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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historiography in 2007

Globalizing American History: The AHA Guide to Re-Imagining the U.S. Survey Course by
Writing the Nation: A Global Perspective by Berger, Stefan
She Would Not Be Moved: How We Tell the Story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott by Brown, Cynthia Stokes, Kohl, Herbert R.
Book of Settlements: Landnamabok by
The Moose Book: Facts And Stories From Northern Forests by Merrill, Samuel
Writing the Holocaust: Identity, Testimony, Representation by Waxman, Zoe V.
Beyond the Border: The German-Jewish Legacy Abroad by Aschheim, Steven
The Theft of History by Goody, Jack
Judgements on History and Historians by Burckhardt, Jacob
Inside the Confederate Nation: Essays in Honor of Emory M. Thomas by
Parallel Source Problems in Medieval History by Duncalf, Frederic, Krey, August C.
Historical Knowledge, Historical Error: A Contemporary Guide to Practice by Megill, Allan
Darwin's Coat-Tails: Essays on Social Darwinism by Crook, Paul
Reinterpreting Islamic Historiography: Harun Al-Rashid and the Narrative of the Abbasid Caliphate by El-Hibri, Tayeb
The Best American History Essays 2007 by Na, Na
The Best American History Essays 2007 by Na, Na
The House in the Garden: The Bakunin Family and the Romance of Russian Idealism by Randolph, John
Mediaeval Islamic Historiography and Political Legitimacy: Bal'ami's Tarikhnamah by Peacock, Andrew
The Enemies of Christopher Columbus by Bowden, Thomas A.
The Occult Mind: Magic in Theory and Practice by Lehrich, Christopher I.
Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual Biography by Brown, David S.
Historians in Trouble: Plagiarism, Fraud, and Politics in the Ivory Tower by Wiener, Jon
The Poetry Of Badenoch by
The History of English Poetry: From the Close of the Eleventh to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century V1 by Warton, Thomas
Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the Claims of Memory by
Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the Claims of Memory by
Thucydides and Internal War by Price, Jonathan J.
Sceptical History: Feminist and Postmodern Approaches in Practice by Bowen Raddeker, Hélène
The Unquiet Western Front: Britain's Role in Literature and History by Bond, Brian
Historical Evidence and Argument by Henige, David
The Historian's Craft in the Age of Herodotus by
Creative Pasts: Historical Memory and Identity in Western India, 1700-1960 by Deshpande, Prachi
Palgrave Advances in Witchcraft Historiography by
Palgrave Advances in Witchcraft Historiography by
Sceptical History: Feminist and Postmodern Approaches in Practice by Bowen Raddeker, Hélène
Herbert Spencer and the Invention of Modern Life by Francis, Mark
Meistererzählungen Vom Mittelalter: Epochenimaginationen Und Verlaufsmuster in Der PRAXIS Mediävistischer Disziplinen by
The Early Byzantine Historians by Treadgold, W.
The Early Byzantine Historians by Treadgold, W.
Three Historians of Alexander the Great by Hammond, N. G. L.
Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works of Henry Thomas Buckle V1 by Buckle, Henry Thomas
Travels On The Shores Of The Baltic: Extended To Moscow by Hill, S. S.
Slavonic Literature: The Dawn Of European Literature by Morfill, W. R.
Iconic Events: Media, Politics, and Power in Retelling History by Leavy, Patricia
Iconic Events: Media, Politics, and Power in Retelling History by Leavy, Patricia
The American Research University from World War II to World Wide Web: Governments, the Private Sector, and the Emerging Meta-University Volume 1 by Vest, Charles M.
Rethinking Poles and Jews: Troubled Past, Brighter Future by
Rethinking Poles and Jews: Troubled Past, Brighter Future by
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography by Liverani, Mario
Times of History: Universal Topics in Islamic Historiography by Al-Azmeh, Aziz
Politics and History in the Tenth Century: The Work and World of Richer of Reims by Jason, Glenn, Glenn, Jason
Past Imperfect: Facts, Fictions, Fraud American History from Bancroft and Parkman to Ambrose, Bellesiles, Ellis, and Goodwin by Hoffer, Peter Charles
Writing the Nation: A Global Perspective by Berger, Stefan
Writing the Nation: A Global Perspective by Berger, Stefan
The Great Tradition: Constitutional History and National Identity in Britain and the United States, 1870-1960 by Brundage, Anthony, Cosgrove, Richard a.
Slavonic Literature: The Dawn Of European Literature by Morfill, W. R.
Brazilian Literature by Goldberg, Isaac
Paisley Weavers Of Other Days: The Pen Folk by Gilmour, David
Cultural History by Green, Anna
Rethinking Modernity: Postcolonialism and the Sociological Imagination by Bhambra, G.
Gendering Modern German History: Rewriting Historiography by
Bandits, Captives, Heroines, and Saints: Cultural Icons of Mexico's Northwest Borderlands Volume 20 by Irwin, Robert McKee
Henry Adams and the Making of America by Wills, Garry
Hookey Miller: And the Last Days of the Old West by Hall, Wesley E.
Shaping History: Narratives of Political Change by Andrews, Molly
Sources for Alexander the Great: An Analysis of Plutarch's 'Life' and Arrian's 'Anabasis Alexandrou' by Hammond, N. G. L.
Shaping History: Narratives of Political Change by Andrews, Molly
History and Revolution: Refuting Revisionism by
The Prairie West as Promised Land by
History Matters: Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism by Bennett, Judith M.
The History of Kuwait by Casey, Michael S.
Historiography: An Introduction by Parker, Christopher, Spalding, Roger
The Portable Obituary: How the Famous, Rich, and Powerful Really Died by Largo, Michael
The President and His Biographer: Woodrow Wilson and Ray Stannard Baker by Peterson, Merrill D.
Remembering a Massacre in El Salvador: The Insurrection of 1932, Roque Dalton, and the Politics of Historical Memory by Ching, Erik, Lara-Martínez, Rafael A., Lindo-Fuentes, Héctor
Representation and Identity from Versailles to the Present: The Performing Subject by Sikes, A.
Thinking about Oral History: Theories and Applications by
What Reconstruction Meant: Historical Memory in the American South by Baker, Bruce E.
Erfolg und Scheitern der Hegar-Operation: Eine wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Untersuchung ueber die Kastration der Frau im 19. Jahrhundert by Jung, Jette
Beyond the Canon: History for the Twenty-First Century by
The Myth of the Eastern Front by Davies, LL Edward J., Smelser, Ronald
History in the Making: An Absorbing Look at How American History Has Changed in the Telling Over the Last 200 Years by Ward, Kyle
The New South: New Histories by Harris, J. William
The New South: New Histories by Harris, J. William
Sustaining Identity, Recapturing Heritage: Exploring Issues of Public History, Tourism, and Race in a Southern Rural Town by Denkler, Ann E.
Augustine and History by
Augustine and History by
The Debate on the American Revolution by Morgan, Gwenda
The Debate on the American Revolution by Morgan, Gwenda
In Command of History: Churchill Fighting and Writing the Second World War by Reynolds, David
The Myth of the Eastern Front by Davies LL, Edward J., Smelser, Ronald
History Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression by Meir-Levi, David
On Deep History and the Brain by Smail, Daniel Lord
Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference - New Edition by Chakrabarty, Dipesh
Unthinking the Greek Polis: Ancient Greek History Beyond Eurocentrism by Vlassopoulos, Kostas
Modernizing Joan of Arc: Conceptions, Costumes, and Canonization by Dolgin, Ellen Ecker
Sensory History: An Introduction by Smith, Mark
Meaning and Representation in History by
Historiography: Ancient, Medieval, & Modern by Breisach, Ernst
Remember Hungary 1956: Essays on the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence in American Memory by Glant, Tibor
Chaucer and the Making of Optical Space by Brown, Peter
The Trophies of Time: English Antiquarians of the Seventeenth Century by Parry, Graham
Children and Sexuality: From the Greeks to the Great War by
Gestaltung und Funktion der Reden bei Herodot und Thukydides by Scardino, Carlo
The Headless State: Aristocratic Orders, Kinship Society, & Misrepresentations of Nomadic Inner Asia by Sneath, David
Misconceptions about the Middle Ages by
The Conquest of History: Spanish Colonialism and National Histories in the Nineteenth Century by Schmidt-Nowara, Christopher