• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History in 2001

So What is Justice Anyway? by Luthringer, Chelsea
Reinhard Heydrich: Hangman of the Third Reich by Ramen, Fred
Mordechai Anielewicz: Hero of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by Callahan, Kerry
Emmanuel Ringelblum: Historian of the Warsaw Ghetto by Beyer, Mark
Soaring Spirits: Conversations with Native American Teens by Gravelle, Karen
Shh! We're Writing the Constitution by Fritz, Jean
The Other 1492: Jewish Settlement in the New World by Finkelstein, Norman H.
Hans and Sophie Scholl: German Resisters of the White Rose by Axelrod, Toby
A Picture Book of Sacagawea by Adler, David A.
Meet George Washington by Heilbroner, Joan
Meet Abraham Lincoln by Cary, Barbara
Outrageous Women of Colonial America by Furbee, Mary Rodd
The Civil War: A History in Documents by Seidman, Rachel Filene
A Day in the Life of Children Around the World: A Collection of Short Stories by Kirk, Kathy
The Coin Counting Book by Williams, Rozanne Lanczak
Going Along with Lewis and Clark by Fifer, Barbara
Mummies and Pyramids: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #3: Mummies in the Morning by Osborne, Mary Pope
The Story of Anne Frank by Lewis, Brenda
Life in a Plains Camp by Kalman, Bobbie
The Amazing 50 State Maze Book by Sullivan, Scott
V is for Volunteer: A Tennessee Alphabet by Shoulders, Michael
Prisoner in Time: A Child of the Holocaust by Melnikoff, Pamela
Minnesota by Bruun, Erik A.
A is for America: An American Alphabet by Scillian, Devin
Air Raid--Pearl Harbor!: The Story of December 7, 1941 by Taylor, Theodore
Pirates: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #4: Pirates Past Noon by Osborne, Mary Pope
Our Country's Founders: A Book of Advice for Young People by Bennett, William J.
L is for Lobster: A Maine Alphabet by Reynolds, Cynthia Furlong
A Soldier's Life in the Civil War Coloring Book by Copeland, Peter F.
The New York Public Library Amazing Explorers: A Book of Answers for Kids by The New York Public Library, January, Brendan
Meet Christopher Columbus by de Kay, James T.
Marco Polo for Kids: His Marvelous Journey to China, 21 Activities Volume 8 by Herbert, Janis
Pathways: Grade 5 Good Queen Bess: The Story of Elizabeth I of England Trade Book by Vennema, Peter, Stanley, Diane
Pictorial History of Iran: Ancient Persia by Sam, Nic Amini
Pilgrims of Plymouth by Goodman, Susan
Geronimo: Young Warrior by Stanley, George E.
1621: A New Look at Thanksgiving by Grace, Catherine O'Neill
S Is for Show Me: A Missouri Alphabet by Young, Judy
H Is for Hoosier: An Indiana Alphabet by Reynolds, Cynthia Furlong
L Is for Lone Star: A Texas Alphabet by Crane, Carol
Salmon Boy: A Legend of the Sechelt People by Joe, Donna
Johnny Appleseed: My Story by Harrison, David L.
Meet Thomas Jefferson by Barrett, Marvin
The Sinking of the Titanic by
Adopted by an Owl: The True Story of Jackson the Owl by Frankenhuyzen, Robbyn Smith Van
The First Thanksgiving by George, Jean Craighead
On the Kentucky Frontier: A Story of the Fighting Pioneers of the West by Otis, James
The Woodworkers by Brady, Deanna, Kalman, Bobbie
Greek Gods and Goddesses by Green, John
Ten Boys from History by Dickinson-Sweetser, Kate
Meriwether Lewis Off the Edge of the Map by Benge, Geoff, Publishing, Ywam, Benge, Janet
Ancient Greeks and Egyptians and Vikings Andspotlights and Middle Ages Spotlight by Freeman
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by Marinelli, Deborah A.
The Assassination of William McKinley by Wilson, Annmarie