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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Fiction in 2001

Hot corn: life scenes in New York illustrated. Including the story of little Katy, Madalina, the rag-pikcer's daughter, wild Mag by Robinson, Solon
Skywater: The Story of the Mayan Water Man by Manson, Phillip J.
Vantage Points: A Novel of Men and Women in World War II by Libbey, Ken
Shadows on the Land: A Novel of the Rio Grande Valley by Vesely, James M.
The End of the World by Love, Ezekiel George
Witch Wood by Buchan, John
The Prince of India, Volume II: Or Why Constantinople Fell by Wallace, Lewis
The Prince of India, Volume I: Or Why Constantinople Fell by Wallace, Lewis
Ravensgate by Williams, Jeanne
Forged in Fury by Rhodes, Evan H.
The Powder Monkey by Galloway, George J.
Angel Over Drancy by Mollohan, Marie
Bluefire by McKeever, Sandy
Hard Years - Antidotes to Authoritarians by McCarthy, Eugene J.
Girl with a Pearl Earring by Chevalier, Tracy
To Shed a Tear: A Story of Irish Slavery in the British West Indies by Kelleher, Lawrence R.
Beneath the Aurora: #12 A Nathaniel Drinkwater Novel by Woodman, Richard
The Scottish Bride: Bride Series by Coulter, Catherine
Dracula, the Son of the Dragon by Iacono, Neal J.
Naked Before God by Williams, Bill, Williams, Martha
Girl with a Pearl Earring by Chevalier, Tracy
Fifth Business by Davies, Robertson
Buckskin and Satin by Wilhelmsen, Romain
Kerrivan by Drodge, Eldon
The Chocolate Set: A Swedish Journey by Burton, Fredda J.
The Black Rose by Due, Tananarive
Fortune's Rocks by Shreve, Anita
Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West by McCarthy, Cormac
Excellence in Worship: Should Church Musicians Be Paid? by Alexander, Darrell R.
The Thirteenth Apostle by Baldwin, Robert B.
Uncle Tom's Cabin: Or, Life Among the Lowly by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
The Death of Colonel Mann by Peale, Cynthia
The Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories by Jewett, Sarah Orne
Standing at the Scratch Line by Johnson, Guy
What the Body Remembers by Baldwin, Shauna Singh
The Vision of Emma Blau by Hegi, Ursula
English Passengers by Kneale, Matthew
The Odin Field by
The Powder Monkey by Galloway, George J.
Faire L'Amour by Taber, Robert M.
The Victors by Frazier, Ernest C.
The Summer of the Black Cats by Brumfield, Leslie
The Godless and the Infidels: Memoirs of a Rascal Boy During World War I by Artinian, Harry
The Deluge, Volume I: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia by Sienkiewicz, Henryk K.
The Deluge, Volume II: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia by Sienkiewicz, Henryk K.
Dragon Harvest II by Sinclair, Upton
One Clear Call I. by Sinclair, Upton
The Return of Lanny Budd II by Sinclair, Upton
Dragon Harvest I by Sinclair, Upton
A World to Win II by Sinclair, Upton
The Return of Lanny Budd I by Sinclair, Upton
One Clear Call II by Sinclair, Upton
The Gun by Forester, C. S.
Presidential Mission I by Sinclair, Upton
Presidential Agent II by Sinclair, Upton
Wide is the Gate II by Sinclair, Upton
Presidential Mission II by Sinclair, Upton
Presidential Agent I. by Sinclair, Upton
World's End I by Sinclair, Upton
O Shepherd, Speak! II by Sinclair, Upton
A World to Win I by Sinclair, Upton
Between Two Worlds II by Sinclair, Upton
Between Two Worlds I by Sinclair, Upton
Wide is the Gate I by Sinclair, Upton
The Ship by Forester, C. S.
Dragon's Teeth I by Sinclair, Upton
Dragon's Teeth II by Sinclair, Upton
World's End II by Sinclair, Upton
The Blind Side of the Heart by White, Michael C.
Our Fathers by O'Hagan, Andrew
A Conspiracy of Paper by Liss, David
The Kondor Club by Joy, Dean P.
Hachee by Roach, Clyde E.
Two Ladies from Boston by Hourihan, Elizabeth
Thomas Angel, American by Bolino, August C.
Fifteen Flags by Hardman, Rick Lynden
Rose of Honor by Covington, H. a.
Burning Ice by Riley, David
Forever Shadows by Peray, Kurt
Herzl the King: A Novel about the Founder of Modern Israel by Kotker, Norman
Lady Seer by Stratton, Evangelynn
Moira's Crossing by Shea, Christina
Pancho Villa by Lansford, William Douglas
Sharpe's Gold: Richard Sharpe and the Destruction of Almeida, August 1810 by Cornwell, Bernard
Sound of One Hand Clapping by Flanagan, Richard
The Danish Girl by Ebershoff, David
Sharpe's Rifles: Richard Sharpe and the French Invasion of Galicia, January 1809 by Cornwell, Bernard
The Birthright by Bunn, T. Davis, Oke, Janette
Sharpe's Eagle: Richard Sharpe and the Talavera Campaign July 1809 by Cornwell, Bernard
All about Love by Laurens, Stephanie
They're Cows, We're Pigs by Boullosa, Carmen
Last Refuge of Scoundrels by Lussier, Paul
The Mask Carver's Son by Richman, Alyson
The Three Musketeers by Dumas, Alexandre
The Return of the Native by Hardy, Thomas
Great Expectations by Dickens, Charles
Love and Liberation: When the Jews Tore Down the Ghetto Walls by Fertig, Ralph David
Lamparo: Excape from Hell by Ferraris, Jacques P.
Echo Horizon by Howe, Bert
Belly of the Dragon by Romig, Jack E.
Beyond Time, My Love by O'Bannon, Michael
Steel Shards by Moore, Bidwell
Guests in Eden by Bittinger, Billy
Saving Big Ben: The Saga of the U.S.S. Franklin, the Navy's Most Decorated Ship in Naval History by Prato, Peter J.
No Eye Can See by Kirkpatrick, Jane
Memoirs of Pontius Pilate by Mills, James R.
The Fox in the Attic by Hughes, Richard
Manservant and Maidservant by Compton-Burnett, Ivy
Guests in Eden by Bittinger, Billy
Born Without a Face by Santiago, Elmer G.
Boomerang by Wiktorek, Adam W.
The Athenian by Ellis, Walter M.
The Night Hawks by Gray, Dale
Fort Benning Blues by Busby, Mark
Tales in the Key of Sea: A Nautical Trilogy by Edwards, Jonathan
Wind in the Cane by Pippin, Kathryn
Hitler in Central America: A Non-Kosher Story from the Tropics by Schifter-Sikora, Jacobo
Origen: A Historical Novel by Vrettos, Theodore
The Memorial: A Novel of the Vietnam War by Amos, James H., Jr.
The Way to Fort Pillow by Sherburne, James
Warrior Pharaoh: A Chronicle of the Life and Deeds of Thutmose III, Great Lion of Egypt, Told in His Own Words to Thaneni the Scribe by Gabriel, Richard A.
The Boat of Fate by Roberts, Keith
Soulcatcher and Other Stories by Johnson, Charles
Soulcatcher: And Other Stories by Johnson, Charles
Legacy of the Chief by Simpson, Ron
Jerusalem Vigil: The Zion Legacy: Book One by Thoene, Brock, Thoene, Bodie
Paneb the Ardent by Jacq, Christian
The Gates of the Alamo by Harrigan, Stephen
Unshaken by Rivers, Francine
Deus Lo Volt!: A Chronicle of the Crusades by Connell, Evan S.
The Chivalry of Crime by Barry, Desmond
Wintry Night by Li, Qiao
Theatre by Maugham, W. Somerset
Saints by Card, Orson Scott
Roping the Wind by Hill, A. Robert
The Root and the Flower by Myers, L. H.
The Forty-Five Guardsmen: Volume I by Dumas, Alexandre
The Moneychangers by Sinclair, Upton
100 Days Crazy by Downes, Christopher
Gift of Love by Landenberger, Beatrice Evans
Simon: Irish Boy Encounters New Orleans by Gaus, Laura Sheerin
Doctor Lopez by Baker, Elliott
Liberty to the Captive by Lechiara, Nina J.
Crown Thy Good by Hellman, Howard D.
Drummer by Richardson, George C.
Freud's Megalomania by Rosenfield, Israel
Too Few for Drums by Delderfield, R. F.
Chin Music: A Novel of the Jazz Age by Levitt, Paul M.
Doctor Lopez by Baker, Elliott
Viking Tales by Hall, Jennie
Fast Copy by Jenkins, Dan
Sharpe's Enemy (#6) by Cornwell, Bernard
Sharpe's Company: Richard Sharpe and the Siege of Badajoz, January to April 1812 by Cornwell, Bernard
Ramage's Mutiny by Pope, Dudley
Second to None by Kent, Alexander
Sharpe's Sword: Richard Sharpe and the Salamanca Campaign, June and July 1812 by Cornwell, Bernard
Seven Men of Gascony by Delderfield, Ronald Frederick
The Fourth Century by Glissant, Édouard
Sword of Honour by Kent, Alexander
Ramage's Diamond: The Lord Ramage Novels by Pope, Dudley
Sharpe's Honor: Richard Sharpe and the Vitoria Campaign, February to June, 1813 by Cornwell, Bernard
Cross of St. George by Kent, Alexander
Ramage & the Rebels: The Lord Ramage Novels by Pope, Dudley
Prince by Michael, Ib
The Pirate by
More Than You Know by Gutcheon, Beth
Tulip Fever by Moggach, Deborah
The Oppermanns by Feuchtwanger, Lion
Becoming Madame Mao by Min, Anchee
American by Blood by Huebner, Andrew
Travels of Increase Joseph: A Historical Novel about a Pioneer Preacher by Apps, Jerry
Anil's Ghost by Ondaatje, Michael
The Borderland: A Novel of Texas by Shrake, Edwin
Geli by Chesterfield, S.
The Taiping Rebellion by Fogel, Joshua A., Chin, Shunshin
The Broken Bough by Thorne, Nicola
Poor Little Butterflies by DeCourcey, Catherine
Chicot the Jester by Dumas, Alexandre
The Memoirs of a Physician by Dumas, Alexandre
The Two Dianas, Volume 2 by Dumas, Alexandre
Thirsting Hearts by Solomon, Carolyn
The Sin Bearer by Taylor, Tom
A Window Opens by Philyaw, A. M.
Taste the Pigweed by Pegden, Claude H.
The Flowers of Eire by Frascarelli, Janet
North Against South: A Tale of the American Civil War by Verne, Jules
Georgia Peaches: A Novel Extraordinaire by Vay, Ola
Yankee Station by Braxton, E. Paul
The Bode Testament by Shanks, Sandy
A Time for Choosing by Soderberg, Dale
Evasive Action: The Hunt for Gregor Meinhoff by Reisinger, John
Matthew by Barton, Robert
Shadow of the Savage: A Young Nurse on the Frontier by Scott, Lois R.
Seasons of Harvest: A Novel of the Rio Grande Valley by Vesely, James M.
Vicksburg by Reasoner, James
The Black Flame by Covington, H. a.
Gleanings of Mackinac: A Memoir of the 23rd United States Infantry by Kladiva, Jason Louis
The Queen's Necklace by Dumas, Alexandre
Chang and Eng by Strauss, Darin
Village Centenary by Read, Miss Read
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