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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 2021

The Private Life Of Galileo. Compiled Principally From His Correspondence and That of His Eldest Daughter, Sister Maria Celeste by Galilei, Galileo 1564-1642, Galilei, Maria Celeste 1600-1634
Biographical Sketch of James Bridger; Mountaineer, Trapper and Guide by Dodge, Grenville Mellen 1831-1916
Henry Fothergill Chorley: Autobiography, Memoir, and Letters; v.1 by
The Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography: a Series of Original Memoirs of Distinguished Men, of All Ages and All Nations; 1, pt.5 by Eadie, John 1810-1876, Waller, John Francis 1810-1894
Collection of Prints by
River Cango: From Its Mouth to Bolobo. by
Memoirs of Stephen Burroughs: to Which Are Added, Notes, and an Appendix; 1-2 by Burroughs, Stephen 1765-1840
Autobiography, a Collection of the Most Instructive and Amusing Lives Ever Published; 29 by Anonymous
Joseph Ritson: a Critical Biography by Burd, Henry Alfred
Fiorello La Guardia by Rodman, Bella
Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini by Cellini, Benvenuto 1500-1571
The Conquest of Blindness: An Autobiographical Review of the Life and Work of Henry Randolph Latimer by
Remembrance of Things Past by
Light on a Dark Horse: an Autobiography (1901-1935) by Campbell, Roy 1901-1957
Maria Monk and Her Revelations of Convent Crimes by
Memories & Opinions: an Unfinished Autobiography by
Experimental Lives: From Cato to George Sand by Jaeger, Muriel
The Suburban Child by Kenward, James 1908-
Right as Rain, the Story of My Maine Grandmother by Richmond, Bernice 1899-
'Brief Lives', Chiefly of Contemporaries, Set Down by John Aubrey, Between the Years 1669 & 1696.; 1 by Aubrey, John 1626-1697
Nathaniel Goddard: a Boston Merchant, 1767-1853 by
Ten Years of My Life [microform] by
Fame and Obscurity by Talese, Gay
Incidents by the Way: More Recollections; 5th edition by Kenan, William Rand 1872-1965
Bonnet and Shawl: an Album by Guedalla, Philip 1889-1944
In Memoriam: John M. Francis by Anonymous
Memoirs of Richard Cumberland: ; c.1 by Cumberland, Richard 1732-1811
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great; 6 by Hubbard, Elbert 1856-1915
The Life of William Smith Muir; His Forebears, Wives and Posterity, 1769-1956 by
Memorials of Charles Parry by
Life of Phebe Ann Rockhill by
Charles Kingsley: His Letters and Memories of His Life by Kingsley, Frances Eliza 1814-1891
William H. Carmalt by
The Two Lives of Baby Doe by Simmons, Dawn Langley
Correspondence ?Brown (Alfred) and Engelmann (George); Alfred Brown to Engelmann, 1874 by Brown, Alfred
Incidents by the Way: More Recollections; 2nd edition by Kenan, William Rand 1872-1965
Marie Taglioni (1804-1884) by Levinson, André 1887-1933
C. E. Montague: a Memoir by Elton, Oliver 1861-1945
Notable Tapestries by
Recollections of William Wrigley Winterbotham by Woodside, William Wrigley
Memoir of Robert Bowne Minturn by
Grains of Sand by Hogan, Bernice
Julien T. Davies: the Tribute to His Memory by Thacher, Ethel Davies 1876-
Without Drums by
Patchwork Child by Astor, Brooke
A Treasury of the World's Great Heroines by
Correspondence ?Hooker (Joseph) and Engelmann (George); Hooker to Engelmann, 1867-1883 by
The Latch Key of My Bookhouse; 3 by Miller, Olive Beaupré
Portraits of the Day; 6 by Gautier, Théophile 1811-1872
On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances: First [-second] Part; Pt.1 by
The Latch Key of My Bookhouse; 4 by Miller, Olive Beaupré
A Biographical History of England, From Egbert the Great to the Revolution: Consisting of Characters Disposed in Different Classes, and Adapted to a M by
Richardson Letters: Letters Written to Albert Richardson From 1832 to 1881; With Biographical Sketches and a Partial Genealogy of the Rich by Richardson, Charles Albert 1875-
The Curious Art of Autobiography, From Benvenuto Cellini to Rudyard Kipling by
Life and Achievements of Jay Gould, the Wizard of Wall Street [microform]: Being a Complete and Graphic Account of the Greatest Financier of Modern Ti by Northrop, Henry Davenport 1836-1909
While It Is Day: An Autobiography by
Female Excellence, Or Hints to Daughters Designed for Their Use From the Time of Leaving School Till Their Settlement in Life by Mrs. Copley by Copley, Esther
A New and General Biographical Dictionary; Containing an Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of the Most Eminent Persons in Ever by Anonymous
Autobiography of Benjamin Hallowell: Written at the Request of His Daughter, Caroline H. Miller, for His Children and Grandchildren, in the Seventy-si by Miller, Caroline Hallowell, Hallowell, Henry Clay 1829-1899, Hallowell, Benjamin 1799-1877
Autobiography, a Collection of the Most Instructive and Amusing Lives Ever Published; 30 by Anonymous
Ekanath - A Translation From Bhaktalilamrita by
English, Italian, and French Period Furniture by
Memoir of John Millar of Sheardale: With an Appendix / by Andrew Thomson by Thomson, Andrew
Aaron Lopez and Judah Touro; a Refugee and a Son of a Refugee by Washington, George 1732-1799, Gutstein, Morris Aaron 1905-
People and Great Deeds by Bjoland, Esther M., Neigoff, Anne
Recollections of Col. Hugh T. Reed by
Recollections of John Hogan by His Daughter Mrs. Simon L. Boogher (Sophia Hogan Boogher) by
Women Leaders; 2 by
920 O'Farrell Street; by Levy, Harriet Lane
The Grace of Forgetting by Young, Geoffrey Winthrop 1876-1958
Memoir of Jonathan Leavitt, a Member of the Junior Class in Yale College, Who Died at New-Haven the 10th of May, 1821, Aged Eighteen Years .. by Leavitt
The Latch Key of My Bookhouse; 2 by Miller, Olive Beaupré
Nureyev: an Autobiography by Nureyev, Rudolf 1938-1993
Correspondence ?Bartholf (John) and Engelmann (George); Bartholf to Engelmann, 1875-1876 by Bartholf, John H.
Memoir of Jane Austen: by Her Nephew by
Mapupula: The One Who Touches by
Adventuresses and Adventurous Ladies by
The Dolphin's Skin; by Turner, James 1909-1975
A Few More Memories by Anderson, Mary 1859-1940
The Latch Key of My Bookhouse; 6 by Miller, Olive Beaupré
Memories of James Bain Morrow [microform] by
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin; by Franklin, Benjamin 1706-1790
From Mons to 1933 by Lowry, Gerald
Welsh Ambassadors: (Powys Lives and Letters) by Marlow, Louis 1881-1966
Paper Boats by
Out of Many Waters by Buehrle, Marie Cecilia 1887-
Days and Ways of an Old Bohemian by Gardner, Fitzroy 1855-
Albert Large, the Hermit Naturalist of Bucks County, Pennsylvania by Armstrong, William C.
Alfred Nobel, Dynamite King, Architect of Peace by Pauli, Hertha 1906-1973
The Latch Key of My Bookhouse; 1 by Miller, Olive Beaupré
Correspondence ?Ellacombe (Henry) and Engelmann (George); Ellacombe to Engelmann, 1876 by
Memories of Half a Century by
The Honorable Elijah Leonard [microform]: a Memoir by Leonard, Elijah 1814-1891
Oft Told Tales. by
Georgian Furniture and Silver; English Furniture and Decorations by
Correspondence ?Campbell (Albert) and Engelmann (George); Campbell to Engelmann, 1858-1859 by Campbell, Albert H.
Correspondence ?Canby (William Marriott) and Engelmann (George); Canby to Engelmann, 1875-1883 by
Running to Paradise by Dobbs, Kildare 1923-
A Scotch-Irish Canadian Yankee by Graham, James Stevenson
Mothers of America: the Lasting Influence of the Christian Home by Davis, Elisabeth Logan
Memories of Grandmother by Elliott, Judith Ellen, White, Vivian Elliott 1906-
Life at High Tide .. by
Ping-Kua: a Girl of Cathay by Benn, Rachel R.
On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances: First [-second] Part; Pt.2 by
Enslavers of Kings by Hall, Thornton 1858-
Correspondence ?Commons (Albert) and Engelmann (George); Commons to Engelmann, 1866-1882 by Commons, A.
The Blind Knight of Nova Scotia: Sir Frederick Fraser, 1850-1925 by
Eccentric Personages: Memoirs of the Lives and Actions of Remarable Characters, Beau Brummell, Beau Nash, Daniel DeFoe, Dean Swift, Captain by
Edward B. Butler, 1853-1928 .. by Anonymous
Memoirs of Marshall Hall .. by
Autobiography and Letters of Mrs MOW Oliphant by
The Leaves of the Tree: Studies in Biography by Benson, Arthur Christopher 1862-1925
Out of My Life and Thought, an Autobiography; by Schweitzer, Albert 1875-1965
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great; 1 by Hubbard, Elbert 1856-1915
On the Nature of Milton's Blindness by Sorsby, Arnold
Miss Nancy's Pilgrimage. A Story of Travel by
The Mysteries of Sex: Women Who Posed as Men and Men Who Impersonated Women by
Twice Born, or, The Two Lives of Henry O. Wills, Evangelist [microform].. by Wills, Henry O.
People and Great Deeds; 2 by Bjoland, Esther M., Neigoff, Anne
Beating Back [microform] by Irwin, Will 1873-1948, Jennings, Al 1863-1961
Spicilegium Benedictinum A Collection Of Unpublished Papers, Volume 3 by
The Three Jameses; a Family of Minds, Henry James, Sr., William James, Henry James by
Goldwin Smith [microform]: His Life and Opinions by Haultain, Arnold 1857-1941
The Life and Character of Miss Susanna Anthony: Who Died, in Newport, (R.I.) June 23, MDCCXCI ... by Hopkins, Samuel 1721-1803, Anthony, Susanna 1726-1791
In Memoriam, Alexander Wadsworth by
Fine Oriental Rugs & Textiles by
Portraits and Personalities by Bradford, Gamaliel 1863-1932
Eccentric Personages: Memoirs of the Lives and Actions of Remarable Characters, Beau Brummell, Beau Nash, Daniel DeFoe, Dean Swift, Captain by
A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of the Most Eminent Persons in Ever by Anonymous
Magnificent Diamonds, Emeralds, Star Rubies and Sapphires, and Other Precious Stones; Important Precious-stone Jewelry by
Henry Shaw, a Biography by Dimmock, Thomas 1830-
Letter From an Independent Elector of Westminster to the Right Honourouble Charles James Fox in Answer to His Letter to His Constituents by Fox, Charles James 1749-1806
Reminiscences and Comment; the Immigrant, the Citizen, a Public Office, the Jew by Kraus, Adolf 1850-1928
Letters and Journals of Samuel Gridley Howe: The Greek Revolution by
After Fifty Years; an Appreciation, and a Record of a Unique Incident by
The Life of Edward E. Ayer by
Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Lovers; 13 by Hubbard, Elbert 1856-1915
E. Grace Coombs (Mrs. James Sharp Lawson) A.O.C.A., O.S.A. by Pierce, Lorne 1890-1961
In Memoriam Mrs. Erminnie A. Smith: Marcellus, N.Y., April 26, 1837 - Jersey City, N.J., June 9, L886 by
Captain Alexander Fleming and Joyce, His Wife, of "Westfalia", Rappahannock County, Virginia. By Lenora Higginbotham Sweeney. by Sweeny, Lenora Higginbotham
General Biography, or, Lives, Critical and Historical of the Most Eminent Persons of All Ages, Countries, Conditions, and Professions; 5 by Enfield, William, Aikin, John 1747-1822
Autobiography, a Collection of the Most Instructive and Amusing Lives Ever Published; 19 by Anonymous
Margaret the First: a Biography of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, 1623-1673 by Grant, Douglas
Elizabeth Buffum Chace, 1806-1899: Her Life and Its Environment by Wyman, Arthur Crawford 1879-
Assignment Down East by Buxton, Henry
James Phillips, Jr. by
William J. Long and His Books: a Pamphlet Consisting Chiefly of Typical Letters and Reviews in Reply to Mr. Burroughs' Attack on Mr. Long by
Women of 'ninety-eight by
Stephen Girard, Founder / by Cheesman A. Herrick. by
In Memoriam: Edward Lewis Baker by
Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List by Sibrel, Bart
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Franklin, Benjamin
Lucy Heyer-Grote (1891-1991): Ihr Leben im Wandel der Zeit by Gsell, Yael Naomi Berit
Lucy Heyer-Grote (1891-1991): Ihr Leben im Wandel der Zeit by Gsell, Yael Naomi Berit
Ibn 'Asakir of Damascus: Champion of Sunni Islam in the Time of the Crusades by Mourad, Suleiman a.
When the Bough Breaks: World War II - Memories of Operation Pied Piper by Kelleher, Joan
The Shadow Commander: Soleimani, the Us, and Iran's Global Ambitions by Azizi, Arash
Prospectus of the Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln: Comprising His Speeches, Letters, State Papers and Miscellaneous Writings by Nicolay, John
Hitler: Downfall: 1939-1945 by Ullrich, Volker
Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine: Founding an Empire by Lewis, Matthew
James Wilson: The Anxious Founder by Taylor, Michael H.
Smoke Jumper, Moon Pilot: The Remarkable Life of Apollo 14 Astronaut Stuart Roosa by Moseley, Willie
Life of Oliver Cromwell by Southey, Robert
The Waves: A Creative Factional Biography of Henry (Harry) Augustus Burnett, The Real Tiny Tim Cratchit and Little Paul Dombey by Motier, Donald
Cavalier in Buckskin by Utley, Robert
Memoirs of a homeless bipolar pedant by Moody, Daniel
The Complete Writings and Selected Correspondence of John Dickinson: Volume 2 Volume 2 by Dickinson, John
The Fowler Family: Early California Pioneers by Storm, Eric
Heloise and Abelard by Gilson, Étienne
Heloise and Abelard by Gilson, Étienne
Growing up Catholic in the Twentieth Century: A 1940S - 1950S Memoir by Perone, S. P.
Aleister Crowley: Art of the Waste by Stewart, Roy Huteson
Growing up Catholic in the Twentieth Century: A 1940S - 1950S Memoir by Perone, S. P.
No Two Men Fight the Same War: One Griffin's Tale by Bond, Larry Allen
Miners, Milkers & Merchants: From the Swiss-Italian Alps to the Golden Hills of Australia and California by Geary, Marilyn L.
A Bunch of Everlastings, or Texts That Made History: A Volume of Sermons by Boreham, Frank W.
Alfred Nobel. Der Erfinder des Dynamits und Gründer der Nobelstiftung. Biographie by Hennig, Richard
Civil War Witnesses and Their Books: New Perspectives on Iconic Works by
A Gold Chain, a Wooden Leg, and a Treasure Chest: The True Story of Thomas Tew by Frick, Matthew
Openings of Providence: The Story of Missionary Anna Kay Scott by Henderson, Kathy Carman
Magellan: Der Mann und seine Tat by Zweig, Stefan
Out of the Third Reich: Refugee Historians in Post-War Britain by
Ein Pralles Leben Am Rand Und Mittendrin: Ich bin Alles, außer gewöhnlich by Schreiber, Angelika
Ein Pralles Leben Am Rand Und Mittendrin: Ich bin Alles, außer gewöhnlich by Schreiber, Angelika
Letters from Red Farm: The Untold Story of the Friendship Between Helen Keller and Journalist Joseph Edgar Chamberlin by Emerson, Elizabeth
Ozzy's Girls by Wallo Strauss, Terri
Selectively Lawless: The True Story Of Emmett Long, An American Original by Dunnington, Asa
In the Clouds: Voices of Pr'Line Mountain, Vietnam: 1970-1971 ... and Now by Menz Et Al, Robert L.
Hello, Chattanooga!: Famous People Who Have Visited the Tennessee Valley by Carroll, David
Hello, Chattanooga!: Famous People Who Have Visited the Tennessee Valley by Carroll, David
WW II POWs in America and Abroad: Astounding Facts about the Imprisonment of Military and Civilians During the War by Slaughter, Gary
Gerhart Hauptmann - Leben und Werk: Leben und Werk eines der bedeutendsten deutschen Vertreter des Naturalismus by Schlenther, Paul
Aus dem Kokon fliegt ein Schmetterling by Hero, Katharina
100 Jahre Schwimm-Club Wiking Herne 1921 e. V. by Piasecki, Peter, Tippmann, Michael
Down Along with That Devil's Bones: A Reckoning with Monuments, Memory, and the Legacy of White Supremacy by O'Neill, Connor Towne
Colonel Blood by Lawrence-Young, D.
A Boy on the Alcan: Up and Down the Alaska Highway by Byskal, R. L.
Seitenwechsel ins Ungewisse: Von einem, der auszog rüberzumachen by Metzner, Ulrich
Robert E. Lee: A Life by Guelzo, Allen C.
Seitenwechsel ins Ungewisse: Von einem, der auszog rüberzumachen by Metzner, Ulrich
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