• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History in 2021

On the Edge of the Fjord by Seymour, Alta Halverson
Ottawa, Old & New by Brault, Lucien 1904-1987
The Secret of Red Gate Farm; 0 by Keene, Carolyn
Quarterback's Aim; 0 by Lord, Beman
The Only Horse for Jan by Denneborg, Heinrich Maria 1909-
Three Sides of Agiochook; a Tale of the New England Frontier in 1775 by Kelly, Eric Philbrook 1884-1960
Half-pint Fisherman; by Montgomery, Elizabeth Rider
Boss Chombale by Hubbard, Margaret Carson
Galumph by Lansdown, Brenda
American Industrial Hygiene Association Quarterly; 16n3 by Anonymous
The Race for Land; by Prout, Vera Julia
Riding Days; by Oliver, Marjorie Mary 1899-
Apple Pie for Lewis by Kay, Helen
Danger in Center Field by Mays, Willie 1931-
Boys Are Awful by McGinley, Phyllis 1905-1978
The Bobbsey Twins of Lakeport by Hope, Laura Lee
Desert Beauty, the Story of Cacti by Jeanes, Charlotte
Madeleine Takes Command by
Senraclionmanadv00lang by Langford, George 1876-
Winds of Change; Ohio in the 1850's by Truax, Rhoda
Cruise of Danger by Innes, Hammond 1913-
Slipper Under Glass by Wyndham, Lee
The Rise of the Novel; Studies in Defoe, Richardson, and Fielding by Watt, Ian P.
The Kid Comes Back; 0 by Tunis, John Roberts 1889-1975
Machines at Work by Elting, Mary 1906-2005
Eagles of the Sky: or, With Jack Ralston Along the Air Lanes by Newcomb, Ambrose
The Rookie From Junction Flats by Waldman, Frank 1919-
Westford Juniors, Inc by Jones, Alletta
Venus Boy by Sutton, Lee
Orphans of the Range by Martin, Chuck
Nick Wilson, Pioneer Boy Among the Indians; by
Levko by MacMillan, Anne Morton
Vigilantes, Ride! by
Wonderful Stuff: the Story of Clay by Russell, Solveig Paulson, Cary, Ill
The Peddler's Clock by Hunt, Mabel Leigh 1892-
The Valiant Sailor by
Circus at Madison Square Garden by Boyton, Neil 1884-1956
Our Animal Books... a Series in Humane Education; Book I by Anonymous
Old Sam, Thoroughbred Trotter; by Taylor, Don Alonzo
Father and the Mountains by Robinson, Gertrude
Ekorn the Squirrel by Orbach, Ruth
Castanets for Caroline, a Story of Sadler's Wells; by Hill, Lorna
Young Readers Sports Treasury; by Coombs, Charles Ira 1914-
The Little Louvre;: or, the Boys' and Girls' Gallery of Pictures by Abbott, Jacob 1803-1879
Curious Doings at the Mouse-house by Reeves, Katherine
The Crocus; a Fresh Flower for the Holidays by Schmid, Christoph Von 1768-1854
The Orphans of Simitra by
Angelina and the Birds by Potts, Katharine G., Baumann, Hans 1914-1988
Nine Make a Team. by Neigoff, Mike
The Long Arctic Night by Schmeltzer, Kurt
Poquito, the Little Mexican Duck by
Bluedowry00upde by Updegraff, Florence Maule
The Lion's Own Story; Eight New Stories About Ellen's Lion by Johnson, Crockett 1906-1975
The Piebald Pup by Korschunow, Irina
And Amedeo Asked, How Does One Become a Man? by Mendoza, George
Drovers' Gold by Street, Julia Montgomery
René and Patou by Peck, Anne Merriman 1884-1976
Where the Shark Waits by Harkins, Philip 1912-
Simon O' the Stock by Heagney, Anne
Lost Children of the Shoshones by Nevin, Evelyn C.
The Wise Men of Schilda by Preussler, Otfried
Hearts Are the Fields by Turngren, Ellen
Soomoon, Boy of Bali by Elliot, Kathleen Morrow 1897-1940
Zipzipredplanet00sche by Schealer, John M.
The Adventures of So Hi by
Harmony Ahead; by Kohler, Julilly House 1915-
The Wonder Stick by Coblentz, Stanton Arthur 1896-1982
Eagle in the Valley by Kohan, Frances H.
The Late Spring by Fritz, Jean
Book Trails by
The Read Aloud Mother Goose by
World's End Was Home by Chauncy, Nan
The Jungle Twins by Roberts, Irma
Ken of Centennial Farm by Tefft, Bess Hagaman
The Lion's Own Story; Eight New Stories About Ellen's Lion by Johnson, Crockett 1906-1975
On Silver Creek Knob by
Kel of the Ancient River by
The Seven Secrets of Somewhere Lake; Animal Ways That Inspire and Amaze by Campbell, Sam 1895-1962
Cubby in Wonderland by Farnsworth, Frances Joyce
Floyd's Flowers: or, Duty and Beauty for Colored Children, Being One Hundred Short Stories Gleaned From the Storehouse of Human Knowled by Floyd, Silas Xavier 1869-1923
World Tales for Creative Dramatics and Storytelling by
The Enchanted Egg; - by Burrows, Peggy, Webbe, Elizabeth 1910-
The Story of Sports, From Bow and Arrow to Baseball Bat; by Jupo, Frank
Strange Stories of the Civil War by Shackleton, Robert 1860-1923
Poncho and the Pink Horse; by Smith, Theresa Kalab
Where the Shark Waits by Harkins, Philip 1912-
Youth, Youth, Youth; by Tibbets, Albert B.
Elephant Road by Guillot, René 1900-1969
Skipping Island by
Dan Dooley's Lucky Star by Friedman, Rose
Our Little Brown Cousin by
Full Fathom Five by Dietz, Lew 1906-
We Read About Sounds and How They Are Made by Tannenbaum, Harold E.
The Four Friends; 0 by Hoffmann, Eleanor 1895-
The Spanish Galleon: an Adventure Story by Watkins, Tudur
The Toy Maker;how a Tree Became a Toy Village, by Thelen, Gerda
Nine Make a Team. by Neigoff, Mike
Angry River by
Not-Mrs.-Murphy by Gordon, Patrica
Rifles for Washington by Schoonover, Frank Earle 1877-1972, Singmaster, Elsie 1879-1958
The Log of the Sardis by
Zuska of the Burning Hills by Seckar, Alvena V.
...Brake up; or, The Young Peacemakers by Optic, Oliver 1822-1897
Again Christophilos by Loch, Joice Nankivell 1893-
Aloha From Bobby by Spilka, Arnold
The Saucepan Journey by Unnerstad, Edith
Perilous Wings by Hamre, Leif 1914-
African Folk Tales by Leslau, Charlotte
Shad Haul by Corey, Paul 1903-
Pegeen and the Pilgrim / Illustrated by Pat and Bill Wheeler by Cook, Lyn
Martin's Mice. by Margurite, Sister Mary 1895-
Exploring the Jungle by Yap, Weda 1904-
The Rebellion of Ran Chatham by Person, William Thomas 1900-
Goomer by Waldman, Dorothy
Mr. Duck's Big Day by Fox, Charles Philip 1913-
Mateo of Mexico by Kepple, Ella Huff 1902-1981
The Scarlet Lily by Shipley, Nan
The Long-haired Elephant Child; by Tessin, Marion Von
The Secret Motorcar by Denny, Norman 1901-
The Three Bears and Goldilocks by Anonymous
Caribbean Adventure by Symonds, Derrick Maurice
The Young Fifty-niners by Ellinwood, Le Roy
The Johnny Cake Mine by White, Dale 1910-2006
Nipper Shiffer's Donkey by Rosenquist, Fingal Ruth
The Tree-house Watch by Klyce, Laura Kent
Danger Unlimited by Brand, Christianna 1907-1988
American Industrial Hygiene Association Quarterly; 17n3 by Anonymous
The Mystery of Black Sod Point by
Won Kim's Ox by Eisenberg, Philip 1917-
The Kid Comes Back; 0 by Tunis, John Roberts 1889-1975
The Lonesome Bear by Kinney, Harrison
Fury and the White Mare by
Along the Inca Highway by Malkus, Alida 1895-
Boy of Philadelphia: a Story About the Continental Congress by Morriss, Frank
Big Rig by Brown, Bill 1910-
A Beagle Named Bertram by
Geeta and the Village School by Thampi, Parvathi Menon
New Dreams for Old by Person, William Thomas 1900-
Dan Dooley's Lucky Star by Friedman, Rose
Rufus Tractor by Herbert, Roy
A Fox Named Rufus by Ladd, Elizabeth Crosgrove
The Young and Happy Rooster, by Gleason, Jane
Five O'clock Charlie by Henry, Marguerite 1902-1997
Chikka by Nirodi, Hira
Wakapoo and the Flying Arrows by Shannon, Terry
The Magic Cane; by Webster, Elisabeth
Rafferty Red by Merwin, Decie 1894-
Bench Boss by Scholz, Jackson Volney
Kristie Goes to the Fair; by
The Silly Green Cat by Sherak, Jackie
The Little Dark-house by Warner, Edythe Records
The Java Wreckmen by Crisp, Frank
Harvest of Holidays by
Foxy by Montgomery, John 1916-
Tom Harmon and the Great Gridiron Plot, an Original Story Featuring Tom Harmon, Famous Football Star, as the Hero by Dender, Jay
Clippers to China by Knight, Frank 1905-
Ten and a Kid by Weilerstein, Sadie Rose 1894-, Domanska, Janina
Mr. Brady's Camera Boy; by Rogers, Frances
The House in Hiding; a Mystery by Lyon, Elinor 1921-2008
All Ready for Summer by Adelson, Leone 1908-
Daybreak at Sampey Place by Wright, Frances Fitzpatrick 1897-1982
Tom-toms in Kotokro by Guillot, Rene 1900-
Myrtle Albertina's Secret by Pohlmann, Lillian
Old Abe, the Story of a Lincoln Sheep by
One Little Drum by Hodges, Margaret 1911-2005
Albany Medical Annals; 17, (1896) by
Our Little Dutch Cousin by
The Mooneyed Hound by
Jerry's Treasure Hunt; by Johnson, Enid 1892-
Rebound Man by Leonard, Burgess
Annuzza, a Girl of Romania by Seuberlich, Hertha Grit
Little Garden People and What They Do by Sharp, Ann Pearsall
Me and Caleb by Meyer, Franklyn E.
Farm Dog by Malcolmson, David 1899-
Friendship Magic by
The House Beyond the Meadow by Behn, Harry
The Lion and the Rat; a Fable by
One Week of Danger. by
The Yellow Canes by Robertson, Thomas L.
Captain Bacon's Rebellion by Lobdell, Helen
Jay's Big Job by Beim, Jerrold 1910-1957
In the Days of the Han by
My Friend Foxy by Montgomery, John 1916-
Northward the Whalers Go by Douglas, John Scott
I Would Like to Be a Pony, and Other Wishes by Baruch, Dorothy Walter 1899-1962
Mokihana Lives in Hawaii by
Handy Mandy in Oz by Thompson, Ruth Plumly 1893-1976
Mac Mallard by Eschmeyer, Reuben William 1905-1955
The Year of the Mintie May by Sanders, Margaret Webb
It's Snowing by Hurd, Edith Thacher 1910-1997
Young Readers Indoor Sports Stories; by Coombs, Charles Ira 1914-
Koos, the Hottentot; Tales of the Veld by Marais, Josef 1905-1978
Helen in the Editor's Chair by Wheeler, Ruthe S.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Quarterly; 17n1 by Anonymous
Berlitz French Alphabet and Numbers for Children by
Ladycake Farm; by Hunt, Mabel Leigh 1892-
Quarterback's Aim by Lord, Beman
Tom's Big Strike by Schemberger, Irene N.
Around the World at Play, a Picture Book of a German Play Fair; by Ritter, Mathilde
Nine Fine Gifts by Minshull, Evelyn White
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