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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historical Figures in 2023

Les Loisirs Du Chevalier D'eon De Beaumont ...: Sur Divers Sujets Importans D'administration, &c. Pendant Son Séjour En Angleterre; Volume 2 by
In Memoriam, Eben Norton Horsford. July Twenty-Seventh, 1818. January First, 1893 by
Il Gondoliere Dantista (Antonio Maschio) by Maschio, Antonio, Bianchini, Giuseppe
Sir Walter Raleigh, a Biography by Stebbing, W. 1832-1926
La premiére histoire en date de Jeanne d'Arc (1625-1630): histoire de la Pucelle d'Orléans: 1 by Dunand, Ph-H 1835-1912, Richer, Edmond
Tagebuch Des Erich Lassota Von Steblau: Nach Einer Handschrift Der Von Gersdorff-Weicha'schen Bibliothek Zu Bautzen Herausgegeben Und Mit Einleitung U by Von Steblau, Erich Lassota, Schottin, Reinhold
Julii Bernhards by Von Rohr, Julius Bernhard
The Life of Apollonius Tyanæus by Anonymous
The Memoirs of Joseph Fouché, Duke of Otranto; Volume 2 by Fouché, Joseph
Champollion Inconnu: Lettres Inédites by Champollion, Jean-François, de la Brière, Léon
The Life and Administration of Richard Earl of Bellomont by Peyster, Frederic De
Memorias do tempo passado e presente para lição dos vindouros; Volume 1 by
Joseph Bonaparte by Abbott, John Stevens Cabot
Journal Et Memoires Du Marquis D'Argenson by Rathery, E. J. B.
Charles Miner, A Pennsylvania Pioneer by Richardson, Charles Francis, Richardson, Elizabeth Miner Thomas
Sixty Years' Experience as an Irish Landlord; by White, Henry, Hamilton, John
D. Guillermo Ramón De Moncada, Gran Senescal De Cataluña: Bosquejo Histórico by Lluch, Antonio Rubió Y.
Biographical Memoirs of Wells County, Indiana, Embracing a Comprehensive Compendium of Local Biography--memoirs of Representative men and Women of the by Bowen, B. F.
The Most Remarkable Year in the Life of Augustus Von Kotzebue: Containing an Account of His Exile Into Siberia, and of the Other Extraordinary Events by Beresford, Benjamin, Von Kotzebue, August
Mémoires De Madame Du Hausset, Femme De Chambre De Madame De Pompadour: Et Extrait Des Mémoires Historique Et Littéraires De Bachaumont, De L'année 17 by D'Angerville, Mouffle, de Mairobert, Mathieu François Pidanzat, De Bachaumont, Louis Petit
Memoir of the Life and Correspondence of John, Lord Teignmouth by Teignmouth
The Life of Erasmus: More Particularly That Part of It Which He Spent in England, Wherein an Account Is Given of His Learned Friends, and t by Knight, Samuel
Sam Jones' Own Book by Jones, Sam Porter
Echoes From old Calcutta: Being Chiefly Reminscences of the Days of the Days of Warren Hastings, Francis and Impey by Busteed, H. E. 1833-1912
History of the Life and Reign of Richard the Third: To Which Is Added the Story of Perkin Warbeck by Gairdner, James
Memoir of the Late Henry Booth of the Liverpool and Manchester: And Afterwards of the London and North-Western Railway by Smiles, Robert
William Ross of Cowcaddens: A Memoir by Ross, John Murdoch Ebenezer
Life and Marvelous Adventures of Wild Bill The Scout by Buel, J. W.
Memoirs Of John Evelyn ... Comprising his Diary, From 1641-1705-6, and a Selection Of his Familiar Letters, to Which is Subjoined, the Private Corresp by Evelyn, John, Bray, William
Life of John Coleridge Patteson Missionary Bishop of the Melanesian Islands by Yonge, Charlotte Mary
Emma, Lady Hamilton; a Biographical Essay With a Catalogue of her Published Portraits by Baily, James Thomas Herbert
Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton, Including His Correspondence With the Queen and Other Distinguished Persons by Nicolas, Nicholas Harris
Memoir of the Proposed Territory of Arizona by Mowry, Sylvester
Thomas Jefferson, the Man of Letters by Boutell, Lewis Henry
Fragments de l'histoire de ma vie;: 01 by Ligne, Charles Joseph, Leuridant, Félicien
Recollections of John Jay Smith by Smith, Elizabeth Pearsall, Smith, John Jay
The Life, Exile, and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon by Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonné Las
Philip and Alexander of Macedon: Two Essays in Biography; Volume 2 by Hogarth, David George
The Life of Charles Follen by Follen, E. L.
La vie d'Ernest Psichari by Massis, Henri
Sampiero by Giuseppe *., Gallotti
The Letters of Lady M.W. Montagu During the Embassy to Constantinople, 1716-18 by Montagu, Mary Wortley
Briefe Der Kaiserin Maria Theresia an Ihre Kinder Und Freunde; Volume 2 by Anonymous
Prominent men; Scranton and Vicinity by
Un grand ministre de la marine, Colbert by La Roncière, Charles de
Memories of a Hundred Years, Volumes 1-2 by Hale, Edward Everett
Das Leben Mirabeaus by Stern, Alfred
Letters of Mrs. Adams, the Wife of John Adams; Volume 02 by Adams, John, Adams, Abigail, Adams, Charles Francis
Piusbuch: Papst Pius IX in seinem Leben und Wirken by Hülskamp, Franz
Della Vita E Degli Studi Di Domenico Capitelli, Presidente Del Parlamento Napoletano Del 1848 by Capitelli, Guglielmo
Columbus by Anonymous
Patrick Henry Life Correspondence and Speeches by Henry, William Wirt
The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Rev. and enl. With Portraits by Sloane, William Milligan
Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian era. Edited by J. Vyrnwy Morgan by Morgan, John Vyrnwy
The Life of Lorenzo De' Medici: Called the Magnificent; Volume 2 by Roscoe, William
Memoirs of Joseph Holt, General of the Irish Rebels in 1798, Ed. by T.C. Croker by Holt, Joseph
Une biographie Inédite de Bardesane L'astrologue by Nau, François F., Jacobite, Michael I.
The Life of Marie de Medicis, Queen of France, Consort of Henri IV, and Regent of the Kingdom Under Louis XIII; Volume 2 by Pardoe
Memoirs: Comprising His Diary, From 1641 To 1705/6 And A Selection Of His Familiar Letters: To Which Is Subjoined The Private C by Evelyn, John
The Dictionary of National Biography: Founded in 1882 by George Smith; Volume 1 by Lee, Sidney, Nicholls, C. S., Stephen, Leslie
Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles the First, King of England.; Volume II by Disraeli, Isaac
The Life And Works Of George Turbervile by Hankins, John Erskine
The Life and Character of Patrick Henry by Wirt, William
The Lives of Hernando Cortes, the Discoverer of Mexico: And Francisco Pizarro, the Conqueror of Peru by Anonymous
Memoir of Henry Armitt Brown, Together With Four Historical Orations: 1 by Hoppin, J. M. 1820-1906
Gründliche Nachricht von den zu Koppenhagen, am 17. Jan. 1772., vorgefallenen Begebenheiten, und entdeckten Verbrechen derer Grafen Struensee und Bran by Struensee, Johann Friedrich
Memorials of the Life and Letters of Major-General Sir Herbert B. Edwardes, K.C.B., K.C.S.I., D.C.L., of Oxford; Ll.D. of Cambridge; Volume 2 by Edwardes, Herbert Benjamin
Mémoires de Oudard Coquault, bourgeois de Reims, 1649-1668; Volume 1 by
Life of John D. Lee by Lee, John Doyle
Tacitus by Donne, William Bodham
Life and Letters of Benjamin Jowett Volume - II by About, Evelyn, Campbell, Lawis
Mémoires de madame Roland \; Volume 1 by
Memorials of the Professional Life and Times of Sir William Penn. [With] Character of a Trimmer, by Sir W. Coventry [Or Rather, by G. Savile]. Repr; V by Savile, George, Penn, William, Penn, Granville
Franz Joseph Gall by Möbius, Paul Julius
Sir Francis Bacon's own Story by DLC, George Fabyan Collection, Roe, John Elisha
Uzoni Béldi Pál, 1621-1679 by 1832-1888, Deák Farkas
The Writings of Benjamin Franklin; Volume 4 by Smyth, Albert Henry, Franklin, Benjamin
Recollections of my Mother, Mrs. Anne Jean Lyman, of Northampton: Being a Picture of Domestic and Social Life in New England in the First Half of the by Lesley, Susan Inches Lyman
Great men and Famous Women; a Series of pen and Pencil Sketches of the Lives of More Than 200 of the Most Prominent Personages in History ..; Volume 1 by Horne, Charles F. 1870-1942
Douglas Hyde [An Craoibhin Aoibhinn] by Coffey, Diarmid
A Sketch of the Life and Travels of Isaac Fenton King. With Some Incidents Connected With his Childhood by King, Isaac Fenton
Memoir of William Madison Peyton by Peyton, John Lewis, Peyton, William Madison
Family History of Lieut.-Colonel Frederick Füger by Anonumems
Alde Manuce Et L'hellénisme À Venise, Par A. Firmin-Didot, Rapport by Firmin-Didot, Ambroise, Quantin, Albert
Capt. W. F. Drannan, Chief of Scouts: As Pilot to Emigrant and Government Trains, Across the Plains of the Wild West of Fifty Years Ago by Drannan, William F.
Quellen und Untersuchungen zum Leben Gobineaus by Schemann, Ludwig
Napolean and Marie Louise, a Memoir by
The Life of Nathanael Greene; Volume 3 by Greene, George Washington
Captain John Smith by Forbes-Lindsay, C. H.
Parriana: Or Notices Of The Rev. Samuel Parr, Ll.d by Parr, Samuel
As a Tale That is Told; Recollections of Many Years by
Recollections of Massimo D'Azeglio by Azeglio, Massimo Taparelli, Maffei, Andrea
Erinnerungen by Max Zschommler, Ed, Mosen, Julius
Vincent de Gournay by Schelle, Gustave
Memoir of the Chisholm by Anderson, James Stuart Murray
The Journal of Elizabeth Lady Holland (1791-1811); Volume 2 by Holland, Elizabeth Vassall Fox
Baughman, the Oklahoma Scout: Personal Reminiscences by Baughman, Theodore
Words of Abraham Lincoln by Lincoln, Abraham
Johann von Werth im nächsten zusammenhange mit der Zeitgeschichte by Barthold, Friedrich Wilhelm
Letters of Mrs. Adams by Adams, Abigail, Adams, John Quincy, Former Ow, Adams, Charles Francis
Warren Hastings by
Jeanne D'Arc; her Life and Death by Oliphant, 1828-1897
Letters to his Son by
Diary Of Philip Hone: 1828-1851; Volume 1 by Hone, Philip
Une Année De La Vie De L'empereur Napoléon: Ou Precis Historique De Tout Ce Qui S'est Passé Depuis Le 1Er Avril 1814 Jusqu'au 20 Mars 1815, Relatif À by Monier, A. D. B.
Le Vicomte De Mirabeau (Mirabeau-Tonneau) 1754-1792: Années De Jeunesse; L'assemblée Constituante; L'émigration by Berger, Eugéne
The Letters and Papers of Caswallader Colden by Colden, Cadwallader
A Memoir of Mrs. Mary Ferrier Including Sketches of a Brother-in-Law and Sister by Of the Family, Member
Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier: Twelve Years Sporting Reminiscences of an Indigo Planter by Inglis, James
Biographies of Working Men by Allen, Grant
Experiences of Pioneer Life in the Early Settlements and Cities of the West by Walker, James Barr
Mémoires Du Duc De Sully by de Sully, Maximilien Béthune
La Giovinezza Di Coluccio Salutati (1331-1353): Saggio Di Un Libro Sopra La Vita, Le Opere, I Tempi Di Coluccio Salutati... by Novati, Francesco
The Cambridge "Apostles" by Brookfield, Frances Mary
Memoirs of Henry Richard, the Apostle of Peace by Appleton, Lewis
Mémoires De Joseph Garibaldi... by Dumas, Alexandre, Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Skillmans of New York by Skillman, Francis
Eulogius Schneider's Ehemaligen Professors in Bonn. by Cotta, Christoph Friedrich
Robert E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy, 1807-1870 by White, Henry Alexander
La Marquise De Barol, Sa Vie Et Ses Oeuvres: Suivies D'une Notice Sur Silvio Pellico by Melun, Armand Marie Joachim
English Biography by Dunn, Waldo Hilary
Isaac Rousseau, Le Père De Jean-jacques... by Ritter, Eugène
Della Vita E Delle Opere Di Pietro Della Vigna by De Blasiis, Giuseppe
Don Esteban: Or, Memoirs of a Spaniard; Volume II by Gutiérrez, Valentín Llanos
Einhardi Vita Karoli Imperatoris... by
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great: Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Scientists; Volume 12 by Hubbard, Elbert
Memoirs of Louis XIV and the Regency; Volume II by Saint-Simon, Duke Of
Pioneer Recollections by Mevis, Daniel Stafford
Memini, Or Reminiscences of Irish Life by Morris, Maurice O'Connor
Herzog Ernst by Bartsch, Karl
Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin; Volume 2 by Franklin, William Temple, Franklin, Benjamin, Duane, William
Famous Frontiersmen, Pioneers and Scouts; the Vanguards of American Civilization. Including Boone, Crawford, Girty, Molly Finney, the McCulloughs. Cap by Cattermole, E. G.
Mémoires De Lord Clarendon: Grand-Chancelier D'angleterre Sous Le Règne De Charles Ii. by Clarendon, Edward Hyde
Mémoires Authentiques De Maximilien De Robespierre: Ornés De Son Portrait, Et De Fac Simile De Son Écriture Extraits De Ses Mémoires; Volume 2 by Robespierre, Maximilien
An American in Germany by Pattou, Edith Eltin
Portalis sa vie et ses Oeuvres by Anonymous
Charles-Maurice Le Tellier: Archevêque-Duc De Reims; Étude Sur Son Administration Et Son Influence by Gillet, Joseph
Memoir and Correspondence of Jeremiah Mason by Mason, Jeremiah
Vie Du Comte Félix De Mérode by Thonissen, Jean Joseph
Apontamentos Biographicos De Francisco De Paula D'Azeredo, Conde De Samodães by D'Azeredo Teixeira D'Aguilar, Francisco
Histoire De Law by Thiers, Adolphe
A Biographical Sketch of the Life and Character of Joseph Charles: In a Series of Letters to his Grandchildren by Charless, Charlotte Taylor Blow
Geschiedenis Van Het Leven, Character: En Lotgevallen Van Wijlen Willem Den Vijfden, Prinse Van Oranje En Nassau. Uit Echte Bronnen En Bescheiden Bije by
Life of John Sheddan, of Lochie by M'Intosh, William
Portrait and Biographical Album of Polk County, Iowa, Containing Full Page Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizen by
Life of Alexander Hamilton: A History of the Republic of the United States of America, As Traced in His Writings and in Those of His Contemporarie by Hamilton, John Church
Alexander Hamilton by Schouler, James
The Life of Gouverneur Morris, With Selections From His Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers by Sparks, Jared
The Life of James, First Duke of Ormonde, 1610-1688; by Burghclere
Memoirs of Barras, Member of the Directorate; Volume 3 by Barras, Paul, Duruy, George
Charles Bradlaugh, a Sketch of his Life and Work by Besant, Annie Wood
Souveniers Sur La Vie Privée Du Général Lafayette by Cloquet, Jules
Cooke or Cook by Cook, James
Die Fürstin Amalie von Gallitzin und ihre Freunde by Galland, Joseph
Biografias De Hombres Notables De Hispano-américa, Volume 1... by Azpurúa, Ramón
Fragmentos De Mis Memorias by Estévanez, Nicolás
The Worthies of Cumberland ...: George Graham, Abraham Fletcher, William Brownrigg, Edward Troughton, Rev. W. Pearson, Rev. Fearon Fallows, Robert Rig by Anonymous
Leven En Werken Van Willem Jansz. Blaeu. [With] Naschrift by Baudet, Pierre Joseph H.
Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honourable Sir James Mackintosh by Mackintosh, Robert James
The Life of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford and Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland; Volume 1 by Anonymous
Life of Col. David Crockett by Crockett, Davy
L'illustre Paisan Ou Mémoires Et Avantures De Daniel Moginié, Natif Du Village De Chézales, Au Canton De Berne, Bailliage De Moudon, Mort, À Agra, Le by Moginié, Daniel -.
Albrecht Von Eyb Und Die Frühzeit Des Deutschen Humanismus by Herrmann, Max
The Life of Major-General Sir Thomas Munro, Bart. and K.C.B., Late Governor of Madras: With Extracts From His Correspondence and Private Papers; Volum by Gleig, George Robert
Mary Jane Down South by Judson, Clara Ingram
Mémoires Du Vénitien J. Casanova De Seingalt: Extraits De Ses Manuscrits Originaux, Volumes 1-2 by Von Schütz, Wilhelm
Hervé De Donzy, Comte De Nevers... by Lespinasse, Reneé de
Memories and Anecdotes by Sanborn, Kate
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great: Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Reformers; Volume 09 by Hubbard, Elbert
Souvenirs d'une Ambassade en Espagne et en Portugal by Abrantès, Laure Junot
Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal by Montgomery, James, Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
Neue Nachrichten von dem berühmten Spanischen Arzte Michael Serveto, der zu Geneve ist verbrannt worden by Von Mosheim, Johann Lorentz
The Life of Thomas Lord Lyttelton by Frost, Thomas
Letters To Guy, By Lady Barker by
Gustaf Mauritz Armfelt: Studier Ur Armfelts Efterlemnade Papper Samt Andra Handskrifna Och Tryckta Källor by Tegnér, Elof
The Father of British Canada: A Chronicle of Carleton by Wood, William
Memoir Of Matthew Knight by Knight, Matthew
Men and Events of Forty Years: Autobiographical Reminiscences of an Active Career From 1850 to 1890 by Grinnell, Josiah Bushnell
The Life and Times of Henry Clay by Colton, Calvin
Erinnerungen: Gesammelt, Ergäntz Und Hrsg; Volume 3 by Von Ringseis, Johann Nepomuk
A Biographical Index of American Public Men by Madigan, Patrick F.
Life of Kit Carson by Burdett, Charles
A Tribute to the Memory of Alexander Milne by Vail, R. P. H.
Memorias de José da Cunha Brochado: Extrahidas das Suas Obras ineditas Por Mendes Dos Remedios by Da Cunha Brochado, José
Richard Hussey Vivia First Baron Vivian by Vivian, Claud
Mémoires by Pontis, Louis
El Gran Duque De Alba... by
Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson ..: With Original Anecdotes of Many of the Most Distinguished of His Contemporaries and a Summary Review of by Hutchinson, Lucy, Hutchinson, Julius
Memoirs of the Marquis of Pombal: With Extracts From His Writings, and From Despatches in the State Paper Office, Never Before Published; Volume 2 by Carnota, John Smith Athelstane
Mémoires De Saint-Simon; Volume 5 by de Boislisle, Jean Georges Léon Michel, Lecestre, Lèon, De Saint-Simon, Louis Rouvroy
The Story of Chinese Gordon; Volume 1 by Hake, Alfred Egmont
Vie De Napoléon, Par A.V. Arnault [And Others]. by Arnault, Antoine Vincent
David Howell, a Brief Memoir by Hughes, Hugh Joshua
People's Book of Biography: Or, Short Lives of the Most Interesting Persons of All Ages and Countries by Parton, James
The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte; Volume 5 by Hazlitt, William
Reminiscences of Captain Gronow, Anecdotes of the Camp, the Court, and the Clubs by Gronow, Rees Howell
Mémoires Du Prince De Talleyrand; Volume 3 by de Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice, De Broglie, Albert
Encyclopedia of Biography of Indiana: 2 by Reed, George Irving
Chr. W. Dohm: Der Gegner Der Physiokratie Und Seine Thesen by Rapaport, Mordché Wolf
Mémoires De Saint-Simon; Volume 4 by de Boislisle, Arthur André Gabriel Mich, Lecestre, Lèon, De Saint-Simon, Louis Rouvroy
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