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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History & Philosophy of Science in 2014

Your Digital Afterlives: Computational Theories of Life After Death by Steinhart, E.
The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences by Wilkins, J., Ebach, M.
The Ethics of Animal Re-Creation and Modification: Reviving, Rewilding, Restoring by
Epistemic Relativism: A Constructive Critique by Seidel, M.
Ecological Ethics and Living Subjectivity in Hegel's Logic: The Middle Voice of Autopoietic Life by Kisner, W.
The Customization of Science: The Impact of Religious and Political Worldviews on Contemporary Science by
Engines of Discovery: A Century of Particle Accelerators (Revised and Expanded Edition) by Wilson, Edmund, Sessler, Andrew
Kepler's Geometrical Cosmology by Field, J. V.
Mach's Philosophy of Science by Bradley, J.
Scientific Discourse and the Rhetoric of Globalization: The Impact of Culture and Language by Pérez-Llantada, Carmen
The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences: Volume 1: Founded Upon Their History by Whewell, William
The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences: Volume 2: Founded Upon Their History by Whewell, William
Science, Politics, and Evolution by Lloyd, Elisabeth A.
The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences 2 Volume Set: Founded Upon Their History by Whewell, William
Representation in Scientific Practice Revisited by
Life Sciences in Early Modern Philosophy by
Vom Urknall Zum Durchknall: Die Absurde Jagd Nach Der Weltformel by Unzicker, Alexander
The Cognitive Science of Science: Explanation, Discovery, and Conceptual Change by Thagard, Paul
The Scientific Approach to Curing Addiction by
Interpretation: Ways of Thinking about the Sciences and the Arts by
Nature's Suit: Husserl's Phenomenological Philosophy of the Physical Sciences Volume 45 by Hardy, Lee
Los Ojos Manipuladores del Dragon by de La Cruz, Juan
The Challenge of the Social and the Pressure of Practice: Science and Values Revisited by
Teoría de la evolución darwiniana: Una hipótesis en receso by Rey, Fernando Ruiz
Six Words by Sagar, Surendra Kumar
Toward a Democratic Science: Scientific Narration and Civic Communication by Brown, Richard Harvey
The Theory of Relativity by Einstein, Albert
Essays in Science by Einstein, Albert
Letters to Solovine by Einstein, Albert
The World as I See It by Einstein, Albert
The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science by Ball, Tim
The as If Principle: The Radically New Approach to Changing Your Life by Wiseman, Richard
La Matiere Brute et la Matiere Vivant, Etude sur l'Origine de la Vie et de la Mort: (Recherches sur le processus de vieillissement humain - Gérotonlog by Delboeuf, Joseph
Crackle and Fizz: Essential Communication and Pitching Skills for Scientists by Van Den Brul, Caroline
Interpreting Physics: Language and the Classical/Quantum Divide by MacKinnon, Edward
Physical Systems: Conceptual Pathways Between Flat Space-Time and Matter by Belkind, Ori
Philosophy of Biology by Godfrey-Smith, Peter
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Kropotkin, Peter Harry
Philosophy of Technology: The Technological Condition: An Anthology by
Worlds Without End: The Many Lives of the Multiverse by Rubenstein, Mary-Jane
The Philosophy of Biology by Johnstone, James
Bioscience and the Good Life by Brassington, Iain
Studies on the Structure of Time: From Physics to Psycho(patho)Logy by
Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics by
The Ethics of Animal Re-Creation and Modification: Reviving, Rewilding, Restoring by
Driver Acceptance of New Technology: Theory, Measurement and Optimisation by Horberry, Tim
The Idea of Nature by Collingwood, Robin George, Collingwood, R. G.
Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg: Split Minds and Meta-Realities by Pearce, Joseph Chilton
The Matrix of Truth: The Quantum of Reality by Olander, D. E.
Early Engagement and New Technologies: Opening Up the Laboratory by
Your Digital Afterlives: Computational Theories of Life After Death by Steinhart, E.
The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God by Strobel, Lee
An Anthology of Theories and Models of Design: Philosophy, Approaches and Empirical Explorations by
Spatial Social Thought: Local Knowledge in Global Science Encounters by
The Self-Actualizing Cosmos: The Akasha Revolution in Science and Human Consciousness by Laszlo, Ervin
Paradigms in Theory Construction by
Between Ape and Artilect: Conversations with Pioneers of Artificial General Intelligence and Other Transformative Technologies by Goertzel, Ben
Freud on Interpretation: The Ancient Magical Egyptian and Jewish Traditions by Rieber, Robert W.
A Brief History of String Theory: From Dual Models to M-Theory by Rickles, Dean
Bas Van Fraassen's Approach to Representation and Models in Science by
Living in Space: A Handbook for Work and Exploration Beyond the Earth's Atmosphere by Stine, G. Harry
The Tiny Truth That Governs Everything (Large Print Edition) by Melgar, Fabian (Mel)
Risk: A Study of Its Origins, History and Politics by Beck, Matthias, Kewell, Beth
Slanted Truths: Essays on Gaia, Symbiosis and Evolution by Sagan, Dorion, Margulis, Lynn
Einstein the Formative Years, 1879-1909 by
Processes of Life: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology by Dupre, John
The Structure of the World: Metaphysics and Representation by French, Steven
Will the Internet Achieve Sentience?: Is VOX Coming? by Tracer, Bill M.
What Coleridge Thought by Barfield, Owen
Science and the Media: Alternative Routes in Scientific Communication by Bucchi, Massimiano
Historia de La Comunicacion Humana by Macedo Tello, Abelardo Orlando
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law by Pound, Roscoe
Sleepwalking with the Bomb by Wohlstetter, John C.
Why Is There Philosophy of Mathematics At All? by Hacking, Ian
Why Is There Philosophy of Mathematics At All? by Hacking, Ian
Kuhn's Evolutionary Social Epistemology by Wray, K. Brad
Scientific Objectivity and Its Contexts by Agazzi, Evandro
A Preliminary Discourse On The Study Of Natural Philosophy: The Cabinet Of Natural Philosophy by Herschel, John Frederick William
The Ethics of the Dust: Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of Crystallization by Ruskin, John
The Origin And Evolution Of The Human Race by Churchward, Albert
The Evolution And Dissolution Of The Sexual Instinct by Fere Charles
Acres Of Diamonds by Conwell, Russell H.
Abraham Lincoln, The Evolution Of His Emancipation Policy: An Address Delivered Before The Chicago Historical Society, February 27, 1906 by Selby, Paul
The Migration Of Symbols And The Contemporary Evolution Of Religious Thought by D'Alviella, Count Goblet
The Origin And Evolution Of The Human Race by Churchward, Albert
Acres of Diamonds by Conwell, Russell H.
Evolution by Edge, Henry T.
The Scientific Training of Children by Larson, Christian D.
Scientific Demonstration Of The Future Life by Hudson, Thomson Jay
Theism and Evolution by Van Dyke, Joseph Smith
A Stellar Key To The Summer Land V1 by Davis, Andrew Jackson
Science And A Future Life With Other Essays by Myers, Frederic W. H.
A Spinner in the Sun by Reed, Myrtle
Scientific Basis Of Sabbath And Sunday by Floody, Robert John
Scientific Evidence of Future Life 1910 by Rogers, L. W.
A Social Highwayman by Train, Elizabeth Phipps
Essays on the Use and Limit of the Imagination in Science by Tyndall, John
Art as a Factor in the Soul's Evolution by Jinarajadasa, C.
Bisexual Man: Or Evolution of the Sexes by Buzzacott, Francis H., Wymore, Mary Isabel
The Evolution of Expression V1 by Emerson, Charles Wesley
The Evolution of Ella Wheeler Wilcox and Other Wheelers by Wheeler, M. P.
Abraham Lincoln, the Evolution of His Emancipation Policy: An Address Delivered Before the Chicago Historical Society, February 27, 1906 by Selby, Paul
Episodes from an Unwritten History by Bragdon, Claude Fayette
A Century of Science and Other Essays by Fiske, John
Thoughts Are Things by Mulford, Prentice
Evolution: A General Sketch from Nebula to Man by McCabe, Joseph
A Strong Man's Vow by Hocking, Joseph
A Splendid Hazard by Macgrath, Harold
The Story of American Painting: The Evolution of Painting in America by Caffin, Charles H.
Essays on Evolution: 1889-1907 by Poulton, Edward Bagnall
Evolution Social And Organic by Lewis, Arthur M.
Cosmogony and Evolution by Ingalese, Richard, Ingalese, Isabella
The Evolution of the Dragon by Smith, G. Elliot
The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings V2 by Frazer, J. G.
The Place Of Death In Evolution by Smyth, Newman
Fragments Of Science: A Series Of Detached Essays, Addresses And Reviews by Tyndall, John
The Origin and Evolution of Life: On the Theory of Action Reaction and Interaction of Energy by Osborn, Henry F.
Next Step in Evolution, the Present Step by Funk, I. K.
Naturalism and Agnosticism by Ward, James
The Hidden Side of Evolution by Rogers, L. W.
From Clouds to Sunshine: Or the Evolution of a Soul by Kaven, E. Thomas
Man's Place in the Universe: A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in Relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds by Wallace, Alfred Russel
The Other Side of Evolution Its Effects and Fallacy by Patterson, Rev Alexander
New Reading Of Evolution: A Study Of Man by Thompson, Henry Clayton
The Grammar Of Science by Pearson, Karl
God and His World: Sermons on Evolution by Calthrop, Samuel
The Evolution and Dissolution of the Sexual Instinct by Fere Charles
A Miscellany Containing Some Essays on Literature with Some of the Arts and Sciences by Huntington, Thomas
A Noble Art: Three Lectures on the Evolution and Construction of the Piano by Smith, Fanny Morris
Joseph Smith as Scientist by Widtsoe, John a.
Hashimura to Go: Domestic Scientist by Irwin, Wallace Jr.
A Primer of Evolution by Clodd, Edward
The Contemporary Evolution of Religious Thought in England, America and India by D'Alviella, Count Goblet
A Son of Austerity by Knight, George
Law and the Prophets: A Scientific Work on the Relationship Between Physical Bodies, Vegetable, Animal, Human, and Planetary by Ormsby, Frank Earl
A New Natural Theology Based Upon the Doctrine of Evolution by Morris, J.
The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings V1 by Frazer, J. G.
Moral Theory: An Introduction to Ethics by Field, G. C.
Are We All Scientific Experts Now? by Collins, Harry
Attack Evangelism: Being on the offense without being offensive by Koehn, Greg
Experiment and Exploration: Forms of World-Disclosure: From Epistemology to Bildung by Ahrens, Sönke
Perfecting Your Love Energy Sphere: Hindi Edition by Mehta, Shyam
God in the Age of Science?: A Critique of Religious Reason by Philipse, Herman
Science after the Practice Turn in the Philosophy, History, and Social Studies of Science by
Grace Lau's Hydraulic Engineering School Papers by Lau, Grace
Nuel Belnap on Indeterminism and Free Action by
An Introduction to Design Arguments by Jantzen, Benjamin C.
An Introduction to Design Arguments by Jantzen, Benjamin C.
Letters to a Young Scientist by Wilson, Edward O.
Frankenstein's Cat by Anthes, Emily
Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves by Church, George M., Regis, Edward
The Nature of Scientific Thinking: On Interpretation, Explanation, and Understanding by Faye, J.
Philoponus: On Aristotle on Coming-To-Be and Perishing 1.1-5 by Williams, C. J. F.
Holy Sci-Fi!: Where Science Fiction and Religion Intersect by Nahin, Paul J.
Looking for the Way (Large Print Edition) by Flint, Jeremy
GAYANE-OCTAGON v by Kogan, Ilya
Der Bleistift: Die Geschichte Eines Gebrauchsgegenstands by Petroski, Henry
Evolution in Four Dimensions, Revised Edition: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life by Lamb, Marion J., Jablonka, Eva
New Essays on Leibniz Reception: In Science and Philosophy of Science 1800-2000 by
Analysis and Interpretation in the Exact Sciences: Essays in Honour of William Demopoulos by
Homology, Genes, and Evolutionary Innovation by Wagner, Günter P.
Evolutionary Biology by
Nothing: Surprising Insights Everywhere from Zero to Oblivion by New Scientist
Rudolf Carnap and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism by
Characterizing the Robustness of Science: After the Practice Turn in Philosophy of Science by
Special Sciences and the Unity of Science by
Probing the Meaning of Quantum Mechanics: Physical, Philosophical, and Logical Perspectives by
Ceebro, sexo, drogas. violencia y Rock and Roll.: Los mitos y prejuicios que pesan sobre nosotros y el funcionamiento instintivo del cerebro. by Salin-Pascual, Rafael J.
The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Will Artificial Intelligence Serve Us Or Replace Us? by Del Monte, Louis a.
Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel Mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg U.A.: Band 1: 1919-1929 by Pauli, Wolfgang
The Meaning(s) of Life: A Human's Guide to the Biology of Souls by M.
Philosophy of Physics by Bunge, M.
Language, Logic and Method by
Studies in Inductive Probability and Rational Expectation by Kuipers, Theo A. F.
Unity of Science by Causey, Robert L.
Elementary Particles: Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy by Kobzarev, Manin, Y. I.
Scientific Progress: A Study Concerning the Nature of the Relation Between Successive Scientific Theories by Dilworth, Craig
Science and Spirituality by Ruse, Michael
La teoría de la evolución: El origen de las especies by Darwin, Charles
Poincaré, Philosopher of Science: Problems and Perspectives by
Archaeological Approaches to Dance Performance by Aamodt, Christina
Epistemic Relativism: A Constructive Critique by Seidel, M.
Experiments in Practice by Schwarz, Astrid
Dancing to a Different Tune by Schmidt, Patrick L.
Rationis Defensor: Essays in Honour of Colin Cheyne by
Brain, Mind and Consciousness in the History of Neuroscience by
Infinite Regress Arguments by Wieland, Jan Willem
Origins and Grand Finale: How the Bible and Science Relate to the Origin of Everything, Abuses of Political Authority, and End Times Predictions by Haitel, Gary
Origins and Grand Finale: How the Bible and Science Relate to the Origin of Everything, Abuses of Political Authority, and End Times Predictions by Haitel, Gary
Los genios adoran la soledad y los necios la sociedad by Leandry-Vega, Ismael
The Cambridge Companion to Einstein by
What Have You Changed Your Mind About?: Today's Leading Minds Rethink Everything by Brockman, John
A Mathematical Prelude to the Philosophy of Mathematics by Pollard, Stephen
A Quaker Approach to Research: Collaborative Practice and Communal Discernment by Cox, Gray
Philosophy, Science, and History: A Guide and Reader by
The Social Evolution of Human Nature by Smit, Harry
Popper and His Popular Critics: Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend and Imre Lakatos by Agassi, Joseph
Reductionism, Emergence and Levels of Reality: The Importance of Being Borderline by Chibbaro, Sergio, Rondoni, Lamberto, Vulpiani, Angelo
Evolutionary Essays by Proudfoot, Kyle Lance
Arithmetic for Entertainment by Perelman, Yakov
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