• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 2002

The Life of John Marshall: The Building of the Nation 1815-1835 by Beveridge, Albert J.
Jean Moulin, 1899 - 1943: The French Resistance and the Republic by Clinton, A.
Gryphons of the Sandhills: The Edgeworth Letters by Edgeworth, Douglas M.
Hope and Vanquished Reality by Phong, Nguyen Xuan
Writings of John D. Lee: Including His Autobiography, Eyewitness Accounts of That Important Event in Mormon History, the Mountain Meadows Massa by Lee, John Doyle
The Unfulfilled Dream by Ocwinyo, Julius
Writings of John D. Lee: Including His Autobiography, Eyewitness Accounts of That Important Event in Mormon History, the Mountain Meadows Massa by Lee, John Doyle
Cameroon's Tycoon: Max Esser's Expedition and Its Consequences by
Paul Pelliot (1878-1945): His Life Works - A Bibliography by Walravens, Hartmut
Benjamin Banneker: Surveyor, Astronomer, Publisher, Patriot by Cerami, Charles A.
قلب الجزيرة العربية الجز by فيلبي, عبد&#
Theodore Roosevelt: The American Presidents Series: The 26th President, 1901-1909 by Auchincloss, Louis
The Politics of Memory: The Journey of a Holocaust Historian by Hilberg, Raul
Notes from the Hyena's Belly: An Ethiopian Boyhood by Mezlekia, Nega
The Code of Love: An Astonishing True Tale of Secrets, Love, and War by Linklater, Andro
Plutarch by Lamberton, Robert
The Three Roosevelts: Patrician Leaders Who Transformed America by Burns, James MacGregor, Dunn, Susan
Mistress to an Age: A Life of Madame de Staël by Herold, J. Christopher
Tarzan Forever: The Life of Edgar Rice Burroughs the Creator of Tarzan by Taliaferro, John
Her Little Majesty: The Life of Queen Victoria by Erickson, Carolly
Brad Pitt: The Rise to Stardom by Robb, Brian J.
King David: A Biography by McKenzie, Steven L.
Investing in Middle America: John Elliott Tappan and the Origins of American Express Financial Advisors by Lipartito, K., Peters, C.
Fred Stone: Circus Performer and Musical Comedy Star by Fields, Armond
A Passport To Hell: The Mystery of Richard Realf by Rathmell, George W.
The Letters of Matthew Arnold: Volume 5 by Arnold, Matthew
Brigand: A Romance of the Reign of Don Carlos & Blanche de Beaulieu: A Story of the French Revolution, The by Dumas, Alexandre
One Day, Levin... He Be Free: William Still and the Underground Railground by Khan, Lurey
The Oxymoron Factor 3 by Stiffel, Frank
The Oxymoron Factor 3 by Stiffel, Frank
Reflections: The Life and Writings of a Young Blind Woman in Post-Revolutionary France by Husson, Therese-Adèle
New Mexican Lives: Profiles and Historical Stories by
Prayin' to Be Set Free: Personal Accounts of Slavery in Mississippi by
Born in Brooklyn. . . . Raised in the Cav! by Flanagan, John E.
Perpetual Happiness: The Ming Emperor Yongle by Tsai, Shih-Shan Henry
Gyppo Logger by Felt, Margaret Elley
James Clinton Neill: Shadow Commander of the Alamo by King, C. Richard
Twenty-Two Years a Slave, Forty Years a Free Man by Steward, Austin
The King Who Lost America: A Portrait of the Life and Times of George III by Lloyd, Alan
Franco: The Biography of an Enigma by Lloyd, Alan
The Spanish Centuries: A Narrative History of Spain from Ferdinand and Isabella to Franco by Lloyd, Alan
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Ellis, Joseph J.
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Ellis, Joseph J.
Cleopatra by Chauveau, Michel
Florence Nightingale's Spiritual Journey: Biblical Annotations, Sermons and Journal Notes: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 2 by
Race Woman: The Lives of Shirley Graham Du Bois by Horne, Gerald
Alexander Hamilton and the Persistence of Myth by Knott, Stephen F.
Running with Bonnie and Clyde: The Ten Fast Years of Ralph Fults by Phillips, John Neal
They Broke the Mold by Hambleton, Elynore Fulton
Princes of Ireland, Planters of Maryland: A Carroll Saga, 1500-1782 by Hoffman, Ronald
Forgotten Patriot: The Life & Times of Major-General Nathanael Greene by Anderson, Lee P.
Life In The Army by Norris, Charles H.
After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture by Ellis, Joseph J.
The Mountain Men and the Fur Trade of the Far West, Volume 5: Biographical Sketches of the Participants by Scholars of the Subjects and with Introduct by
Thirty Years a Slave - From Bondage to Freedom: The Institution of Slavery as Seen on the Plantation and in the Home of the Planter by Hughes, Louis
Confederate Colonel and Cherokee Chief: The Life of William Holland Thomas by Godbold Jr, E. Stanly
The Life of Kit Carson by Burdett, Charles
Memoirs of a Soldier by Smith, Benjamin Taylor, Mullen, Martin P.
Road to the Stars by Gagarin, Yuri
Treason by the Book by Spence, Jonathan D.
The Last Days: A Son's Story of Sin and Segregation at the Dawn of a New South by Marsh, Charles
Benjamin Franklin, Volume 2. by Van Doren, Carl
Benjamin Franklin, Volume 1 by Van Doren, Carl
The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin by Brands, H. W.
The Way the Truth and the Life by Mullen, Mickey R.
The Way the Truth and the Life by Mullen, Mickey R.
Sacajawea: Guide and Interpreter of Lewis and Clark by Hebard, Grace Raymond
Civil War Diaries by Williams, Duane J.
The Reign of Charles V by Maltby, William
Death of a Notary by Merwick, Donna
Henry Oldenburg: Shaping the Royal Society by Hall, Marie Boas, Boas Hall, Marie
Leo Krzycki and the Detroit Left: Volume 2 by Binkowski, Don
Leo Krzycki and the Detroit Left: Volume 2 by Binkowski, Don
From First to Last: The Life of William B. Franklin by Snell, Mark A.
Peter The Great by Tolstoy, Alexei
Lindbergh Alone by Gill, Brendan
Martha Washington: First Lady of Liberty by Bryan, Helen
The Harem Conspiracy by Redford, Susan
The Autobiography of Alfred H. Mendes, 1897-1991 by Mendes, Alfred H.
James Madison by Wills, Gary, Wills, Garry
The Napoleon of New York: Mayor Fiorello La Guardia by Jeffers, H. Paul
Never Tell Your Name by Martin, Josie Levy
Lex: Reminiscences of a late 60 by Hollinger, Andrew G.
Warwick the Kingmaker by Hicks, Michael
Take the Wings of the Morning by Carpenter, Cal
Buffalo Bill Cody: The Man Behind the Legend by Carter, Robert A.
Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912 by Keene, Donald
Eyes of Clear Skies: Memories of WWII by Alandt, Florie H-F
Philip II (4e, Tr) by Parker, Geoffrey
Six Weeks in Sioux Tepees: A Narrative of Indian Captivity by Wakefield, Sarah F.
Justinian: The Last Roman Emporer by Baker, G. P.
Escort Carriers in the Pacific by Skeldon, Walter Edward
Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson III by Caro, Robert A.
Fortress of My Youth: Memoir of a Terezín Survivor by Friesová, Jana Renée
Jefferson on Jefferson by
Gregory: Tsung Mi &The Sinification by Gregory, Peter N.
Benjamin Franklin's Autobiographical Writings; Volume I. by Franklin, Benjamin
Benjamin franklin's Autobiographical Writings; Volume II. by Franklin, Benjamin
Criminal Reminiscences and Detective Sketches by Pinkerton, Allan
Dispatches from Lincoln's White House by Stoddard, William O.
The Life of Cesare Borgia by Rafael Sabatini, Biography & Autobiography, Historical by Sabatini, Rafael
The Human Tradition in Premodern China by
The Life of Cesare Borgia by Rafael Sabatini, Biography & Autobiography, Historical by Sabatini, Rafael
Journal of a Georgia Woman, 1870-1872 by Andrews, Eliza Frances
Elizabeth I CEO: Strategic Lessons from the Leader Who Built an Empire by Axelrod, Alan
Woodrow Wilson by Thompson, John A.
Acton and History by Chadwick, Owen, Owen, Chadwick
Politics, Religion and the British Revolutions: The Mind of Samuel Rutherford by Coffey, John
Algernon Sidney and the Restoration Crisis, 1677 1683 by Scott, Jonathan
Banvard's Folly: Thirteen Tales of People Who Didn't Change the World by Collins, Paul
The Years of My Life by Wolvin, Lila
The City as Subject: Seki Hajime and the Reinvention of Modern Osaka Volume 13 by Hanes, Jeffrey E.
Song in an Age of Discord: The Journal of Socho and Poetic Life in Late Medieval Japan by Horton, H. Mack
Warriors of God: Richard the Lionheart and Saladin in the Third Crusade by Reston, James
Fifty Key Figures in Twentieth Century British Politics by Layborn, Keith
Michael Collins: The Man Who Made Ireland: The Man Who Made Ireland by Coogan, Tim Pat
Rescuing the Children: A Holocaust Memoir by Samuel, Vivette
Chinook Pass: An Army Sergeant's Memoir of the 1999 Kosovo Campaign by Chetdav, Rain S.
The Unvarnished Truth: Personal Narratives in Nineteenth-Century America by Fabian, Ann
The Life and African Exploration of David Livingstone by Livingstone, David
Flying Horseman by Lamp, C. O.
The September Apocalypse: An Eyewitness Account of the September 11th Disaster by Sinned, Dennis
The Buck Stops Here by Noyes, David M.
Reach for the Sun Vol. 3 by Bukowski, Charles
The Captain is Out to Lunch by Bukowski, Charles
Rice Gold by Bagwell, James
The Inmans: An Atlanta Family by Galloway, T. H., Galloway, Tammy Harden
New Dawn: A Triumph of Life After the Holocaust by Sendyk, Helen
The Men of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: A Biographical Roster of the Fifty-One Members and a Composite Diary of Their Activities from All Known Sou by Clarke, Charles G.
Sol's Story a Triumph of the Human Spirit by Chardkoff, Richard
Beerspit Night and Cursing by Bukowski, Charles
A Life in the Twentieth Century: Innocent Beginnings, 1917-1950 by Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, Jr.
Seas of Gold, Seas of Cotton: Christophe Poulain DuBignon of Jekyll Island by Keber, Martha L.
Benjamin V. Cohen: Architect of the New Deal by Lasser, William
St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis of Assisi by Chesterton, G. K.
Jefferson Davis, Confederate President by Beringer, Richard E., Hattaway, Herman
Jefferson Davis, Confederate President by Beringer, Richard E., Hattaway, Herman
Conrad Richter: A Writer's Life by Johnson, David R.
Alfred Maudslay and the Maya: A Biography by Graham, Ian
Bernardino de Sahagun: First Anthropologist by Leon-Portilla, Miguel
The Woman Who Defied Kings: The Life and Times of Doña Gracia Nasi by Brooks, Andrée Aelion
Welcome Home: A Salute to the Forgotten Vietnam War Heroes by Swartzlander, Richard E.
Memoirs & Correspondence of Madame Recamier by
Florence Nightingale: An Introduction to Her Life and Family: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 1 by
Florence Nightingale's Theology: Essays, Letters and Journal Notes: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 3 by
The Herndons: An Atlanta Family by Merritt, Carole
Essay on Warren Hastings by Macaulay, Thomas Babington
The Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution: Reminiscences and Letters of Catherine Breshkovsky by
Joseph Wheeler: Uniting the Blue and the Gray by Kinney, Anders M.
Through Hell and Beyond in a Boxcar by Glejf, Robert G.
Trapped with the Enemy: Four Years a Civilian P.O.W. in Japan by Thomas, James O.
Trapped with the Enemy: Four Years a Civilian P.O.W. in Japan by Thomas, James O.
Analyzing Leaders, Presidents and Terrorists by Holloway, Diane E.
Josephus: The Historian and His Society by Rajak, Tessa
Defying the Fates: The Remarkable Story of a Jew Who Survived in Nazi Europe by Gleisner, Henry H.
Saint Patrick by Federer, William J.
In His Own Right: The Political Odyssey of Senator Robert F. Kennedy by Palermo, Joseph
Now I Know --The Private Memoirs of Robyn Stanyar by Hopke, Gail
Eleven Stories High: Growing Up in Stuyvesant Town, 1948-1968 by Demas, Corinne
Recollections of A Private: A Story of The Army of The Potomac by Goss, Warren Lee
Martin Van Buren and the Emergence of American Popular Politics by Silbey, Joel H.
The Celys and Their World: An English Merchant Family of the Fifteenth Century by Hanham, Alison
Escape Into Darkness by Games, Sonia
Emmeline Pankhurst by Bartley, Paula
Simon Bolivar: Patriot, Warrior, Statesman Father of Five Nations by Sherwell, Guillermo a.
Brief History of the Revolutionary Activities of Kim Il Sung by Party History Institute Central Committe
Letters of Pontius Pilate: Written during His Governorship of Judea to His Friend Seneca in Rome by
George Washington Pioneer Farmer by Fusonie, Alan
Farther Than Any Man: The Rise and Fall of Captain James Cook by Dugard, Martin
Loyalism and Labour in Belfast: The Autobiography of Robert McElborough 1884-1952 by O'Connor, Emmet
Franklin D.Roosevelt and the Formation of the Modern World by Howard, Steve, Pederson, William D.
A Viceroy's Vindication: Sir Henry Sidney's Memoir, 1583 by
Chronicle of Alfonso X by Thacker, Shelby, Escobar, Jose
From Boots to Iwo Jima: A Marine Corpsman's Story in Letters to his Wife 1943-1945 by Landau, Sidney L.
Recollections of A Private: A Story of The Army of The Potomac by Godd, Warren Lee
Lyndon Baines Johnson by Langston, Thomas
My Countrymen by Fowler, Charles L.
Lafayette by Unger, Harlow Giles
In Front of Your Nose: 1946-1950 by Orwell, George
Peter Des Roches: An Alien in English Politics, 1205 1238 by Vincent, Nicholas
Catherine the Great: A Short History by de Madariaga, Isabel
Ava's Man by Bragg, Rick
Three Generations of Warriors: The Argonne Trenches, The Flying Tigers and the Skies of Vietnam by Robinson, Alan, Robinson, Leonard a.
On All Sides Nowhere: Building a Life in Rural Idaho by Gruber, William
Villa and Zapata: A History of the Mexican Revolution by McLynn, Frank
Guibert of Nogent: Portrait of a Medieval Mind by Rubenstein, Jay
Naked Ears: A Child's-Eye View of the Great Depression by Murphy, Altha
Naked Ears: A Child's-Eye View of the Great Depression by Murphy, Altha
John Quincy Adams by Remini, Robert Vincent
The Reluctant Emperor: A Biography of John Cantacuzene, Byzantine Emperor and Monk, C.1295 1383 by Nicol, Donald M., Donald M., Nicol
Epic of the American Frontier: Glimpses of 300 Years of American History Through the Eyes of One Family by Worthington, George E.
Dad's Diary-1918 by Byerly, Betty
Radical: A Memoir of Wars, Communists by Fiske, Mel
Martha Washington by Clark, Ellen McAllister
Franklin D.Roosevelt and the Formation of the Modern World by Pederson, William D., Howard, Steve
Franklin D.Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln: Competing Perspectives on Two Great Presidencies by Pederson, William D., Williams, Michael R.
The Poet and the King: Jean de la Fontaine and His Century by Fumaroli, Marc
Sir John Fisher's Naval Revolution by Lambert, Nicholas A.
Lord Strathcona: A Biography of Donald Alexander Smith by McDonald, Donna
Treasure and Intrigue: The Legacy of Captain Kidd by Harris, Graham
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