• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History in 2003

Stopping to Home by Wait, Lea
Missing from Haymarket Square by Robinet, Harriette Gillem
Almost Home: A Story Based on the Life of the Mayflower's Young Mary Chilton by Lawton, Wendy
Angel on the Square by Whelan, Gloria
Honus & Me by Gutman, Dan
Galveston's Summer of the Storm by Lake, Julie
Pinto's Hope by Harrell, Deborah A.
Moonshiner's Son by Reeder, Carolyn
Secret in St. Something by Wallace, Barbara Brooks
The Little Ships: The Heroic Rescue at Dunkirk in World War II by Borden, Louise
Andy & Mark and the TIME MACHINE by Reed, Wilfred F.
Conspiracy Prophecy II: WWIII and Rumors of WWIV in Revelation by Pochenko
The Golly Sisters Go West by Byars, Betsy
The Josefina Story Quilt by Coerr, Eleanor
The Guns of Tortuga by Strickland, Brad, Fuller, Thomas E.
Shoeless Joe & Me by Gutman, Dan
The Whale People by Haig-Brown, Roderick
Mieko and the Fifth Treasure by Coerr, Eleanor
Adventure on Apple Orchard Road by Collier, Christine E.
Soldier Boys by Hughes, Dean
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Latham, Jean Lee
The House on Hound Hill by Prince, Maggie
Jeremy Visick by Wiseman, David
Smart about the Fifty States: A Class Report by Saunders, Susan, Cocca-Leffler, Maryann, Buller, Jon
Casting the Gods Adrift: A Tale of Ancient Egypt by McCaughrean, Geraldine
Coolies by Yin
Song of the Trees by Taylor, Mildred D.
Walk Across the Sea by Fletcher, Susan
Under a War-Torn Sky by Elliott, L. M.
Moon Over Tennessee: A Boy's Civil War Journal by Crist-Evans, Craig
Ransom's Mark: A Story Based on the Life of the Pioneer Olive Oatman by Lawton, Wendy
Sam Houston Is My Hero by Alter, Judy
King's Arrow by Bond, Douglas
The Secret of Sarah Revere by Rinaldi, Ann
Bigger by Calvert, Patricia
A Ride Into Morning: The Story of Tempe Wick by Rinaldi, Ann
Blaze of the Great Cliff by Fidler, Mark
Blaze of the Great Cliff by Fidler, Mark
Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess by Platt, Richard
Paint by Magic by Reiss, Kathryn
The Secret School by Avi
The Adventures of Chip and Marty in Mr. Sandman's Class: Cahokia - A U.S. Historical Fiction Novel for Children by Fisher, Amy Lynn
Further Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlof, Juvenile Fiction, Classics by Lagerlof, Selma
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlof, Juvenile Fiction, Classics by Lagerlof, Selma
No Girls Allowed by Kay, Alan N.
Nobody's Child by Skrypuch, Marsha Forchuk
The Star People: A Lakota Story by Nelson, S. s.
Earthquake at Dawn by Gregory, Kristiana
This First Thanksgiving Day: A Counting Story by Melmed, Laura Krauss
The Flimflam Man by Beard, Darleen Bailey
Tucket's Travels: Francis Tucket's Adventures in the West, 1847-1849 (Books 1-5) by Paulsen, Gary
Boxes for Katje by Fleming, Candace
Fair Weather by Peck, Richard
When Jessie Came Across the Sea by Hest, Amy
Journey to the River Sea by Ibbotson, Eva
Fires of Jubilee by Hart, Alison
Pigeon Hero! by Redmond, Shirley Raye
Egmont Passage: Tale of the Seventh Mystery by Fabiano, Antonino
Trouble Don't Last by Pearsall, Shelley
Call Me Dolley by Sherman, Hariette S.