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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historiography in 2018

The Siege of Vukovar by Maric, Anica, Nazor, Ante
Altamira, de la cueva al turismo (1921-1996) by B. C., Lorena
Telling It Like It Wasn't: The Counterfactual Imagination in History and Fiction by Gallagher, Catherine
Telling Environmental Histories: Intersections of Memory, Narrative and Environment by
An Historical Sketch of Chinese Historiography by Wu, Huaiqi
The Language of the Past by Wilson, Ross
The History of Emotions by Boddice, Rob
Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil War: History, Fiction, Photography by Faber, Sebastiaan
Killing Orders: Talat Pasha's Telegrams and the Armenian Genocide by Akçam, Taner
Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil War: History, Fiction, Photography by Faber, Sebastiaan
What Is History Really About?: Reflections on Theory and Practicereflections on Theory and Practice by Burke, Peter
What Is History Really About?: Reflections on Theory and Practicereflections on Theory and Practice by Burke, Peter
Comparative Area Studies: Methodological Rationales and Cross-Regional Applications by
Making Black History: The Color Line, Culture, and Race in the Age of Jim Crow by Snyder, Jeffrey Aaron
Making Black History: The Color Line, Culture, and Race in the Age of Jim Crow by Snyder, Jeffrey Aaron
History After Hobsbawm: Writing the Past for the Twenty-First Century by
Shiloh, The Deception of a Cult (1862-1951): Revised 2nd Edition by Elcik, Eugene
The Greek 'Deep State': Paramilitary murders and fake terrorism by Gelis, Vn
What Is the History of the Book? by Raven, James
Die grossserbische Aggression auf Kroatien in den 1990ern by Nazor, Ante
What Is the History of the Book? by Raven, James
The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story by Baroud, Ramzy
Doing Conceptual History in Africa by
The Aesthetics and Politics of Global Hunger by
A Short History of Western Ideology: A Critical Account by Petri, Rolf
Global History, Globally: Research and Practice Around the World by
New Directions in Social and Cultural History by
Global History, Globally: Research and Practice Around the World by
Baptist History in England and America: Personalities, Positions, and Practices by Beale, David
Ecocriticism And Environment: Rethinking Literature and Culture by
The Politics of Rights and the 1911 Revolution in China by Zheng, Xiaowei
The Politics of Rights and the 1911 Revolution in China by Zheng, Xiaowei
Truth in History by Handlin, Oscar
History and Historiography: From Ancient to Modern World by
L'année des fantômes by Julliard-J
What Is China?: Territory, Ethnicity, Culture, and History by Ge, Zhaoguang
Epistemology, Ethics, and Meaning in Unusually Personal Scholarship by Esping, Amber
Belmont, NC Then & Now by Trull, Carrol William
Soziale Gruppen und Identitätspraktiken by
Social Movements, Memory and Media: Narrative in Action in the Italian and Spanish Student Movements by Zamponi, Lorenzo
Critically Mediterranean: Temporalities, Aesthetics, and Deployments of a Sea in Crisis by
The Art of History: A Study of Four Great Historians of the Eighteenth Century by Black, J. B.
Perspectives on History by Dray, William
Between Memory and History by
Studies in the Nature and Teaching of History by
The Use of History by Rowse, A. L.
History As A Science by Taylor, Hugh
History and Liberty: The Historical Writings of Benedetto Croce by Caponigri, A. R.
History and Historical Research by Crump, C. G.
A Theory of History by Heller, Agnes
History and Totality: Radical Historicism From Hegel to Foucault by Grumley, John
Rethinking the Irish Diaspora: After the Gathering by
The Indonesian Genocide of 1965: Causes, Dynamics and Legacies by
Violence and Order on the Chengdu Plain: The Story of a Secret Brotherhood in Rural China, 1939-1949 by Wang, Di
Violence and Order on the Chengdu Plain: The Story of a Secret Brotherhood in Rural China, 1939-1949 by Wang, Di
Emotionen: Beitraege zur 12. Arbeitstagung schwedischer Germanistinnen und Germanisten Text im Kontext in Visby 2016 by
The Law of Blood: Thinking and Acting as a Nazi by Chapoutot, Johann
Studying Gender in Medieval Europe: Historical Approaches by Skinner, Patricia
Ego-Histories of France and the Second World War: Writing Vichy by
Studying Gender in Medieval Europe: Historical Approaches by Skinner, Patricia
The Transgenerational Consequences of the Armenian Genocide: Near the Foot of Mount Ararat by Holslag, Anthonie
Models from the Past in Roman Culture by Roller, Matthew B.
Aus Zwei Jahrtausenden Deutscher Geschichte: Zusammengefaßte Darstellungen der großen Entscheidungen Deutscher Geschichte von Cäsar bis Bismarck by Ranke, Leopold Von
A Guide to Reading Herodotus' Histories by Sheehan, Sean
Islamic History and Law: From the 4th to the 11th Century and Beyond by Bsoul, Labeeb Ahmed
War Stories: The War Memoir in History and Literature by
The Varieties of Temporal Experience: Travels in Philosophical, Historical, and Ethnographic Time by Jackson, Michael D.
The Varieties of Temporal Experience: Travels in Philosophical, Historical, and Ethnographic Time by Jackson, Michael D.
Revisiting Gender in European History, 1400-1800 by
Poetry for Historians: Or, W. H. Auden and History by Steedman, Carolyn
Amnesia and the Nation: History, Forgetting, and James Joyce by Cheng, Vincent J.
Weltgeschichtliche Betrachtungen: Über Studium der Geschichte by Burckhardt, Jacob
Postcards from Auschwitz: Holocaust Tourism and the Meaning of Remembrance by Reynolds, Daniel P.
Towards a New Ethnohistory: Community-Engaged Scholarship Among the People of the River by
Towards a New Ethnohistory: Community-Engaged Scholarship Among the People of the River by
Napoleon Bonaparte: An Intimate Biography by Hour, The History
Authority and Identity in Medieval Islamic Historiography by Hanaoka, Mimi
Buried Alive: Josip Broz Tito's Worst Crime - Huda Jama by Leljak, Roman
A Response to Enslavement: Playing Their Way to Virtue by Roberts, Peter A.
History: Why It Matters by Hunt, Lynn
Beyond Women's Words: Feminisms and the Practices of Oral History in the Twenty-First Century by
Beyond Women's Words: Feminisms and the Practices of Oral History in the Twenty-First Century by
Constructing Catalan Identity: Memory, Imagination, and the Medieval by Vargas, Michael A.
September 11, 2001 as a Cultural Trauma: A Case Study Through Popular Culture by Muller, Christine
Virtual Dark Tourism: Ghost Roads by
Sediments of Time: On Possible Histories by Koselleck, Reinhart
Sediments of Time: On Possible Histories by Koselleck, Reinhart
History, Big History, & Metahistory by
At Home And Abroad or Things And Thoughts In America and Europe by Fuller Ossoli, Margaret
The Politics of Postmemory: Violence and Victimhood in Contemporary Argentine Culture by Maguire, Geoffrey
Linguistic Diasporas, Narrative and Performance: The Irish in Argentina by O'Brien, Sarah
Guardians of the Tradition: Historians and Historical Writing in Ethiopia and Eritrea by de Lorenzi, James
History Is a Contemporary Literature: Manifesto for the Social Sciences by Jablonka, Ivan
Objects of War: The Material Culture of Conflict and Displacement by
The Social Contract by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
The Connected Lives of Dutch Punks: Contesting Subcultural Boundaries by Lohman, Kirsty
Theories of History: History Read Across the Humanities by
Commerce, Finance and Statecraft: Histories of England, 1600-1780 by Dew, Ben
Memory Politics, Identity and Conflict: Historical Memory as a Variable by Wang, Zheng
Historical Dynamics: Why States Rise and Fall by Turchin, Peter
Producing History in Spanish Civil War Exhumations: From the Archive to the Grave by Aragüete-Toribio, Zahira
Partition and the Practice of Memory by
Writing the Past Imperfect by Zook, D. C.
The Routledge History of the Twentieth-Century United States by
Heinrich Himmler's Cultural Commissions: Programmed Plunder in Italy and Yugoslavia by Dow, James
The Afterlife of Idealism: The Impact of New Idealism on British Historical and Political Thought, 1945-1980 by Skodo, Admir
Poetry for Historians: Or, W. H. Auden and History by Steedman, Carolyn
Human-Earth System Dynamics: Implications to Civilizations by Guo, Rongxing
History, Empathy and Conflict: Heroes, Victims and Victimisers by Towle, Philip
Transnational Tourism Experiences at Gallipoli by McKay, Jim
Rethinking Antifascism: History, Memory and Politics, 1922 to the Present by
Memory Unbound: Tracing the Dynamics of Memory Studies by
Uniting History and Theology: A Theological Critique of the Historical Method by Heringer, Seth
History: Why It Matters by Hunt, Lynn
Anthology of Philosophical and Cultural Issues: An Exploration Into New Frontiers by Tang, Yijie
Memory and the Wars on Terror: Australian and British Perspectives by
The Bivocal Nation: Memory and Identity on the Edge of Empire by Batiashvili, Nutsa
8 Years of Unforgettable History: The Allure of America's First by Williams, Iris M.
Pohnpei: Pwuken Kadaudok by Sam, Peterson
Micro-Blogging Memories: Weibo and Collective Remembering in Contemporary China by Han, Eileen Le
Screening the Sixties: Hollywood Cinema and the Politics of Memory by Gruner, Oliver
Suspicions of Markets: Critical Attacks from Aristotle to the Twenty-First Century by Rutherford, Donald
Heidegger's Poetic Projection of Being by Geertsema, Marius Johan
The Ethos of History: Time and Responsibility by
Oral History and Education: Theories, Dilemmas, and Practices by
Epistemic Virtues in the Sciences and the Humanities by
Representations of Forgetting in Life Writing and Fiction by Gudmundsdottir, Gunnthorunn
Hacia una historia de los posibles: Análisis contrafactuales y futuros no acontecidos by Deluermoz, Quentin, Singaravélou, Pierre
Reading Shakespeare's Mind by Sohmer, Steve
Idea of History by Collingwood, R. G.
The Idea of History by Collingwood, R. G.
The Caribbean Oral Tradition: Literature, Performance, and Practice by
Unadjusted Man in the Age of Overadjustment: Where History and Literature Intersect by Viereck, Peter
Persuading Minds: Propaganda and Mobilisation in Transylvania during World War I by
Studies on the Illuminated Chronicle by
The Illuminated Chronicle: Chronicle of the Deeds of the Hungarians from the Fourteenth-Century Illuminated Codex by
The Memory Phenomenon in Contemporary Historical Writing: How the Interest in Memory Has Influenced Our Understanding of History by Hutton, Patrick H.
Liberating Histories by Norton, Claire, Donnelly, Mark
The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Cultures: Usable Pasts and Futures by
Histories of the Self: Personal Narratives and Historical Practice by Summerfield, Penny
Histories of the Self: Personal Narratives and Historical Practice by Summerfield, Penny
Liberating Histories by Norton, Claire, Donnelly, Mark
The Limits of Westernization: American and East Asian Intellectuals Create Modernity, 1860 - 1960 by Davidann, Jon
The Bubble: Brexit- The Restoration of British Independence & Democracy by Chanel, James
The Absolute and Star Trek by Gonzalez, George A.
The Second Generation: Émigrés from Nazi Germany as Historianswith a Biobibliographic Guide by
The Balkan Wars from Contemporary Perception to Historic Memory by
Playful Memories: The Autofictional Turn in Post-Dictatorship Argentina by Blejmar, Jordana
The Oral History Manual by Sommer, Barbara W., Quinlan, Mary Kay
The Oral History Manual by Quinlan, Mary Kay, Sommer, Barbara W.
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by Loewen, James W.
Emotion, Ritual and Power in Europe, 1200-1920: Family, State and Church by
Remembering Protest in Britain Since 1500: Memory, Materiality and the Landscape by
An Oral History of the Portuguese Colonial War: Conscripted Generation by Campos, Ângela
The Agenda: Wake-up Black America! Now is your time! by Bengesa, Memory, Mneme, Mansa
Saramago's Philosophical Heritage by
An Investigative Cinema: Politics and Modernization in Italian, French, and American Film by Cilento, Fabrizio
Empathy and History: Historical Understanding in Re-Enactment, Hermeneutics and Education by Retz, Tyson
Future-Focused History Teaching: Restoring the Power of Historical Learning by Maxwell, Mike
Future-Focused History Teaching: Restoring the Power of Historical Learning by Maxwell, Mike
South Asian Diaspora Narratives: Roots and Routes by Sarwal, Amit
New Directions in the History of the Jews in the Polish Lands by
History After Hitler: A Transatlantic Enterprise by Stelzel, Philipp
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by Loewen, James W.
Mobility, Migration and Transport: Historical Perspectives by Pooley, Colin G.
The Radicalization of Cicero: John Toland and Strategic Editing in the Early Enlightenment by East, Katherine A.
The Doctrine of Being in Hegel's Science of Logic: A Critical Commentary by Tabak, Mehmet
Practicing Oral History to Connect University to Community by Montoya, Fawn-Amber, Allen, Beverly
Translating War: Literature and Memory in France and Britain from the 1940s to the 1960s by Kershaw, Angela
Memory as Colonial Capital: Cross-Cultural Encounters in French and English by
Sound Poetics: Interaction and Personal Identity by Street, Seán
Practicing Oral History to Connect University to Community by Allen, Beverly, Montoya, Fawn-Amber
The History of Religion: A Graphic Guide by Mayberry, Douglas
Scars and Wounds: Film and Legacies of Trauma by
Planet Earth Book: The True Untold History of Our World by Mayberry, Douglas
Critique as Critical History by Dalgliesh, Bregham
Eurocentrism and the Politics of Global History by Stanziani, Alessandro
Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour by
Biography of an Industrial Town: Terni, Italy, 1831-2014 by Portelli, Alessandro
Negotiating Genocide in Rwanda: The Politics of History by Jessee, Erin
Shaping the Geography of Empire: Man and Nature in Herodotus' Histories by Clarke, Katherine
Memory and the Management of Change: Repossessing the Past by Keightley, Emily, Pickering, Michael
Forensic Memory: Literature After Testimony by Bøndergaard, Johanne Helbo
Internationalism, Imperialism and the Formation of the Contemporary World: The Pasts of the Present by
The Lyric in Victorian Memory: Poetic Remembering and Forgetting from Tennyson to Housman by Alfano, Veronica
Cultural, Autobiographical and Absent Memories of Orphanhood: The Girls of Nazareth House Remember by Edwards, Delyth
Memory Frictions in Contemporary Literature by
The New Coastal History: Cultural and Environmental Perspectives from Scotland and Beyond by
Edmund Burke as Historian: War, Order and Civilisation by Sato, Sora
Cinematic Representations of Alzheimer's Disease by Medina, Raquel
John Adams and the Constitutional History of the Medieval British Empire by Muldoon, James
21st-Century Narratives of World History: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
A Balancing ACT: British Intelligence in Spain During the Second World War by Seoane, Emilio Grandio
The Italian Renaissance in the German Historical Imagination, 1860-1930 by Ruehl, Martin
Exhibiting the Nazi Past: Museum Objects Between the Material and the Immaterial by Paver, Chloe
History and Historiography: From Ancient to Modern World by
Replicating Atonement: Foreign Models in the Commemoration of Atrocities by
Nostalgia, Loss and Creativity in South-East Europe: Political and Cultural Representations of the Past by
Traitors, Collaborators and Deserters in Contemporary European Politics of Memory: Formulas of Betrayal by
The Social Life of Memory: Violence, Trauma, and Testimony in Lebanon and Morocco by
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