• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History in 2021

Wings for an Eagle by Bowen, Robert Sidney 1900-
Are You My Mother [electronic Resource] by
And the Waters Prevailed by Barringer, Daniel Moreau 1900-
Kor and the Wolf Dogs by Green, Robert James
Andersen's Best Fairy Tales by
Diseases of Turkeys; B613 rev 1943 by
Parana, Boy From the Amazon. Photos by Mazière, Francis 1924-
Our Little Canadian Cousin by MacDonald, Elizabeth Roberts 1864-1922
Chivalry and the Mailed Knight by Buehr, Walter
In Singapore, the Story of a Strange Search by Stratton, Clarence 1880-
The Mongrel of Merryway Farm by Campbell, Julie 1908-1999
Race on the Mountain by Evans, David a.
Chips and Little Chips, by Freeman, Ruth 1901-
Mr. Slingshot by Archibald, Joe 1898-
De Soto, Child of the Sun: the Search for Gold by
Runaway Nanny, and Other Delightful Stories / by
The Youngest Conquistador by
The Adventures of Ramón of Bolivia; 0 by
City of the Golden House by Polland, Madeleine A.
Runaway Pony, Runaway Dog by Carroll, Ruth 1899-
The Club Team by Bowen, Robert Sidney 1900-
A Child's Book of Stones and Minerals by Swenson, Valerie
Please Don't Feed Horace by Young, Miriam 1913-
Hawk, the White Indian; the Captivity of David Aiken by
Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys; Stories of Roundups & Rodeos, Branding & Bronco-busting; by
Miami Towers by Carr, Harriett H.
A Dance for Dulcy. Illus. by Veronica Reed by Williams, Henry Lionel
The Spettecake Holiday by Unnerstad, Edith
South of Cape Horn: a Saga of Nat Palmer and Early Antarctic Exploration by Sperry, Armstrong 1897-1976
Hijacked Harvest by Holmstrand, Marie
My Swedish Cousins by Lindgren, Astrid 1907-2002
Zany Zoo by Bridwell, Norman
The Treasure of Rancho Santa Teresa by Crawford, Thelmar Wyche
Serilda's Star by
Hand-me-down House by Norfleet, Mary Crockett
Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys: Being a Second Wonder-book by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
My Friend Yakub; by Kalashnikoff, Nicholas
George and the Long Rifle by Drury, Maxine 1914-
Pig-o-wee; the Story of a Skinny Mountain Pig by Credle, Ellis 1902-
Who Lives at the Seashore? Animal Life Along the Shore by Blough, Glenn Orlando
Li-Ho of the Boat People by Norcross, Muse A.
Elementary Spoken Greek by Kerimis, Nicos
Tony Plays With Sounds: a Hear-say Book for Speech Improvement by Spooner, Jane R.
The Lion of Barbary by Hoffmann, Eleanor 1895-
The Axe of Bronze: a Story of Stonehenge by Schmeltzer, Kurt
The Jungle Twins by Roberts, Irma
Red is for Luck by Shannon, Terry
World Upside Down by
Handcar Joe by Voss, Gar 1894-, Rollie, Illus
A Journey Into Time, and Other Stories by Tower, Grace Storms
The Devil's Tail; Adventures of a Printer's Apprentice in Early Williamsburg by Hurd, Edith Thacher 1910-1997
The End of the Outlaws by
Mr. Hermit Miser and the Neighborly Pumpkin by Govan, Christine Noble 1898-1985
The Wound of Peter Wayne by Wibberley, Leonard 1915-1983
Polly, Prue & Penny by Maloy, Lois 1902-
Fisherman Jody; by Olds, Helen Diehl 1895-
Greek and Roman Myths by Kottmeyer, William 1910- Ed, Ware, Kay
The Golden Seed by Konopnicka, Maria 1842-1910
Benito and Loreta Delfin, Children of Alta California by Leetch, Dorothy Lyman 1895-
The Elegant Eleanor by Colby, Jean Poindexter 1908-
Conquer the Winds by Rydberg, Ernie
Poke-Along by
Ray and Stevie on a Corn Belt Farm; by
The Three Miracles by Blanton, Catherine
Seatmates; by
Ann at Starr House, and Far Away From It by Heath, Janet Field 1885-
Gregorio and the White Llama; by Bannon, Laura
Not-Mrs.-Murphy by Gordon, Patrica
The Friendly Tiger; by Wood, Katharine Marie 1910-
Shirley Temple and the Screaming Specter: an Original Story Featuring Shirley Temple, Famous Motion Picture Star, as the Heroine by Heisenfelt, Kathryn
The Most Popular Mother Goose Songs by
River Boy of Kashmir by Bothwell, Jean
Juan of Parícutin by Whitney, Marion Isabelle
Doctor Dolittle's Caravan by Lofting, Hugh 1886-1947
Fabulous Monster by
The Traded Twins; by McLean, Robert Norris 1882-
Macaroni: an American Tune by Lockwood, Myna
Golden Tusk by Slaughter, Charles E.
Tubby, Tiny and Top by Brown, Daisy
King John's Treasure; an Adventure Story by
Desperate Journey by Witten, Herbert
Smasher and Kickup by Gauss, Marianne
Beaver Water by
"Sequil"; or, Things Whitch Aint Finished in the First by
Told to Burmese Children by Russell, Maurice
Edward, Hoppy, and Joe; by Lawson, Robert 1892-1957
Red, a Trailing Bloodhound by
Boats and Ships From A to Z by Alexander, Anne
Wolf-Eye, the Bad One; by Henry, Will 1912-1991
The Uninvited Donkey by
Lucky Lure at Arrow Point by Daem, Mary
Pigeon Flight by Stolz, Mary 1920-2006
Mr. Moonlight and Omar by Holding, James
Hurray for Bobo by Savage, Joan 1922-
The Threatening Fog by Ware, Leon
At the Bakery by Colonius, Lillian
Tales of the British People by Picard, Barbara Leonie
A Pony in the Family by Berrisford, Judith Mary 1921-
Guns in the Wilderness, a Story of Colonial Days; by Wilson, Charles George 1906-
Let's Go to an Airport by Sootin, Laura
Steppin and Family by Newell, Hope Hockenberry 1896-, Peck, Anne Merriman 1884-
Cadets at Kings Point by Morse, Ray
Dick Kent and the Malemute Mail by Oblinger, Milo Milton
Book Trails to Enchanted Lands; 3 by Stern, Renée Bernd, Fuller, Muriel 1901-, Crane, Donn P.
Roman Collar Detective by
The Secret Place by Aldis, Dorothy Keeley 1896-1966
The Seven Secrets of Somewhere Lake; Animal Ways That Inspire and Amaze by Campbell, Sam 1895-1962
The Shoes Fit for a King by Bill, Helen E.
Second Satellite; by
Windruff of Links Tor by Chipperfield, Joseph E.
Prisoners of Spirit Mountain: a Navajo Indian Story by Hayne, Coe 1875-1961
Donkey Beads: a Tale of a Persian Donkey by Ratzesberger, Anna
Is This My Love? by
Albert the Camel's Son by Heaton, Hugh
The Dog From Nowhere by Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane 1893-1986
Grishka and the Bear by Marsh, Gwen, Guillot, René
Beef for Beauregard! by Hooper, Byrd
The Pumpkin Flood at Harpers Ferry by Scrimsher, Lila Gravatt
The Right House for Rowdy by Justus, May 1898-1989
Blackfellow Bundi: a Native Australian Boy by Harris, Kilroy 1889-, Harris, Leila Gott
A Wild Goose Tale by Gage, Wilson
Manuel Goes to Sea by Fuller, Harvey K.
The Junior Classics; 6 by Williams, Mabel 1887- Ed
Paper Doll Poems by
The House at the City Wall; by Schieker, Sofie Ebe 1892-
Island of Flame by Oakes, Vanya
Wish Around the World; by Earle, Vana
Jenny, Sam and the Invisible Hildegarde by Adams, Adrienne, Kennedy, Mary
Pull Away, Boatman by Darby, Ada Claire 1883-
Camel Bells; a Boy of Baghdad by Ratzesberger, Anna
Katska of the Seminoles; by
Familiar Haunts: Fairy Tales by Starbuck, Edwin Diller 1866-1947
Ten Gallon Hat; by Garst, Shannon 1899-1981
Ten Tall Texans by McGiffin, Lee
Phil Stong's Big Book by Stong, Phil 1899-1957
The Bullfighter's Son by Mena, María Cristina 1893-1965, Ortega, Ignacio P.
Gray Lance by Raftery, Gerald
Pirate's Doll; the Story of the China Poblana by Long, Eula 1902-
The Sea Ape by Crisp, Frank
The Barnyard Village;being the Story of Mr. Blue Peacock, by Deihl, Edna Groff 1881-1935
Which Way, Judy? by McFadden, Dorothy Loa 1902-
Greeka: Eagle of the Hebrides by Chipperfield, Joseph E.
This Little Piggy, and Other Counting Rhymes by
Girl With a Musket by Simister, Florence Parker
Hill Farm by Wriston, Hildreth Tyler
The Blue Butterfly Goes to South America, by Hutchinson, Ruth H.
The Taming of Giants; by Howard, Joan 1904-
Adventure in Black and White by Gatti, Attilio 1896-
The Secret Voyage by Grant, Gordon 1875-1962
A Job for Jeremiah by Nolen, Eleanor Weakley
The Marsh Crone's Brew by Olsen, Ib Spang
Plants With Seeds by
Pueblo Playmates by Brown, Marjorie Webber
The Marshmallow Ghosts by Friedrich, Priscilla
Albany Medical Annals; 10, (1889) by
Wake up, City! by Tresselt, Alvin 1916-2000
Unusual Animals of the West by Clifford, Eth 1915-
Lexy for Short by McKim, Audrey 1909-
There's Adventure in Rockets by May, Julian
Ned of the Navajos by Stirling, Betty
Sophocles, the Hyena; a Fable by Moran, Jim
Coal Camp Girl by Lenski, Lois 1893-
My Friend Foxy by Montgomery, John 1916-
Watermelon Pete and Others by Gordon, Elizabeth 1866-1922
Showboat's Coming! by
Sondo, a Liberian Boy, by Joseph, Alfred Ward
Little Hawaiian Horse by Hays, Wilma Pitchford
The Song of Lambert by
Over the Castle Walls, by Mabry, Caroline
Toward Morning by Seymour, Alta Halverson 1893-
Is This My Love? by
The O'Donnells by Sullivan, Peggy 1929-
The Tree-house Watch by Klyce, Laura Kent
Rim-rocked: a Story of the New West by Mygatt, Emmie D.
Mystery at Ten Fathoms by Hoppenstedt, Elbert M.
The Night the Storm Came; by Relyea, Gladys
Timid Hare: the Little Captive by Betts, Louis
Rich Boy, Poor Boy by
The Boy With the U.S. Aviators by
Our Little Hindu Cousin by
Buffalo Kill by Christensen, Gardell Dano
Bonnie, Island Girl; by Fox, Genevieve May
The Cedar Deer by
Green Grows the Prairie; Arkansas in the 1890's by
Mitz and Fritz of Germany by Brandeis, Madeline 1897-1937
Valiant Venture by Nelson, Marg
Fables From Aesop by Reeves, James
Indian Children of the Eastern Woodlands by Dam, Cornelia H.
The Johnny Cake Mine by White, Dale 1910-2006
Ki-Ki, circus Trouper, by Crane, Edith Janice 1881-
Lenny, the Orphan; or, Trials and Triumphs by Hosmer, Margaret 1830-1897
Phil Stong's Big Book by Stong, Phil 1899-1957
Soomoon, Boy of Bali by Elliot, Kathleen Morrow 1897-1940
The Wild Wood by Clewes, Dorothy
Gay Pippo, by Pease, Eleanor Fairchild
Moon Trip; True Adventure in Space by Nephew, William
[A Book of Cheerful Cats and Other Animated Animals by
In the Days of the Han by
Jest-nuts by
The Strange Garden by
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