• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History & Philosophy of Science in 1980

Neue Wege Der Wissenschaftsphilosophie by Stegmüller, Wolfgang
Topics in the Formal Methodology of Empirical Sciences by Wójcicki, Ryszard
Homo Faber: Technology and Culture in India, China and the West from 1500 to the Preent Day by Alvares, C. a.
The Evolution of Mechanics: Original Title: l'Évolution de la Mécanique (1903) by
Outline of a Nominalist Theory of Propositions: An Essay in the Theory of Meaning and in the Philosophy of Logic by Gochet, Paul
Philosophical Papers: Volume II: (1925-1936) by Schlick, Moritz
Time and Cause: Essays Presented to Richard Taylor by
Experiment, Theory, Practice: Articles and Addresses by Kapitza, P. L.
Experiment, Theory, Practice: Articles and Addresses by Kapitza, P. L.
Empiricism, Logic and Mathematics: Philosophical Papers by Hahn, Hans
Scientific Discovery, Logic, and Rationality by
Scientific Discovery, Logic, and Rationality by
Empiricism, Logic and Mathematics: Philosophical Papers by Hahn, Hans
Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy: Third Book: Phenomenology and the Foundation of the Sciences by Husserl, Edmund
Science, Pseudo-Science and Society by Weyant, Robert, Hanen, Marsha, Osler, Margaret
Galileo and the Art of Reasoning: Rhetorical Foundation of Logic and Scientific Method by Finocchiaro, M. a.
Galileo and the Art of Reasoning: Rhetorical Foundation of Logic and Scientific Method by Finocchiaro, M. a.
Mechanism, Mentalism and Metamathematics: An Essay on Finitism by Webb, J.
Rationality in Science: Studies in the Foundations of Science and Ethics by
The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes by Lakatos, Imre
Mathematics, Science and Epistemology: Volume 2, Philosophical Papers by Lakatos, Imre
Time, Causality, and the Quantum Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 1: Essay on the Causal Theory of Time by Mehlberg, S.
On Scientific Discovery: The Erice Lectures 1977 by
Time, Causality, and the Quantum Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 1: Essay on the Causal Theory of Time by Mehlberg, S.
Time, Causality, and the Quantum Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume Two Time in a Quantized Universe by Mehlberg, S.
On Scientific Discovery: The Erice Lectures 1977 by
Italian Studies in the Philosophy of Science by
Theory Change, Ancient Axiomatics, and Galileo's Methodology: Proceedings of the 1978 Pisa Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science Volume by
Ifs: Conditionals, Belief, Decision, Chance and Time by
Italian Studies in the Philosophy of Science by
Probabilistic Thinking, Thermodynamics and the Interaction of the History and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1978 Pisa Conference on the Hi by
Ifs: Conditionals, Belief, Decision, Chance and Time by
Inquiries and Provocations: Selected Writings 1929-1974 by Feigl, Herbert