• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 1993

Julius Caesar: The Civil War Book III by
Journey Toward Freedom: The Story of Sojourner Truth by Bernard, Jacqueline
An American Saga: The Story of Helen Thomas and Simon Flexner by Flexner, James T.
The Fields of Home by Moody, Ralph
Prarieblomman by Hubalek, Linda K.
The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier: A Unique Eyewitness Account of the Face of Battle from Inside the Ranks of Bonaparte's Grand Army by Walter, Jakob
General James Grant: Scottish Soldier and Royal Governor of East Florida by Nelson, Paul David
Spenser's Secret Career by Rambuss, Richard
A Complete Life of General George A. Custer, Volume 1: Through the Civil War by Whittaker, Frederick
A Complete Life of General George A. Custer, Volume 2: From Appomattox to the Little Big Horn by Whittaker, Frederick
Falls Memories: A Belfast Life by Adams, Gerry
Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead: Diaries and Letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1929-1932 by Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
The Company of Adventurers: A Narrative of Seven Years in the Service of the Hudson's Bay Company During 1867-1874 by Cowie, Isaac
Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume One, 1884-1933 by Cook, Blanche Wiesen
Rogue Warrior: Red Cell by Marcinko, Richard
A Memory for Wonders: A True Story by Le Goulard, Veronica Namoyo
Sheep: Life on the South Dakota Range by Gilfillan, Archer B.
Nur Jahan: Empress of Mughal India by Findly, Ellison Banks
The Papers of George Washington: June 1767-December 1771 Volume 8 by Washington, George
The Emperor's Last Island: A Journey to St. Helena by Blackburn, Julia
Daniel Webster, "The Completest Man": Documents from the Papers of Daniel Webster by Webster, Daniel
An Honorable Profession: A Tribute to Robert F. Kennedy by Salinger, Pierre
Catalogue of the Papers of James Boswell at Yale University: 3 Volumes by Abbott, Claude Colleer, Pottle, Frederick A., Pottle, Marion S.
Sherman: Soldier, Realist, American by Hart, B. H. Liddell, Liddell Hart, Basil Henry
Military Memoirs of a Confederate by Alexander, Edward Porter
Bad Hand: A Biography of General Ranald S. MacKenzie by Robinson, Charles M., III
A Man of Honour: Adam Czartoryski as a Statesman of Russia and Poland 1795-1831 by Zawadzki, W. H.
Latin American Heroes: Liberators and Patriots from 1500 to the Present by Adams, Jerome
Reading Rodney King/Reading Urban Uprising by
Reading Rodney King/Reading Urban Uprising by
Napoleon Bonaparte Broward by Proctor, Samuel
Rabbi Israel Salanter and the Mussar Movement by Etkes, Immanuel
Marcus Aurelius: A Biography by Birley, Anthony R.
The Advent of Modern Capitalism in France, 1770-1840: The Contribution of Pierre-Francois Tubeuf by Lewis, Gwynne
Truman by McCullough, David
The Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II by Radzinsky, Edvard
Spanish John: Being a Narrative of the Early Life of Colonel John m'Donell of Scottos by McDonell, John
History and the Historians of Medieval Spain by Linehan, Peter
John C. Calhoun and the Price of Union: A Biography by Niven, John
Peter the Great by Lee, Stephen J.
The Learned King by O'Callaghan, Joseph F.
The Papers of George Washington: September 1789-January 1790 Volume 4 by Washington, George
Hemingway: A Life Without Consequences by Mellow, James R.
Mary Queen of Scots by Fraser, Antonia
Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate States Armies by Hood, John Bell
John Brown Gordon: Soldier, Southerner, American by Eckert, Ralph Lowell
Totch: A Life in the Everglades by Brown, Loren G. Totch
Life of Henry Cornelius Agrippa: Doctor and Knight, Commonly known as a Magician by Morley, Henry
Fulk Nerra, the Neo-Roman Consul 987-1040: A Political Biography of the Angevin Count by Bachrach, Bernard S.
Stella: One Woman's True Tale of Evil, Betrayal, and Survival in Hitler's Germany by Wyden, Peter
Elmer Sperry: Inventor and Engineer by Hughes, Thomas Parker
War Years with Jeb Stuart by Blackford, W. W.
Tombuctú y los heterodoxos españoles: El renegado cristiano Yawdar Pasha de Almería (Cuevas del Almanzora) y la conquista saadi de Tombuctú (1591-1599 by Haidara, Ismael Diadié
Chamberlain and Appeasement: British Policy and the Coming of the Second World War by Parker, Robert
Empress Matilda: Queen Consort, Queen Mother and Lady of the English by Chibnall, Marjorie
The Journals of Charles W. Chesnutt by Chesnutt, Charles W.
Henry Clay: Statesman for the Union by Remini, Robert Vincent
Gandhi an Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Gandhi, Mohandas K.
Astorian Adventure: The Journal of Alfred Seton, 1811-15 by Jones, Robert F.
Daniel Boone: The Life and Legend of an American Pioneer by Faragher, John Mack
John Adams: A Bibliography by Ferling, John E.
The Wives of Henry VIII by Fraser, Antonia
Star of Destiny: The Private Life of Sam and Margaret Houston by Roberts, Madge Thornall
Plowing My Own Furrow by Moore, Howard W.
Boswell, Laird of Auchinleck, 1778-1782: Trade Edition by Boswell, James
The Diary of a Forty-Niner by
Child of War, Woman of Peace by Hayslip, Le Ly
Genghis Khan by Ratchnevsky, Paul
The Isherwood Century: Essays on the Life and Work of Christopher Isherwood by Angel, Ronald J.
Distinctly Narcissistic: Diary Fiction in Quebec by Raoul, Valerie