• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 1998

Beatrice Webb (1858-1943) - The Socialist with a Sociological Imagination by Romano, Mary Ann
Carl Schurz: A Biography by Trefousse, Hans L.
Carl Schurz: A Biography by Trefousse, Hans L.
Stealing Home: Israel Bound and Rebound by Chertok, Haim
A Year of Revolutions: Fanny Lewald's Recollections of 1848 by
The Morning the Sun Went Down by Wilson, Darryl Babe
Francis Tregian 1548-1608, Elizabethan Recusant: A Truly Catholic Cornishman by Trudgian, Raymond Francis
Antonio Maceo Grajales El Titan de Bronce by Marmol, Jose
Insisting on the Impossible: The Life of Edwin Land by McElheny, Victor K.
For the Good of Humanity: Ludwik Rajchman, Medical Statesman by Balińska, Marta A.
The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Critical Biography by Ashton, Rosemary
Warrior: The Legend of Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen by Capstick, Capstick, Peter Hathaway
His Promised Land: The Autobiography of John P. Parker, Former Slave and Conductor on the Underground Railroad by Parker, John P.
Charles I of Anjou: Power, Kingship and State-Making in Thirteenth-Century Europe by Dunbabin, Jean
Frederick Douglass: Oratory from Slavery by Chesebrough, David B.
Notorious Victoria: The Uncensored Life of Victoria Woodhull - Visionary, Suffragist, and First Woman to Run for President by Gabriel, Mary
For the Union: Ohio Leaders in the Civil War by Wheeler, Kenneth W.
Jose Narvaez, Volume 15: The Forgotten Explorer by McDowell, Jim
Holland's Life of Abraham Lincoln by Holland, Josiah Gilbert
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great: Lovers by Hubbard, Fra Elbert
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great: American Statesmen by Hubbard, Fra Elbert
Jacqueline Bouvier: An Intimate Memoir by Davis, John H.
Jacqueline Bouvier: An Intimate Memoir by Davis, John H.
The Words Lincoln Lived by: 52 Timeless Principles to Light Your Path by Griessman, Gene
Paul Dirac: The Man and His Work by Pais, Abraham, Jacob, Maurice, Olive, David I.
Girl on a Pony, Volume 61 by Hanners, Laverne
The Calling of Katie Makanya: A Memoir of South Africa by McCord, Margaret
Literature or Life by Semprun, Jorge
Fever Pitch by Hornby, Nick
John Wayne's America by Wills, Garry
The Twelve: The Lives of the Apostles After Calvary by Ruffin, C. Bernard
Relapse Into Bondage: Political Memoirs of a Romanian Diplomat, 1918-1947 by Cretzianu, Alexandru
Frank O'Hara: Poet Among Painters by Perloff, Marjorie
John Marshall: Definer of a Nation by Smith, Jean Edward
Unlikely Warriors: General Benjamin H Grierson and His Family by Leckie, William H., Leckie, Shirley A.
The Sacred Fire of Liberty by Banning, Lance
Tojo by Browne, Courtney
Lola Montez: A Life by Seymour, Bruce
Andrew Bryson's Ordeal: An Epiloque to the 1798 Rebellion. by
Frank Henderson's Easter Rising: Recollections of a Dublin Volunteer by
Memoirs of Joseph Prost, C.Ss.R.: A Redemptorist Missionary in Ireland 1851-1854 by
John P. Holland, 1841-1914: Inventor of the Modern Submarine by Morris, Richard K.
To the Land of the Free from the Island of Slaves': Henry Stratford Persse's Letters from Galway to America, 1821-1832 by
Civil War Memoir of Philip Daingerfield Stephenson, D. D.: Private, Company K, 13th Arkansas Volunteer Infantry, Loader, Piece No. 4, 5th Company, Was by
Peace and War: Reminiscences of a Life on the Frontiers of Science by Serber, Robert
Kate: The Journal of A Confederate Nurse by Cumming, Kate
The Fight in the Fields: Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers Movement by Ferriss, Susan, Sandoval, Ricardo
A Prince of Our Disorder: The Life of T. E. Lawrence by Mack, John E.
Budapest Exit by Teglas, Csaba
The Most Promising Man of the South: James Johnston Pettigrew and His Men at Gettysburg by Wilson, Clyde N.
Word for Nature by Dorman, Robert L.
American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson by Ellis, Joseph J.
John Wesley Hardin: Dark Angel of Texas by Metz, Leon C.
Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 1900-1979: Historiography and Annotated Bibliography by Rasor, Eugene L.
The Memoirs of Helene Kottanner (1439-1440) by Williamson, Maya Bijvoet
Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1961-1973 by Dallek, Robert
William Randolph Hearst: The Early Years, 1863-1910 by Procter, Ben
Irving Howe--Socialist, Critic, Jew by Alexander, Edward
The Confederacy's Greatest Cavalryman: Nathan Bedford Forest by Wills, Brian Steel
A Korean Nationalist Entrepreneur: A Life History of Kim Sŏngsu, 1891-1955 by Kim, Choong Soon
The Long Affair: Thomas Jefferson and the French Revolution, 1785-1800 by O'Brien, Conor Cruise
Making Big Money in 1600: The Life and Times of Isma'il Abu Taqiyya, Egyptian Merchant by Hanna, Nelly
The Politics of Passion: Norman Bethune's Writing and Art by Bethune, Norman
Chekhov: The Hidden Ground by Callow, Philip
Making Big Money in 1600: The Life and Times of Isma'il Abu Taqiyya, Egyptian Merchant by Hanna, Nelly
At the Mind S Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and Its Realities by Amery, Jean
Richelieu and Mazarin by Treasure, Geoffrey
McClellan's Own Story: The War for the Union by McClellan, George B.
James Longstreet: The Man, the Soldier, the Controversy by Nofi, Albert a.
Darlan: Admiral and Statesman of France, 1881-1942 by Melton, George
For the Hell of It: The Life and Times of Abbie Hoffman by Raskin, Jonah
The Papers of George Washington: March-December 1797 Volume 1 by Washington, George
The Papers of George Washington: December 1790-March 1791 Volume 7 by Washington, George
The Papers of George Washington: January-September 1798 Volume 2 by Washington, George
Bittersweet Berries: Growing Up Jewish in Minnesota by Brin, Ruth F.
Blood on the Boulders 2 Volume Set by
Burned Child Seeks the Fire by Edvardson, Cordelia
Rudolf Hilferding by Smaldone, William
Battlegrounds of Memory by Lewis, Clay
The Young Hemingway by Reynolds, Michael
Letter to the World: Seven Women Who Shaped the American Century by Ware, Susan
The New England Knight: Sir William Phips, 1651-1695 by Reid, John, Baker, Emerson
Hemingway: The 1930s by Reynolds, Michael
Letters of a Civil War Nurse: Cornelia Hancock, 1863-1865 by Hancock, Cornelia
Cary Grant: A Class Apart by McCann, Graham
Wait Till Next Year: A Memoir by Goodwin, Doris Kearns
Benjamin Franklin and His Enemies by Middlekauff, Robert
Journal John Wodehouse 1862-1902 by Wodehouse, John
Charlotte Smith: A Critical Biography by Fletcher, Loraine
Charlotte Smith: A Critical Biography by Fletcher, Loraine
Charlotte Smith by Fletcher, Loraine
Holy Toledo: Religion and Politics in the Life of Golden Rule Jones by Jones, Marnie
Hannah Szenes by Schur, Maxine Rose
Benjamin Lincoln and the American Revolution by Mattern, David B.
Anything Your Little Heart Desires: An American Family Story by Bosworth, Patricia
A Backward Glance: An Autobiography by Wharton, Edith
The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials by Peters, Edward
Jefferson Davis: His Rise and Fall by Tate, Allen
From a Ruined Garden, Second Expanded Edition: The Memorial Books of Polish Jewry by
The Abridged Diaries of Charlotte Perkins Gilman by Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
My Life in the Old Army: The Reminiscences of Abner Doubleday from the Collections of the New-York Historical Society by
Wendell Phillips: Liberty's Hero by Stewart, James Brewer
Strong Wine: The Life and Legend of Agoston Haraszthy by McGinty, Brian
Strong Wine: The Life and Legend of Agoston Haraszthy by McGinty, Brian
The Courage to Stand Alone: Letters from Prison and Other Writings by Jingsheng, Wei
Campaigning with Old Stonewall: Confederate Captain Ujanirtus Allen's Letters to His Wife by
In Search of Self, in the Service of Others: Reflections of a Retired Physician on Medicine, the Bible & the Jews by Hartmann, Heinz
The Diaries of Dawn Powell: 1931-1965 by Powell, Dawn
Thomas Jefferson: A Biographical Companion by Brown, David S.
My Dearest Wife: The Private and Public Lives of James David Edgar and Matilda Ridout Edgar by Stamp, Robert M., McLean, Maud J.
Auden and Isherwood: The Berlin Years by Page, Norman
Lee's Young Artillerist: William R.J. Pegram by Carmichael, Peter S.
Jack London: A Life by Kershaw, Alex
A Hoosier Holiday by Dreiser, Theodore
My Rise and Fall by Mussolini, Benito
Conversations of Goethe by Eckermann, Johann Peter
Heinrich Bruning and the Dissolution of the Weimar Republic by Patch, William L., Jr.
Genius of Alexander the Great by Hammond, N. G. L.
Two Rooms: The Life of Charles Erskine Scott Wood by Hamburger, Robert
Lee: The Last Years by Flood, Charles Bracelen
Noah Webster: The Life and Times of an American Patriot by Unger, Harlow Giles
The Travels of William Bartram: Naturalist Edition by Bartram, William
Red Jacket: Seneca Chief by Parker, Arthur C.
Separate Pasts: Growing Up White in the Segregated South by McLaurin, Melton a.
Medical Encyclopedia of Moses Maimonides by Rosner, Fred
Jackie Robinson: A Biography by Rampersad, Arnold
The Dark Side of Camelot by Hersh, Seymour M.
Edison: A Life of Invention by Israel, Paul
The White Tecumseh: A Biography of General William T. Sherman by Hirshson, Stanley P.
T. R.: The Last Romantic by Brands, H. W.
Lust for Fame: The Stage Career of John Wilkes Booth by Samples, Gordon
Elizabeth Bacon Custer and the Making of a Myth by Leckie, Shirley A.
Mistress Anne by Erickson, Carolly
Lone Wolf Gonzaullas: Texas Ranger by Malsch, Brownson
Father Peter John de Smet: Jesuit in the West Volume 9 by Carriker, Robert C.
Bloody Mary by Erickson, Carolly
My Year Off: Recovering Life After a Stroke by McCrum, Robert
The Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth II by Pimlott, Ben
Charlemagne by Collins, Roger
Virginia Yankee in the Civil War: The Diaries of David Hunter Strother by Strother, David Hunter
George Washington Williams: A Biography by Franklin, John Hope
The Deaf Mute Howls: Volume 1 by Ballin, Albert
Alfred the Great: War, Kingship and Culture in Anglo-Saxon England by Abels, Richard
The Roosevelt Presence: The Life and Legacy of FDR by Maney, Patrick J.
Rahel Levin Varnhagen: The Life and Work of a German Jewish Intellectual by Tewarson, Heidi Thomann
Sir Aurel Stein: Archaeological Explorer by Mirsky, Jeannette
Tiger on the Brink: Jiang Zemin and China's New Elite by Gilley, Bruce
Acts of Will: The Life and Work of Otto Rank by Lieberman, E. James
JFK vs. CIA: The Central Intelligence Agency's Assassination of the President by Calder, Michael
John Graves Simcoe 1752-1806: A Biography by Dracott, Christopher, Fryer, Mary Beacock
Butch Cassidy: A Biography by Patterson, Richard
The Colored Cadet at West Point: Autobiography of Lieutenant Henry Ossian Flipper, U. S. A., First Graduate of Color from the U. S. Military Academy by Flipper, Henry Ossian
Andrew Jackson Higgins and the Boats That Won World War II (Revised) by Strahan, Jerry E.
The Life and Times of Pancho Villa by Katz, Friedrich
Short of the Glory: The Fall and Redemption of Edward F. Prichard Jr. by Campbell, Tracy
Kaffir Boy: The True Story of a Black Youths Coming of Age in Apartheid South Africa by Mathabane, Mark
Woman in the Crested Kimono: The Life of Shibue IO and Her Family Drawn from Mori Ogai's Shibue Chusai by McClellan, Edwin
Auden and Isherwood: The Berlin Years by Page, Norman
Life of Goethe by Williams, John R.
Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter by Souhami, Diana
Tempest Over Teapot Dome, Volume 16: The Story of Albert B. Fall by Stratton, David H.
Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now by Miles, Barry
The Memoirs of Fray Servando Teresa de Mier by Teresa De Mier, Fray Servando, Mier Noriega y. Guerra, Jose Servando Te, Servando, Fray
The Letters of Matthew Arnold: Volume 5 by Arnold, Matthew
Once There Was a Farm: A Country Childhood Remembered by Dabney, Virginia Bell
A Patriot Priest: The Life of Fr James Coigly, 1761-1798 by Keogh, Daire
Susan B. Anthony: A Biographical Companion by Harper, Judith E.
When I Was a German: An Englishwoman in Nazi Germany by Bielenberg, Christabel
Thomas Jefferson: Westward the Course of Empire by Kaplan, Lawrence S.
Portrait of a Marriage: Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson by Nicolson, Nigel
Confessions of Edward Isham by
The Hitler of History by Lukacs, John
Golden Mouth: The Story of John Chrysostom--Ascetic, Preacher, Bishop by Kelly, J. N. D.
Dickens: A Biography by Kaplan, Fred
Gold Seeker: Adventures of a Belgian Argonaut During the Gold Rush Years by Perlot, Jean-Nicolas
Truman Capote: In Which Various Friends, Enemies, Acquaintences and Detractors Recall His Turbulent Career by Plimpton, George
The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Including the Autobiography, The Declaration of Independence & His Public and Private Letters by Jefferson, Thomas
Aldous Huxley Recollected: An Oral History by Dunaway, David K.
Marsden Hartley: John Locke and Enlightenment by Ludington, Townsend
George Washington: A Life by Randall, Willard Sterne, Randall
Diaries of a Young Poet by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Twenty Years A-Growing by O'Sullivanan, Maurice
Jane Austen: A Life by Nokes, David
The Life of Berlioz by Bloom, Peter
The Life of Berlioz by Bloom, Peter
Wernher Von Braun: The Man Who Sold the Moon by Piszkiewicz, Dennis
Virgil Thomson: Composer on the Aisle by Tommasini, Anthony
Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan by Sheridan, Philip H.
Lives and Letters of an Immigrant Family: The Van Dreveldts' Experiences Along the Missouri, 1844-1866 by Kronenberg, Kenneth
Thomas Hutchinson and the Origins of the American Revolution by Walmsley, Andrew Stephen
Airplanes, Women, and Song: Memoirs of a Fighter Ace, Test Pilot, and Adventurer by Sergievsky, Bois
Visions of Utopia by Szechenyi, Laszlo
Damien the Leper: A Life of Magnificent Courage, Devotion and Spirit by Farrow, John
The Healer: The Story of Francis Schlatter by Schlatter, Francis
The Healer: The Story of Francis Schlatter by Schlatter, Francis
The Hemingway Women by Kert, Bernice
An Autobiography by Stravinsky, Igor
The Birth of Empire: DeWitt Clinton and the American Experience, 1769-1828 by Cornog, Evan
Kwame Nkrumah: The Father of African Nationalism by Birmingham, David
Alexander and the East: The Tragedy of Triumph by Bosworth, A. B.
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