• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 2015

Crusaders For Freedom by Commager, Henry Steele
Crusaders For Freedom by Commager, Henry Steele
War, the Hero and the Will: Hardy, Tolstoy and the Napoleonic Wars by Bownas, Jane L.
The Last Wali of Swat by
Me and Ellan Vannin: A Wartime Childhood on the Isle of Man by Moore, Ann
The Prophet of Psychiatry by Kaplan, Robert M.
The Life of Abraham Lincoln by Ketcham, Henry
Seize the Day by Harris, A. M. (Jack)
Wild 'n Wooly and Full of Fleas: The life and times of Eddie Rice 1913-2001 by Stephenson, Yvonne
Gandhi at First Sight by Weber, Thomas
My New Orleans, Gone Away: A Memoir of Loss and Renewal by Wolf, Peter
JFK in the Senate: Pathway to the Presidency by Shaw, John T.
The Real Archbishop Mannix: From the Sources by O. Nolan, Gerry, Gilchrist, Michael, Franklin, James
First Citizen of America - Benjamin Franklin: A Quick-Read Biography About the Life of an Endeared Founding Father by Parker, Cynthia a.
Queen Elizabeth by Abbott, Jacob
Cleopatra by Abbott, Jacob
Useful Enemies: John Demjanjuk and America's Open-Door Policy for Nazi War Criminals by Rashke, Richard
Farragut and Family: The Making of an Elder Hero by Caleo, Robert L.
Farragut and Family: The Making of an Elder Hero by Caleo, Robert L.
Die Geschichte der Gruben im 12. bis 19. Jahrhundert: Eine Chronik vom Aufstieg und Niedergang norddeutscher Adelsfamilien by Haertel, Peter
La Duchesse de Chevreuse by Cousin, Victor
Santa-Rosa by Cousin, Victor
Royal Descents of Judith Ivye, Wife of Anthony Prater by Hertzel, Thomas Benjamin
Ladies First, Please!: Celebrating first ladies who served with principals and presidents in the Valley 1895-2013 by Rivers, Betty H.
Theodor Storm: Ein Bild seines Lebens: Band 1: Jugendzeit by Storm, Gertrud
900 Years: A Liebrich/Leebrick Family History by Leebrick, David H.
Settling the Account: (Mijn Erfenis) by Staal, Philip
My Mischievous Mother: Excerpts from my mother's diaries by George Turley, Annie Theresa
Rebecca Gratz: Women and Judaism in Antebellum America by Ashton, Dianne
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Franklin, Benjamin
Lebens-Seiten by Siska, Angelika
Lebens-Seiten by Siska, Angelika
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave (Civil War Classics) by Douglass, Frederick, Civil War Classics
Flappers by Mackrell, Judith
Harte Schule by Gietler, Karl Michael
Harte Schule by Gietler, Karl Michael
The Life of Field Marshal Lord Roberts by Atwood, Rodney
The Diary of a Forty-Niner by Canfield, Chauncey
The Symbolic Napoleon: Perspectives on Gros's 'Bonaparte Visiting the Plague-Stricken of Jaffa' by Ndzendze, Bhaso
An Unsung Hero: Sniper's Target by Forsythe, William M.
The Yellow Cake Genie: A True Story About A Uranium Miner And His Family by Iturralde, Kate
History and Genealogy of Fenwick's Colony [New Jersey] by Shourds, Thomas
An Anti-Nazi at Hitler's Table: Political Memoirs of a Hungarian Noble man who dared to oppose both Hitler and the Communists by Kando-Melocco, Ferenc M.
The Moon Was My Witness: The Jewish Boy Who Sabotaged the S.S. Commander's Motorcycle by Levy, Abraham
The Forgotten Soldier: He wasn't a soldier, he was just a boy by Connelly, Charlie
Surviving History: The Life of B.Y. Harris in East Tennessee by Mascaro, Marilyn Layman
A Lifetime in the Eye of the Storm by Van Chau, Andre Nguyen
Florence Nightingale: The Wounded Soldier's Friend by Pollard, Eliza F.
The Mirrors of Washington by Gilbert, Clinton W.
The Mirrors of Downing Street by Begbie, Harold
Mary Lincoln: Southern Girl, Northern Woman by McDermott, Stacy Pratt
They Served the Devil's Brood: The 12th C. Norman-Welsh Invasion of Ireland by Grace, Warwick Howard
Memories of a Life in the Army by Prentiss, Major General Louis W., Jr.
They Served the Devil's Brood: The 12th C. Norman-Welsh Invasion of Ireland by Grace, Warwick Howard
The brief presence of an absent granny by Matterson, Monica
Das Labyrinth der arabischen 666: Laurentios Verirrungen by Potten, Detlef
Invisible Lines: Dr. Bonnie Libhart and the NAZI prisoners of war in Arkansas during WWII by Libhart, Bonnie
George Marchbanks: Scottish Servant, Jacobite Soldier, American Pioneer by Jones, Michael Dan
Seeking John Campbell: Finding pioneers and patriots in the pampas by Daffurn, John
The Red Earl: The Extraordinary Life of the 16th Earl of Huntingdon by Hastings, Selina
Mary Lincoln: Southern Girl, Northern Woman by McDermott, Stacy Pratt
Silence Was Salvation: Child Survivors of Stalin's Terror and World War II in the Soviet Union by Frierson, Cathy A.
Vapauden taju: kertomus Maija Juvaksesta ja Astrid Reposesta by Mantere, Meri-Helga
Hopley by Marshall, Roy
A Tribute by Caputo, Mary Parlato
A Tribute by Caputo, Mary Parlato
From Toleration to Expulsion: The Families of Ecsény Somogy County, Hungary 1784-1948 by Fischer, Henry A.
Personal Recollections of Early Melbourne and Victoria by Westgarth, William
From Toleration to Expulsion: The Families of Ecsény Somogy County, Hungary 1784-1948 by Fischer, Henry A.
Quotes Collection Part 2: Inspirational Quotes by Atta Ullah, Naveed
John Wesley by Doughty, W. L.
Sagebrush Gunnysacks and Bailing Wire by Gregory, Grace Vyvey
The Ubiquitous Mr. Lawrenson: The Biography of James Lawrenson by Lawrenson, Christopher
Above and Beyond: The Incredible Story of Frank Luke Jr., Arizona's Medal of Honor Flying Ace of the First World War by Lloyd, Keith Warren
Catching Shrimp with Bare Hands: A Boy from the Mekong Delta by La, Michelle Robin
Lincoln's Forgotten Ally: Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt of Kentucky by Leonard, Elizabeth D.
The Fire of Freedom: Abraham Galloway and the Slaves' Civil War by Cecelski, David S.
Memories of San Gregorio by Bell, Jane Dickson, Howell, Barbara McClellan
Si Jeanne d'Arc m'était contée... Savoir l'essentiel sur la Pucelle: La légende historique de la Pucelle d'Orléans sauvant la France de l'invasion ang by La France Pittoresque, Vigan, Valery
Wicked Women: Notorious, Mischievous, and Wayward Ladies from the Old West by Enss, Chris
1000+ Great Quotes Collection: Motivational Quotes by Atta Ullah, Naveed
What Price Success: One man's 34-year search for his GI father. by Spencer, Norman
Gandhi Before India by Guha, Ramachandra
Memorias del Rio del Olvido by Paz Framil, Alba
The Last Road Rebel-and Other Lost Stories: Growing Up in a Small Town-and Never Getting Over It by Gilberg, Robert
The Last Road Rebel-and Other Lost Stories: Growing Up in a Small Town-and Never Getting Over It by Gilberg, Robert
Sober Jim: Coma, Canes & Courage by Occleshaw Decker, Patricia
Ein Arzt wird Rebell: Samuel Hahnemann begründet die Homöopathie by Haehl, Erich
The Promised Land by Antin, Mary
Höhere Tochter, Weltkrieg und Inflation: Erinnerungen aus dem alten Dresden 1900 bis 1925 by Bossel-Gmeiner, Gertraude
Two Cups of Chai by Moyer, Jason
From Toleration to Expulsion: The Families of Ecsény Somogy County, Hungary 1784-1948 by Fischer, Henry A.
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Douglass, Frederick
From Toleration to Expulsion: The Families of Ecsény Somogy County, Hungary 1784-1948 by Fischer, Henry A.
Depressions' Child by Angle, Perry L.
Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington by Washington, Booker T.
Marconi Radio Officer: The convoys of a WW2 "Sparks" by Whitfield, David John
Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington by Washington, Booker T.
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Franklin, Benjamin
Memoirs of an Eighteenth Century Footman: John Macdonald Travels (1745-1779) by MacDonald, John
The Diary of Henry Teonge: Chaplain on Board H.M's Ships Assistance, Bristol and Royal Oak 1675-1679 by
Sauce Boss by Dickerson, Pinkie
Major Prophets of To-Day by Slosson, Edwin E.
Twelve Years a Slave by Northup, Solomon
The Wanderer: Daniel Boone's Kentucke by Goss, Eugene
Through My Mother's Eyes: The Story of a Young Girl's Life as a Prisoner of War in the Santo Tomas Internment Camp by McCoy, Michael
Slavery 1836 - 1840: Authentic Visuals Showing Names and Details by Kalten, D.
I'm Tim Maude, and I'm a Soldier: A Military Biography of Lieutenant General Timothy J. Maude by Bower, Stephen E.
I'm Tim Maude, and I'm a Soldier: A Military Biography of Lieutenant General Timothy J. Maude by Bower, Stephen E.
Wer kennt schon Araca?: Familienleben in den bolivianischen Anden 1914-1926 by Mehrgardt, Christa
The Last of the Romans: Bonifatius - Warlord and Comes Africae by Wijnendaele, Jeroen W. P.
Louis Armstrong: The Soundtrack of the American Experience by Stricklin, David
American Men of Action by Stevenson, Burton E.
From Bohemia to Good Harbor: The Story of the Bufka Family in Leelanau (2nd Edition) by Bufka, Norbert
Life of DAVID W. PATTEN: First Apostolic Martyr by Wilson, Lycurgus A.
Edwin Mendenhall: Your Missionary to Wayne County, Pennsylvania by Dailey, Vaughn
Edwin Mendenhall: Your Missionary to Wayne County, Pennsylvania by Dailey, Vaughn
River Gardens by Kiss, Lynda
Reminiscences of A Christian Family: In The Mid-20th Century South by McCaslin, Silas Dobbs
Reminiscences of A Christian Family: In The Mid-20th Century South by McCaslin, Silas Dobbs
Growing Up...sort of by Hannah, Robert Charles
Montaigne by Zweig, Stefan
La Insoportable Levedad de la Clase Media by Alonso Marti, Dario
Too Proud to Bend: Journey of a Civil Rights Foot Soldier by Gibson, Nell Braxton
Der Himmel war auch mein Stadion: 60 Jahre hinterm Steuerknüppel, Kunstflug und andere Geschichten by Einführer, Udo
Chaucer's Official Life by Hulbert, James Root
Salvatore and Maria: Finding Paradise by Gentile, Paul L.
kopf hoch, muttersöhnchen! by Sidt, Mark
kopf hoch, muttersöhnchen! by Sidt, Mark
The Boggo Road Connection: A boy becomes a man... in all the wrong ways. by Campbell, Lary
Mein Leben by Brückner, Egon
Weder schwarz noch weiss: Ein außergewöhnliches Leben by Sacramento, Ange Miguel Do
Discoverers and Explorers by Shaw, Edward R.
Sieben Jahre, sieben Meere und drei Ozeane by Uehr, Sybille &. Christian
Peleg Nye: The Jonah of Cape Cod by Bockmann, Nils V.
He Heard A Different Drummer Volume I: The Cold War Memoirs of A Scientist, Explorer, Naval Officer and Spy by Leschack, Leonard a.
Famous Men of the Middle Ages by Poland, A. B., Haaren, John H.
Always a Marine: PFC George Adams, From South Pacific Jungles to Sands of Iwo Jima by Adams, Clyde
Der Forstmeister, der Leutnant und der Krieg: Tagebücher aus einer schlimmen Zeit: 1931 bis 1947 by Bossel, Hans
Henry VIII and His Court by Tree, Herbert
Rousseau and Voltaire: The Lives of the Two Most Famous Intellectuals of the Enlightenment by Charles River
Great Britain and Her Queen by Keeling, Anne E.
Eisenhower as Strategist: The Coherent Use of Military Power in War and Peace - War College Series by Metz, Steven
History of King Charles II of England by Abbott, Jacob
The Captain and the Cannibal: An Epic Story of Exploration, Kidnapping, and the Broadway Stage by Fairhead, James
Tudor: Passion. Manipulation. Murder. the Story of England's Most Notorious Royal Family by de Lisle, Leanda
Machiavelli: A Portrait by Celenza, Christopher S.
Professional Indian: The American Odyssey of Eleazer Williams by Oberg, Michael Leroy
He Heard A Different Drummer Volume II: The Cold War Memoirs of A Scientist, Explorer, Navy Officer and Spy by Leschack, Leonard a.
Lives of Celebrated Women by Goodrich, Samuel Griswold
King Okukenu IV: Long May He Reign! by Koleoso, Oloye Oludotun Akanni
Theodor Storm: Ein Bild seines Lebens: Band 2: Mannesalter by Storm, Gertrud
Jasper Tudor: Godfather of the Tudor Dynasty by Bayani, Debra
The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke Volume II by Gwynn, Stephen
Memoirs of the Life of John Quincy Adams by Quincy, Josiah
Samogitia Mea Patria by Algminas, Leo L.
The Inner Life of Baby Doe Tabor by Brotemarkle, Diane
The Making of an Airplane Hijacker: An American Story by Akbar, Muhammad Jalal Deen
Becoming Madison: The Extraordinary Origins of the Least Likely Founding Father by Signer, Michael
The Life of Francis Marion by Simms, William Gilmore
In the World of the Outcasts: Notes of a Former Penal Laborer, Volume I by Filippovich Iakubovich, Pëtr
In the World of the Outcasts: Notes of a Former Penal Laborer, Volume II by Filippovich Iakubovich, Pëtr
A Kelly Cherry Reader by Cherry, Kelly
From Slave Ship to Harvard: Yarrow Mamout and the History of an African American Family by Johnston, James H.
Joe, the Slave Who Became an Alamo Legend by White, Lee Spencer, Jackson, Ron J.
On The Monster's Back: Heroism, Love, and Survival - One man's daring escape from the Armenian Genocide of the Great War. by Lamson, Robert D.
Vanishings by Fincke, Gary
Fighting Hitler from the North Jersey Suburbs by Berrall, James C.
Pyrrhus by Abbott, Jacob
My Inventions: Autobiography of a Genius by Tesla, Nikola
Scarlet Sisters: Sex, Suffrage, and Scandal in the Gilded Age by MacPherson, Myra
Ella Baker: Community Organizer of the Civil Rights Movement by Moye, J. Todd
Amorous Pursuits: A novel ofCatherine, Madame de Talleyrand by McNiff, Veronica
William Whiteway of Dorchester by Whiteway, William
Martin Luther King, Jr. by Ling, Peter J.
American Legends: The Life of Mama Cass Elliot by Charles River
Early Kings of Norway by Carlyle, Thomas
Major Prophets of To-Day by Slosson, Edwin E.
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom by Ellen Craft, William and
Deutsche Charaktere und Begebenheiten by Wassermann, Jakob
Two Years in the Forbidden City by Princess Der Ling
The True Story of Christopher Columbus by Brooks, Elbridge S.
Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman by Steward, Austin
Felice by Horwitz, Felice
Women Also Serve: Duarte Invites Women to Join Rotary by Whitlock, Sylvia
Bad Medicine by Brumley, Kim
The Nazi Officer's Wife: How One Jewish Woman Survived the Holocaust by Beer, Edith Hahn, Dworkin, Susan
Come Sundown: The Life and Letters of a Frontier Woman by Abbott, Olyve Hallmark
William Penn by Hodges, George
Sojourn in Silesia: 1940 - 1945 by Evans Cbe, Arthur Charles
Eugene de Kock: Sluipmoordenaar van die staat by Jansen, Anemari
The Lives of the Popes and Emperors by Petrarch, Pseudo-
The Lives of the Popes and Emperors by Petrarch, Pseudo-
P.G.E. (Eliot) Warburton MC: His Life, His Work and His Legacy by Warburton, P. Richard
A Great and Terrible King by Morris, Marc
Bitterness and Salvation by Daniels, Fred
My California Gold Rush Pioneers: The McQuade and Price Families of Sonora, Tuolumne County, California by Canavan, Sue Rydberg
Mitt liv som upplyst: En pilgrimsfärd i modern tid by Nilsson, Kim
Rena's Promise: A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz by MacAdam, Heather Dune, Gelissen, Rena Kornreich
Thomas Lincoln: Father of the Sixteenth President by Coleman, Charles H., Coleman, Mary
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