• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 2017

Dreamers of the Ghetto: With a Chapter From English Humorists of To-day by J. A. Hammerton by Hammerton, J. a., Zangwill, Israel
Up From Slavery by Washington, Booker T.
The Lucky Captain: The Story of George W. Dow, His Ancestors, and 40 Years at Sea by Turner, William Dow
Orchids and Butterflies: The Life and Times of Theodore Mead by Butler, Paul
Orchids and Butterflies: The Life and Times of Theodore Mead by Butler, Paul
In His Words - Brockport 1858-1866: From The Diary of Joseph A. Tozier by Savard, Sue
Ernst Kantorowicz: A Life by Lerner, Robert
Leopold von Rankes Leben und Werke by Guglia, Eugen
We Escaped: A Family's Flight from Holland during World War Two by Ter Weele, Alexander H.
Libertad sin ira: Secretos y curiosidades martianas by Cristobal, Angel
Richelieu and Mazarin by Treasure, Geoffrey
J. Mason Brewer, Folklorist and Scholar: His Early Texas Writings by
Travels and Identities: Elizabeth and Adam Shortt in Europe, 1911 by
Against All Odds: Zambia's President Edgar Chagwa Lungu's Rough Journey to State House by Mukwita, Anthony
So Begins The Journey by Peek, Carl
San Diego City Father William Augustus Begole: Story of a Workhorse Pioneer by Montgomery, Lael
San Diego City Father William Augustus Begole: Story of a Workhorse Pioneer by Montgomery, Lael
Against All Odds: Zambia's President Edgar Chagwa Lungu's Rough Journey to State House by Mukwita, Anthony
Men of Invention and Industry by Smiles, Samuel
Billy the Kid's Grave - A History of the Wild West's Most Famous Death Marker by Thomas, David G.
Priscillians Vermächtnis auf dem Sternenweg: Der Ruf des Sueve by Pochadt, Ralf
Come and Take It: Texas Revolution by Harrison, Donovan
Caesar by Grace, David
Totgeschwiegen by Furger, Monika
Totgeschwiegen by Furger, Monika
The Turbulent Crown: The Story of the Tudor Queens by Hui, Roland
Daddy King: An Autobiography by King, Martin Luther
Famous Men of Ancient Times by Goodrich, S. G.
A Bee in His Bonnet by Fleury, Bernard J.
Somersaults: Rovings, Tears & Absurdities - A Memoir from the Fringe of Journalism by Hespeler-Boultbee, J. J.
Thomas Paine: Social and Political Thought by Claeys, Gregory
Overcoming Tragedies by Schadrac, Binyenzi Ben
Catherine the Great by Dixon, Simon
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc by Twain, Mark
Tales of Titans: From the Renaissance to the Elctro/Atomic Age, Vol. 2 by Disilvio, Rich
The Struggle with Leviathan: Social Responses to the Omnipotence of the State, 1815-1965 by Lamberts, Emiel
Edmund Burke in America: The Contested Career of the Father of Modern Conservatism by Maciag, Drew
Buffalo Bill - der letzte große Kundschafter by Wetmore, Helen Cody
Arkansas Hillbilly: One Man's Memoir of a Blessed Life by Barger, Carl J.
The Psychotic Left: From Jacobin France to the Occupy Movement by Bolton, Kerry
Freud: An Intellectual Biography by Whitebook, Joel
Historical Jazz Conversations by Eames, Jaron K.
Citizen Explorer: The Life of Zebulon Pike by Orsi, Jared
Erinnerungen eines vergessenen Mädchens by Baumann, Paula, Rilli, Riccardo
Against All Odds: Ten Historical Figures Who Overcome Incredible Adversity, From William the Bastard to Winston Churchill by Rank, Michael
My Bondage and My Freedom by Douglass, Frederick
Lord Salisbury: A Political Biography by Steele, E. David
The Triple Soldier: And My Mother by Faron, Andrew
Karl Friedrich Mezger (1880-1911) by Schiek, Folkmar
Ties of Blood and Friendship: The Complicated Life of Francis Lynn by Darby, Patrick
Enemy Skies: An Airman's Story by Clark, Forrest S.
Madame de Longueville by Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin
Geschichten intimer Beziehungen by Ketterer, Evi
The Presbyterian Philosopher by Douma, Douglas J.
The Last Hussar by Stephaich, Peter
The Presbyterian Philosopher by Douma, Douglas J.
American Legends: The Life of Lucille Ball by Charles River
Stilwell and the American Experience in China: 1911-1945 by Tuchman, Barbara W.
The Hundred-Year Walk: An Armenian Odyssey by Mackeen, Dawn Anahid
Von den Ahnen lernen: Das Rechberger Wurzelbuch by Giesert, Marianne
Dossier NN: Ich ueberlebte die Todeszelle und neun Konzentrationslager by Bamberg, Donald E.
Harriet Tubman: Freedom Seeker, Freedom Leader (Large Print 16 Pt Edition) by Sadlier, Rosemary
Blades of Grass: The Story of George Aylwin Hogg by Thomas, Mark Aylwin
Blades of Grass: The Story of George Aylwin Hogg by Thomas, Mark Aylwin
American Legends: The Life of Roy Rogers by Charles River
American Legends: The Life of Howard Hughes by Charles River
Simon Girty: Wilderness Warrior (16pt Large Print Edition) by Butts, Edward
von Gift zu Grün by Selmi, Nicole
Following the Lines: World War II as Experienced by a Belgian Girl by Litz-Barré, Irène
The Cranbrook Chronicles: A Boomer Kid's Story by Vanderjagt, Deborah
Sanders Family: A Thousand-Year History: A Revised and Expanded Edition of Generations: A Thousand-Year Family History by Sanders, Ralph
Sanders Family: A Thousand-Year History: A Revised and Expanded Edition of Generations: A Thousand-Year Family History by Sanders, Ralph
My World War Two Adventures In Denmark by Jorgensen, Carsten R.
David by Meyer, F. B.
Paul by Meyer, F. B.
David by Meyer, F. B.
Paul by Meyer, F. B.
José Artigas and the Federal League in Uruguay's War of Independence (1810-1820) by Katra, William H.
Abraham Lincoln: The American Civil War and the Abolition of Slavery by 50minutes
Christopher Columbus: The Discovery of the New World by 50minutes
Leif Eriksson: His Forgotten Discovery of America by 50minutes
Copernicus: The Discovery of the Heliocentric Revolution by 50minutes
Äiti, Unto ja minä: Lapsuus ja nuoruus Uudessakylässä 1930-luvulta 1950-luvulle by Haapa, Ulla
A Turbulent, Seditious and Factious People: John Bunyan and His Church by Hill, Christopher
Hitler's Art Thief by Ronald, Susan
Von den Ahnen lernen: Das Rechberger Wurzelbuch by Giesert, Marianne
Tales of Titans: Founding Fathers, Woman Warriors & WWII, Vol. 3 by Disilvio, Rich
Memoirs of a MAD relic hunter. The accounts of David Willingham: Stories of relic hunting in Piedmont Virginia by Willingham, David A.
Were you in the War Grandpa? by Jackson, W. J.
Blue Ribbons, Bitter Bread: Joice Loch - Australia's Most Heroic Woman by de Vries, Susanna
Anatomía de un incendio by Alvarez Ph. D., Jose
Narrative of James Williams, an American Slave: Who Was for Several Years a Driver on a Cotton Plantation in Alabama by Williams, James
Black and White Like You and Me: Parallel Lines Sometimes Intersect by Daniels, Thomas F., Marsh, Thomas C.
The Past, The Present, and the Future: A look into the family of Julie Halsnoy: Book 5: The Notables by Halsnoy, Julie
The Past, The Present, and the Future: A look into the family of Julie Halsnoy: Book 4: The Kehl and Anderson Lineages by Halsnoy, Julie
Eminent Victorians by Strachey, Lytton
Hosea Stout: Lawman, Legislator, Mormon Defender by Prince, Stephen L.
Daughter of Heaven: The true story of the only woman to become Emperor of China by Cawthorne, Nigel
The Jacky Stories by Roche, John Patrick
Georgia Witness: A Contemporary Oral History of the State by Doster, Stephen
Démosthène et ses contemporains by Perrot, George
History of Hortense: Daughter of Josephine, Queen of Holland, Mother of Napoleon III by Abbott, John S. C.
Memories From A Shoebox: Life the way it was by Fields, Bob
All Falling Faiths: Reflections on the Promise and Failure of the 1960s by Wilkinson III, J. Harvie
El tiempo de los robles by Carvajal, Abel
William Balleny Howden: The Triumphs and Tears of an Australian Pioneer by Howden, Ian C.
El tiempo de los robles y El capitán Araña by Carvajal, Abel
Voltaire by Brunetière, Ferdinand
Der totale Autodidakt by Welke, Friedrich
Der totale Autodidakt by Welke, Friedrich
Jan Smuts - Afrikaner sonder grense by Steyn, Richard
Vie de Sertorius by Plutarque
Vie de Agésilas by Plutarque
Vie de Pompée by Plutarque
Vie d'Alexandre by Plutarque
Vie de Caïus Julius César by Plutarque
Vie de Phocion by Plutarque
Rose: A Young Girl's Grit and Grace During World War II by Vawter, Gary E.
Rose: A Young Girl's Grit and Grace During World War II by Vawter, Gary E.
Vie d'Artaxerxès by Plutarque
Vie d'Aratus by Plutarque
Vie de Galba by Plutarque
Vie d'Othon by Plutarque
Vie de Démétrius by Plutarque
Vie d'Antoine by Plutarque
Vie de Dion by Plutarque
Vie de Brutus by Plutarque
Sex - Macht - Hurenherrschaft: Marozia - Historisch-Biografischer Roman by Spirig, Martin
Jussi - Renkipojan tie krenatööriksi by Urpilainen, Reijo
West Over The Waves: The Final Flight of Elsie Mackay by Baldwin, Jayne
The Dash Between by Colyer, Richard
Letters from the Dust Bowl by Henderson, Caroline
Meditations by Aurelius, Marcus
The Black Calhouns: From Civil War to Civil Rights with One African American Family by Buckley, Gail Lumet
Architecture of Survival Holocaust Diaries by Stein, Israel
Immigrant Soldier: The Story of a Ritchie Boy by Lang-Slattery, Kathryn
Immigrant Soldier: The Story of a Ritchie Boy by Lang-Slattery, Kathryn
Napoleon's Purgatory: The Unseen Humanity of the "Corsican Ogre" in Fatal Exile (with an introduction by J. David Markham) by Barden, Thomas M.
The Jew: Novel Based on a True Story by Poleski, Dominik
The Jew: Novel Based on a True Story by Poleski, Dominik
Two Leaves and a Bud by Tomlin, Yvonne
Two Leaves and a Bud by Tomlin, Yvonne
Greatest of Men Washington by McCann, Alfred W.
Greatest of Men Washington by McCann, Alfred W.
Penny Postcard: My Mother's Life by Lee, Janet
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin by Darwin, Charles
Hernán Cortés, crónica de un imposible by Olaizola, José Luis
Dreimastbark Robbenklasse: Das Logbuch eines Kulturprojekts by Pietsch, Irene
Among His Slaves: George Mason, Slavery at Gunston Hall, and the Idealism of the American Revolution by Dunn, Terry K.
Cleopatra by Abbott, Jacob
Stalin's British Victims by Beckett, Francis
Warriors and Wilderness in Medieval Britain: From Arthur and Beowulf to Sir Gawain and Robin Hood by Melrose, Robin
Men of Invention and Industry by Smiles, Samuel
Parables for Profit Vol. 1 by Woodward, Woody
Tejano Tiger: Jose de Los Santos Benavides and the Texas-Mexico Borderlands, 1823-1891 by Thompson, Jerry
The Last Golden Smile by Karasa, Al
La Vie de Shakspeare et le paradoxe baconien by Cochin, Henry
A Rich & Valued Life by Needler, Martin C.
WW2 And Other Stories From The Little Red School House by Woodard, Dana
Aus meinem Herzen by Seck, Ilse
The Surviving Generation of Soviet Totalitarianism: A Life Story by Ezepchuk, Yurii, Alred, Lance
Behind the Legend: The Many Worlds of Charles Todd by Cryle, Denis
When Normal Blew Up: The Story of the People Who Died and the People Who Lived On by Foster, Joni
The Editor's Wastebasket by Fumarola, Mario G.
Vietnam Advisor and later Career: My career in Military and Government by Carbery, Ronald L.
The Family Tree: A Lynching in Georgia, a Legacy of Secrets, and My Search for the Truth by Branan, Karen
Aubrey's Brief Lives: Omnibus Edition by Aubrey, John
The Civil Wars of Julia Ward Howe: A Biography by Showalter, Elaine
Joe & Noma Kjar - Their Love Story: Picture Book by Kjar, Joe &. Noma
Winston Churchill: Britain's Legendary Wartime Leader by 50minutes
Gorbachev: The Last Leader of the USSR by 50minutes
Theodore Roosevelt: The Fight Against Corruption by 50minutes
Gandhi: The Power of Nonviolence by 50minutes
Francisco Pizarro: Conquistador of the Attack on Peru by 50minutes
Nixon: The Rise and Fall of the President at the Heart of the Watergate Scandal by 50minutes
Magellan: The First Circumnavigation of the Globe by 50minutes
Heroes' Hearts by Richiusa, Gordon
Maharani - The First Australian Princess: A novel based on a true story by Kunz, Chris
Before It Was Legal: a black-white marriage (1945-1987) by Poling, Nancy Werking
The Palmetto House by Watkins, Gerry Lites
A Large Dam, Small Fish and the BaTonga: 95 years of Zambian History observed by Gray K. Madyenkuku by Gröhn-Wittern, Ursula
A Large Dam, Small Fish and the BaTonga by Gröhn-Wittern, Ursula
Catalina de Aragón, mujer legítima de Enrique VIII by Olaizola, José Luis
A Gentleman's Daughter: The life of Harriet Mary Dowling (nee Blaxland) in India and Australia in colonial times by Ferguson, Alison
Clio & Me: An Intellectual Autobiography by Van Creveld, Martin
Last Minute: Our Escape from East Prussia by Apsel, Rosemarie Miles
From Antarctica to the Gold Rushes in the Wake of the Erebus by Ramsland, John
Susan: Convict's daughter, soldier's wife, nobody's fool by Budrikis, Stella
A Lady of England: The Life and Letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker by Giberne, Agnes
The Puritans Thomas & Stephen Tracy: A Personal Quest for Family Lineage by Tracy Ph. D., Martin Booth
The Life and Times of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt by Brome Weigall, Arthur E. P.
Chronik der Familie Schmid von Schmidsfeld by Von Schmidsfeld, Manfred
Julia Lathrop: Social Service and Progressive Government by Cohen, Miriam
The Other Tudors: Henry VIII's Mistresses and Illegitimate Children by Jones, Philippa
Henry Clay: America's Greatest Statesman by Unger, Harlow Giles
The Immortal Irishman: The Irish Revolutionary Who Became an American Hero by Egan, Timothy
Little Jimmy by Lamonica, Franco
An Autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt by Roosevelt, Theodore
The Great Simon by Curtis, Don
The Great Simon by Curtis, Don
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