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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History & Philosophy of Science in 2003

Physics and Philosophy by Jeans, James
Fragments in Philosophy and Science Being Collected Essays and Addresses by Baldwin, James Mark
The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science by Burtt, E. A.
Science and Hebrew Tradition Essays by Huxley, Thomas H.
Evolution: A General Sketch from Nebula to Man by McCabe, Joseph
God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science by
God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science by
Evolution: Its Nature, Its Evidences and Its Relation to Religious Thought by LeConte, Joseph
Metadecisions: Rehabilitating Epistemology by Van Gigch, John P.
Quantum Mechanics, Mathematics, Cognition and Action: Proposals for a Formalized Epistemology by
New Reading of Evolution a Study of Man by Thompson, Henry Clayton
The Science Wars: Debating Scientific Knowledge and Technology by
Pillar in the Wilderness by John, Benjamin
Science & Other Cultures: Issues in Philosophies of Science and Technology by
The Dependent Gene: The Fallacy of Nature Vs. Nurture by Moore, David S.
Modelling in Natural Sciences: Design, Validation and Case Studies by Müller, Tibor, Müller, Harmund
Intellectual Jazz by Ferreira, Keith N.
Intellectual Jazz by Ferreira, Keith N.
A Terrible Beauty is Born: Clones, Genes and the Future of Mankind by Curran, Brendan
The Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation by Radder, Hans
Rescuing Reason: A Critique of Anti-Rationalist Views of Science and Knowledge by Nola, R.
Ceterus Paribus Laws by
Rescuing Reason: A Critique of Anti-Rationalist Views of Science and Knowledge by Nola, R.
Foundations of the Formal Sciences II: Applications of Mathematical Logic in Philosophy and Linguistics by
Time and Chance by Albert, David Z.
Medicine, Science and Art: Studies in Interrelations by Cohn, Alfred E.
Sins of Science by Klyce, Scudder
Three Essays on Haeckel and Karma by Steiner, Rudolf
The Species Problem: Biological Species, Ontology, and the Metaphysics of Biology by Stamos, David N.
Scientific Societies in the United States, third edition by Bates, Ralph S.
Scientific Manpower: A Dilemma for Graduate Education by
Buddhism & Science: Breaking New Ground by
The Comprehensibility of the Universe: A New Conception of Science by Maxwell, Nicholas
Dispositions by Mumford, Stephen
Modern Science and Modern Thought by Laing, S.
Newton on Mathematics and Spiritual Purity by Leshem, A.
Faith, Madness, and Spontaneous Human Combustion: What Immunology Can Teach Us About Self-Perception by Callahan, Gerald N.
Science and Religion: Are They Compatible? by
Has Science Found God?: The Latest Results in the Search for Purpose in the Universe by Stenger, Victor J.
Measuring the Intentional World: Realism, Naturalism, and Quantitative Methods in the Behavioral Sciences by Trout, J. D.
Local Babies, Global Science: Gender, Religion and in Vitro Fertilization in Egypt by Inhorn, Marcia C.
Borderlands of Science by Still, Alfred
Local Babies, Global Science: Gender, Religion, and in Vitro Fertilization in Egypt by Inhorn, Marcia C.
Thinking about Biology by Webster, Stephen
Thinking about Biology by Webster, Stephen
Beliefs and Biology: Theories of Life and Living by Trusted, J.
In the Land of the Blue Poppies: The Collected Plant-Hunting Writings of Frank Kingdon Ward by Kingdon Ward, Frank
The Reign of Relativity by Haldane, Richard B. S.
Primer of Occult Physics by Adams, W. R. C. Coode
The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method (Volume I) by Jevons, W. Stanley
¿Qué Es La Ciencia? by Ziman, John
The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method (Volume II) by Jevons, W. Stanley
Observation and Experiment in the Natural and Social Sciences by
The Universe of Experience: A Worldview Beyond Science and Religion by Rothery, Brian
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bryson, Bill
Faith and Science by Schwartz, M.
Acres of Diamonds by Conwell, Russell H.
Popular Displays of the Wonders of Nature by Clarke, C. C.
Maya: The World as Virtual Reality by Thompson, Richard L.
Nature and Understanding: The Metaphysics and Methods of Science by Rescher, Nicholas
Scientific Communication in African Universities: External Assistance and National Needs by Teferra, Damtew
Travels of Learning: A Geography of Science in Europe by
Commentary on Aristotle's Physics by Bloomsbury Publishing
The Problem of the Soul: Two Visions of Mind and How to Reconcile Them by Flanagan, Owen
Putting Soul into Science by Friedjung, Michael
Philosophy of Science Today by
Philosophy of Science Today by
Synthetic Planet: Chemical Politics and the Hazards of Modern Life by
Synthetic Planet: Chemical Politics and the Hazards of Modern Life by
Intellectual Jazz II by Ferreira, Keith N.
Psi Wars: Getting to Grips with the Paranormal by
The Connectivity Hypothesis: Foundations of an Integral Science of Quantum, Cosmos, Life, and Consciousness by Laszlo, Ervin
Metaphysical Cavemen: A Refreshing New Look at Ancient History by Kime, A. O.
Science and Wisdom by Moltmann, Jürgen
Scrutinizing Feminist Epistemology: An Examination of Gender in Science by
God and the Embryo: Religious Voices on Stem Cells and Cloning by
The Power of Images in Early Modern Science by Lefèvre, Wolfgang, Renn, Jürgen, Schoepflin, Urs
Science as Revelation by Watson, John M.
Revisiting the Foundations of Relativistic Physics: Festschrift in Honor of John Stachel by
The Vienna Circle and Logical Empiricism: Re-Evaluation and Future Perspectives by
The Social Origins of Modern Science by Zilsel, P.
The Philosophy of Mathematics Today by
Revisiting the Foundations of Relativistic Physics: Festschrift in Honor of John Stachel by
The Role of Moral Reasoning on Socioscientific Issues and Discourse in Science Education by
Science and Culture by Agassi, J.
Understanding the Language of Science by Darian, Steven
Travels in Four Dimensions: The Enigmas of Space and Time by Le Poidevin, Robin
God in the Equation: How Einstein Transformed Religion by Powell, Corey
Bulgarian Studies in the Philosophy of Science by
Life's Solution by Morris, Simon Conway
The Scientific Case Against Scientific Creationism by Alston, Jon P.
Biological Complexity and Integrative Pluralism by Mitchell, Sandra D.
Bioethics in America: Origins and Cultural Politics by Stevens, M. L. Tina
Biological Complexity and Integrative Pluralism by Mitchell, Sandra D.
From Genesis to Genetics: The Case of Evolution and Creationism by Moore, John A.
Wondergenes: Genetic Enhancement and the Future of Society by Mehlman, Maxwell J.
Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process by
Science and Partial Truth: A Unitary Approach to Models and Scientific Reasoning by French, Steven, Costa, Newton C. a., Da Costa, Newton C. a.
C. S. Lewis's Dangerous Idea: In Defense of the Argument from Reason by Reppert, Victor
Are You Conscious, and Can You Prove It?: Short Science Essays by Deutsch, Sid
Are You Conscious, and Can You Prove It?: Short Science Essays by Deutsch, Sid
Science, Truth, and Democracy by Kitcher, Philip
The Role of Scientific and Technical Data and Information in the Public Domain: Proceedings of a Symposium by Board on International Scientific Organizations, National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs
Feyerabend and Scientific Values: Tightrope-Walking Rationality by Farrell, R. P.
Social Studies of Science and Technology: Looking Back, Ahead by
Social Studies of Science and Technology: Looking Back, Ahead by
Defending Science-Within Reason: Between Scientism and Cynicism by Haack, Susan
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2003 by
Adam, Eve, and the Genome by
Discovery Science: 6th International Conference, DS 2003, Sapporo, Japan, October 17-19,2003, Proceedings by
The Fascinated God: What Science Says to Faith and Faith to Scientists by Zinser, Robert E.
Science in the Looking Glass: What Do Scientists Really Know? by Davies, E. Brian
The Haraway Reader by Haraway, Donna
The Haraway Reader by Haraway, Donna
Stem Cell Research by
The Science of the Struggle for Existence by Cooper, Gregory J.
Theories of Scientific Progress: An Introduction by Losee, John
Theories of Scientific Progress: An Introduction by Losee, John
Transformation and Tradition in the Sciences: Essays in Honour of I Bernard Cohen by Mendelsohn, Everett
Modern Biotechnology in Postmodern Times?: A Reflection on European Policies and Human Agency by Reuter, L.
Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science: Selected Contributed Papers from the 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy by
How to Build a Mind: Toward Machines with Imagination by Aleksander, Igor
Genetic Nature/Culture: Anthropology and Science Beyond the Two-Culture Divide by
Human Nature and the Limits of Science by Dupre, John
The Evolution of Reason: Logic as a Branch of Biology by Cooper, William S.
Science Society and Power by Leach, Melissa, Fairhead, James
Alternative Logics. Do Sciences Need Them? by
The Book of Evidence by Achinstein, Peter
Why Gould Was Wrong by Oeijord, Nils K.
The Forgotten Revolution: How Science Was Born in 300 BC and Why It Had to Be Reborn by Russo, Lucio, Levy
Why Gould Was Wrong by Oeijord, Nils K.
Chaos and Life: Complexity and Order in Evolution and Thought by Bird, Richard
Information and Communications: Challenges for the Chemical Sciences in the 21st Century by Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Science Gap: Dispelling the Myths and Understanding the Reality of Science by Rothman, Milton A.
Evolution and Constitution: The Evolutionary Selfconstruction of Law by Oeser, E. F.
BioEvolution: How Biotechnology Is Changing Our World by Fumento, Michael
Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness by Kass, Leon
Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change by Laporte, Joseph
The Moral Authority of Nature by
Das Genetische Wissen Und Die Zukunft Des Menschen by
Über den mehrfachen Sinn von Menschenwürde-Garantien by Jaber, Dunja
Experts in Science and Society by
The Life Cycle of Psychological Ideas: Understanding Prominence and the Dynamics of Intellectual Change by
Relativity in Rotating Frames: Relativistic Physics in Rotating Reference Frames by
Behavior Theory and Philosophy by