• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 2021

A Treasure Book of Friends: Biographies of Interesting Women: Formerly Published as A Girl's Book of Friends by
King Dick, a Biography of Richard John Seddon by Burdon, Randal Mathews 1896-
Girl's Stories of Great Women by
Memories & Opinions: an Unfinished Autobiography by
Light on a Dark Horse: an Autobiography (1901-1935) by Campbell, Roy 1901-1957
The Curious Art of Autobiography, From Benvenuto Cellini to Rudyard Kipling by
Margaret the First: a Biography of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, 1623-1673 by Grant, Douglas
Strawberry Fair: a Biography of Frances, Countess Waldegrave, 1821-1879 by Hewett, Osbert Wyndham
Tancopanican Chronicle 1830-1834 / Edited and Published by Louise DuP. Crowninshield and Pierre S. DuPont. by Crowninshield, Louise DuPont
America's Twelve Great Women Leaders During the Past Hundred Years, As Chosen by the Women of America by Anonymous
Lives of Today and Yesterday; a Book of Comparative Biography by
The World That Fred Made; an Autobiography by Darwin, Bernard 1876-1961
William Godwin, a Biographical Study by Woodcock, George 1912-1995
The Autobiography of Edward Gibbon by Gibbon, Edward 1737-1794
Egyptian Childhood: The Autobiography of Taha Hussein by
Why I Think so; the Autobiography of a Hypothesis by Dummer, Ethel Sturges
William Godwin, a Biographical Study by Woodcock, George 1912-1995
Biography of John Huston Marvin by
The West is for Us: the Reminiscences of Mary A. Blankenship by
The Walnut Tree: an Autobiography of Kindness by Hutchings, Monica M.
The World That Fred Made; an Autobiography by Darwin, Bernard 1876-1961
Sir Casimir Stanislaus Gzowski; a Biography by
Name and Address: an Autobiography by
Child of the Hurricane: an Autobiography by Prichard, Katharine Susannah 1884-1969
The Judson Papers by Judson, Marguerite M.
Modigliani, a Memoir by Salmon, Andre 1881-
Girls Who Became Artists by Kirkland, Winifred Margaretta 1872-1943
Bits of Biography: or Interesting Stories of Interesting People by
Elizabeth Buffum Chace, 1806-1899: Her Life and Its Environment by Wyman, Arthur Crawford 1879-
Memoirs of Mrs. Abigail Bailey, Who Had Been the Wife of Major Asa Bailey .. by Bailey, Abigail Abbot 1746-1815, Smith, Ethan 1762-1849
Seven, an Essay in Confession by Landau, Rom 1899-1974
American Cavalcade: a Memoir on the Life and Family of DeWitt Clinton Poole by
JINDRICH The Baker: My Grandfather's Life, 1891-1948, Based on True Events by Dusek, John Michael
Who, Me? The Autobiography of Betty MacDonald by MacDonald, Betty Bard
Autobiography of Gurdon Wallace Wattles: Genealogy by Wattles, Gurdon Wallace 1855-1932
Egyptian Childhood: The Autobiography of Taha Hussein by
Dan Sickles, Hero of Gettysburg and "Yankee King of Spain," by Pinchon, Edgcumb 1883-
Conversation With Edith Hamilton by Anonymous
Joseph Bell; an Appreciation by an Old Friend by
Brother to the Ox; the Autobiography of a Farm Labourer by Kitchen, Fred
Men and Jackasses, the Journey of Frank Marks and His Brother Howard by
Broken Threads: Memories of a Northern Ontario Schoolteacher by
When They Were Boys; Sixteen Boyhood Stories of Famous Men by Pringle, Patrick
The Great Canadian Range by Long, Philip Sheridan 1912-
Growing up Into Revolution by Cole, Margaret 1893-1980
Unfolding Years: The Events of a Lifetime by
James William Helenus Trail: A Memorial Volume by
Imaginary Lives by Schwob, Marcel 1867-1905
The True Book About Helen Keller by
The Ranch on the Cariboo by Fry, Alan
A Candle for Your Cake; Twenty-four Birthday Stories of Famous Men and Women by Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin 1875-1961
Haphazard Personalities [microform]: Chiefly of Noted Americans by Lanman, Charles 1819-1895
A History of Phineas Whiteside and His Family by Whiteside, Ida
Helen Keller in Scotland: A Personal Record Written by Herself by
Correspondence ?Bebb (Michael) and Engelmann (George); Bebb to Engelmann, 1859-1882 by
Quaker Torch Bearers by Anonymous
Classic Memoirs; 2 by Anonymous
Modern Chemists and Their Work by
Twenty-six Years, 1879-1905 by
Broken Threads: Memories of a Northern Ontario Schoolteacher by
Seattle Story by Escobosa, Hector a.
Dan Beard, Boy Scout Pioneer by Seibert, Jerry
Death of a Child by Anonymous
101 Great Lives by
A History of Phineas Whiteside and His Family by Whiteside, Ida
Some Memories of John Tasker Howard, 1808-1888, and His Wife Susan Taylor Raymond, 1812-1906. by Anonymous
Records & Addresses in Memory of Simeon E. Baldwin, 1840-1927 by
Patchwork Child by Astor, Brooke
Every Man a Phoenix; by Bottrall, Margaret Smith
Up the Stream of Time by
Treasury of Horse Stories by Self, Margaret Cabell
September Monkey by Pahk, Induk
American Women Who Scored Firsts by Forsee, Aylesa
Correspondence ?Dawson (George) and Engelmann (George); Dawson to Engelmann, 1875-1882 by
Alfred Nobel, Dynamite King, Architect of Peace by Pauli, Hertha 1906-1973
Correspondence ?Canby (William Marriott) and Engelmann (George); Canby to Engelmann, 1862-1866 by
In Memoriam, Henry W. Conner: Born March 4th, 1797, Died January 11th, 1861 by Conner, Henry Workman 1797-1861
A Treasury of the World's Great Heroines by
Life of John Albert Johnson: Three Times Governor of Minnesota by Day, Frank A., Knappen, Theodore MacFarlane 1881-1938
Eliza A. Blaker: Her Life and Work/ Emma Lou ?Thornbrough. by Thornbrough, Emma Lou
Knock on Our Door; by
Simeon Ide, Yeoman, Freeman, Pioneer Printer by
A Memoir of William Wolseley, Admiral of the Red Squadron [microform] by Innes, Mary C.
John D. Rockefeller, 1839-1937, Industrial Pioneer and Man by Holliday, Wallace Trevor 1884-
Classic Memoirs; 2 by Anonymous
The True Book About Helen Keller by
Aaron Lopez and Judah Touro; a Refugee and a Son of a Refugee by Washington, George 1732-1799, Gutstein, Morris Aaron 1905-
How to Cash in on Your Hidden Memory Power by Hersey, William D.
Pilots and Pathfinders by Nida, Stella Humphrey, Nida, William Lewis 1874-
Correspondence ?Canby (William Marriott) and Engelmann (George); Canby to Engelmann, 1867-1874 by
Great Lives Divinely Planned; a Study in the Making of Men by Stoddart, Jane T.
The Muhlenbergs of Pennsylvania by
World as I Have Found It: Sequel to Incidents in the Life of a Blind Girl by
Two Wisconsin Pioneers; Sketches in Remembrance, Samuel Witt Eaton, Catharine Demarest Eaton, by Edward Dwight Eaton. by Eaton, Edward Dwight 1851-
Men of History by Anonymous
Modern World Setting for American History: Biography, by
Correspondence ?Hall (Elihu) and Engelmann (George); Hall to Engelmann, 1873-1882 by
Spicilegium Benedictinum A Collection Of Unpublished Papers, Volume 4 by
Incidents by the Way: More Recollections; 3rd edition by Kenan, William Rand 1872-1965
Music and Light in the Dark-Silence by
September Monkey by Pahk, Induk
Incidents by the Way: Lifetime Recollections and Reflections; 1st edition by Kenan, William Rand 1872-1965
Out of the Dark: Essays, Letters, and Addresses on Physical and Social Vision by
The Subnormal Mind by
Men Were Different by Leslie, Shane 1885-1971
Thirty-five Poems: by Herbert Read by Read, Herbert 1893-1968
Men Were Different by Leslie, Shane 1885-1971
Prominent Men I Have Met; 3 by
Kenya's Opportunity; Memories, Hopes and Ideas by
My Life's Battle by
Modern Chemists and Their Work by
Distinguished American Jews; 6 by Lotz, Philip Henry 1889-
Famous Heroes of the Ages by Strong, Jay
Life, Conversion, Preaching, Travels and Sufferings of Elias Smith by Smith, Elias 1769-1846
Sergeant Hallyburton, the First American Soldier Captured in the World War by Hyams, Charles W.
Haphazard Personalities [microform]: Chiefly of Noted Americans by Lanman, Charles 1819-1895
Les Premières Pensées De Descartes; Contribution à L'histoire De L'Anti-Renaissance. -- by Gouhier, Henri Gaston 1898-
Colonial Furniture & Decorations English Furniture by
My Cave Life in Vicksburg: With Letters of Trial and Travel by
In Defense of Women by
The Latch Key of My Bookhouse; 6 by Miller, Olive Beaupré
Six Great Australians, First Series by Anonymous
My Mother is a Violent Woman by Wadelton, Thomas Dorrington 1927-
Selections From Bayle's Dictionary by Bayle, Pierre 1647-1706
Family Vista: the Memoirs of Margaret Chanler Aldrich; 8 by Aldrich, Margaret Chanler
101 Great Lives by
Every Man a Phoenix; by Bottrall, Margaret Smith
Dan Beard, Boy Scout Pioneer by Seibert, Jerry
A Little I Kept by
Treasury of Horse Stories by Self, Margaret Cabell
My Father and My Mother by
Women of All Nations; a Record of Their Characteristics, Habits, Manners, Customs and Influence; 4 by Thomas, Northcote Whitridge 1868-, Joyce, Thomas Athol 1878-1942
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great; 3 by Hubbard, Elbert 1856-1915
Additional Correspondence of Robert Nichol by
Distinguished Americans for Young Americans by
Moussia: the Life and Death of Marie Bashkirtseff by
The Story of Design by Downer, Marion
E. Grace Coombs (Mrs. James Sharp Lawson) A.O.C.A., O.S.A. by Pierce, Lorne 1890-1961
Eva Abigail Smith, a Child of the Nebraska Frontier, by Her Husband, Seth Herbert Buell by Buell, Seth Herbert 1875-
Mothers of America: the Lasting Influence of the Christian Home by Davis, Elisabeth Logan
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great; 14 by Hubbard, Elbert 1856-1915
The One With the Mustache is Costello by Frazier, George
Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Business Men; 11 by Hubbard, Elbert 1856-1915
Mrs Nebraska 1956 Program by
Famous Boys and Famous Men by Anonymous
Great Americans at a Glance, Volume 4, Women by
The Suburban Child by Kenward, James 1908-
Moussia: the Life and Death of Marie Bashkirtseff by
Controversial Mark Hopkins by Latta, Estelle
The Two J. W. Joneses of Adams County, Ohio by
Three Generations by
Handicaps: Six Studies by
Paper Boats by
Quaker Torch Bearers by Anonymous
Greenhorns in Blue Pastures by
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great; 4 by Hubbard, Elbert 1856-1915
Worlds of IF (January 1953) by Anonymous
Edward Ellis Allen by
American, English, French and Spanish Period Furniture by
Brave Spirits by
The Three Jameses; a Family of Minds, Henry James, Sr., William James, Henry James by
Experimental Lives: From Cato to George Sand by Jaeger, Muriel
Up the Stream of Time by
Famous Women of Florence by Staley, Edgcumbe 1845-
Pilots and Pathfinders by Nida, Stella Humphrey, Nida, William Lewis 1874-
The Two J. W. Joneses of Adams County, Ohio by
Fabric of My Life, the Autobiography of Hannah G. Solomon by
Why I Think so; the Autobiography of a Hypothesis by Dummer, Ethel Sturges
Biographia Britannica: or, The Lives of the Most Eminent Persons Who Have Flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, From the Earliest Ages, Do by
Readings in Biography by
The Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography: a Series of Original Memoirs of Distinguished Men, of All Ages and All Nations; 1, pt.5 by Waller, John Francis 1810-1894, Eadie, John 1810-1876
Margin Released: a Writer's Reminiscences and Reflections by
A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of the Most Eminent Persons in Ever by Anonymous
Life and Achievements of Jay Gould, the Wizard of Wall Street [microform]: Being a Complete and Graphic Account of the Greatest Financier of Modern Ti by Northrop, Henry Davenport 1836-1909
Autobiography, a Collection of the Most Instructive and Amusing Lives Ever Published; 17 by Anonymous
Alfalfa Bill, an Intimate Biography by Hines, Gordon
Double Exposure, a Twin Autobiography by Vanderbilt, Gloria Morgan 1904-1965
... Celebrities off Parade; Pen-and-ink Portrait Sketches by Orcutt, William Dana 1870-1953
Victorian Worthies: Sixteen Biographies by Blore, George Henry 1870-
Correspondence ?Timothy Allen and Engelmann; Timothy Allen to Engelmann, 1860-1884 by
A Scotch-Irish Canadian Yankee by Graham, James Stevenson
Distinguished American Jews; 6 by Lotz, Philip Henry 1889-
In Memoriam, Charles H. Buesching. by Anonymous
Adventuresses and Adventurous Ladies by
People and Great Deeds by Bjoland, Esther M., Neigoff, Anne
My Bhagwan; What I Saw of Him by
Without Drums by
The Life of Edward E. Ayer by
Grains of Sand by Hogan, Bernice
Memoir of Jane Austen: by Her Nephew by
Fiorello La Guardia by Rodman, Bella
Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women; 2 by Hubbard, Elbert 1856-1915
The Dolphin's Skin; by Turner, James 1909-1975
Selections From Bayle's Dictionary by Bayle, Pierre 1647-1706
Memoir of Mr. John Beatty [microform]: Who Died at Port Robinson, C.W., 15th February, 1861 by
Eminent Victorians: Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Dr. Arnold, General Gordon by Strachey, Lytton 1880-1932
Correspondence ?Bary (Anton) and Engelmann (George); Bary to Engelmann, 1868-1880 by
The Life of Robert Fraser, or, Overcoming Obstacles by
Autobiography, a Collection of the Most Instructive and Amusing Lives Ever Published; 3 by Anonymous
Running to Paradise by Dobbs, Kildare 1923-
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