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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Holocaust in 2010

Refugees from Nazi Germany and the Liberal European States by
Imaginary Neighbors: Mediating Polish-Jewish Relations After the Holocaust by
Hell's Cartel by Jeffreys, Diarmuid
Warsaw Ghetto Oyneg Shabes-Ringelblum Archive: Catalog and Guide by
Psalms by Grunstein, Hirsch
Uncompromising Generation: The Nazi Leadership of the Reich Security Main Office by Wildt, Michael
An Uncommon Friendship: From Opposite Sides of the Holocaust by Rosner, Bernat, Tubach, Frederic C.
Jewish Responses to Persecution: 1933-1938 by Matthäus, Jürgen, Roseman, Mark
Robbing the Jews: The Confiscation of Jewish Property in the Holocaust, 1933-1945 by Dean, Martin
Nazi Culture: Intellectual, Cultural and Social Life in the Third Reich by Mosse, George L.
FDR and the Holocaust by Na, Na
Transcript by Backer, Heimrad
The Wartime Diary of Edmund Kessler by Kessler, Edmund
The Wartime Diary of Edmund Kessler by Kessler, Edmund
Ancient Athenian Maritime Courts by Cohen, Edward E.
Medicine After the Holocaust: From the Master Race to the Human Genome and Beyond by Rubenfeld, S.
Medicine After the Holocaust: From the Master Race to the Human Genome and Beyond by Rubenfeld, S.
The Holocaust in Three Generations: Families of Victims and Perpetrators of the Nazi Regime by
Historia De La Insigne Ciudad De Segovia V1 (1846) by De Colmenares, Diego
Cheri (1920) by Colette, Sidonie Gabrielle Claudine
The Third Reich at War, 1939-1945 by Evans, Richard J.
Nuremberg and Vietnam by Taylor, Telford
We Are Here: New Approaches to Jewish Displaced Persons in Postwar Germany by
Nuremberg and Vietnam by Taylor, Telford
Hidden Children of the Holocaust: Belgian Nuns and Their Daring Rescue of Young Jews from the Nazis by Vromen, Suzanne
Hitler, the Holocaust, and the Bible: A Scriptural Analysis of Anti-Semitism, National Socialism, and the Churches in Nazi Germany by Keysor, Joseph E.
Hitler, the Holocaust, and the Bible: A Scriptural Analysis of Anti-Semitism, National Socialism, and the Churches in Nazi Germany by Keysor, Joseph E.
The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 1963-1965: Genocide, History, and the Limits of the Law by Pendas, Devin O.
The Pius War: Responses to the Critics of Pius XII by
'We Are Going to Pick Potatoes': Norway and the Holocaust, The Untold Story by Berman, Irene Levin
51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis by Brenner, Lenni
Tonspuren: Erinnerungen an Den Holocaust Im Hörspiel Der DDR (1945-1989) by Gerlof, Manuela
Refuge Denied: The St. Louis Passengers and the Holocaust by Ogilvie, Sarah A., Miller, Scott
'We Are Going to Pick Potatoes': Norway and the Holocaust, The Untold Story by Berman, Irene Levin
Yfirlit Yfir Sogu Mannsandans: Austurlond (1908) by Bjarnason, A. Gust
Chymische Versuche: Einen Wahren Zucker Aus Verschiedenen Pflanzen, Die In Unseren Landern Wachsen, Zu Ziehen (1907) by Marggraf, Andreas Sigismund, Archard, Franz Karl
Hitler's Spies and Saboteurs: : Based on the German Secret Service War Diary of General Lahousen by Peis, Gunter, Wighton, Charles
Staaten als Täter by Mayer, Michael
Remembrance and Reflection: Students' Response to Genocide by Greencastle-Antrim Students, Students
A Partisan from Vilna by Margolis, Rachel
A Partisan from Vilna by Margolis, Rachel
Guilt about the Past by Schlink, Bernhard
Six Million Crucifixions by Wilensky, Gabriel
To Be an Actress by Shean, Nava
Die Anspruchsberechtigten Dritten Aus Totung Einer Person (1906) by Keller, Otto
Du Pauperisme Chez Les Juifs: De Ses Causes Et Des Moyens D'Y Remedier (1854) by Levy, Gerson, Werth, Leon
Die Schweizerische Militarmission Nach Dem Serbisch-Bulgarischen Kriegsschauplatze (1886) by Hungerbuhler, Hugo
El Concordato De 1851 (1853) by Fort, Carlos Ramon
Annales Des Mines V4: Ou Recueil De Memoires Sur L'Exploitation Des Mines (1833) by France Commission Des Annales Des Mines
Mein Kampf (Student's & Teacher's Classroom Edition) by Hitler, Adolf
Hunting Eichmann: How a Band of Survivors and a Young Spy Agency Chased Down the World's Most Notorious Nazi by Bascomb, Neal
Clara's War: One Girl's Story of Survival by Kramer, Clara, Glantz, Stephen
Edith Stein and Companions: On the Way to Auschwitz by Hamans, Paul F. W.
Rescue & Flight: American Relief Workers Who Defied the Nazis by Subak, Susan
Code Name: Zegota: Rescuing Jews in Occupied Poland, 1942-1945: The Most Dangerous Conspiracy in Wartime Europe by Tomaszewski, Irene, Werbowski, Tecia
Imagery from Genesis in Holocaust Memoirs: A Critical Study by Prescott, Deborah Lee
The Undivided Sky: The Holocaust on East and West German Radio in the 1960s by Wolf, R.
History vs. Apologetics: The Holocaust, the Third Reich, and the Catholic Church by Cymet, David
China and the Missions at Amoy: With Notice of the Opium Trade (1855) by Barbour, George Freeland
Monographie De L'Ile Maurice (1862) by Morris, James G.
The Farewell: A Poem (1764) by Churchill, Charles
A Forgotten Empire: Vijayanagar by Sewell, Robert
Anti-Semitism Its History and Causes by Lazare, Bernard
Iter Per Poseganam Sclavoniae Provinciam Mensibus Junio, Et Julio Anno 1782 (1783) by Mitterpacher, Ludwig, Piller, Mathias
Unknown Black Book: The Holocaust in the German-Occupied Soviet Territories by
Hitler, the War, and the Pope, Revised and Expanded by Rychlak, Ronald J.
Inside the Gates: The Nazi Concentration Camp at Ebensee, Austria by MacDonald, Richard
Inside the Gates: The Nazi Concentration Camp at Ebensee, Austria by MacDonald, Richard
Six Million Crucifixions: How Christian Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust by Wilensky, Gabriel
Rhodes and the Holocaust: The Story of the Jewish Community from the Mediterranean Island of Rhodes by Isaac Benatar, Benatar
Rhodes and the Holocaust: The Story of the Jewish Community from the Mediterranean Island of Rhodes by Isaac Benatar
After the Girls Club: How Teenaged Holocaust Survivors Built New Lives in America by Ford, Carole Bell
Metaphor, Nation and the Holocaust: The Concept of the Body Politic by Musolff, Andreas
The Hidden Children of France, 1940-1945: Stories of Survival by
Surviving the Holocaust: A Life Course Perspective by Berger, Ronald
Surviving the Holocaust: A Life Course Perspective by Berger, Ronald
Fugitives of the Forest: The Heroic Story Of Jewish Resistance And Survival During The Second World War by Levine, Allan
Marking Humanity: Stories, Poems, & Essays by Holocaust Survivors by
Landscapes of Holocaust Postmemory by Kaplan, Brett Ashley
The Birch Trees Stand Tall: A Jewish Fighter in the Polish Army, in the Mezritch Ghetto, and in the Concentration Camps by Brezniak, Moshe
Gertruda's Oath: A Child, a Promise, and a Heroic Escape During World War II by Oren, Ram
An Embassy Besieged by Barth, Emmy
An Embassy Besieged by Barth, Emmy
Deadly Dictators: Masterminds of 20th Century Genocides by Stafford, Terry
Collaboration with the Nazis: Public Discourse after the Holocaust by
Histories of the Holocaust by Stone, Dan
Histories of the Holocaust by Stone, Dan
Years of Persecution, Years of Extermination: Saul Friedlander and the Future of Holocaust Studies by
Maria the Panther: Chronicle of the Twentieth Century by Brostow, Adam Adrian
Crisis of Morality and Reaction to the Holocaust by Rebhun, Joseph
Fifty Key Thinkers on the Holocaust and Genocide by Jacobs, Steven L., Bartrop, Paul R.
Fifty Key Thinkers on the Holocaust and Genocide by Bartrop, Paul R., Jacobs, Steven L.
We Were Europeans: A Personal History of a Turbulent Century by Loval, Werner
Israel's Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood by Zertal, Idith
The Philosopher of Auschwitz: Jean Améry and Living with the Holocaust by Heidelberger-Leonard, Irene
One Step Ahead of Hitler: A Jewish Child's Journey through France by Gross, Fred
Slow Fire: Jewish Notes from Berlin by Neiman, Susan
Bending Toward the Sun: A Mother and Daughter Memoir by Gilbert-Lurie, Leslie
Hitler's Germany: The Nazi Background To War by Loewenstein, Karl
Die Lobdeburg Bei Jena: Nach Urkunden Und Sichern Nachrichten (1840) by Schmid, Eduard
Die Grundlagen Und Die Grenzen Des Chamberlainistmus (1905) by Braude, Bernhard
Die Sage Vom Ewigen Juden (1884) by Neubaur, Leonhard
Zydzi W Przemyslu: Do Konca XVIII Wieku (1903) by Schorr, Mojzesz
Der Orientalische Krieg In Den Jahren 1877 Und 1878 (1878) by Rustow, Wilhelm
Das Studienprogramm Der Franziskanerschulen: Im 13 Jahrhundert (1904) by Felder, Hilarin
The Jews In Nazi Germany: A Handbook Of Facts Regarding Their Present Situation by American Jewish Committee
Never Again by Mayo, William S.
The Fighting Ghettos by
Our War With Germany: A History (1919) by Bassett, John Spencer
Barbarous Soviet Russia (1920) by McBride, Isaac
Colonies And Dependencies: India And The Colonies (1883) by Cotton, James Sutherland, Payne, Edward John
Hephzibah Guinness: Thee And You And A Draft On The Bank Of Spain by Mitchell, S. Weir
The Fate Of Small Business In Nazi Germany by Gurland, A. R. L., Kirchheimer, Otto, Neumann, Franz
Never Again! Ten Years Of Hitler: A Symposium by
The Legacy Of Nazism: The Economic And Social Consequences Of Totalitarianism by Munk, Frank
Land That I Love: The Escape Of A Nazi Youth by Lawall, Irene
After Hitler Stalin? by Ingrim, Robert
Wijziging Der Akte Van Oprichting Van Naamlooze Vennootschappen (1891) by Hymans, George
Chymische Versuche: Einen Wahren Zucker Aus Verschiedenen Pflanzen, Die In Unseren Landern Wachsen, Zu Ziehen (1907) by Marggraf, Andreas Sigismund, Archard, Franz Karl
Die Wahrheit Uber Bulgarien (1898) by Beckmann, Josef
Reflexions Sur Les Pouvoirs Et Instructions A Donner Par Les Provinces A Leurs Deputes Aux Etats Generaux (1789) by Semonville, Charles Louis Huguet
Histoire De La Ville De Chaumont: Haute-Marne (1856) by Jolibois, Claude Emile
Esquisse Des Relations Qui Ont Existe Entre Le Comte De Bourgogne Et L'Helvetie Des Le XI Au XVII Siecle (1841) by Duvernoy, Charles
Zmudz Starozytna: Dawni Zmudzini I Ich Warownie (1906) by Krzywicki, Ludwik
Anti-Semitism Its History and Causes by Lazare, Bernard
Annaes Da Camara Dos Deputados V3 (1895) by Congresso Nacional
Die Juden Von Zirndorf (1918) by Wassermann, Jakob
Des Juifs En Pologne: Examen De Leur Condition Sous Le Point De Vue Historique, Legislatif Et Politique (1839) by Lubliner, Louis
Barbarous Soviet Russia (1920) by McBride, Isaac
It Might Have Happened To You: A Contemporary Portrait Of Central And Eastern Europe (1921) by Dawson, Coningsby
Hitler's Germany: The Nazi Background To War by Loewenstein, Karl
Foma Gordyeeff (1901) by Gorky, Maxim
Der Sprachkampf In Siebenburgen: Ein Beleuchtung Des Woher Und Wohin? (1842) by Roth, Stephan Ludwig
A World Problem, Jews, Poland, Humanity: A Psychological And Historical Study, Part 1 (1920) by Laudyn, Stephanie
The Jews In Nazi Germany: A Handbook Of Facts Regarding Their Present Situation by American Jewish Committee
The Truth about Bolshevik and Nazi Atrocities in Latvia by
L'Antisemitismo E Le Scienze Moderne (1894) by Lombroso, Cesare
The Voices by Lowenberg, I.
The Racial Conception Of The World by Hitler, Adolf
Sur Moses Mendelssohn Et Sur La Reforme Politique Des Juifs (1853) by De Mirabeau, Le Comte
Memorializing the Holocaust: Gender, Genocide and Collective Memory by Jacobs, Janet
Stronger Than Iron: The Destruction of Vilna Jewry 1941-1945: An Eyewitness Account by Balberyszski, Mendel
Surviving Hitler's War: Family Life in Germany, 1939-48 by Vaizey, H.
Surviving Hitler's War: Family Life in Germany, 1939-48 by Vaizey, H.
Shards of War: Fleeing to & from Uzbekistan by Kesler, Michael
The Afterlife of Holocaust Memory in Contemporary Literature and Culture by Crownshaw, R.
I Shall Live: Surviving the Holocaust Against All Odds by Orenstein, Henry
The Train Journey: Transit, Captivity, and Witnessing in the Holocaust by Gigliotti, Simone
The Shoah in Ukraine: History, Testimony, Memorialization by
We Remember with Reverence and Love: American Jews and the Myth of Silence After the Holocaust, 1945-1962 by Diner, Hasia R.
The Aryan Jesus: Christian Theologians and the Bible in Nazi Germany by Heschel, Susannah
The Germans: Absent Nationality and the Holocaust by Cohen, Yehuda
The Comedian Harmonists: The Last Great Jewish Performers in Nazi Germany by Friedman, Douglas E.
Haven: The Dramatic Story of 1,000 World War II Refugees and How They Came to America by Gruber, Ruth
We Stood Shoulder to Shoulder by Kagan, Jack
Debates on the Holocaust by Lawson, Tom
Debates on the Holocaust by Lawson, Tom
Forbidden Strawberries by Hurwitz, Cipora
Tears of the Past by Langwell, John D.
Tears of the Past by Langwell, John D.
Mimi of Novy Bohumin, Czechoslovakia: A Young Woman's Survival of the Holocaust by Fred Glueckstein Mimi Glueckstein
Mimi of Nový Bohumín, Czechoslovakia: A Young Woman's Survival of the Holocaust by Fred Glueckstein Mimi Glueckstein
Portrait of a Holocaust Child: Memories and Reflections by Kasimow Brown, Rita
Sans Masque by Rosenberg, Truda
In the Shadow of the Red Banner: Soviet Jews in the War Against Nazi Gemany by Arad, Yitzchak
Urban Tourism and Urban Change: Cities in a Global Economy by Spirou, Costas
Urban Tourism and Urban Change: Cities in a Global Economy by Spirou, Costas
In Memoriam: Erinnerung Und Verantwortung Ausstellungskatalog/Remembrance And Responsibility Exhibition Catalogue by
Shards of War: Fleeing to & from Uzbekistan by Kesler, Ph. D. Michael G.
A Promise at Sobibór: A Jewish Boy's Story of Revolt and Survival in Nazi-Occupied Poland by Bialowitz, Bialowitz, Joseph
A Special Brand of Courage: A Mother and Her Children's Remarkable Escape from Nazi Germany by Louw, Krystyna
Aversion and Erasure: The Fate of the Victim After the Holocaust by Dean, Carolyn J.
A Physician Under the Nazis: Memoirs of Henry Glenwick by
"Getting History Right": East and West German Collective Memories of the Holocaust and War by Wolfgram, Mark A.
Sexual Violence against Jewish Women during the Holocaust by
Approaching an Auschwitz Survivor: Holocaust Testimony and Its Transformations by
Jews and Intermarriage in Nazi Austria by Bukey, Evan Burr