• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Holocaust in 1999

Survivors of the Holocaust: Israel After the War by Yablonka, Hanna
The British Government and the Holocaust: The Failure of Anglo-Jewish Leadership? by Sompolinsky, Meier
British Government and the Holocaust: The Failure of Anglo-Jewish Leadership? by Sompolinsky, Meier
Terezin Diary of Gonda Redlich-Pa by
Europa, Europa: A Memoir of World War II by Perel, Solomon
Survivors of the Holocaust: Israel After the War by Yablonka, Hanna
The Holocaust: Essays and Documents by Benz, Wolfgang
'Final Solution': Nazi Population Policy and the Murder of the European Jews by Aly, G. Tz, Aly, G?tz, Aly, Gotz
The Americanization of the Holocaust by
Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps by Arad, Yitzhak
Moral Responsibility in the Holocaust: A Study in the Ethics of Character by Jones, David H.
Women and the Holocaust: Narrative and Representation by Fuchs, Esther
The Juderia: A Holocaust Survivor's Tribute to the Jewish Community of Rhodes by
Profiles of a Lost World: Memoirs of East European Jewish Life before World War II by Abramowicz, Hirsz
The Holocaust, the French, and the Jews by Zuccotti, Susan
The Face of the Third Reich: Portraits of the Nazi Leadership by Fest, Joachim C.
After the Holocaust: Rebuilding Jewish Lives in Postwar Germany by Brenner, Michael
Moral Responsibility in the Holocaust: A Study in the Ethics of Character by Jones, David H.
Modesty and Arrogance in Judgment: Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem by Sharpe, Barry
Life Unworthy of Life: Racial Phobia and Mass Murder in Hitler's Germany by Glass, James M.
The Order of Terror: The Concentration Camp by Sofsky, Wolfgang
Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in Nazi Germany by Kaplan, Marion A.
Stated Memory: East Germany and the Holocaust by Fox, Thomas C.
The Holocaust by Neville, Peter
Bystanders: Conscience and Complicity During the Holocaust by Barnett, Victoria J.
Appel Is Forever: A Child's Memoir by Mehler Whiteley, Suzanne
Betrayal by Ericksen, Robert P., Heschel, Susannah
Schwierigkeiten Mit Dem Gedenken: Auseinandersetzungen Mit Der Nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit by Dittberner, Jürgen
Swiss Banks and Jewish Souls by Rickman, Gregg
The Massacre in History by
The Massacre in History by
Women in the Holocaust by
The Contract of Mutual Indifference: Political Philosophy after the Holocaust by Geras, Norman
The Last Jews in Berlin by Gross, Leonard
Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers by Müller, Filip
German National Identity After the Holocaust by Fulbrook, Mary
Hitler's Prisoners: Seven Cell Mates Tell Their Stories by Friedrich, Erich O., Vanegas, Renate G.
Concentration Camps: A Traveler's Guide to World War II Sites by Terrance, Marc
Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941-44 by Dean, M.
Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941-44 by Dean, M.
Man Is Wolf to Man: Surviving the Gulag by Gleeson, Kathleen, Bardach, Janusz
Dirty Little Secrets of the Twentieth Century by Dunnigan, James F.
The Future of the Holocaust by Lang, Berel
The Future of the Holocaust by Lang, Berel
Documents on the Holocaust: Selected Sources on the Destruction of the Jews of Germany and Austria, Poland, and the Soviet Union (Eighth Edition) by
The Last Deposit: Swiss Banks and Holocaust Victims' Accounts by Levin, Itamar
The Red Cross and the Holocaust by Favez, Jean-Claude
The Third Reich: The Essential Readings by
The Third Reich: The Essential Readings by
I Will Bear Witness, Volume 1: A Diary of the Nazi Years: 1933-1941 by Klemperer, Victor
Nurses in Nazi Germany: Moral Choice in History by McFarland-Icke, Bronwyn Rebekah
The Architecture of Oppression: The Ss, Forced Labor and the Nazi Monumental Building Economy by Jaskot, Paul B.
The Myth of Rescue: Why the Democracies Could Not Have Saved More Jews from the Nazis by Rubinstein, W. D.
Elogio de la Desobediencia by Brauman, Rony
Against the Apocalypse: Responses to Catastrophe in Modern Jewish Culture by Roskies, David G.
The German Army and Genocide: Crimes Against War Prisoners, Jews, and Other Civilians in the East, 1939-1944 by
Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941-44 by Dean, M.