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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History & Philosophy of Science in 2025

Pandemic Societies: A Critical Public Health Perspective by Petersen, Alan
Science Societies: Resources for Life in a Technoscientific World by R. Davies, Sarah
Cybernetic Capitalism: A Critical Theory of the Incommunicable by Overwijk, Jan
Dna, Race, and Reproduction by
The Power of Nuclear by Visscher, Marco
Cybernetic Capitalism: A Critical Theory of the Incommunicable by Overwijk, Jan
The Bright Side: How Optimists Change the World, and How You Can Be One by Paul-Choudhury, Sumit
Is Math Real?: How Simple Questions Lead Us to Mathematics' Deepest Truths by Cheng, Eugenia
Science Societies: Resources for Life in a Technoscientific World by R. Davies, Sarah
The Bright Side: How Optimists Change the World, and How You Can Be One by Paul-Choudhury, Sumit
Human-Centric AI with Common Sense by Ilievski, Filip
Regenerative Zukünfte Und Künstliche Intelligenz: Band 2: People by
Expert Consensus in Science by Jorm, Anthony
Animal People: Moral Subjects in the Work of Animal Protection by Reed, Adam
Animal People: Moral Subjects in the Work of Animal Protection by Reed, Adam
Definitions and Mathematical Knowledge by Sereni, Andrea
Definitions and Mathematical Knowledge by Sereni, Andrea
Beyond Good and Evil, by Friedrich Nietzsche: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future by Friedrich Nietzsche
Imago Cosmi: Visioni del Cosmo E Storia Delle Macchine Astronomiche by Marini, Daniele L. R.
Race and Sociocultural Inclusion in Science Communication: Innovation, Decolonisation, and Transformation by
Building a God: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and the Race to Control It by Dicarlo, Christopher
Das Öffentliche Und Das Private: Informationstechnologische Entwicklungen Und Deren Einfluss Auf Öffentliches Und Privates Leben by Osterhage, Wolfgang
Archaeoastronomy: Introduction to the Science of Stars and Stones by Magli, Giulio
Kant's Aesthetic Cognitivism: On the Value of Art by Kuplen, Mojca
The Welfare of Future Children: Reproductive Ethics and Disability Screening by Bennett, Rebecca
The Welfare of Future Children: Reproductive Ethics and Disability Screening by Bennett, Rebecca
Philosophy, Science and Cinema: Bidirectional Relationships by
Revisiting Premodern Islamic Science and Experience by Erlwein, Hannah C., Krause, Katja
Governance of Human Gene Editing and Transhumanism: Tasks for Today's Bioethics by Santos, Lílian
Womanist Bioethics: Social Justice, Spirituality, and Black Women's Health by Wilson, Wylin D.
The Moral Circle: Who Matters, What Matters, and Why by Sebo, Jeff
Womanist Bioethics: Social Justice, Spirituality, and Black Women's Health by Wilson, Wylin D.
VOR Dem Big Bang by Giudice, Gian Francesco
In Defence of Psychiatric Diagnoses by Fellowes, Sam
The Non-Fundamentality of Spacetime: General Relativity, Quantum Gravity, and Metaphysics by Salimkhani, Kian
Expanded Nature: Ecologies of Experimental Cinema by
Levels of Explanation by Robertson, Katie, Wilson, Alastair
Josef Schächter: Philosophical Writings and Documents in the Context of the Vienna Circle: Before the Second World War by
Technological Utopianism and the Idea of Justice by Sand, Martin
James Lovelock Et Al. La Terre Et Moi by
Gaming Cancer: How Building and Playing Video Games Can Accelerate Scientific Discovery by Yoshimi, Jeff
Machine Agency by Mattingly, James, Cibralic, Beba
A Drive to Survive: The Free Energy Principle and the Meaning of Life by Nave, Kathryn
It Must Be Beautiful to Be Finished: A Memoir of My Body by Gies, Kate
How the World Really Works: The Science Behind How We Got Here and Where We're Going by Smil, Vaclav
The Social Dimensions of Scientific Knowledge by Miller, Boaz
The Social Dimensions of Scientific Knowledge by Miller, Boaz
Benjamin, Deleuze and the Baroque: The Early Modern Origins of Media Theory by Levin, Noa
Physics Fixes All the Facts by Graham, Liam
Atlas of the History of Modern Science 1500-2020: Overviews and Surveys in the Form of Charts, 'Maps' and Diagrams by Brobjer, Thomas H.
Perspectives on Logics for Data-Driven Reasoning by
Bioethics from the Global South by
Bioethics and Brains: A Disciplined and Principled Neuroethics by Giordano, James, Shook, John R.
Climate Justice: What Rich Nations Owe the World--And the Future by Sunstein, Cass R.
The Importance of Non-Christian Religions in the Philosophy of Pierre Bayle by
Die Glaubwürdigkeitskrise Der Wissenschaft Aus Sicht Der Sozialen Erkenntnistheorie by Flohr, Alexander F.
Bacteria to AI: Human Futures with Our Nonhuman Symbionts by Hayles, N. Katherine
Bacteria to AI: Human Futures with Our Nonhuman Symbionts by Hayles, N. Katherine
Ethics in Psychiatry: European Contributions by
After the Human: A Philosophy for the Future by Taylor, Mark C.
On the Art and Craft of Doing Science by Catania, Kenneth
After the Human: A Philosophy for the Future by Taylor, Mark C.
Space Expansionism and Criminology: The Emerging Terrain of Crime, Harm, and Violence by Rothe, Dawn L., Collins, Victoria E.
Space Expansionism and Criminology: The Emerging Terrain of Crime, Harm, and Violence by Rothe, Dawn L., Collins, Victoria E.
On the Art and Craft of Doing Science by Catania, Kenneth
We, Robots: Questioning the Neutrality of Technology, Ethical AI and Technological Determinism by Chomanski, Bartek, Lauwaert, Lode
The Call of the Eco-Weird in Fiction, Films, and Games by
Assessing Feasibility with Value-Laden Models: Discussing the Normativity of Integrated Assessment Models by Hollnaicher, Simon
The Legacy of the Vienna Circle by
Beauty and the Brain: The Science of Human Nature in Early America by Walker, Rachel E.
Julian Huxley, Evolutionism and the History of Transhumanism by Dunér, Ingrid
Conceptual Principles of Natural Philosophy: An Investigation Into Time, Space, and the Laws of Nature by Yehezkel, Gal
Democratic Deliberation and Public Bioethics: The Role of Moderators in Moral and Political Disagreements by Sanchini, Virginia
How to Feed the World: The History and Future of Food by Smil, Vaclav
Reproduktionszukünfte: Ethische, Rechtliche Und Soziale Perspektiven Neuer Reproduktionstechniken by
Medical Genetics and Law: An International Perspective by Crouch, Mair
Women in Science Now: Stories and Strategies for Achieving Equity by Munoz, Lisa M. P.
Unreliable: Bias, Fraud, and the Reproducibility Crisis in Biomedical Research by Szabo, Csaba
Unreliable: Bias, Fraud, and the Reproducibility Crisis in Biomedical Research by Szabo, Csaba
Operationism in Psychology: An Epistemology of Exploration by Feest, Uljana
The Asteroid Hunter: A Scientist's Journey to the Dawn of Our Solar System by Lauretta, Dante
The Possibility of Life: Science, Imagination and Our Quest for Kinship in the Cosmos by Green, Jaime
Blunt Instrument: Why Economic Theory Can't Get Any Better...Why We Need It Anyway by Rosenberg, Alex
The Art of Physics: How Science Explains the Chaos, Contradictions, and Unpredictability of Life by Bharmal, Zahaan
Philosophical Theorizing and Its Limits: Anti-Theory in Ethics and Philosophy of Science by
The Ethics of Research with Human Subjects: Protecting People, Advancing Science, Promoting Trust by Resnik, David B.
Analytical Philosophy of Medicine: Scientific Philosophy and Philosophy of Medicine by Karhausen, Lucien
Licht: Ideen Zu Seiner Natur Und Nutzung Von Der Antike Bis Zur Modernen Wissenschaft by Pohl, Martin
Social and Ethical Considerations of AI in East Asia and Beyond by
Josef Schächter: Philosophical Writings and Documents in the Context of the Vienna Circle: During and After the Second World War by
Science Competes: Informing Policy in a Time of Distrust, Fracture, and Chaos by Bozeman, Barry
Taxi from Another Planet: Conversations with Drivers about Life in the Universe by Cockell, Charles S.
The Science of Weird Shit: Why Our Minds Conjure the Paranormal by French, Chris
The Blind Spot: Why Science Cannot Ignore Human Experience by Gleiser, Marcelo, Thompson, Evan, Frank, Adam
I Am a Part of Infinity: The Spiritual Journey of Albert Einstein by Fox, Kieran
Science Communication: The Basics by Trench, Brian, Bucchi, Massimiano
Science Communication: The Basics by Bucchi, Massimiano, Trench, Brian
Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship and Risk: Reflections and Positions at the Crossroads Between Philosophy and Management by
Sacred Science: Understanding Divine Creation by West, William H.
Searches: Selfhood in the Digital Age by Vara, Vauhini
Time, Myth and Matter by Deutsch, LD
Modern Cosmology by Dodelson, Scott, Schmidt, Fabian
Target Earth: Meteorites, Asteroids, Comets, and Other Cosmic Intruders That Threaten Our Planet by Schilling, Govert
The New Order: How AI Rewrites the Narrative of Science by Edwards, Chris
To Forever Inhabit This Earth: An Ethic of Enoughness by Cardin, Nina Beth
Thinking Like a Human: The Power of Your Mind in the Age of AI by Weitzner, David
Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Medicine by
Values of Love and Ethical Reflection by Husserl, Edmund
Kant and the Systematicity of the Sciences by
Women in Physics by Foley, Cathy
The Science of the Beatles: The Theory and Technology Behind the Music and Lyrics by Brake, Mark, Brake, Jeff
Proof: The Art and Science of Certainty by Kucharski, Adam
Explanation and Understanding by Levy, Arnon
Explanation and Understanding by Levy, Arnon
Bioethik Unterrichten - Urteilsfähigkeit Fördern: Ein Aufsatzsammlung Von Fachdidaktikern Und Bildungswissenschaftlern Für Die Bildungslandschaft by
The Theory of Deliberative Wisdom by Racine, Eric
Moral AI: And How We Get There by Borg, Jana Schaich, Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter, Conitzer, Vincent
Principles of Biological Autonomy, a New Annotated Edition by Varela, Francisco J.
Geniuses, Heroes, and Saints: The Nobel Prize and the Public Image of Science by Bucchi, Massimiano
Snow Fleas and Chickadees: Everyday Observations in the Sierra by Quesnel, Eve
The Ghost Lab: How Bigfoot Hunters, Mediums, and Alien Enthusiasts Are Wrecking Science by Hongoltz-Hetling, Matthew
Scientific Thinking, Second Edition by Martin, Robert M.
Introduction to Environmental Ethics: Caring for the Earth by Martin, Maria A., Chuvieco, Emilio
Introduction to Environmental Ethics: Caring for the Earth by Chuvieco, Emilio, Martin, Maria A.
Regenerative Zukünfte Und Künstliche Intelligenz: Band 3: Profit by
Human Nature: Nine Ways to Feel about Our Changing Planet by Marvel, Kate
Christian Wolff: Eine Einführung by Aichele, Alexander
Experimental Methodology for Human-Robot Interaction: Guidelines and Case Studies for Human-Centred and Ethical Robotics Research by Robinson, Nicole L., Tian, Leimin, Wu, Tina L. Y.
Subjectivism in Economics and Philosophy: Re-Orientating Economic Theory by Mittermaier, Karl
The Growing Block View: Philosophy of Time, Change, and the Open Future by Forbes, Graeme A.
Breeding: The Human History of Heredity, Race, and Sex by Waller, John
Introduction to Quantized Fields: Qed, Electroweak Theory, and QCD Via a Selection of Original Papers by Bostock, Christopher J.
Forgotten Landscapes: How Native Americans Created the Pre-Columbian World and What We Can Learn from It by Rice, Stanley A.
Entwined: Dispatches from the Intersection of Species by Lyons, Bridget A.
The Science of the Paranormal: The Truth Behind Esp, Reincarnation, and More Mysterious Phenomena by Debord, J. M.
The Science of Alfred Hitchcock: The Truth Behind Psycho, the Birds, North by Northwest, and Other Legendary Films by the Master of Suspense by Hafdahl, Meg, Florence, Kelly
Science, News and the Public: Journalism for Science Democratisation in the Post-Truth Era by McIlwaine, Stephen, Fleerackers, Alice, Nguyen, An
Wild Systems Theory: Non-Reductive Naturalism and Narratives of Meaning, Choice, and Self by Jordan, J. Scott
Science and Inequality: A Political Sociology by Frickel, Scott, Moore, Kelly
Science and Inequality: A Political Sociology by Frickel, Scott, Moore, Kelly
Handbook of Military Sciences by
Herder and Naturalism: Philosophy, History, Language, Religion by
Philosophie Der Digitalität: Realität - Virtualität - Normativität by Noller, Jörg