• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 1996

Richard Wagner's Religious Ideas: A Spiritual Journey by Aberbach, Alan D.
Maverick's Progress: An Autobiography by Flexner, James T.
The Autobiography of a Slave / Autobiografia de Un Esclavo by Manzano, Juan Francisco
Sworn on the Altar of God: A Religious Biography of Thomas Jefferson by Gaustad, Edwin S.
Lord Strathcona: A Biography of Donald Alexander Smith by McDonald, Donna
The Revolt of Owain Glyn Dwr by Davies, R. R.
Coplalook: Chief Trader, Hudson's Bay Company, 1923-39 by Copland, A. Dudley
The Dream of Water: A Memoir by Mori, Kyoko
Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Ashton, Rosemary
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant by Grant, Ulysses Simpson
Thomas Jefferson: America's Philosopher-King by Lerner, Max
My Dog Skip by Morris, Willie
Life of Francis Bacon by Davy, Martin
Lorenzo de Zavala: The Pragmatic Idealist by Henson, Margaret Swett
Claude McKay, Rebel Sojourner in the Harlem Renaissance: A Biography by Cooper, Wayne F.
Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition by Frank, Anne
The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition by Frank, Anne
The Word of a Prince: A Life of Elizabeth I from Contemporary Documents by Perry, Maria
First in His Class: A Biography of Bill Clinton by Maraniss, David
Robert the Bruce: King of Scots by Scott, G. C.
Country Days by Taylor, Alice
James Dean: A Bio-Bibliography by Hofstede, David
The Life of Washington by Weems, Mason L.
An Uncommon Soldier: The Civil War Letters of Sarah Rosetta Wakeman, Alias Pvt. Lyons Wakeman, 153rd Regiment, New York State Volunteers, 1 by Wakeman, Sarah
John Ringo: The Gunfighter Who Never Was by Burrows, Jack
Casting Her Own Shadow: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Shaping of Postwar Liberalism by Black, Allida
In Pursuit of the English: A Documentary by Lessing, Doris
Elie Wiesel: A Voice for Humanity by Stern, Ellen Norman
The Sins of the Father: Joseph P. Kennedy and the Dynasty He Founded by Kessler, Ronald
William Wallace: Brave Heart by MacKay, James
The Net of Dreams: A Family's Search for a Rightful Place by Salamon, Julie
The Papers of Will Rogers: The Early Years, November 1879-April 1904 by Rogers, Will
The Papers of George Washington: January-June 1790 Volume 5 by Washington, George
The Papers of George Washington: July-November 1790 Volume 6 by Washington, George
Marie Corelli: The Writer and the Woman by Bell, R. S., Warren, R. S., Coates, Thomas F. G.
Reluctant Rebel: The Secret Diary of Robert Patrick, 1861--1865 by Taylor, F. Jay
Great Captains Unveiled by Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, Hart, B. H. Liddell
My Enemy, My Brother: Men and Days of Gettysburg by Persico, Joseph
The Rise of U.S. Grant by
Halleck: Lincoln's Chief of Staff by Ambrose, Stephen E.
Thimble of Soil: A woman's Quest for Land by Hubalek, Linda K.
The Private Life of Chairman Mao by Zhi-Sui, Li
Popularizing Pennsylvania: Henry W. Shoemaker and the Progressive Uses of Folklore and History by Bronner, Simon J.
Taken Captive: A Japanese Pow's Story by Shohei, Ooka
Khizr Tiwana, the Punjab Unionist Party and the Partition of India by Talbot, Ian
Peter Des Roches: An Alien in English Politics, 1205 1238 by Vincent, Nicholas
The Reluctant Emperor: A Biography of John Cantacuzene, Byzantine Emperor and Monk, C.1295 1383 by Nicol, Donald M.
Louisa S. McCord: Poems, Drama, Biography, Letters by
China in My Life: A Historian's Own History: A Historian's Own History by Wilbur, C. Martin
Dr. Johnson & Mr. Savage by Holmes, Richard
Zhou Enlai: The Early Years by Lee, Chae-Jin
Eleanor of Aquitaine by Owen, D. D. R.
The Papers of James Madison: 3 November 1810-4 November 1811 Volume 3 by Madison, James
Crazy Horse and Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors by Ambrose, Stephen E.
Joan of Arc: In Her Own Words by Arc, Joan Of
My Brother, Ernest Hemingway, Third Edition by Hemingway, Leicester
Dreaming: Hard Luck and Good Times in America by See, Carolyn
Plantation Mistress on the Eve on the Civil War: The Diary of Keziah Goodwyn Hopkins Brevard, 1860-1861 by
Caesar by Meier, Christian
Mahatma Gandhi: A Biography: Complete and Unabridged by Nanda, B. R.
A Moveable Feast by Hemingway, Ernest
Arthur J. Goldberg: New Deal Liberal by Stebenne, Daniel L., Stebenne, David L.
Antoine Lavoisier: Science, Administration and Revolution by Donovan, Arthur
Wire as a Weapon by Young, Don
Mary Boykin Chesnut: A Confederate Woman's Life by Decredico, Mary A.
Conversations with Elizabeth Bishop by Monteiro, George, Bishop, Elizabeth
Wire as a Weapon by Young, Don
A World Apart: Imprisonment in a Soviet Labor Camp During World War II by Herling, Gustaw
Irrepressible Reformer by Wiegand, Wayne A.
Dersu the Trapper by Arseniev, V. K.
Thomas Paine: Apostle of Freedom by Fruchtman, Jack
My Early Life: 1874-1904 by Churchill, Winston
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Franklin, Benjamin
Wallace by Reese, Peter
Three Years in the Army of the Cumberland by
Oswald's Tale: An American Mystery by Mailer, Norman
The Letters of Matthew Arnold: Volume 5 by Arnold, Matthew
A Boy's Cottage Diary, 1904 by Dickinson, Fred
The Christmas of the Phonograph Records: A Recollection by Sandoz, Mari
Fire: From "A Journal of Love" the Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin, 1934-1937 by Nin, Anais
The Byzantine Lady: Ten Portraits, 1250 1500 by Nicol, Donald M.
Siege Train: The Journal of a Confederate Artilleryman in Defense of Charleston by
Andele, the Mexican-Kiowa Captive: A Story of Real Life Among the Indians by Methvin, J. J.
Road to Auschwitz: Fragments of a Life by Fried, Hedi
Vincent Van Gogh: A Life by Callow, Philip
The Last Comanche Chief: The Life and Times of Quanah Parker by Neeley, Bill
Freedom's Lawmakers: A Directory of Black Officeholders During Reconstruction (Revised) by Foner, Eric
James Fitzgibbon: Defender of Upper Canada by McKenzie, Ruth
Job: The Story of a Holocaust Survivor by Freeman, Joseph
Our Young Soldier: Lieutenant Francis Simcoe 6 June 1791-6 April 1812 by Fryer, Mary Beacock
Lactilla, Milkwoman of Clifton: The Life and Writings of Ann Yearsley, 1753-1806 by Waldron, Mary
The Life of Herbert Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 1917-1918 by Nash, George H.
Streets: A Memoir of the Lower East Side by Spewack, Bella
George Washington: A Biography by Alden, John Richard
Meini: The Blasket Nurse by Matson, Leslie
Come with Me from Lebanon: An American Family Odyssey (Revised) by Kerr, Ann Zwicker
Stitch of Courage: A Woman's Fight for Freedom by Hubalek, Linda K.
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir by McCourt, Frank
Mazzini by Mack Smith, Denis
Patton: Genius for War, a by D'Este, Carlo
Eleni by Gage, Nicholas
Daughter of Fortune: The Bettie Brown Story by McLeroy, Sherrie S.
Damned Yankee: The Life of General Nathaniel Lyon by Phillips, Christopher
Benjamin Franklin: His Life as He Wrote It by
From a Darkened Room: The Inman Diary by Inman, Arthur C.
William Henry Seward: Lincoln's Right Hand by Taylor, John M.
The Romanovs: The Final Chapter by Massie, Robert K.
Justyna's Narrative by Draenger, Gusta Davidson
Jean Laffite: Prince of Pirates by Ramsay, Jack C., Ramsay, Jack C., Jr.
A Rescuer's Story: Pastor Pierre-Charles Toureille in Vichy France by Zasloff, Tela
Victoria and Albert by Hough, Richard
Edward, Prince of Wales and Aquitaine: A Biography of the Black Prince by Barber, Richard
Albert Speer: His Battle with Truth by Sereny, Gitta
Margaret, Friend of Orphans by Widmer, Mary Lou
Recollected Words of Abraham Lincoln by
Louis Ginzberg: Keeper of the Law by Ginzberg, Eli
Lady's Choice: Ethel Waxham's Journals and Letters, 1905-1910 by Waxham, Ethel
Lincoln by Donald, David Herbert
David Collins: A Colonial Life by Currey, John
Travels in the Shining Island: The Story of James Evans and the Invention of the Cree Syllabary Alphabet by Mason, Roger Burford
Etty Hillesum: An Interrupted Life and Letters from Westerbork by Hillesum, Etty
The Complete Maus: A Survivor's Tale by Spiegelman, Art
The House of Percy: Honor, Melancholy, and Imagination in a Southern Family by Wyatt-Brown, Bertram
Elizabeth I: The Competition for Representation by Frye, Susan
Disraeli by Smith, Paul
Peron and the Enigmas of Argentina by Crassweller, Robert D.
Benjamin Franklin, Politician: The Mask and the Man by Jennings, Francis
A Rebel's Recollections by Eggleston, George Cary
How I Became Hettie Jones by Jones, Hettie
Echoes from the Holocaust: A Memoir by Kimmelman, Mira Ryczke
Diocletian and the Roman Recovery by Williams, Stephen
Very Close to Trouble: The Johnny Grant Memoir by
Cargo of Lies: The True Story of a Nazi Double Agent in Canada by Beeby, Dean
Dostoevsky: The Miraculous Years, 1865-1871 by Frank, Joseph
D.W. Winnicott: A Biographical Portrait by Kahr, Brett