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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historiography in 2015

The Nature and the Study of History by
The Search for a Usable Past and Other Essays in Historiography by Commager, Henry Steele
The Search for a Usable Past and Other Essays in Historiography by Commager, Henry Steele
Was America A Mistake? by
Was America A Mistake? by
The Nature and the Study of History by
The Study of History by Commager, Henry Steele
History and Causality by Hewitson, M.
The Age of Asa: Lord Briggs, Public Life and History in Britain Since 1945 by
Postnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography by Kuukkanen, J.
Tailoring Truth: Memory Politics and Historical Consciousness in East Germany, 1945-1990 by Olsen, Jon Berndt
History Teaching by Carpenter, P.
Darius in the Shadow of Alexander by Briant, Pierre
Hi Hitler! by Rosenfeld, Gavriel D.
Hi Hitler! by Rosenfeld, Gavriel D.
The Holocaust and the West German Historians: Historical Interpretation and Autobiographical Memory by Berg, Nicolas
Die Palimpsestphotographie: Ein Beitrag Zu Den Philologisch-Historischen Hilfswissenschaften by
Imagining Xerxes: Ancient Perspectives on a Persian King by Bridges, Emma
Exploration: A Very Short Introduction by Weaver, Stewart A.
The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 1768 to 1913: The Long Nineteenth Century by Gallant, Thomas W.
The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 1768 to 1913: The Long Nineteenth Century by Gallant, Thomas W.
Fighting Over the Founders: How We Remember the American Revolution by Schocket, Andrew M.
Commemorating the Irish Famine: Memory and the Monument by Mark-Fitzgerald, Emily
The Danburg Diary: Based Upon the Massacre at Moore's Ford Bridge... The last mass lynching in America by Powell, T. a.
Autobiography of an Archive: A Scholar's Passage to India by Dirks, Nicholas
Autobiography of an Archive: A Scholar's Passage to India by Dirks, Nicholas
Toyin Falola and African Epistemologies by Bangura, A.
Regimes of Historicity: Presentism and Experiences of Time by Hartog, François
Auschwitz Report by de Benedetti, Leonardo, Levi, Primo
Formation of the Party Elite Altai Krai in the Context of the History of the Soviet State 1930-1950 Gg.: Monograph by Golovinova, G61 U. V.
The Dimensions of Quantitative Research in History by Bogue, Allan G., Aydelotte, William O., Fogel, Robert William
Debating Archaeological Empiricism: The Ambiguity of Material Evidence by
Key Issues in Historical Theory by Paul, Herman
Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History by Trouillot, Michel-Rolph
Key Issues in Historical Theory by Paul, Herman
Empire's Twin: U.S. Anti-Imperialism from the Founding Era to the Age of Terrorism by
The Impact of History?: Histories at the Beginning of the 21st Century by Taithe, Bertrand, Ramos Pinto, Pedro
Empire's Twin: U.S. Anti-Imperialism from the Founding Era to the Age of Terrorism by
Alexander Von Humboldt / Johann David Erdmann Preuß, Briefwechsel by
Critical Music Historiography: Probing Canons, Ideologies and Institutions by Mantere, Markus, Kurkela, Vesa
The Distortion of America by Handlin, Oscar
The Impact of History?: Histories at the Beginning of the 21st Century by Ramos Pinto, Pedro, Taithe, Bertrand
The Enlightenment: History of an Idea - Updated Edition by Ferrone, Vincenzo
Shakespeare and Saturn: Accounting for Appearances by Usher, Peter D.
Theatre/Performance Historiography: Time, Space, Matter by
Theatre/Performance Historiography: Time, Space, Matter by
Late Ancient Knowing: Explorations in Intellectual History by
Global Intellectual History by
Big History and the Future of Humanity by Spier, Fred
Barbarism and Religion by Pocock, J. G. a.
Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither?: Three Views on the Bible's Earliest Chapters by
The French Historical Revolution: The Annales School, 1929-2014, Second Edition by Burke, Peter
The Professionalization of History in English Canada by Wright, Donald A.
Yo, Manuel Azaña: Tomo la palabra by Canovas, Francisco
The Rapture Trail: Chronicling the Historical Path of the Christian Rapture by Moore, Paul James
Changing the Immutable: How Orthodox Judaism Rewrites Its History by Shapiro, Marc B.
A Sarong for Clio: Essays on the Intellectual and Cultural History of Thailand--Inspired by Craig J. Reynolds by
A Sarong for Clio: Essays on the Intellectual and Cultural History of Thailand--Inspired by Craig J. Reynolds by
Using Film as a Source by Barber, Sian
Forgetting Differences: Tragedy, Historiography, and the French Wars of Religion by Frisch, Andrea
Postnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography by Kuukkanen, J.
The Familiar Made Strange: American Icons and Artifacts After the Transnational Turn by
The Familiar Made Strange: American Icons and Artifacts After the Transnational Turn by
Between a Rock and Hard Places: Our Journey Before and 50 Years Beyond the 1957 Merger of the United Church of Christ by Anderson D. Min, Pamel
Barbarism and Religion by Pocock, J. G. a.
L'historiographie tardo-antique et la transmission des savoirs by
'A New Type of History': Fictional Proposals for Dealing with the Past by Southgate, Beverley
Philosophy of History After Hayden White by
Reclaiming a Stolen Heritage: The Story of the MacNeills of Brevig, Isle of Barra, Western Isles, Scotland by McGurk, William S.
The Politics of War Commemoration in the UK and Russia by Danilova, Nataliya
Visionen und Illusionen: Beitraege zur 11. Arbeitstagung schwedischer Germanistinnen und Germanisten Text im Kontext in Goeteborg am 4./5. Apri by
Geschichte: Eine Theorie by Metz, Karl Heinz
Wissensproduktion und koloniale Herrschaftslegitimation an den Koelner Hochschulen: Ein Beitrag zur Dezentralisierung der deutschen Kolonialwissenscha by Horstmann, Anne-Kathrin
Clio's Battles: Historiography in Practice by Black, Jeremy
Clio's Battles: Historiography in Practice by Black, Jeremy
Transnational Challenges to National History Writing by
Transnational Challenges to National History Writing by
At Home and Abroad; Or, Things and Thoughts in America and Europe. by Fuller Ossoli, Margaret
The Soviet Past in the Post-Socialist Present: Methodology and Ethics in Russian, Baltic and Central European Oral History and Memory Studies by
Land und Landeshistoriographie by Neitmann, Klaus
The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 1453 to 1768: The Ottoman Empire by Greene, Molly
The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 1453 to 1768: The Ottoman Empire by Greene, Molly
Erratum of the Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis by
Historical Justice and Memory by
The history of antiquity Vol V by Duncker, Max
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Swastikas, Nazis, Pledge of Allegiance Lies Exposed by Rex Curry and Francis & Edward Bellamy: the Dead Writers Club & by Crypto, Matt, Institute, Pointer, Curry Esq, Rex
Peter Hoffmann - Studien zur Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte sowie zu den deutsch-russischen Beziehungen des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts: Gesammelte by
Other Pasts, Different Presents, Alternative Futures by Black, Jeremy
Other Pasts, Different Presents, Alternative Futures by Black, Jeremy
Marxist Historiographies: A Global Perspective by
Remaking History: The Past in Contemporary Historical Fictions by de Groot, Jerome
Remaking History: The Past in Contemporary Historical Fictions by de Groot, Jerome
Marxist Historiographies: A Global Perspective by
Writing History in the Global Era by Hunt, Lynn
Theoretical Perspectives on Historians' Autobiographies: From Documentation to Intervention by Aurell, Jaume
Weird Wessex: A Tourist Guide to 100 Strange and Unusual Sights by Jackson, Paul, May, Andrew
Beyond Memory: Silence and the Aesthetics of Remembrance by
Narrating the City: Histories, Space, and the Everyday by
Christian Historiography: Five Rival Versions by Green, Jay D.
Medieval Islamic Historiography: Remembering Rebellion by Keaney, Heather N.
Must We Divide History Into Periods? by Le Goff, Jacques
Guardians of the Tradition: Historians and Historical Writing in Ethiopia and Eritrea by de Lorenzi, James
New Paths to Public Histories by Finn, Margot, Smith, Kate
Imagining Xerxes: Ancient Perspectives on a Persian King by Bridges, Emma
How History Works: The Reconstitution of a Human Science by Davies, Martin
The Use and Abuse of History by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Herodotus and Greek History (Routledge Revivals) by Hart, John
Braudel Revisited: The Mediterranean World 1600-1800 by Piterberg, Gabriel, Ruiz, Teofilo F., Symcox, Geoffrey
HimmelsKartenWissen: Fruehneuzeitliche Kartierungen des Himmels im Kontext einer theatralen Wissenskultur by Howitz, Juliane
Scripting Revolution: A Historical Approach to the Comparative Study of Revolutions by
The South African Gandhi: Stretcher-Bearer of Empire by Vahed, Goolem, Desai, Ashwin
Scripting Revolution: A Historical Approach to the Comparative Study of Revolutions by
The South African Gandhi: Stretcher-Bearer of Empire by Vahed, Goolem, Desai, Ashwin
History, Ethics, and the Recognition of the Other: A Levinasian View on the Writing of History by Froeyman, Anton
The Transformation and Decline of the British Empire: Decolonisation After the First World War by Mawby, Spencer
Wikipedia und Geschichtswissenschaft by
The McLanes - A New Hampshire Clan by Collins, Ronald W.
The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Philosophy by
The Partition of Bengal by SenGupta, Debjani
Reading Nature's Book: Galileo and the Birth of Modern Philosophy by Ablondi, Fred
The Observable: Heisenberg's Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics by Heelan, Patrick Aidan
Chronographiae Quae Theophanis Continuati Nomine Fertur Libri I-IV: Recensuerunt Anglice Verterunt Indicibus Instruxerunt Michael Featherstone Et Juan by
The Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad's Life and the Beginnings of Islam by Shoemaker, Stephen J.
Medieval Jews and the Christian Past: Jewish Historical Consciousness in Spain and Southern France by Ben-Shalom, Ram
Constructing a Legacy: The Weitz Company and the Family who Built it by Friedricks, William B.
Edinburgh German Yearbook 9: Archive and Memory in German Literature and Visual Culture by
Remembering America: How We Have Told Our Past by Samuel, Lawrence R.
The Orange Trees of Marrakesh: Ibn Khaldun and the Science of Man by Dale, Stephen Frederic
Bon Papa by Diederich, Bernard
Toyin Falola and African Epistemologies by Bangura, A.
The Gongyang Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals: A Full Translation by
Faux Past 2: A 2nd Book of False History: Another 50 World Famous Events That Most Likely Never Happened by Ferry, Don M.
The Historiography of Transition: Critical Phases in the Development of Modernity (1494-1973) by
The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society by Gregory, Brad S.
The Oral History Reader by
Open Source Archaeology by
Murder in the Foresta Umbra: The continuing saga of Bishop Castropietro in Italy during the Settecento by Lopriore Cariglia, Francescantonio
Nationalism in Europe Since 1945 by Gerrits, André
Feminist Epistemologies by
Theatre History and Historiography: Ethics, Evidence and Truth by Cochrane, Claire
The Past is a Foreign Country - Revisited by Lowenthal, David
The Italian Renaissance in the German Historical Imagination, 1860-1930 by Ruehl, Martin A.
The Past is a Foreign Country - Revisited by Lowenthal, David
Medizin und Sprache - die Sprache der Medizin: Medycyna i język - język medycyny by
The Second Generation: Émigrés from Nazi Germany as Historianswith a Biobibliographic Guide by
Modernity's Mist: British Romanticism and the Poetics of Anticipation by Rohrbach, Emily
George Washington Written Upon the Land: Nature, Memory, Myth, and Landscape by Levy, Philip
George Washington Written Upon the Land: Nature, Memory, Myth, and Landscape by Levy, Philip
Modernity's Mist: British Romanticism and the Poetics of Anticipation by Rohrbach, Emily
Landrechtsentwurf fuer Oesterreich unter der Enns 1573 by
Thucydides and Political Order: Concepts of Order and the History of the Peloponnesian War by
I Cavalieri del Tempio: romanzo storico by Delli Santi, Giuseppe Carlo
How History Matters to Philosophy: Reconsidering Philosophy's Past After Positivism by Scharff, Robert C.
The Last Hindu Emperor: Prithviraj Chauhan and the Indian Past, 1200-2000 by Talbot, Cynthia
Liberty, Property and Popular Politics: England and Scotland, 1688-1815. Essays in Honour of H. T. Dickinson by
What Is Intellectual History? by Whatmore, Richard
Subjekte im Experiment: Zu Wilhelm Wundts Programm einer objektiven Psychologie by Binder, Nora
Writing the Lives of People and Things, AD 500-1700: A Multi-disciplinary Future for Biography by
Images Performing History: Photography and Representations of the Past in European Art After 1989 by Ruchel-Stockmans, Katarzyna
Water, Towns and People: Polish Lands against a European Background until the Mid-16th Century by Sowina, Urszula
Using Non-Textual Sources: A Historian's Guide by Armstrong, Catherine
Using Non-Textual Sources: A Historian's Guide by Armstrong, Catherine
Modern Naval History: Debates and Prospects by Harding, Richard
Modern Naval History: Debates and Prospects by Harding, Richard
Letters Across Borders: The Epistolary Practices of International Migrants by
Canadian Historical Writing: Reading the Remains by Hulan, R.
The New Atheist Denial of History by Painter, B.
What Is the History of Knowledge? by Burke, Peter
History and Cultural Theory by Gunn, Simon
What Is the History of Knowledge? by Burke, Peter
Founders, Classics, Canons: Modern Disputes Over the Origins and Appraisal of Sociology's Heritage by Baehr, Peter