• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 1989

Realizing Metaphors: Alexander Pushkin and the Life of the Poet by Bethea, David M.
My Life with a Criminal by Kiriamiti, John
Plutarch: The Life of Cicero by
A Stranger in Her Native Land: Alice Fletcher and the American Indians by Mark, Joan T.
Diary of Virginia Woolf: 1925-1930 by
Gladstone 1809-1874 by Matthew, H. C. G.
Nicolaus Stenonis Versuch Einer Annäherung. Essai: Dem Essai Vorangestellt: Vorläufer Einer Dissertation Über Feste Körper, Die Innerhalb Anderer Fest by Fabian, Eginhard, Steno, Nikolaus
Hashknife Cowboy: Recollections of Mack Hughes by Hughes, Stella
Chaucer: His Life, His Works, His World by Howard, Donald R.
Paris Was Yesterday: 1925-1939 by Flanner, Janet
Paris Was Yesterday: 1925-1939 by Flanner
Lawrence of Arabia by Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, Hart, B. H. Liddell
Patriots by Langguth, A. J.
Thomas Percy by Davis, Bertram H.
Dorothy Day: A Radical Devotion by Coles, Robert
Jane Austen: Her Life: The Definitive Portrait of Jane Austen: Her Life, Her Art, Her Family, Her World by Honan, Park
The Seven Stairs: An Adventure of the Heart by Brent, Stuart
Letters of Humfrey Wanley: Palaeographer, Anglo-Saxonist, Librarian, 1672-1726 by
My Life in Crime by Kiriamiti, John
Madeleine by Gide, Andre, O'Brien, Justin
Abraham Lincoln: The Freedom President by Sloate, Susan
The Letters of D. H. Lawrence: Volume 5, March 1924-March 1927 by Lawrence, D. H.
African Lives: White Lies, Tropical Truth, Darkest Gossip, and Rumblings of Rumor--From Chinese Gordon to Beryl Markham, and Beyond by Boyles, Denis
Daniel Boone: Master of the Wilderness by Bakeless, John
Elizabeth Posthuma Simcoe 1762-1850: A Biography by Fryer, Mary Beacock
The Vanderbilts by Patterson, Jerry E.
Nicholas I: Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias by Lincoln, W. Bruce
Bat Masterson: The Man and the Legend by Dearment, Robert K.
Vince: Lessons to Lead and Succeed in a Knowledge-Based . by O'Brien, Michael
Memoirs of an Indian Woman by Mazumdar, Shudha, Forbes, Geraldine Hancock
Wind in the Ash Tree by McMullen, Jeanine
Thomas Paine: Social and Political Thought by Claeys, Gregory
Downhill All the Way: An Autobiography of the Years 1919 to 1939 by Woolf, Leonard
A Long March: The Lives of Frank and Alice Baldwin by Steinbach, Robert H.
Catherine the Great: Life and Legend by Alexander, John T.
Pecos Bill: A Military Biography of William R. Shafter by Carlson, Paul H.
Alicia: My Story by Appleman, Alicia
Miscellaneous Writings: Volumexi by Mill, John Stuart
Toynbee Reappraisals by
The Papers of George Washington: June-September 1789 Volume 3 by Washington, George