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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historiography in 2005

Herbert Butterfield and the Interpretation of History by Sewell, K.
Rewriting the First World War: Lloyd George, Politics and Strategy 1914-1918 by Suttie, Andrew
History: Narration, Interpretation, Orientation by Rüsen, Jörn
History: Narration, Interpretation, Orientation by Rüsen, Jörn
Herbert Butterfield and the Interpretation of History by Sewell, K.
Civilization and Its Contents by Mazlish, Bruce
Civilization and Its Contents by Mazlish, Bruce
Postsocial History: An Introduction by Cabrera, Miguel A.
Narratives of Enlightenment: Cosmopolitan History from Voltaire to Gibbon by O'Brien, Karen
Sleuthing the Alamo: Davy Crockett's Last Stand and Other Mysteries of the Texas Revolution by Crisp, James E.
Sublime Historical Experience by Ankersmit, F. R.
Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge by Iggers, Georg G.
Temple Treasures Of Japan by Pier, Garrett Chatfield
Sublime Historical Experience by Ankersmit, F. R.
Citizen Indians: Native American Intellectuals, Race, and Reform by Maddox, Lucy
Cold War Us Foreign Policy: Key Perspectives by Hurst, Steven
The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in the History of Education by
Atlantic History: Concept and Contours by Bailyn, Bernard
The Cultural Turn in Late Ancient Studies: Gender, Asceticism, and Historiography by
Hans Rothfels Und Die Deutsche Zeitgeschichte by
Early Christian Interpretations of History by Milburn, R. L. P.
Sir Arthur Bryant and National History in Twentieth-Century Britain by Stapleton, Julia
What is History For? by Southgate, Beverley
What is History For? by Southgate, Beverley
Practicing History: New Directions in Historical Writing after the Linguistic Turn by
Practicing History: New Directions in Historical Writing after the Linguistic Turn by
History, Historians, & Autobiography by Popkin, Jeremy D.
The Touch of the Past: Remembrance, Learning and Ethics by Simon, R.
The Touch of the Past: Remembrance, Learning and Ethics by Simon, R.
Welt-Zeit: Christliche Weltchronistik Aus Zwei Jahrtausenden in Beständen Der Thüringer Universitäts- Und Landesbibliothek Jena by
Greece and Italy: Ancient Roots & New Beginnings by American Italian Historical Association
Greece and Italy: Ancient Roots & New Beginnings by American Italian Historical Association
Narration, Identity, and Historical Consciousness by
Toward a Global Community of Historians: The International Historical Congresses and the International Committee of Historical Sciences, 1898-2000 by
A Sentimental Murder by Brewer, John
Unsolved History: Investigating Mysteries of the Past by Nickell, Joe
Vollenhoven's Problem-Historical Method: Introduction and Explorations by Bril, Kornelis A., Bril, K. A.
Building New Bridges - Bâtir de Nouveaux Ponts: Sources, Methods and Interdisciplinarity - Sources, Méthodes Et Interdisciplinarité by
Using History by Black, Jeremy
The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in the History of Education by
Von der Palaeobiologie zum biologischen Traegheitsgesetz: Herausbildung und Festigung eines neuen palaeontologischen Denkstils bei Othenio Abel, 1907- by Khittel, Stefan R. F.
The River of History: Trans-National and Trans-Disciplinary Perspectives on the Immanence of the Past by
Charters and Charter Scholarship in Britain and Ireland by
Charters and Charter Scholarship in Britain and Ireland by
Law in the Liberal Arts by
Theodor Mommsen - Wissenschaft und Politik im 19. Jahrhundert by
More Ghost Towns of Texas by Baker, T. Lindsay
Whither the Early Republic: A Forum on the Future of the Field by
Chronicle of the Pulitzer Prizes for History by
Henry Adams and the Need to Know by
The Imagined Island: History, Identity, and Utopia in Hispaniola by San Miguel, Pedro L.
History and Geography in Late Antiquity by Merrills, A. H.
Remembering: Oral History Performance by
Fragrant Harbours - Distant Rivers by Downes, John T.
The French Revolution: Recent Debates and New Controversies by
The French Revolution: Recent Debates and New Controversies by
Memory, History, Nation: Contested Pasts by Radstone, Susannah
Historics: Why History Dominates Contemporary Society by Davies, Martin L.
Historics: Why History Dominates Contemporary Society by Davies, Martin L.
History and Social Theory by Burke, Peter
History and Social Theory by Burke, Peter
The Narrators of Barbarian History (A.D. 550-800): Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede, and Paul the Deacon by Goffart, Walter
The Narrators of Barbarian History (A.D. 550-800): Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede, and Paul the Deacon by Goffart, Walter
The Routledge Companion to Historical Studies by Munslow, Alun
The Routledge Companion to Historical Studies by Munslow, Alun
Historians in Public: The Practice of American History, 1890-1970 by Tyrrell, Ian
Historiography and Self-Definition: Josephos, Luke-Acts, and Apologetic Historiography by Sterling, Gregory E.
Rewriting the First World War: Lloyd George, Politics and Strategy 1914-1918 by Suttie, Andrew