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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Historiography in 2024

Migrants, Immigration and Diversity in Twentieth-Century Northern Ireland: British, Irish or 'Other'? by Crangle, Jack
Trustworthy Communications and Complete Genealogies: Unifying Ancestries for a Genealogical History of the Modern World by Moore, Reagan W.
(Un-)Erwünschte Erinnerung: Das Wewelsburger Mahnmal Von Josef Glahé by Lerke, Stephanie
The Specter of the Archive: Political Practice and the Information State in Early Modern Britain by Popper, Nicholas
Przemyslowa Concentration Camp: The Camp, the Children, the Trials by Person, Katarzyna, Steinert, Johannes-Dieter
Poland Under German Occupation, 1939-1945: New Perspectives by
The Culmination: Heidegger, German Idealism, and the Fate of Philosophy by Pippin, Robert B.
Japanese Perspectives on Kazuo Ishiguro by
Stories Between Tears and Laughter: Popular Czech Cinema and Film Critics by Vojvoda, Richard
Legendary Lionesses: The England Women's Football Team, 1972-2022 by Williams, Jean
Historical Knowledge Production Cultures in Late Socialist Hungary and Croatia: Expertise Unsettled by Krizmanics, Réka
A Guide to Mississippi Museums by Putnam, Richelle, Williams, Diane
Happy Days: Images of the Pre-Sixties Past in Seventies America by Alpers, Benjamin L.
Happy Days: Images of the Pre-Sixties Past in Seventies America by Alpers, Benjamin L.
Livy: The Fragments and Periochae Volume I: Fragments, Citations, Testimonia by Levene, D. S.
The Ethics of Narrative: Essays on History, Literature, and Theory, 2007-2017 by White, Hayden
Rise of the Republic by Griffin, D. S.
The Ethics of Narrative: Essays on History, Literature, and Theory, 2007-2017 by White, Hayden
An introduction to theoretical history by Widdowson, Marc
The Debate on Black Civil Rights in America: Second Edition by Verney, Kevern
The Debate on Black Civil Rights in America: Second Edition by Verney, Kevern
The History of Knowledge by Östling, Johan, Larsson Heidenblad, David
The History of Knowledge by Östling, Johan, Larsson Heidenblad, David
Yule-Tide in Many Lands by Pringle, Mary P., Urann, Clara a.
Transnational Memories and Post-Dictatorship Cinema: Brazil, Chile and Argentina by Heise, Tatiana Signorelli
Lenin's Childhood by Deutscher, Isaac
The Specter of the Archive: Political Practice and the Information State in Early Modern Britain by Popper, Nicholas
Collective Memory and Political Identity in Northern Ireland: Recollections of the Future by McAuley, James W.
Oduduwa: The Untold Story of the Great Ancestor and Founder of the Yoruba Kingdom by Oladipo, Prince Ola
Antonio Gramsci and the Ancient World by
National and Religious Ideologies in the Construction of Educational Historiography: The Case of Felbiger and the Normal Method in Nineteenth Century by Winandy, Jil
Chronos: The West Confronts Time by Hartog, François
Last Voices of the Irish Revolution by Hurley, Tom
The Declassification Engine: What History Reveals about America's Top Secrets by Connelly, Matthew
Internationalism in Practice: Claudia Jones, Black Liberation, and the "Bestial" War on Korea by Jones, Claudia
Healing Through Remembering: Sharing Grassroots Experiences of Peace, Reconciliation and Healing in the Great Lakes Region of Africa by
Georg Picht: A Pioneer in Philosophy, Politics and the Arts by
Dancing with Dinosaurs (Hardcover Edition) by Merrick, Günther
Res Publica: The Gift of Mars by Trapino, Mark
A Cultural History of Memory in Antiquity by
Making of the Eastern Vikings: Rus' and Varangians in the Middle Ages by
Debating Contemporary Approaches to the History of Science by
Dogmatism: On the History of a Scholarly Vice by Stoeger, Alexander, Paul, Herman
Dogmatism: On the History of a Scholarly Vice by Paul, Herman, Stoeger, Alexander
Kampfer Auf Dem Schlachtfeld - Kampfer in Den Texten: Schlachtenschilderungen in Den Historiografischen Quellen Des 14. Und Beginnenden 15. Jahrhunder by Wiedmaier, Helen
The History of Emotions: Second Edition by Boddice, Rob
The History of Emotions: Second Edition by Boddice, Rob
1368: China and the Making of the Modern World by Akhtar, Ali Humayun
The Politics of Sacrifice: Remembering Italy's Rogo Di Primavalle by King, Amy
Remembering the Anthropocene: Memorials Beyond the Human by de Massol de Rebetz, Clara
Polybios: Leben Und Werk Im Banne ROMs by Dreyer, Boris
What Is a Classic in History? by Aurell, Jaume
What Is a Classic in History? by Aurell, Jaume
'Updatism' and the Understanding of Time and History: A Theory for the 21st Century by Pereira, Mateus Henrique de Faria, Araujo, Valdei Lopes de
Outsourcing the European Past: An Interscalar Study of Memory and Morality by Van de Putte, Thomas
Serendipity: Experience of Pacific Historians by
Healing and Harm: Essays in Honor of Mary Lindemann by
Memory, Heritage, and Preservation in 20th-Century England by Strittmatter, David
Scheitern in Der Vormoderne: Narrative Konzeptionalisierungen in Literatur Und Historiographie by
Aneignungen Der Geschichte: Narrative Evidenzstrategien Und Politische Legitimation Im Europaischen Mittelalter by
Your Eyes Will Be My Window: Essays by Varon, Jodi
Your Eyes Will Be My Window: Essays by Varon, Jodi
Holocaust History, Holocaust Memory: Jewish Poland and Polish Jews, During and After the Holocaust by
Medieval Horizons: Why the Middle Ages Matter by Mortimer, Ian
Postmemory and the Partition of India: Learning to Remember by Kapila, Shuchi
Making History Move: Five Principles of the Historical Film by Nelson, Kim
Making History Move: Five Principles of the Historical Film by Nelson, Kim
Globalisation, Nation-Building and History Education by Whitehouse, John, Zajda, Joseph
What Is History For? by Gildea, Robert
Letters from Dr. Percy Magan: An Untold Story of Early Loma Linda by Dittes, Albert
Ancient Jewish Historians and the German Reich: Seven Studies by Schwartz, Daniel R.
Studies in Silk Road Archaeology by Xia, Nai
History Below the Global: On and Beyond the Coloniality of Power in Historical Research by Kamel, Lorenzo
Words That Shaped Our World Volume Two: Legendary Voices of History: Quotes That Changes How We Think, What We Do, and Who We Are by Stovall, Jim, Johnson, Kathy
History Below the Global: On and Beyond the Coloniality of Power in Historical Research by Kamel, Lorenzo
Nothing Happened: A History by Crane, Susan A.
Key Metaphors for History: Mirrors of Time by Fernández-Sebastián, Javier
Punk, Ageing and Time by
The Blue-Eyed, White-Haired People of the Canary Islands: The Story of an Enigmatic Indigenous Tribe by del Mar, Aurora
Manner Uber Sich: Wissenschaft - Biografie - Geschlecht by
Geschichtskulturelle Transformationen: Kontroversen, Akteure, Zeitpraktiken by
To the Far North: Diary of a Russian World Traveler by Akif'ëv, Ivan Nikolaevich
Milwaukee in Stone and Clay: A Guide to the Cream City's Architectural Geology by Wiggers, Raymond
To the Far North: Diary of a Russian World Traveler by Akif'ëv, Ivan Nikolaevich
The Reconstruction of Chinese Sociology: An Oral History of 40 Sociologists (1979-2019) by
The Road: A Story of Romans and Ways to the Past by Hadley, Christopher
Museums, Archives and Protest Memory by Garde-Hansen, Joanne, Chidgey, Red
Illustration and Heritage by Taylor, Rachel Emily
The Palgrave Handbook of Testimony and Culture by
Napoleon Bonaparte: Conqueror, Reformer, Legend: Complete History Book of Napolean by Ajmeri, Kashan
Shakespeare Was a Woman and Other Heresies: How Doubting the Bard Became the Biggest Taboo in Literature by Winkler, Elizabeth
Making History: An Introduction to the History and Practices of a Discipline by
Making History: An Introduction to the History and Practices of a Discipline by
Rethinking the Carolingian Reforms by
Memory and Social Movements in Modern and Contemporary History: Remembering Past Struggles and Resourcing Protest by
Imagining Ireland's Pasts: Early Modern Ireland Through the Centuries by Canny, Nicholas
The Ethos of History: Time and Responsibility by
Bring Mir Bloß Keinen Deutschen Nach Hause!: Familiengeschichten Deutsch-Französischer Paare Der Nachkriegszeit (1945-1963) by Minuth, Christian, Méron-Minuth, Sylvie
The Forever Colony by Villanueva, Victor
The 'Lost Arian History' in Late Antique and Medieval Historiography by J. Reidy, Joseph
Lessons of History: The Holocaust and Soviet Terror as Borderline Events by Karlsson, Klas-Göran
Lessons of History: The Holocaust and Soviet Terror as Borderline Events by Karlsson, Klas-Göran
Shaping the Sciences of the Ancient and Medieval World: Textual Criticism, Critical Editions and Translations of Scholarly Texts in History by
Historical Truth in Fifteenth-Century Italy: Verisimilitude and Factuality in the Humanist Debate by Mori, Giuliano
تاريخ الصومال رؤية تحليل by Abdullahi (Baadiyow), Abdurahman
Where Words and Images Meet by
Where Words and Images Meet by
Finland's Great Famine, 1856-68 by Newby, Andrew G.
Sunni Hadiths and Sirah: Proofs of Historical Reliability by Adil, Ammar
Evidence in Action between Science and Society: Constructing, Validating, and Contesting Knowledge by
Combining Political History and Political Science: Towards a New Understanding of the Political by
Ideas and Methodologies in Historical Research by Luarsabishvili, Vladimer
People of the Iberian Borderlands: Community and Conflict between Spain and Portugal, 1640-1715 by Martín Marcos, David
Intersections of Affect, Memory, and Privilege in Bogota, Colombia: Affected by Conflict by Grunow, Hendrikje
Public Engagement with Holocaust Memory Sites in Poland by
Millard Meiss, American Art History, and Conservation: From Connoisseurship to Iconology and Kulturgeschichte by Cooke, Jennifer
Ancient Rome: Facts and Fictions by Bontty, Monica M.
Conceptualizing the History of the Present Time by Mudrovcic, María Inés
Conceptualizing the History of the Present Time by Mudrovcic, María Inés
Sanctity, Gender and Authority in Medieval Caucasia by Aleksidze, Nikoloz
Russian Historiography from 1880 to 1905: Pavel N. Miliukov and the Moscow School by Bohn, Thomas M.
Lola's War: Rape Without Punishment by Simic, Olivera
Representation: The Birth of Historical Reality from the Death of the Past by Ankersmit, Franklin Rudolf
Representation: The Birth of Historical Reality from the Death of the Past by Ankersmit, Franklin Rudolf
Writing the History of the African Diaspora by Falola, Toyin
Writing the History of the African Diaspora by Falola, Toyin
Secrets du Transport des Pierres en Égypte: enfin révélé ! by Montclair, Arthur
Gombrowicz: An Introduction by Konarzewska, Aleksandra
Ancient Worlds in Perspective: Contextualizing Herodotus by
Wahrheit Und Bewahrheitung in Der Alttestamentlichen Und Altorientalischen Geschichtsschreibung by Kreitzscheck, Mathis
Oral History at a Distance by Cain Darough, Adrienne A., Sielaff, Steven, Sloan, Stephen M.
Oral History at a Distance by Cain Darough, Adrienne A., Sielaff, Steven, Sloan, Stephen M.
Visualizing History's Fragments: A Computational Approach to Humanistic Research by Sanders, Ashley R.
Writing History in the Soviet Union: Making the Past Work by Banerji, Arup
Trump and the Protestant Reaction to Make America Great Again by Rowley, Matthew
Public History in Ireland: Difficult Histories by
Performances by Dening, Greg
Making a Massacre: Cromwell, Ireland and the Slaughter of Innocents Scandal (Not a Real History Book) by Reilly, Tom
Geschichtsschreibung: Geschichte Und Theorie by Jordan, Stefan
The Cold War for Kids by Ed, Ched
The Heimskringla by Sturluson, Snorri
Regenerative Politics by Planinc, Emma
Regenerative Politics by Planinc, Emma
The Christ of History and the Jesus of Faith: A Manifesto by Tovey, Derek
M.N. Pokrovskii and the Origins of Soviet Historiography by D. White, James
Paul Merker, the Gdr, and the Politics of Memory: 'Purging Cosmopolitanism'? by Brown, Alexander D.
Dwelling: Cultural Representations of Inhabited Places by
Die Exkurse Im Geschichtswerk Des Prokopios Von Kaisareia: Literarische Tradition Und Spatantike Gegenwart in Klassizistischer Historiographie by Ziebuhr, Albrecht
Tensions of Social History: Sources, Data, Actors and Models in Global Perspective by Stanziani, Alessandro
Authority and History: Ancient Models, Modern Questions by
British Contested History: Place and Space by Donnellan, Caroline
History Beyond Apartheid: New Approaches in South African Historiography by
On The Shortness of Life by Seneca
Environmental Narratives in the Huainanzi and the Anthropocene by Hamm, Matthew James
Digital Medieval Studies--Experimentation and Innovation by
Faith in War: Religion and the Military in Germany, C.1500-1650 by Funke, Nikolas M.
The Oral History Manual by Sommer, Barbara W., Quinlan, Mary Kay
The Oral History Manual by Sommer, Barbara W., Quinlan, Mary Kay
Oh! Those Old One Room Schoolhouses and the Children They Loved by Black, Sandy
Family and Justice in the Archives: Historical Perspectives on Intimacy and the Law by
Café com Estoicos: A Filosofia de Zenão, Sêneca, Epiteto e Marco Aurélio by
Disability Studies Meets Microhistory: The Secret Life of Bíbí in Berlín by Ólafsdóttir, Sólveig, Magnússon, Sigurður Gylfi, Stefánsdóttir, Guðrún Valgerður
Ethics in History by Wright, Sheila
New Essays on History and Form in Early Modern English Literature by
East Central European Crisis Discourses in the Twentieth Century: A Never-Ending Story? by
Reenactment Case Studies: Global Perspectives on Experiential History by
The Historical Value of Myths by Karabelas, John
The Routledge Handbook of Memory Activism by
Epistemology of the Past: Texts, History, and Intellectuals of Cambodia, 1855-1970 by Thun, Theara
This Horrible Uncertainty: A German Woman Writes War, 1939-1948 by Quinn, Erika
How the World Made the West: A 4,000 Year History by Quinn, Josephine
Israel's National Historiography: Between Generations, Identity and State by Helled, Alon
A History of the Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949-2024 by Ivleva, Tatiana, Jones, Rebecca H., Breeze, David J.
Girmitiya Culture and Memory: Navigating Identity, Tradition, and Resilience Across Continents by
The Muse of History: The Ancient Greeks from the Enlightenment to the Present by Murray, Oswyn
失败者的春秋 by 刘勃
The Muse of History: The Ancient Greeks from the Enlightenment to the Present by Murray, Oswyn
The Relations Between Serbia and Austria-Hungary in the 20th Century by Corovic, Vladimir
Urban Terrorism in Contemporary Europe: Remembering, Imagining and Anticipating Violence by
Selling Vero Beach: Settler Myths in the Land of the Aís and Seminole by Shefveland, Kristalyn Marie
Selling Vero Beach: Settler Myths in the Land of the Aís and Seminole by Shefveland, Kristalyn Marie
The Historian's Toolbox: A Student's Guide to the Theory and Craft of History by Williams, Robert C.
The Historian's Toolbox: A Student's Guide to the Theory and Craft of History by Williams, Robert C.
Spaces for Nostalgia: Difficult Memories and Material Consolations by Panico, Mario
Making Makers: The Past, the Present, and the Study of War by Finch, Michael P. M.
La Historia del Mundo En 50 Libros / A Short History of the World in 50 Books by Smith, Daniel
Tracking the Texas Ranger Historians by
Eine Globale Geschichte Von Kriegsführung Und Technologie: Von Schleudern Zu Robotern by Roy, Kaushik
Walney Island - A History by Laird, Peter
Elite Women in Hellenistic History, Historiography, and Reception by
Forms of Temporality and Historical Time in the Work of Johann Gottfried Herder by
City of Hope, City of Rage: Miami, 1968-1994 by Weitz, Seth A.
The Clausewitz Myth: Or the Emperor's New Clothes by Gat, Azar
(Counter-)Archive: Memorial Practices of the Soviet Underground by
Overseas Economic Relations and Statehood in Europe, 1860s-1970s: Shaping the World, Making the Nation by Krozewski, Gerold
Oral History and Business: Disruption and Continuity by Crawford, Robert, Bailey, Matthew
Reading Russian Literature, 1980-2024: Literary Consumption, Memory and Identity by
Narrative Projections of a Black British History by Pirker, Eva Ulrike
Jailbreak: Great Irish Republican Escapes, 1865-1983 by Durney, James
Integrity and Historical Research by
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