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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History & Philosophy of Science in 2002

Scientific Opportunism l'Opportunisme Scientifique: An Anthology by Poincaré, Henri
Metaphors for God's Time in Science and Religion by Happel, S.
Darwin's Audubon: Science and the Liberal Imagination by Weissmann, Gerald
Mixture and Chemical Combination: And Related Essays by Duhem, Pierre
What Was Mechanical about Mechanics: The Concept of Force Between Metaphysics and Mechanics from Newton to Lagrange by Boudri, J. C.
Transforming Technology: A Critical Theory Revisited by Feenberg, Andrew
Infinite Minds: A Philosophical Cosmology by Leslie, John
Nietzsche, Biology and Metaphor by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Moore, Gregory
The Triple Helix: Gene, Organism, and Environment by Lewontin, Richard
The Logic of Scientific Discovery by Popper, Karl
The Logic of Scientific Discovery by Popper, Karl
Does God Play Dice?, Second Edition by Stewart, Ian
History of Philosophy of Science: New Trends and Perspectives by
Cartesian Spacetime: Descartes' Physics and the Relational Theory of Space and Motion by Slowik, E.
The Physicists' View of Nature Part 2: The Quantum Revolution by Goswami, Amit
A Means to an End: The Biological Basis of Aging and Death by Clark, William R.
Hermeneutic Philosophy of Science, Van Gogh's Eyes, and God: Essays in Honor of Patrick A. Heelan, S.J. by
Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Science by
Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Science by
Is Nature Supernatural?: A Philosophical Exploration of Science and Nature by Altmann, Simon L.
The Psychology of Science Text Comprehension by
Teachings of Science / La Science institutrice by Quéré, Yves
Behind the Scenes at the Science Museum by MacDonald, Sharon
Life and Flowers by Maeterlinck, Maurice
Science, the Singular and the Question of Theology by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Quantum Philosophy: Understanding and Interpreting Contemporary Science by Omnès, Roland
In Nature's Interests?: Interests, Animal Rights, and Environmental Ethics by Varner, Gary E.
Thinking about Physics by Newton, Roger G.
Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief by Rause, Vince, Newberg, Andrew, D'Aquili, Eugene G.
Knowledge and Language: Selected Essays of L. Jonathan Cohen by Cohen, L. Jonathan
Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology, and the Man by
The Application of Mathematics to the Sciences of Nature: Critical Moments and Aspects by
Are We Spiritual Machines?: Ray Kurzweil vs. the Critics of Strong AI by
Science Declares Our Universe IS Intelligently Designed by Herrmann, Robert A.
Aldo Leopold and the Ecological Conscience by
Uncertain Knowledge: An Image of Science for a Changing World by Dolby, Riki G. a., Dolby, R. G. a.
In Our Image: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Spirit by Herzfeld, Noreen
Bioethics for Scientists by
Critical Scientific Realism by Niiniluoto, Ilkka
Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge by Popper, Karl
Translating the World: Science and Language by Sarukkai, Sundar
The Hidden Face of God: Science Reveals the Ultimate Truth by Schroeder, Gerald L.
The Cognitive Basis of Science by
From Classical to Modern Chemistry by
Inconsistency in Science by
The Economics of Science and Technology: An Overview of Initiatives to Foster Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Growth by Feldman, M. P., Siegel, Donald S., Link, Albert N.
Contemporary Physics and the Limits of Knowledge by Tavel, Morton
Denying Evolution: Creationism, Scientism, and the Nature of Science by Pigliucci, Massimo
On the Seventh Day by
From Uncertainty of Ignorance to Uncertainty of Science. Tractatus Scientifico-Philosophicus by Yarbrov, Alexander A.
El Caos by Smith, Peter
The Lives of Things by Scott, Charles E.
The Cognitive Basis of Science by
Evolution and the New Gnosis: Anti-establishment Essays on Knowledge by Cruse, Don I.
Cosmos and Consciousness: Quantum Computers, SuperStrings, Programming, Egypt, Quarks, Mind Body Problem, and Turing Machines by Blaha, Stephen
Animals and Science: A Guide to the Debates by Shanks, Niall
Essays in Astronomy by de Laplace, Pierre Simon Marquis, Et Al, Hershel, John Frederic William
Nature, Human Nature, and God by Barbour, Ian G.
Real Science: What It Is and What It Means by Ziman, J. M., Ziman, John
Tautological Oxymorons: Deconstructing Scientific Materialism: An Onto-theological Approach by Brey, John D.
Experimenting in Tongues: Studies in Science and Language by
A Model-Theoretic Realist Interpretation of Science by Ruttkamp, E. B.
Non-Locality and Modality by
A Collection of Polish Works on Philosophical Problems of Time and Spacetime by
Non-Locality and Modality by
Ideas for a Hermeneutic Phenomenology of the Natural Sciences: Volume II: On the Importance of Methodical Hermeneutics for a Hermeneutic Phenomenology by Kockelmans, J. J.
Great Waters: An Atlantic Passage (Revised) by Cramer, Deborah
Experimenting in Tongues: Studies in Science and Language by
Wholeness and the Implicate Order by Bohm, David
Intro to the Philosophy of Phy by Lange, Marc
Intro to the Philosophy of Physics by Lange, Marc
Quantum (Un)Speakables: From Bell to Quantum Information by
Science and Education: Essays by Huxley, Thomas H.
Topik by Boehm, Rudolf
Meanest Foundations and Nobler Superstructures: Hooke, Newton and the Compounding of the Celestiall Motions of the Planetts by Gal, Ofer
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: New Constructs of Mind and Reality by Pearce, Joseph Chilton
Technoculture and Critical Theory: In the Service of the Machine? by Cooper, Simon
The Maybe Universe: How To Reclaim Our Heritage by Hacsi, J. H.
The Ingenuity Gap: Facing the Economic, Environmental, and Other Challenges of an Increasingly Complex and Unpredictable Future by Homer-Dixon, Thomas
Zugänge Zur Rationalität Der Zukunft by
Physics, Consciousness and the Nature of Existence by Norwood, Joseph
Explanatory Translation: Beyond the Kuhnian Model of Conceptual Change by Rantala, V.
Recent Themes in the Philosophy of Science: Scientific Realism and Commonsense by
Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time by Shermer, Michael
Perfect Copy: Unravelling the Cloning Debate by Agar, Nicholas
Life Script: How the Human Genome Discoveries Will Transform Medicine and Enhance Your Health by Wade, Nicholas
Metaphors for God's Time in Science and Religion by Happel, S.
Physics, Consciousness and the Nature of Existence by Norwood, Joseph
Logical and Computational Aspects of Model-Based Reasoning by
Modernizing the Mind: Psychological Knowledge and the Remaking of Society by Ward, Steven C.
Logical and Computational Aspects of Model-Based Reasoning by
A Universe of Atoms, an Atom in the Universe by Silverman, Mark P.
Science Literacy for the Twenty-First Century by
Risk: A Practical Guide for Deciding What's Really Safe and What's Dangerous in the World Around You by Ropeik, David
Evolutionary Faith: Rediscovering God in Our Great Story by O'Murchu, Diarmuid
Human Cloning and Human Dignity: The Report of the President's Council on Bioethics by Kass, Leon R.
Brain-Wise: Studies in Neurophilosophy by Churchland, Patricia S.
History, Humanity and Evolution: Essays for John C. Greene by
The Language of Cells: A Doctor and His Patients by Nadler, Spencer
Paradox and Paraconsistency: Conflict Resolution in the Abstract Sciences by Woods, John
Paradox and Paraconsistency: Conflict Resolution in the Abstract Sciences by Woods, John
Biotechnology - The Making of a Global Controversy by
Biotechnology - The Making of a Global Controversy by
The Best American Science and Nature Writing by
Making Genes, Making Waves: A Social Activist in Science by Beckwith, Jon
Life Evolving: Molecules, Mind and Meaning by De Duve, Christian R.
Searching for Sustainability by Norton, Bryan G.
Kuhn: Philosopher of Scientific Revolutions by Sharrock, Wes, Read, Rupert
Kuhn: Philosopher of Scientific Revolutions by Read, Rupert, Sharrock, Wes
Thomas Kuhn by
Thomas Kuhn by
Genetically Modified Foods: Debating Biotechnology by
The Road since Structure: Philosophical Essays, 1970-1993, with an Autobiographical Interview by Kuhn, Thomas S.
Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology by
Der moralische Status menschlicher Embryonen by
Discovery Science: 5th International Conference, DS 2002, Lubeck, Germany, November 24-26, 2002, Proceedings by
Understanding Understanding: Essays on Cybernetics and Cognition by Foerster, Heinz Von
Playing God?: Genetic Determinism and Human Freedom by Peters, Ted
Ethics in Nursing Education, Research and Management: Perspectives from Europe by Tadd, Win
Selectivity and Discord: Two Problems of Experiment by Franklin, Allan
Darwins Demise by Joe, White, White, Joe
The Essential David Bohm by
The Essential David Bohm by
The Universe and Its Life by Maske, Alfred A.
Philosophy and Revolutions in Genetics: Deep Science and Deep Technology by Lee, Keekok
Philosophy and Revolutions in Genetics: Deep Science and Deep Technology by Lee, Keekok
Scientific Authorship: Credit and Intellectual Property in Science by
From Complexity to Life: On the Emergence of Life and Meaning by
The Borderlands of Science: Where Sense Meets Nonsense by Shermer, Michael
The Changing Image of the Sciences by
The Case Against Darwin: Why the Evidence Should Be Examined by Perloff, James
Between Rationalism and Empiricism: Selected Papers in the Philosophy of Physics by Scheibe, Erhard
Science in the Modern World Polity: Institutionalization and Globalization by Drori, Gili S., Meyer, John W., Ramirez, Francisco O.
Science in the Modern World Polity: Institutionalization and Globalization by Meyer, John W., Ramirez, Francisco O., Drori, Gili S.
Free Logic by Lambert, Karel
The Battlegrounds of Bio-Science by Miele, Frank
Hierarchical and Geometrical Methods in Scientific Visualization by
Lords of the Harvest: Biotech, Big Money, and the Future of Food by Charles, Dan
I Wish I'd Made You Angry Earlier: Essays on Science, Scientists, and Humanity by Perutz, Max F.
Einstein and Buddha: The Parallel Sayings by
Scientific Method in Practice by Hugh G., Gauch, Jr., Gauch, Hugh G., Jr.
Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays by Huxley, Thomas H.
In the Scope of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Volumes One and Two of the 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philoso by
In the Scope of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Volume One of the 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Sc by
Mutating Concepts, Evolving Disciplines: Genetics, Medicine, and Society by
In the Scope of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Volume Two of the 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Sc by