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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

History in 2006

Betsy Ross and the American Flag by
The Buffalo Soldiers and the American West by Glaser, Jason
Lords of the Sea: The Vikings Explore the North Atlantic by Lassieur, Allison
The Story of Jamestown by Braun, Eric
The Voyage of the Mayflower by Lassieur, Allison
Winter at Valley Forge by Doeden, Matt
Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion by Burgan, Michael
The Story of the Star-Spangled Banner by Jacobson, Ryan
The Story of the Statue of Liberty by Niz, Xavier W.
The Awakening of Europe (Yesterday's Classics) by Synge, M. B.
Young Riders of the Pony Express by Gunderson, Jessica
The Boston Massacre by
Student Study Guide to the European World 400-1450 by Hanawalt, Barbara A.
John Sutter and the California Gold Rush by Doeden, Matt
Italy ABCs: A Book about the People and Places of Italy by Katz Cooper, Sharon
No More!: Stories and Songs of Slave Resistance by Rappaport, Doreen
A History of Us: The First Americans: Prehistory-1600a History of Us Book One by Hakim, Joy
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry by Glaser, Jason
A Life Like Mine: How Children Live Around the World by DK
Tools of the Ancient Romans: A Kid's Guide to the History & Science of Life in Ancient Rome by Dickinson, Rachel
I Am Marc Chagall by Landmann, Bimba
The Brave Escape of Ellen and William Craft by Lemke, Donald B.
Paul Revere's Ride by Niz, Xavier W.
Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King Jr. by Marzollo, Jean
Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books by Winters, Kay
The Story of Asar, Aset and Heru: An Ancient Egyptian Legend Storybook and Coloring Book by Ashby, Muata
On the Shores of the Great Sea (Yesterday's Classics) by Synge, M. B.
Our Island Story (Yesterday's Classics) by Marshall, H. E.
The Discovery of New Worlds (Yesterday's Classics) by Synge, M. B.
A History of Us: Making Thirteen Colonies: 1600-1740a History of Us Book Two by Hakim, Joy
A History of Us: From Colonies to Country: 1735-1791a History of Us Book Three by Hakim, Joy
A History of Us: The New Nation: 1789-1850a History of Us Book Four by Hakim, Joy
A History of Us: Liberty for All?: 1820-1860a History of Us Book Five by Hakim, Joy
Who Were the Beatles? by Who Hq, Edgers, Geoff
A History of Us: War, Terrible War: 1855-1865a History of Us Book Six by Hakim, Joy
The Struggle for Sea Power (Yesterday's Classics) by Synge, M. B.
The Growth of the British Empire (Yesterday's Classics) by Synge, M. B.
The Statue of Liberty by Firestone, Mary
The Great Seal of the United States by Pearl, Norman
The U.S. Constitution by Pearl, Norman
Our American Flag by Firestone, Mary
A History of Us: War, Peace, and All That Jazz: 1918-1945a History of Us Book Nine by Hakim, Joy
George Washington by Harness, Cheryl
Buried Treasures of the Atlantic Coast: Legends of Sunken Pirate Treasures, Mysterious Caches, and Jinxed Ships, from Maine to Florida by Jameson, W. C.
Buried Treasures of the Great Plains by Jameson, W. C.
The Revolutionary John Adams by Harness, Cheryl
A History of Us: Sourcebook and Index by Hakim, Joy
Our New Mexico: A Twentieth Century History by Roberts, Calvin A.
Be My Neighbor by Ajmera, Maya, Ivanko, John D.
Going Along the Emigrant Trails by Fifer, Barbara
The Panama Canal: The Story of How a Jungle Was Conquered and the World Made Smaller by Mann, Elizabeth
Empire State Building: When New York Reached for the Skies by Mann, Elizabeth
The Great Pyramid: The Story of the Farmers, the God-King and the Most Astonding Structure Ever Built by Mann, Elizabeth
The Great Wall: The Story of Thousands of Miles of Earth and Stone That Turned a Nation Into a Fortress by Mann, Elizabeth
This Country of Ours (Yesterday's Classics) by Marshall, H. E.
This Is Edinburgh: A Children's Classic by Sasek, Miroslav
This Is Texas: A Children's Classic by Sasek, Miroslav
Tools of the Ancient Greeks: A Kid's Guide to the History & Science of Life in Ancient Greece by Bordessa, Kris
Who Was King Tut? by Edwards, Roberta
Net Numbers: A South Carolina Numbers Book by Crane, Carol
Who Was King Tut? by Edwards, Roberta, Who Hq
A Day in a Colonial Home by Prescott, Della R.
Famous Men of Greece (Yesterday's Classics) by Poland, A. B., Haaren, John H.
Peary and Henson: The Race to the North Pole by Bedesky, Baron
Sir Walter Raleigh: Founding the Virginia Colony by Ward, Nancy
Famous Men of Rome (Yesterday's Classics) by Haaren, John H., Poland, A. B.
The Story of the Romans (Yesterday's Classics) by Guerber, H. a.
Top Secret: A Handbook of Codes, Ciphers and Secret Writing by
Rabbit Plants the Forest by Duvall, Deborah L.
The Story of the Middle Ages (Yesterday's Classics) by Harding, Samuel B.
Ancient Rome and Pompeii by Boyce, Natalie Pope, Osborne, Mary Pope
Ancient Rome and Pompeii: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #13: Vacation Under the Volcano by Boyce, Natalie Pope, Osborne, Mary Pope
A Valentine for Uncle Jim by Dendinger, Sharon Sitek
Puerto Rico by Obregón, José María
Julius Caesar: Young Statesman by Gormley, Beatrice
The Grand Canyon: Ready-To-Read Level 1 by Bauer, Marion Dane
Millions to Measure by Schwartz, David M.
Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now (Yesterday's Classics) by Andrews, Jane
The Story of the Greeks (Yesterday's Classics) by Guerber, H. a.
America the Beautiful to Paint or Color by Barlowe, Dot
Hiding Edith: A True Story by Kacer, Kathy
D Is for Drum: A Native American Alphabet by Shoulders, Michael, Shoulders, Debbie
Four Wheels West: A Wyoming Number Book by Gagliano, Eugene
Rough Riders by Theodore Roosevelt, Biography & Autobiography - Historical by Roosevelt, Theodore
The Crafts and Culture of a Medieval Castle by Jovinelly, Joann
Abigail Adams: First Lady of the American Revolution (Ready-To-Read Level 3) by Lakin, Patricia
The Crafts and Culture of a Medieval Town by Jovinelly, Joann
Great World War II Projects: You Can Build Yourself by Bell-Rehwoldt, Sheri
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Samantha and Lola by Ada, Alma Flor
Great Colonial America Projects: You Can Build Yourself by Bordessa, Kris
Adolescent Sexual And Reproductive Health In Nigeria: Behavioural Patterns and Needs by Adepoju, Aderanti
Cherokee Legends and the Trail of Tears by Underwood, Thomas Bryan, Sandlin, Moselle Stack
Famous Men of the Middle Ages (Yesterday's Classics) by Haaren, John H., Poland, A. B.
Everyone Counts: A Citizens' Number Book by Grodin, Elissa D.
Heroes of the Middle Ages (Yesterday's Classics) by Tappan, Eva March
An Island Grows by Schaefer, Lola M.
H Is for Honor: A Military Family Alphabet by Scillian, Devin
The Supreme Court of the United States: A Student Companion by Patrick, John J.
Stories from the History of Sweden by S. P. C. K.
The Story of Europe from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Reformation (Yesterday's Classics) by Marshall, H. E.
They Called Her Molly Pitcher by Rockwell, Anne
Numbers in a Row: An Iowa Number Book by Pierce, Patricia A.
One If by Land: A Massachusetts Number Book by Stemple, Heidi E. Y.
Desert Digits: An Arizona Number Book by Gowan, Barbara
Remembering Christmas by Edwards, Stella Rose
Favorite Norse Myths by Brown, Abbie Farwell, Smith, E. Boyd
The Donner Party by Welvaert, Scott R.
The Challenger Explosion by Adamson, Heather
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 by Olson, Kay Melchisedech
The Hindenburg Disaster by Doeden, Matt
The Mystery of the Roanoke Colony by Niz, Xavier W.
A Pocket Dictionary of Roman Emperors by Roberts, Paul
The Building of the Transcontinental Railroad by Olson, Nathan
The Attack on Pearl Harbor by Sutcliffe, Jane
The People of the Abyss by Jack London, Nonfiction, Social Issues, Homelessness & Poverty by London, Jack
The Apollo 13 Mission by Lemke, Donald B.
The Lewis and Clark Expedition by Gunderson, Jessica
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott by Miller, Connie Colwell
The Creation of the U.S. Constitution by Burgan, Michael
The First Moon Landing by Adamson, Thomas K.
The Pilgrims and the First Thanksgiving by Englar, Mary
Quiet Hero: The Ira Hayes Story by Nelson, S. D.
Who Was Daniel Boone? by Who Hq, Kramer, S. A.
Free at Last!: Stories and Songs of Emancipation by Rappaport, Doreen
The Brooklyn Bridge: The Story of the World's Most Famous Bridge and the Remarkable Family That Built It by Mann, Elizabeth
Hanuman's Journey to the Medicine Mountain by Sperling, Vatsala
The Story of Greece (Yesterday's Classics) by MacGregor, Mary
The Story of Mankind by Van Loon, Hendrik Willem
John Lewis in the Lead: A Story of the Civil Rights Movement by Haskins, Jim, Benson, Kathleen
The Great Fire by Murphy, Jim
Children of the Midnight Sun: Young Native Voices of Alaska by Brown, Tricia
Our Supreme Court: A History with 14 Activities Volume 20 by Panchyk, Richard
The Story of the World, Vol. 1 Audiobook: History for the Classical Child: Ancient Times by Bauer, Susan Wise
The Parthenon: The Height of Greek Civilization by Mann, Elizabeth
Congress of the United States: A Student Companion 3E by Ritchie, Donald A.
The Trees Stood Still by Gertner, Sheina Sachar
Our 50 States: A Family Adventure Across America by Cheney, Lynne
Zoo in the Sky: A Book of Animal Constellations by Mitton, Jacqueline
Our Empire Story (Yesterday's Classics) by Marshall, H. E.
The Story of Rome (Yesterday's Classics) by MacGregor, Mary
Hernando Cortés: Spanish Invader of Mexico by Zronik, John Paul
Great Ancient Egypt Projects: You Can Build Yourself by Van Vleet, Carmella
The Illustrated Book of Knights by Coggins, Jack
Volume 1: From Colonial Times to Reconstruction by
Volume 2: From Reconstruction to the Present by