• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Fiction in 2000

Mission in Mexico by Williams, Jeanne
Osterman's War by Cullen, James J.
The Present Moment by Oludhe Macgoye, Marjorie
A Distant Dream by Rhodes, Evan H.
The Story of Hiawatha by Stokes, Winston
The Wilderness Baron: The French Noble Who Became an Indian Chief in Early 17th Century Maine by Black, Dorothy
Tom Sawyer, Avenger by Fuller, T. W.
Daughter of Shiloh by Smiddy, Ilene Shepard
Most Greatly Lived: A Biographical Novel of Edward de Verd, Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, Whose Pen Name Was William Shakespeare by Altrocchi, Paul Hemenway
Montsegur: Love in the Time of the Inquisition by Lofgren, Jerome V.
Countdown to the Moon by Englehart, Steve
Norikaeru by Slattery, Tom
Those Bloody Pizarros by Dillon, Charles Raymond
The Sweetwater by Rikhoff, Jean
Opus by Alexander, Edward
The Open Hearth: The First Generation, a Novel of Immigration by Doulis, Thomas
The Battle of Amen Pass by Donegan, Robert E., Sr.
In the Rustling Grass by Studstill, Kenneth Avery
The Flaw by Baer, Cynthia
The Kennedy Assassination: A Historical Novel by Jensen, J. Arthur
Walk in Love by Dolgin, Margot
Valiant Hearts by Rhodes, Evan H.
Madoc by Winter, Pat
Prairie, Volume I: The Legend of Charles Burton Irwin and the Y6 Ranch by Waldo, Anna Lee
Lady Blue by Stratton, Evangelynn
I Wish This War Were Over by O'Hehir, Diana
Johnny Logan: Shawnee Spy by Eckert, Allan W.
Captain Whitecap by Clagett, John
Papa's Burlesque House: Growing Up in a Burlesque Theater by Livingston, Bernard
The Last Yahi: A Novel about Ishi by Holcomb, L. D.
The Present Moment by Oludhe Macgoye, Marjorie
The Long Lost Journal of Confederate General James Johnston Pettigrew by Bauer, Daniel F.
The Young Guard by Fadeyev, Alexander
Secret Honor by Griffin, W. E. B.
American Odyssey by Roesch, E. P.
A God Strolling in the Cool of the Evening by de Carvalho, Mario
Cakes and Ale by Maugham, W. Somerset
A Passion in Winter by Kelso, Irene Landry, Landry, Kelso Irene
Alfie and the Moonshiners by Buchanan, Henry a.
Just Passing Through by Lanier, Kelley
The Better Part of Valor by Bennett, Trish
The Price of Liberty: Benjamin Franklin Wept by Adamovich, Tedd
The Shadow of the Hawk by Mangham, Mack
The School of Donnina Visconti: Pictures from the Trecento by Washington, Gene
The Foundings by McCommons, William E.
Beneath the Canopy by Yarbro, Shirley Chance
Mountain Shadows: A Story of the Rocky Mountains by Deutsch, Barbara Milne
Vindictus: A Novel of History's First Gunfighter by Covington, H. a.
Storm of Desire by Sjana
In the Midst of Darkness by Rice, Colleen
Betrayal at Stonehenge 1000 B.C. by Nesper, James
The Rabbi King: David of Khazaria by Kuttner, Monroe S.
Son of Uintah by McPherson, Dexter C.
Journey of the Mask by Pettengill, Nancy Hill
Daughter of Shiloh by Smiddy, Ilene Shepard