• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History in 2021

The Golden Slippers by Schirmann, LILLI 1910-
The Squire of Ravensmark by Sandoz, Edouard 1853-1928
The Mice That Ate Iron by Evans, Katherine 1901-1964
Elephant Road by Guillot, René 1900-1969
Badger's Wood by Trevor, Elleston
The Amethyst Summer by Bradbury, Bianca
Quillenback for Fire Chief by Howard, Joan 1904-
Elephant Toast by Longstreth, Thomas Morris 1886-
Cunning-Cunning and His Merry Comrades (a "really True Story" of City Birds) by Husted, Mary Irving
Dirt Track Danger by Bowen, Robert Sidney 1900-
Winter Without Salt by Ceder, Georgiana Dorcas
Norma Kent of the WACS by
Adventuring With David by Boyle, Joyce
Tornado's Big Year .. by Dick, Trella Lamson
American Industrial Hygiene Association Quarterly; 17n3 by Anonymous
Bonnie, Island Girl; by Fox, Genevieve May
Child of the Arctic by Woods, Hubert C.
Bugle, a Puppy in Old Yorktown by Andrews, Mary Evans
Fence Across the Trail by Falk, Elsa
Corso the Donkey by
Luck for Little Lihu; by Justus, May 1898-
Goofy Mrs. Goose by Potter, Miriam Clark 1886-
Jeremiah the Cat, by Culp, William Maurice
Diving Horse by Gray, Patsey
Schnick Schnack: Trifles for the Little-ones by
Mystery at Ten Fathoms by Hoppenstedt, Elbert M.
Friend to All; by Kohler, Julilly House 1915-
The Peter Patter Book; Rimes for Children by
Daddy Fell Into the Pond, and Other Poems for Children by Noyes, Alfred 1880-1958
Yo Ho for Strawberry Roam! by Myers, Byrona
Academy Papers by
Three Times Easier; by Pont, Clarice
Three Against London by
The Chance of Treasure by
The Firebird by Cooke, Donald Edwin 1916-
The Jungley One by Geld, Ellen Bromfield 1932-
The Man Who Loved Birds, a Fable for Children by Kenniston, Ken
Big Brother Danny by Fiedler, Jean
The Fifer of San Jacinto; by McGiffin, Lee 1903-
The Little Marquise: Madame Lafayette by Wilson, Hazel Hutchins 1898-1992
Take Wing! by
Lullaby for Eggs, a Poem; by Bridgman, Elizabeth Klein 1915-
Professional People in England by Lewis, Roy
Terry Carvel's Theater Caravan by Sasse, Alma Benecke
The Cello in the Belly of the Plane by Schrank, Joseph, Weihs, Erika
A Dream of Sadler's Wells; by Hill, Lorna
The Adventures of Ramón of Bolivia; 0 by
Mistress Margaret by Crownfield, Gertrude 1867-1945
A Spy in Old New Orleans by Emery, Anne 1907-
Ray and Stevie on a Corn Belt Farm; by
The Journey of Ching Lai by Lattimore, Eleanor Frances 1904-
Vigilantes, Ride! by
Bunny Tales by Burrows, Peggy
Lights Over Skelton Ridge by Wellman, Manly Wade 1905-1986
American Industrial Hygiene Association Quarterly; 18n3 by Anonymous
Kentucky Cargo by Dwight, Allan
Bartholomew, the Beaver by Dixon, Ruth 1892-1983
Tell Me, Mr. Owl by
Pimpernel and the Poodle by Walker, David E.
Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende; by
Timber Line Treasure by Stoutenburg, Adrien
Evie and Cookie by Eberle, Irmengarde 1898-
The First Bow and Arrow by Osborne, Chester G.
Sir Kevin of Devon by Holl, Adelaide
Night's Nice by Emberley, Barbara
Piccoli, a Fairy Tale; by Halsman, Philippe
Little Chip of Willow Hill by Hader, Berta
Adam and the Golden Cock by Dalgliesh, Alice 1893-1979
The Novels of I. Compton-Burnett by Liddell, Robert 1908-
Dolley Madison by Nolan, Jeannette Covert 1896-1974
The Mystery of the Velvet Box by Scherf, Margaret
The Mole and the Mouse by Oliver, Torfrida
Portugee Phillips and the Fighting Sioux ... by
Beorn the Proud by Polland, Madeleine A.
Mother Goose Safety Rhymes, by Bartrug, Carey Milton 1892-
Jockie: a Story of Prince Edward Island by Stirling, Lilla
The Mongrel of Merryway Farm by Campbell, Julie 1908-1999
The Golden Hawks of Genghis Khan by Ritchie, Rita
Ski Pup by Freeman, Don 1908-1978
The Silver Brumby by Mitchell, Elyne
Dangerous Island by
A Spy in Old Philadelphia by Emery, Anne 1907-
Redwood Pioneer by Stirling, Betty
Seven Grandmothers; by Mirsky, Reba Paeff
The Silly Green Cat by Sherak, Jackie
A New Mexican Boy by
Whispering Rails by Lathrop, Gilbert A.
Ho Fills the Rice Barrel by
The Road to Agra by Sommerfelt, Aimée 1892-
Winter Journey; by Falk, Elsa
The Case of the Purple Mark by Coombs, Charles Ira 1914-
Mr. Turtle's Mystery by Miles, Betty
Mr. Hermit Miser and the Neighborly Pumpkin by Govan, Christine Noble 1898-1985
His Indian Brother by Wilson, Hazel Hutchins
Lumberman's Dog .. by
The Loyal Grenvilles by Peart, Hendry
Milliken's Ark by Watkins, Richard
Lin Foo and Lin Ching, a Boy and Girl of China by Sowers, Phyllis Ayer
Badger's Wood by Trevor, Elleston
Skyjets for Fliers of Tomorrow by
The Most Beautiful Tree in the World by Weisgard, Leonard 1916-2000
Young Sand Hills Cowboy; by Kroll, Francis Lynde
The Merry Fiddlers; by
Trapping the Silver Beaver; by Niehuis, Charley
Sunstar and Pepper: Scouting With Jeb Stuart by Evans, Edna Hoffman 1913-2003
Rick of High Ridge; by Machetanz, Sara
Jeanne-Marie and Her Golden Bird by Phillips, Ethel Calvert
Bing, the Story of a Small Dog's Love by Hawkes, Clarence 1869-1954
Here Come the Beavers! by
The Bobbsey Twins of Lakeport by Hope, Laura Lee
Chester Jones by Carleton, Barbee Oliver
Fairy Tales From Baltic Shores: Folk-lore Stories From Estonia by Mutt, Eugenie
Bride of Glory; the Story of Elizabeth Bacon Custer by
Skeeter, the Story of an Arabian Gazelle by Shaffer, Robert
White Falcon; by Arnold, Elliott 1912-1980
Portugee Phillips and the Fighting Sioux ... by
The Late Spring by Fritz, Jean
Warrimoo by
The Loyal Grenvilles by Peart, Hendry
Mickey O'Brien by Kelly, Gerald A.
Knockout by Harkins, Philip 1912-
The K-house Mystery by Hay, Grace Trobaugh
At the Bakery by Colonius, Lillian
Nicholas Carey by Welch, Ronald 1909-
The Story of Geronimo by Kjelgaard, Jim 1910-1959
Der Deutsche Reichstag, 1871-1873 by Stoltenberg, Gerhard
We Read About Airplanes and How They Fly by Tannenbaum, Harold E.
Rosalie, the Bird Market Turtle by Lubell, Winifred, Lubell, Cecil
Diane's New Love by Cavanna, Betty 1909-2001
Seatmates; by
Peter Kroak, the Largest Green Frog in the Pond, by
Tales Told Again by
The House in Robin Lane; by Voight, Virginia Frances
Venus Boy by Sutton, Lee
Umi; the Hawaiian Boy Who Became a King; by
The Girl Who Ruled a Kingdom by Kellogg, Charlotte
Binkie's Billions by Wyndham, Lee
The Kid Comes Back by Tunis, John Roberts 1889-1975
The First Bow and Arrow by Osborne, Chester G.
Dangerous Island by
Magic in My Shoes by Savery, Constance
Mighty Mikko: a Book of Finnish Fairy Tales and Folk Tales by Fillmore, Parker 1878-1944
Prance, a Carousel Horse; by Young, Miriam 1913-
Victory at Bear Cove by Pedersen, Elsa
The Boy Who Discovered the Earth by Felsen, Henry Gregor 1916-
Peter Johnson and His Guitar by Peterson, Hans
Not Without Danger; a Story of the Colony of Jamaica in Revolutionary Days by Best, Herbert 1894-
Peter and the Pilgrims by Vernon, Louise A.
Rebel Halfback by Archibald, Joe 1898-
The Cat Show by Cass, Joan
Little Champion by Riggs, Ida Berry
Daughter of Wolf House by Bell, Margaret Elizabeth 1898-
Boys Are Awful by McGinley, Phyllis 1905-1978
Here's Juggins by Stone, Amy Wentworth
Once at Woodhall by Higgins, Frances Lowry
Bugle, a Puppy in Old Yorktown by Andrews, Mary Evans
Beneath Hawaiian Seas by Bolian, Polly, Knowlton, William 1927-
The Lark on the Wing by Vipont, Elfrida 1902-
Twelve Days 'til Trenton by Duncan, John M.
Why so Sad, Little Rag Doll? by Voorhees, Carolyn
Tornado Jones on Sentinel Mountain by Dick, Trella Lamson
The Bucket of Thunderbolts; a Sports Car Racing Adventure by Olson, Gene 1922-
Willy Wong, American by Oakes, Vanya
Myths and Legends of All Nations; Famous Stories From the Greek, German, English, Spanish, Scandinavian, Danish, French, Russian, Bohemian, Italian an by
The Time Traders by Norton, Andre
Paddy Points the Way by Grew, David
... Compilation of Court Decisions, Attorney General's Opinions, Department of Labor Advice, Relative to the Workmen's Compensation Act From Date When by Sullivan, Oscar M.
Courageous Comrades by Smith, Fredrika Shumway
Sudden Voyage by Amrein, Vera R.
The Wonder Stick by Coblentz, Stanton Arthur 1896-1982
Wildcat, the Seminole; the Florida War by Clark, Electa
Chester Jones by Carleton, Barbee Oliver
Nonni and Manni: Lost in the Arctic: a True Story by Svensson, Jon Stefan 1857-1944
The String That Went Up by Burger, Otis Kidwell
Arrow Book of Ghost Stories by Kramer, Nora
Elevator to the Moon by Widney, Stanley A.
Tistou of the Green Thumbs; 0 by Druon, Maurice 1918-2009
The Silver Brumby by Mitchell, Elyne
Nicholas Carey by Welch, Ronald 1909-
The Amethyst Summer by Bradbury, Bianca
Barry's Boys by Hinternhoff, John F.
Lookout Summer by Lorberg, Aileen
The Pipe Organ in the Parlor by Stirling, Lilla
Sir Alva and the Wicked Wizard by Friedrich, Priscilla
Idy, the Fox-chasing Cow, and Other Stories by Margolis, Ellen
Secret of the Old Bridge by Weidling, Philip 1905-
Munya the Lion by Martin, Dorothy
Red Falcons of Trémoine by Peart, Hendry
"Jump Lively, Jeff!" by Darby, Ada Claire 1883-1953
The Taming of Giants; by Howard, Joan 1904-
Spindleshanks by Robinson, Gertrude
The Read Aloud Mother Goose by
Life in the Tropics by Holsaert, Eunice
Boy on the Sheep Trail by Carden, Priscilla
Fables From Aesop by Reeves, James
The Big Goose and the Little Hen, by Woodruff, Jacob Lyon 1868-
Daughter of Wolf House by Bell, Margaret Elizabeth 1898-
Jerry's Charge Account by Wilson, Hazel Hutchins
The Three Bears, and Other Stories by Duffield, Kenneth Graham
Danger Afloat! by Drury, John 1918-
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