Years Ago by Yamuna Harshavardhana
अनजान वो फ़कीर: The Unknowing Sage in Hindi by Lane, David
Bhagavad Gita Top-10 Shlokas: Series-1 by Shkarman, Varun
The Ethics of Oneness: Emerson, Whitman, and the Bhagavad Gita by Engels, Jeremy David
Creative Unity: Lectures on God and Spirituality by Tagore, Rabindranath
Stories on lord Shiva series - 5: From various sources of Shiva Purana by Hs, Anusha
Profession Through Vedic Astrology by Yadav, Jay
Who Am I?: Religion Demystified by Agarwalla, Jitendra
Shared Devotion, Shared Food: Equality and the Bhakti-Caste Question in Western India by Keune, Jon
Shiva Purana aur anya kathaye / शिव पुराण और अन्य कथ&# by Kumar, Abhay
Síntesis del Yoga - Tomo II by Aurobindo, Sri
Síntesis del Yoga - Tomo I by Aurobindo, Sri
Síntesis del Yoga - Tomo III by Aurobindo, Sri
Titanic Gods of Tamil Nadu, India: A Comparative Mythology of Stories on Indian and Greek Gods by S Sugumaran
The Yogadarśana: The Science of Psycho-engineering by Arya, Ravi Prakash
Shruti Sagar - श्रुति सागर by Singh, Isam
Lo que es, tal como es: Satsangs con Prabhuji (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Bhakti Yoga: The path of love (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Bhakti Yoga: El sendero del amor (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Kundalini Yoga: The power is in you (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Kundalini Yoga: El poder está en ti (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Experimenting with the Truth (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Experimentando con la verdad (Large Print Edition) by David Ben Yosef Har-Zion, Prabhuji
Sandhyavandhanam Mantras-Meaning (For followers of Yajurveda) by Venkataraman, M.
Bagh O Bahar, or Tales of the Four Darweshes by Khusraw Dihlavi, Amir
Many Mahābhāratas by
Ramcharit Charcha: Sundar Kand (With English Illustration of Verses in Ramcharit Manas) by Khandelwal, Krishnakumar Balkrishna
MANTRAS and RITUALS: The Logic of Hindu Science by Pai, Udaylal
Ikuinen Viisaus - 2. osa by Swami Jnanamritananda Puri
L'irresistibile attrazione del Divino by Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri
Se ikuinen kauneus joka olet by Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri
Sisäisen rauhan salaisuus by Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri
El amanecer de lo Divino by Swami Pranavamritananda Puri
Matkalla vapauteen - 1. osa by Swami Paramatmananda Puri
Archana-kirja by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
Svegliatevi Figli Miei 5 by Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri
Healing at Home by Haas, Nibodhi
Grandfather's Death And A Strange Experience Of A Boy: How Life After Death Can Be Different: Life After Death Stories by Thayer, Val
A Journey To The Life After Death: A Strange Experience Of A Boy On The Death Of His Grandfather: Books About Death Nonfiction by Torralba, Angel
Shrimad Bhagvadgita Gyan by Gupta, Brij
Learning Bhagavad-Gita Step by Step by Chandra Das, Balaram
7 Day Chakras: Daily Energy Work to Balance Your Life by Tubali, Shai
Kriya Yoga for Self-Discovery: Practices for Deep States of Meditation by Lowenstein, Keith G.
Vivir En La Belleza: Diálogos inéditos sobre la no-dualidad by
Conversations with Gurudev: Volume II by Nityananda, Swami
Close Encounters with a Living God: True Experiences by Agarwalla, Jitendra
Hijras, Lovers, Brothers: Surviving Sex and Poverty in Rural India by Saria, Vaibhav
Hijras, Lovers, Brothers: Surviving Sex and Poverty in Rural India by Saria, Vaibhav
The Dharma and Hindu Castes by Ellam, Jan Val
Feminine Journeys of the Mahabharata: Hindu Women in History, Text, and Practice by Vemsani, Lavanya
Meher Baba's Word & His Three Bridges by Stevens, Don E.
The Fiery Crest-Jewel of Wisdom, Shankara's Vivekachudamani: My Self: the Atma Journal -- A Daily Journey of Self Discovery by Wati, Vidya
Pearls of Wisdom: Lessons for Life From the Chronicles of Lord Rama by K V Vijayalakshmi
The Upanishads by Unknown
All Vedic Hindu Gods are of Mesopotamian Origin by Das, Sukumar
The Bhagavadgita by
The Bhagavadgita by
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam: Primer Canto - Parte Uno by Prabhupāda, Bhaktivedanta Swami
Mahabharat Part 1 / महाभारत भाग १ by Vivek
Speaking Of Basava: Lingayat Religion And Culture In South Asia by Ishwaran, K.
Is This Yoga?: Concepts, Histories, and the Complexities of Modern Practice by Foxen, Anya, Kuberry, Christa
Performing the Ramayana Tradition: Enactments, Interpretations, and Arguments by Richman, Paula
Social Philosophy of Vivekananda and Indian Nationalism by Velassery, Sebastian
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Raise Mindfulness To Discover The Light Of Your Soul by Pattabhi, Mahatma
Becoming Parvati: A Modern Exploration of the Yamas & Niyamas by Hillman, Julie A.
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