• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 1991

W.E.B. DuBois: Crusader for Peace by Cryan-Hicks, Kathryn T.
Rain of Gold by
Bismarck. Second Edition by Waller, Bruce
The Life and Mind of Oriental Jones: Sir William Jones, the Father of Modern Linguistics by Cannon, Garland Hampton
John Nelson, Merchant Adventurer: A Life Between Empires by Johnson, Richard R.
Petrus Bloccius: Praecepta Formandis Puerorum Moribus Perutilia by
Douglas Hyde: A Maker of Modern Ireland by Dunleavy, Janet Egleson, Dunleavy, Gareth W.
A Life of Her Own: A Countrywoman in Twentieth-Century France by Carles, Émilie
Julius Caesar: Man, Soldier, and Tyrant by Fuller, J. F. C.
Means of Ascent: The Years of Lyndon Johnson II by Caro, Robert A.
China Memoirs: Chiang Kai-Shek and the War Against Japan by Lattimore, Owen
Dancing in Chains: The Youth of William Dean Howells by Olsen, Rodney D.
Copper Country Journal: The Diary of Schoolmaster Henry Hobart 1863-1864 by Hobart, Henry
Robert G. Ingersoll by Smith, Frank
The Works of John Wesley Volume 20: Journal and Diaries III (1743-1754) by Ward, W. Reginald
Buried Unsung: Louis Tikas and the Ludlow Massacre by Papanikolas, Zeese
George F. Kennan: Cold War Iconoclast by Hixson, Walter
Congenial Spirits: The Selected Letters of Virginia Woolf by Woolf, Virginia
Hitler: A Study in Tyranny by Bullock, Alan
The Last Conquistador: Juan de Onate and the Settling of the Far Southwest by Simmons, Marc
Letters to Emil by Miller, Henry
The Last of the Fathers: James Madison and the Republican Legacy by McCoy, Drew R.
Brownie the Boomer by
Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography, Volume 3: P-Z by Thrapp, Dan L.
Wilhelm II and the Germans: A Study in Leadership by Kohut, Thomas A.
Writing Our Lives by Rubin, Steven J.
Billy the Kid-Pa by Utley, Robert M.
Lone Star Rising: Vol. 1: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960 by Dallek, Robert
The Prison Memoirs of a Japanese Woman by Hane, Mikiso, Inglis, Jean, Fumiko, Kaneko
The Prison Memoirs of a Japanese Woman by Hane, Mikiso, Inglis, Jean, Fumiko, Kaneko
John C. Calhoun: American Portrait by Coit, Margaret L.
Ahead of Her Time: Abby Kelley and the Politics of Antislavery by Sterling, Dorothy
Memoirs of the Second World War by Churchill, Winston S.
Woodrow Wilson: A Life for World Peace by Schulte Nordholt, J. W.
The Story of My Life: With Her Letters (1887-1901) & a Supplementary Account of Her Education, Including Passages from the Reports & Letters by Keller, Helen
Converting the West, Volume 3: A Biography of Narcissa Whitman by Jeffrey, Julie Roy
Kovacsland: Biography of Ernie Kovacs by Rico, Diana
Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus by Morison, Samuel Eliot
Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope by Brown, Judith M.
Surviving the Storm: A Memoir: A Memoir by Xuezhao, Chen
Cyril of Scythopolis: The Lives of the Monks of Palestine by Cyril of Scythopolis
Stonewall Jackson: The Good Soldier by Tate, Allen
Calendar of the Correspondence of Richard Baxter: Volume I: 1638-1660 by Nuttall, Geoffrey F., Keeble, N. H.
The Real George Washington by Allison, Andrew M., Skousen, W. Cleon, Parry, Jay a.
Fool for Christ: The Intellectual Politics of J.S. Woodsworth by Mills, Allen
Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain: A Biography by Kaplan, Justin
Plains Farmer: The Diary of William G. Deloach, 1914-1964 by Deloach, William Green
The Pillow Book of SEI Shōnagon by