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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historiography in 2023

Migrants, Immigration and Diversity in Twentieth-Century Northern Ireland: British, Irish or 'Other'? by Crangle, Jack
Trustworthy Communications and Complete Genealogies: Unifying Ancestries for a Genealogical History of the Modern World by Moore, Reagan W.
The Reconstruction of Chinese Sociology: An Oral History of 40 Sociologists (1979-2019) by
Telling of the Anthracite: A Pennsylvania Posthistory by Mosley, Philip
Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe by
Przemyslowa Concentration Camp: The Camp, the Children, the Trials by Person, Katarzyna, Steinert, Johannes-Dieter
White Pine: The Natural and Human History of a Foundational American Tree by Pastor, John
White Pine: The Natural and Human History of a Foundational American Tree by Pastor, John
Archives and Records: Privacy, Personality Rights, and Access by Čtvrtník, Mikulás
Archives and Records: Privacy, Personality Rights, and Access by Čtvrtník, Mikulás
Industrial Craft in Australia: Oral Histories of Creativity and Survival by Stein, Jesse Adams
History and Art History: Looking Past Disciplines by
Humanism: Foundations, Diversities, Developments by Rüsen, Jörn
Family History and Historians in Australia and New Zealand: Related Histories by
Writing Russia: The Discursive Construction of AnOther Nation by Dowling, Melissa-Ellen
De-Illustrating the History of the British Empire: Preliminary Perspectives by
Writing Normandy: Stories of Saints and Rulers by Lifshitz, Felice
Rev. James Fraser, 1634-1709: A New Perspective on the Scottish Highlands Before Culloden by Worthington, David
Authority and History: Ancient Models, Modern Questions by
Approaches to Global History: To See the World Whole by
Fiction, Memory, and Identity in the Cult of St. Maurus, 830-1270 by Wickstrom, John B.
Tensions of Social History: Sources, Data, Actors and Models in Global Perspective by Stanziani, Alessandro
Swift: The Man, His Works, and the Age: Volume Two: Dr Swift by Ehrenpreis, Irvin
A Pragmatist Philosophy of History by Binder, Marnie
Swift: The Man, His Works, and the Age: Volume One: MR Swift and His Contemporaries by Ehrenpreis, Irvin
Swift: The Man, His Works, and the Age: Volume Three: Dean Swift by Ehrenpreis, Irvin
Written Out: The Silencing of Regina Gelana Twala by Cabrita, Joel
Benin Empire: History of the Benin Kingdom of West Africa by Edigin, Uvbi
The Other Half of History by Carter, Edie
Birth of Modern Facts: How the Information Revolution Transformed Academic Research, Governments, and Businesses by Cortada, James W.
Georg Picht: A Pioneer in Philosophy, Politics and the Arts by
A Garganta Das Minas by Aparecido, Cardoso
The Cultural Memory of Georgian Glasgow by Lamont, Craig
Why History?: A History by Bloxham, Donald
History and Morality by Bloxham, Donald
The French Revolution in Theory by Wahnich, Sophie
The Communist Temptation: Rolland, Gide, Malraux, and Their Times by Conner, Tom
Mythos: The Prescient Kings by Todd, D. Baxter
Art in the Cinema: The Mid-Century Art Documentary by
Collaborative Historical Research in the Age of Big Data by Ridge, Mia, Ahnert, Ruth, Griffin, Emma
Contested Urban Spaces: Monuments, Traces, and Decentered Memories by
Combating the Hydra: Violence and Resistance in the Habsburg Empire, 1500-1900 by Steiner, Stephan
Combating the Hydra: Violence and Resistance in the Habsburg Empire, 1500-1900 by Steiner, Stephan
The Routledge Handbook of Memory Activism by
History of the Vartanants Saints: Volume 2 by Yeghishe, Miloyan, Beyon
History of the Vartanants Saints: Volume 1 by Yeghishe
Rethinking Modernity: Postcolonialism and the Sociological Imagination by Bhambra, Gurminder K.
The Reign of Edward II, 1307-27 by
Religious Transformations in New Communities of Interpretation in Europe (1350-1570): Bridging the Historiographical Divides by
The Reign of Edward II, 1307-27 by
Romanians and Hungarians: Historical Premises by Sassu, C.
English Archives: An Historical Survey by Olney, Richard
Medieval Jews and the Christian Past: Jewish Historical Consciousness in Spain and Southern France by Ben-Shalom, Ram
English Archives: An Historical Survey by Olney, Richard
Places of Memory and Legacies in an Age of Insecurities and Globalization by
Memory, Heritage, and Preservation in 20th-Century England by Strittmatter, David
The History of Thyssen: Family, Industry and Culture in the 20th Century by Schulz, Günther, Szöllösi-Janze, Margit
The History of Thyssen: Family, Industry and Culture in the 20th Century by Schulz, Günther, Szöllösi-Janze, Margit
Le théâtre dans les pays arabes: Chronique d'une expérience singulière by Cheniki, Ahmed
All Roads Led to Gettysburg: A New Look at the Civil War's Pivotal Campaign by Harman, Troy D.
All Roads Led to Gettysburg: A New Look at the Civil War's Pivotal Campaign by Harman, Troy D.
Spring and Autumn Historiography: Form and Hierarchy in Ancient Chinese Annals by Van Auken, Newell Ann
Apostel Des Friedens: Die Korrespondenz Zwischen Wilhelmine Von Bayreuth Und Voltaire by
Vom Geschehen Zur Geschichte: Sechs Kapitel Zur Historiographie Der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands by Schabert, Tilo
The Boundary of Laughter: Popular Performances Across Borders in South Asia by de, Aniket
La causalité en histoire by Simiand, François
My Ancestors said fuck y'all: Guide to the history of trans atlantic slave rebellions by Harris, Zyn Knight
Unsettling Archival Research: Engaging Critical, Communal, and Digital Archives by
Political Memory and the Constantinian Dynasty: Fashioning Disgrace by Usherwood, Rebecca
Shaping the Past to Define the Present: Luke-Acts and Apologetic Historiography by Sterling, Gregory E.
History of the Aghuans: Book 3 by Dasxuranc'i (Kaghankatvatsi), Movses
Matthew of Edessa's Chronicle: Volume 3 by Matthew of Edessa
Reenvisioning the Material Past: How to Educate and Engage Modern Students Using Visual Culture by Swan, Glenda
Royal Mistresses by Carlton, Charles
Royal Childhoods by Carlton, Charles
Overseas Economic Relations and Statehood in Europe, 1860s-1970s: Shaping the World, Making the Nation by Krozewski, Gerold
Charles I: The Personal Monarch by Carlton, Charles
On the Trail of the Jacobites by Whyte, Ian, Whyte, Kathleen
Biography: An Historiography by Nolan, Melanie
Biography: An Historiography by Nolan, Melanie
Die Chronik Des Victor Von Tunnuna (Ca. 565): Eine Chronik Und Ihre Geschichte(n) by Klein, Antje
WWI The Sorrows of Victory by Bagla, Dia
Sources for Studying the Holocaust: A Guide by
Sources for Studying the Holocaust: A Guide by
The Burden of German History: A Transatlantic Life by Jarausch, Konrad H.
Charles Austin Beard: The Return of the Master Historian of American Imperialism by Drake, Richard
Pandemic covid-19: The Killer Among Us by Patterson, Genaro
History Beyond Apartheid: New Approaches in South African Historiography by
The Unexpected in Oral History: Case Studies of Surprising Interviews by
Documenting the Past in Medieval Puglia, 1130-1266 by Oldfield, Paul
The Palgrave Handbook of Testimony and Culture by
Rethinking the Carolingian Reforms by
Theorizing Heritage Through Non-Violent Resistance by
Finding Gallipoli: Battlefield Remembrance and the Movement of Australian and Turkish History by West, Brad
The Early Modern Town in Scotland by
Government and Society in France: 1461-1661 by Shennan, J. H.
The American West and Its Interpreters: Essays on Literary History and Historiography by Etulain, Richard W.
Writing Mary I: History, Historiography, and Fiction by
The Battle Over America's Origin Story: Legends, Amateurs, and Professional Historiographers by Regal, Brian
de l'Underground a la Performance: L'Avant-Garde Contre Le Theatre (1963-1973) by Pelissero, Marielle
de l'Underground a la Performance: L'Avant-Garde Contre Le Theatre (1963-1973) by Pelissero, Marielle
Gender in Germany and Beyond: Exploring the Legacy of Jean Quataert by
Philip V of Macedon in Polybius' Histories: Politics, History, and Fiction by Nicholson, Emma
The World: A Family History of Humanity by Montefiore, Simon Sebag, Montefiore, Simon Sebag
Finland's Great Famine, 1856-68 by Newby, Andrew G.
Debates on the German Revolution of 1918-19 by Stibbe, Matthew
Debates on the German Revolution of 1918-19 by Stibbe, Matthew
Unlimited Atonement: Amyraldism and Reformed Theology by Bird, Michael, Harrower, Scott
Experiencing Society and the Lived Welfare State by
Experiencing Society and the Lived Welfare State by
The Routledge Companion to Historical Theory by
Material Hermeneutics: Reversing the Linguistic Turn by Ihde, Don
Jurists and Legal Science in the History of Roman Law by
Public History in Poland by
History from Loss: A Global Introduction to Histories Written from Defeat, Colonization, Exile, and Imprisonment by
Germany in the Age of Bismarck by Simon, W. M.
Beyond Plague Urbanism by Merrifield, Andy
Lola's War: Rape Without Punishment by Simic, Olivera
Politische Schriften I by
A Grammar of the Corpse: Necroepistemology in the Early Modern Mediterranean by Spragins, Elizabeth
A Grammar of the Corpse: Necroepistemology in the Early Modern Mediterranean by Spragins, Elizabeth
Journeys of the Mind: A Life in History by Brown, Peter
The Tacitus Encyclopedia by
The Meaning of History by Berdyaev, Nikolai
The Untold Story of Titanic: Sinking of the Unsinkable Ship by Theodore, Cooper
Planting Seeds of Knowledge: Agriculture and Education in Rural Societies in the Twentieth Century by
Engaging with the Past and Present: The Relationship Between Past and Present Across the Disciplines by
Charles Dickens: The Greatest Novelist of the Victorian Era (The True Story of the Life & Time of the Great Author) by Roberge, Charles
Capitão José De Almeida Pereira by Fábio, Miron
History from Loss: A Global Introduction to Histories Written from Defeat, Colonization, Exile, and Imprisonment by
German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919 by
A History of Big History by Hesketh, Ian
From Christians to Europeans: Pope Pius II and the Concept of the Modern Western Identity by Bisaha, Nancy
From Christians to Europeans: Pope Pius II and the Concept of the Modern Western Identity by Bisaha, Nancy
Historiography and the Formation of Philosophical Canons by
The Roman Empress Ulpia Severina: Ruler and Goddess by Cassia, Margherita
Zionism: An Emotional State by Penslar, Derek J.
The Queens of Armenia by Khachatrian, Hayk
Memory Archipelago of the Communist Past: Public Narratives and Personal Recollections by Koleva, Daniela
Une vertigineuse remontée dans le temps by Għandia, Marie
In the Shadow of the Round Tops: Longstreet's Countermarch, Johnston's Reconnaissance, and the Enduring Battles for the Memory of July 2, 1863 by Thompson, Allen R.
After the Last Post by Zachariah, Benjamin
Is Byzantine Studies a Colonialist Discipline?: Toward a Critical Historiography by
Denial: Holocaust History on Trial by Lipstadt, Deborah E.
Order Without Law: The Wilbur Fisk Sanders Story by Sanders, Benjamin E.
Order Without Law: The Wilbur Fisk Sanders Story by Sanders, Benjamin E.
War Memory and East Asian Conflicts, 1930-1945 by
The Palgrave Handbook on Rethinking Colonial Commemorations by
Writing Southern Italy Before the Renaissance: Trecento Historians of the Mezzogiorno by Musto, Ronald G.
Mnemonic Practices on Social Media: The Brazilian Dictatorship on Facebook by Migowski Da Silva, Ana Lúcia
Catholic Reformation and the Council of Trent: History or Historiographical Myth? by Firpo, Massimo
The Arctic Prairies: A Canoe-Journey Of 2,000 Miles In Search Of The Caribou by Thompson Seton, Ernest
The Rise Of Canada, From Barbarism To Wealth And Civilisation Vol. 1 by Roger, Charles
Feeling Memory: Remembering Wartime Childhoods in France by Dodd, Lindsey
Feeling Memory: Remembering Wartime Childhoods in France by Dodd, Lindsey
The Legacy: The Life of Baram (Waryam) Singh Ark 1883 - 7 th June 1950 by Bola, M. K.
The Legacy: The Life of Baram (Waryam) Singh Ark 1883 - 7 th June 1950 by Bola, M. K.
History: An Introduction to Theory and Method by Marriott, John, Claus, Peter
History: An Introduction to Theory and Method by Claus, Peter, Marriott, John
Rock Art and Memory in the Transmission of Cultural Knowledge by
Self, One and Many: Historical Reflections by
The History of Florida by
Historicizing the Enlightenment (2 Vol Set) by McKeon, Michael
Historicizing the Enlightenment (2 Vol Set) by McKeon, Michael
Polish Theory of History and Metahistory in Topolski, Pomian, and Tokarczuk: From Hayden White and Beyond by Pomorski, Jan
Historicizing the Enlightenment, Volume 1: Politics, Religion, Economy, and Society in Britain by McKeon, Michael
Historicizing the Enlightenment, Volume 2: Literature, the Arts, and the Aesthetic in Britain by McKeon, Michael
The Lost History of Sextus Aurelius Victor by Stover, Justin, Woudhuysen, George
Elements of General History by Tytler, Alexander Fraser
Geschichte Der Neureren Historiographie... by Fueter, Eduard
Supplément À La Diplomatique-pratique De M. Le Moine, Contenant Une Méthode Sûre Pour Apprendre À Déchiffrer Les Anciennes Écritures, & Arranger Les A by
Elements of General History by Tytler, Alexander Fraser
Die Geschichtswissenschaft in Hauptrichtungen Und Aufgaben, Zweiter Theil by Lorenz, Ottokar
Die Genesis des Ruhmes, Ein Beitrag Zur Methodenlehre der Geschichte by Hirsch, Julian
An Introduction to the English Historians by Beard, Charles Austin
Geschichte Der Neureren Historiographie... by Fueter, Eduard
Outline of Historical Method by Fling, Fred Morrow
Deux Manières D'écrire L'histoire: Critique De Bossuet, D'augustin Thierry, Et De Fustel De Coulanges by De Jubainville, Henry Arbois
A Lecture on the Study of History: Delivered at Cambridge, June 11, 1895 by Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, Acton, Baron
The New History by Robinson, Jame Harvey
How the Study of History is let and Hindered; an Address, Delivered in the Liverpool Institute 19th November, 1879 by Freeman, Edward Augustus
Historical Difficulties and Contested Events by Delepierre, Octave
La synthèse en histoire: Essai critique et théorique by Berr, Henri 1863-
Erreurs Et Mensonges Historiques, Volume 6... by Barthélemy, Charles
Die Grenzen Der Geschichte by Von Gottl-Ottlilienfeld, Friedrich
The Historical Essay and the Critical Review; Some Suggestions as to Their Preparation, With Examples Taken From American History by Fox, Dixon Ryan
The New History by Robinson, Jame Harvey
What is History? by Cheyney, Edward Potts
A Lecture on the Study of History: Delivered at Cambridge, June 11, 1895 by Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, Acton, Baron
Memory, Anniversaries and Mental Health in International Historical Perspective: Faith in Reform by
The Invention of Papal History: Onofrio Panvinio Between Renaissance and Catholic Reform by Bauer, Stefan
Archives of War: Technology, Emotion and History by Ramsay, Debra
The American Historian A Social Intellectual History Of The Writing Of The American Past by Wish, Harvey
Unacknowledged Kinships: Postcolonial Studies and the Historiography of Zionism by
Unacknowledged Kinships: Postcolonial Studies and the Historiography of Zionism by
Professional Historians in Public: Old and New Roles Revisited by
Popularizing the Past: Historians, Publishers, and Readers in Postwar America by Witham, Nick
Popularizing the Past: Historians, Publishers, and Readers in Postwar America by Witham, Nick
The Emperor Caligula in the Ancient Sources by Yardley, John C., Barrett, Anthony A.
Trajectories of Memory: Excavating the Past in Indonesia by
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