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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historiography in 2020

Memorials in the Aftermath of Armed Conflict: From History to Heritage by
Bound Together: Leather, Sex, Archives, and Contemporary Art by Campbell, Andy
Bound Together: Leather, Sex, Archives, and Contemporary Art by Campbell, Andy
Identität Und Alterität in Den Drei Nachfolgegesellschaften Des Ns-Staats: Am Beispiel Der Sportberichterstattung by Tschiggerl, Martin
Medieval Historical Writing by
Feelings Materialized: Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Germany, 1500-1950 by
Public Humanities and the Spanish Civil War: Connected and Contested Histories by
Faith, Gender, and Activism in the Punjab Conflict: The Wheat Fields Still Whisper by Kaur, Mallika
M. I. Finley by
Abraham Lincoln & Alexander Hamilton: 2 in 1 Bundle - Two Great Leaders by Faulkner, Henry
History and the Written Word: Documents, Literacy, and Language in the Age of the Angevins by Bainton, Henry
Debating Medieval Europe: The Early Middle Ages, C. 450-C. 1050 by
Mujeres en la Guerra Civil y la Posguerra. Memoria y Educación by Gil Gascon, Fatima, San Segundo Manuel, Rosa, Morin De Pablos, Jorge
Reading Russian Sources: A Student's Guide to Text and Visual Sources from Russian History by
Flying saucers in the sky: 1947: when UFOs came from Mars by Verga, Maurizio
Anachronism and Antiquity by Rood, Tim, Atack, Carol, Phillips, Tom
Latin America: The Allure and Power of an Idea by Tenorio-Trillo, Mauricio
Anachronism and Antiquity by Rood, Tim, Atack, Carol, Phillips, Tom
Discourses of Memory and Refugees: Exploring Facets by Brownlie, Siobhan
Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology by
Writing History: A Guide for Students by Storey, William Kelleher
History, Empire, and Islam: E. A. Freeman and Victorian Public Morality by Randall, Vicky
Is Time Out of Joint?: On the Rise and Fall of the Modern Time Regime by Assmann, Aleida
Criminales de pensamiento: la verdad no es defensa by Forner, Victoria
Cold War Culture: Intellectuals, the Media and the Practice of History by Smyth, Jim
Memory and Enlightenment: Cultural Afterlives of the Long Eighteenth Century by Ward, James
Feminist Afterlives: Assemblage Memory in Activist Times by Chidgey, Red
Sergipe Colcha de Retalhos by Rosendo Bomfim, Clóvis José
Social Movements, Cultural Memory and Digital Media: Mobilising Mediated Remembrance by
Beyond Memory: Can We Really Learn from the Past? by Gensburger, Sarah, Lefranc, Sandrine
International Humanitarian Law and Justice: Historical and Sociological Perspectives by
Josiah: From Improbable Stories to Inventive Historiography by Handy, Lowell K.
Jews and Poles in the Holocaust Exhibitions of Kraków, 1980-2013: Between Urban Past and National Memory by Gryta, Janek
The Shroud of Turin: The History and Legends of the World's Most Famous Relic by Nicolotti, Andrea
Libraries and Archives in the Digital Age by
From Left to Right: Lucy S. Dawidowicz, the New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish History by Sinkoff, Nancy
History and Economic Life: A Student's Guide to Approaching Economic and Social History Sources by
Gender, Resistance and Transnational Memories of Violent Conflicts by Stoltz, Pauline
Geschichte Denken: Erläuterungen Zur Historik by Rüsen, Jörn
Oral History Reimagined: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Pack, Sam
Ancient Rome: Facts and Fictions by Bontty, Monica M.
Reinterpreting Southern Histories: Essays in Historiography by
Reinterpreting Southern Histories: Essays in Historiography by
Oral History Reimagined: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Pack, Sam
Letters of a Pioneer Oil Geologist: A True Life Story 1884 - 1978 by Berens, E. Ann
Writing History: Theory and Practice by
From Herodotus to H-Net: The Story of Historiography by Popkin, Jeremy D.
The Palgrave Handbook of History and Social Studies Education by
Interdisciplinary Barthes by
Raum und Figur bei Beckmann und Mies van der Rohe by Baerens, Lea
History: Captivating Real Life Stories and Events from the Industrial Revolution to the Present by Tanner, Ross
L'histoire en actes: Les ressources du jeu vidéo pour le savoir historique by Robert, Martine
A bedtime story in arabic for kids, Story of one of God's Prophets: interesting bedtime story pocket pad for children, especially during Ramadan, A sh by Publishing, Anas Sb
Approaching Historical Sources in their Contexts: Space, Time and Performance by
Pandemic!: The 1918 Spanish Flu by Penn, Vance
Zur Ordnung Der Anerkennung: Eine Rekonstruktion Von Legitimationsmustern in Der Gedenkstättenpädagogik by Vehse, Paul
Adversity - Keeping the Faith by James, Sidney St
Anne Boleyn: The Second Wife by Blake, B. Lynn
A Primer for Teaching Pacific Histories: Ten Design Principles by Matsuda, Matt K.
Hidden Disgrace: Revealing the Distress Signals Covered by North American Indian Myths by Fierst, David J.
Reappraisals of British Colonisation in Atlantic Canada, 1700-1930 by
Future of Time: Future That Was Written In The Past: As Per Indian Sages And Scriptures by Gupta, Prateek
Beyond Truman: Robert H. Ferrell and Crafting the Past by Dixon, Douglas A.
The Devil's Historians: How Modern Extremists Abuse the Medieval Past by Sturtevant, Paul, Kaufman, Amy
The Science of History in Victorian Britain: Making the Past Speak by Hesketh, Ian
The Commentaries Of Cæsar: Edited By The Rev. W. Lucas Collins, M.A. by Trollope, Anthony
Cultures of Memory in the Nineteenth Century: Consuming Commemoration by
Debates on Stalinism by Edele, Mark
Debates on Stalinism by Edele, Mark
Pyramiden, Flut und Wiedergeburt: 13.000 Jahre neue Menschheitsgeschichte by Burgard, Hermann, Grathwohl, Bernd
Anatomy of Eminence: French Liberalism and the Question of Elites by Rosenberg, Daniel
Reading Primary Sources: The Interpretation of Texts from Nineteenth and Twentieth Century History by
Reading Primary Sources: The Interpretation of Texts from Nineteenth and Twentieth Century History by
Memory from the Margins: Ethiopia's Red Terror Martyrs Memorial Museum by Conley, Bridget
The New Ways of History: Developments in Historiography by
Women Writers and the Nation's Past 1790-1860: Empathetic Histories by Spongberg, Mary
The Collapse of Rhodesia: Population Demographics and the Politics of Race by Brownell, Josiah
A Companion to Intellectual History by
The Modern Crusaders by Adams, R. E. C.
Mass Violence and Memory in the Digital Age: Memorialization Unmoored by
The Routledge History of Twentieth-Century United States by
Public Memory in the Context of Transnational Migration and Displacement: Migrants and Monuments by
Italian Women's Experiences with American Consumer Culture, 1945-1975: The Italian Mrs. Consumer by Harris, Jessica L.
The Rhythm of Eternity: The German Youth Movement and the Experience of the Past, 1900-1933 by Adriaansen, Robbert-Jan
Agency in Transnational Memory Politics by
Law and the Christian Tradition in Italy: The Legacy of the Great Jurists by
Post-Conflict Hauntings: Transforming Memories of Historical Trauma by
Descriptive Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Indian Chronology by Ghosh, Amitabha
Handbuch Landesgeschichte by
Disasters in Australia and New Zealand: Historical Approaches to Understanding Catastrophe by
Gewissheiten im Wandel: Wissensformierung und Handlungsorientierung von 1350-1600 by
From Classical to Modern Republicanism: Reflections on England, Scotland, America, and France by Hulliung, Mark
Controversial Histories - Current Views on the Crusades: Engaging the Crusades, Volume Three by
Cartas: Descubrimiento y conquista de Chile by De Valdivia, Pedro
Anne Boleyn: The Second Wife by Blake, B. Lynn
Forgetful Remembrance: Social Forgetting and Vernacular Historiography of a Rebellion in Ulster by Beiner, Guy
The Humanities in Transition from Postmodernism into the Digital Age by Raab, Nigel A.
Billy the Kid: A Reader's Guide by Etulain, Richard W.
Settling the Good Land: Governance and Promotion in John Winthrop's New England (1620-1650) by Delahaye, Agnès
Hidden in Historicism: Time Regimes since 1700 by Jansen, Harry
Hidden in Historicism: Time Regimes since 1700 by Jansen, Harry
The Epochal Event: Transformations in the Entangled Human, Technological, and Natural Worlds by Simon, Zoltán Boldizsár
Preserving the Black Presence in Britain: Monuments, Memorials and Sites of Memory by Leonard, A.
La conquista del Perú by De Avecilla, Pablo Alonso
Never Surrender: An American Navy Sailor's Struggle to Survive the Japanese Attack on the Philippines and the Japanese POW Camps of WW by Davis, Shawn William, Anderson, Earl
Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America by Grabar, Mary
Rome: The Rise and Fall by Nerds, History
Researching Subcultures, Myth and Memory by
A Primer for Teaching Pacific Histories: Ten Design Principles by Matsuda, Matt K.
Imperial Culture and Colonial Projects: The Portuguese-Speaking World from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries by Curto, Diogo Ramada
Oxford Handbook of Thucydides by
Bergson and History: Transforming the Modern Regime of Historicity by Ter Schure, Leon
Auteven: History of a Hospital; 1915-1933. by Murray, Gabriel
Ellis Island: A People's History by Szejnert, Malgorzata
The Earliest Mythicist References by Hansen, Christopher M.
Revisiting Gender in European History, 1400-1800 by
Remembering the Holocaust in Educational Settings by
Rethinking the Irish Diaspora: After the Gathering by
Remembrance of the Great War in the Irish Free State, 1914-1937: Specters of Empire by Link, Mandy
Contemporary Art and Unforgetting in Colonial Landscapes: Islands of Empire by McMillan, Kate
Battling over the Balkans: Historiographical Questions and Controversies by
Knowledge Building in Early Modern English Music by Bank, Katie
Mobilizing Cultural Identities in the First World War: History, Representations and Memory by
Archaeologies of Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, and Repression: Dark Modernities by
El Impase Bolívar-San Martín: Sus Problemas, Sus Secretos Y La Solución Final. by Chiriboga Maya, Xavier
English Local History: An Introduction by Tiller, Kate
Animation and Memory by
Remembering Migration: Oral Histories and Heritage in Australia by
The Politics of Debt and Europe's Relations with the 'South' by
Critique of Journalistic Reason: Philosophy and the Time of the Newspaper by Vandeputte, Tom
Critique of Journalistic Reason: Philosophy and the Time of the Newspaper by Vandeputte, Tom
A Global History of Early Modern Violence by
The History of Emotions: A Student Guide to Methods and Sources by Barclay, Katie
The History of Emotions: A Student Guide to Methods and Sources by Barclay, Katie
The Mirror of the Medieval: An Anthropology of the Western Historical Imagination by Fazioli, K. Patrick
Why History?: A History by Bloxham, Donald
Histoire de l'Europe Tome 4: Les nouveaux pays du XXe siècle by Saintilan, Yannick
Readings on the Russian Revolution: Debates, Aspirations, Outcomes by
Readings on the Russian Revolution: Debates, Aspirations, Outcomes by
Tacitus' History of Politically Effective Speech: Truth to Power by O'Gorman, Ellen
The Women of the Arrow Cross Party: Invisible Hungarian Perpetrators in the Second World War by Pető, Andrea
The Liberal Approach to the Past: A Reader by
A Pocket Guide to Writing in History by Rampolla, Mary
Burden of Trust: The True Story of the Commander of the Sadm Unit by Jabbour, Pierre, Sawan, A. E.
Columbus and the Crisis of the West by Royal, Robert
Creating Verbatim Theatre from Oral Histories by Summerskill, Clare
Creating Verbatim Theatre from Oral Histories by Summerskill, Clare
The Evolution of Paleolithic Technologies by Kuhn, Steven L.
The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America's Past by Stepman, Jarrett
History and Morality by Bloxham, Donald
Memory and Monument Wars in American Cities: New York, Charlottesville and Montgomery by Hasian Jr, Marouf A., Paliewicz, Nicholas S.
Full History: On the Meaningfulness of Shared Action by Smith, Steven G.
Classical Caledonia: Roman History and Myth in Eighteenth-Century Scotland by Montgomery, Alan
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 2: The Movement by
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 1: Overview by
London's Aylesbury Estate: An Oral History of the 'Concrete Jungle' by Romyn, Michael
What's Left of Marxism: Historiography and the Possibilities of Thinking with Marxian Themes and Concepts by
Father's Land: When the War Ended His Battles Began by Beuchert, Ada
Oral History and Mathematics Education by
Essaying the Past: How to Read, Write, and Think about History by Cullen, Jim
Methods for Human History: Studying Social, Cultural, and Biological Evolution by Manning, Patrick
A Personalist Philosophy of History by Gilbert, Bennett
Historical Parallels, Commemoration and Icons by
History, Space and Place by Rau, Susanne
Monographic Exhibitions and the History of Art by
Straddling Worlds: The Jewish-American Journey of Professor Richard W. Leopold by Harper, Steven J.
Oxford Handbook of Asian American History by
Trauma, Precarity and War Memories in Asian American Writings by Lee, Jade Tsui-Yu
Tales and Legends of Bruges - Part I by Borgonjon, Andy
Bernie Krause: The Great Animal Orchestra by
Meet the BROKEN ARROW CENTENNIALS: 100 Legacy Makers from 1902-2002 by Collins, Jan
History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis by
The Real, the True, and the Told: Postmodern Historical Narrative and the Ethics of Representation by Berlatsky, Eric L.
Law and The Christian Tradition in Scandinavia: The Writings of Great Nordic Jurists by
Manila, 1645 by Luengo, Pedro
Historicism: A Travelling Concept by
Slavery in the Age of Memory: Engaging the Past by Araujo, Ana Lucia
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: History, Memory, Legacy by
Expressions of War in Australia and the Pacific: Language, Trauma, Memory, and Official Discourse by
Memory and Intermediality in Artists' Moving Image by Durcan, Sarah
Juri Lotman - Culture, Memory and History: Essays in Cultural Semiotics by
The Horn of Africa Diasporas in Italy: An Oral History by Proglio, Gabriele
The Public Life of Jesus by Ralles, Phil
On Politics: A History of Political Thought: From Herodotus to the Present by Ryan, Alan
The Pedagogical Possibilities of Witnessing and Testimonies: Through the Lens of Agamben by Hållander, Marie
Contemporary Studies on Modern Chinese History II by
Contemporary Studies on Modern Chinese History I by
Nonconformity, Dissent, Opposition, and Resistance in Germany, 1933-1990: The Freedom to Conform by Ramet, Sabrina P.
Places of Traumatic Memory: A Global Context by
Contemplating Historical Consciousness: Notes from the Field by
Writing the Great War: The Historiography of World War I from 1918 to the Present by
The Age of Unreason: Dissecting the Infamy of the Morgan Affair and Its Aftermath by Bizzack, John W.
Memories on the Move: Experiencing Mobility, Rethinking the Past by
Empiricist Theories of Space: Space and Experience in Early Modern Philosophy by
Zhou History Unearthed: The Bamboo Manuscript Xinian and Early Chinese Historiography by Pines, Yuri
Zhou History Unearthed: The Bamboo Manuscript Xinian and Early Chinese Historiography by Pines, Yuri
Reformation Reputations: The Power of the Individual in English Reformation History by
Beyond the Fascist Century: Essays in Honour of Roger Griffin by
Tacitean Visual Narrative by Waddell, Philip
Philosophy of History: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives by
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