• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Fiction in 1995

The Silent Brigade: The True Story of How One Woman Outwitted the Night Riders by Elliott, Ron
The Silent Brigade: The True Story of How One Woman Outwitted the Night Riders by Elliott, Ron
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha by Doyle, Roddy
The Green Knight by Murdoch, Iris
Arundel by Roberts, Kenneth
Murder at the Feast of Rejoicing by Robinson, Lynda S.
Voodoo Dreams: A Novel of Marie Laveau by Rhodes, Jewell Parker
Crossing the River by Phillips, Caryl
Death of Virgil by Broch, Hermann
Glittering Images by Howatch, Susan
Kolyma Tales by Shalamov, Varlam
Trouble Shooter by L'Amour, Louis
The Hill by Scott, Leonard B.
London Bridge: Guignol's Band II by Celine, Louis-Ferdinand, C. Line, Louis-Ferdinand
Winesburg, Ohio by Anderson, Sherwood
Mamba's Daughters: A Novel of Charleston by Heyward, Dubose
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion: Introduction by Donald Keene by Mishima, Yukio
The Rifles: Volume Six of Seven Dreams: A Book of North American Landscapes by Vollmann, William T.
Lord of Falcon Ridge by Coulter, Catherine
Uncle Tom's Cabin: Introduction by Alfred Kazin by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Rob Roy by Scott, Walter
The Vicar of Sorrows by Wilson, A. N.
Goodbye Sweetheart by Harry, Lilian
Point of No Return by Gellhorn, Martha
Shadow of the Watching Star by Sarabande, William
The Sixteen Pleasures by Hellenga, Robert
The Town Beyond the Wall by Wiesel, Elie
The Gates of the Forest by Wiesel, Elie
Air & Fire by Thomson, Rupert
Freedom Road by Fast, Howard, Foner, Eric, DuBois, W. E. B.
Freedom Road by Fast, Howard, Foner, Eric, DuBois, W. E. B.
The Rage of the Vulture by Unsworth, Barry
Oregon Trail by Compton, Ralph
In the Wilderness: The Master of Hestviken, Vol. 3 by Undset, Sigrid
The Son Avenger: Volume IV of The Master of Hestviken by Undset, Sigrid
The Drifting Cowboy by James, Will
If Not Now, When? by Levi, Primo
Away by Urquhart, Jane
In the Tennessee Country by Taylor, Peter
Atlantis: Three Tales by Delany, Samuel R.
Mr. Vertigo by Auster, Paul
Demons by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
The Painted Bird by Kosinski, Jerzy
Fado Alexandrino by Antunes, António Lobo
Corelli's Mandolin by de Bernieres, Louis
A Son at the Front by Wharton, Edith
Hester by Bigsby, Christopher W. E.
A Son at the Front by Wharton, Edith
Fair Land, Fair Land by Guthrie, A. B., Guthrie, Alfred Bertram, Jr.
These Thousand Hills by Guthrie, Alfred Bertram, Jr., Guthrie, A. B.
The Nightingale Legacy by Coulter, Catherine
These Thousand Hills by Guthrie, A. B.
Fair Land, Fair Land by Guthrie, A. B., Guthrie, Alfred Bertram, Jr.
Desolation Angels by Kerouac, Jack
Dubliners by Joyce, James
Vanity Fair by Thackeray, William Makepeace
Unto a Good Land: The Emigrant Novels: Book II by Moberg, Vilhelm
The Emigrants: The Emigrant Novels: Book I by Moberg, Vilhelm
The Settlers: The Emigrant Novels: Book III by Moberg, Vilhelm
The Last Letter Home: The Emigrant Novels: Book IV by Moberg, Vilhelm
A Ripple from the Storm by Lessing, Doris
Shadows on the Rock by Cather, Willa
Paradise by Castedo, Elena
Old Glory and the Stars and Bars: Stories of the Civil War by
The Love Eaters and the Kiss of Kin by Settle, Mary Lee
Shadow Song: Shadow Song by Kay, Terry
Feast of July by Bates, H. E.
Two for Texas by Burke, James Lee
The Master of Petersburg by Coetzee, J. M.
Black Cross by Iles, Greg
The Moon is Down by Steinbeck, John
The Dawn of Fury by Compton, Ralph
Brionne by L'Amour, Louis