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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Holocaust in 2015

Disrupting Pathways to Genocide: The Process of Ideological Radicalization by Murray, E.
The Greater German Reich and the Jews: Nazi Persecution Policies in the Annexed Territories by
Useful Enemies: John Demjanjuk and America's Open-Door Policy for Nazi War Criminals by Rashke, Richard
Settling the Account: (Mijn Erfenis) by Staal, Philip
The Holocaust and the West German Historians: Historical Interpretation and Autobiographical Memory by Berg, Nicolas
A Mother's Diary - Surviving the Holocaust in Ukraine, 1941 - 1944 by Zimmerman, Sosia Gottesfeld
After the Fact: The Holocaust in Twenty-First Century Documentary Film by Prager, Brad
After the Fact: The Holocaust in Twenty-First Century Documentary Film by Prager, Brad
Janka Festinger's Moments of Happiness: Her Holocaust Letter and More by Speace, David D.
Palimpsestic Memory: The Holocaust and Colonialism in French and Francophone Fiction and Film by Silverman, Max
A Fetish for Men by Brame, Gloria G.
Breaking the Silence: Voices of the British Children of Refugees from Nazism by Moos, Merilyn
Outcry: Holocaust Memoirs by Steinberg, Manny
Managing Bubbie by Lazega, Russel
Managing Bubbie by Lazega, Russel
The Holocaust and the Germanization of Ukraine by Steinhart, Eric C.
Breaking the Silence: Voices of the British Children of Refugees from Nazism by Moos, Merilyn
Das Massaker erinnern: Katyń als lieu de mémoire der polnischen Erinnerungskultur by Kalmbach, Cordula
Victims and Survivors of Nazi Human Experiments: Science and Suffering in the Holocaust by Weindling, Paul
Victims and Survivors of Nazi Human Experiments: Science and Suffering in the Holocaust by Weindling, Paul
Wie das Hermannsdenkmal Sinnbild germanischer Tugenden wurde. Die Nutzung des Heldenepos für die nationalsozialistische Rassenideologie by Reidemeister, Sylvia
George's Kaddish for Kovno and the Six Million by Gong, Catherine
George's Kaddish for Kovno and the Six Million by Gong, Catherine
With G-d at My Side: A Child's Story of Survival by Meyer, Cyndie, Taiblum, Menachem
I Didn't Tell Them Anything: The Wartime Secrets of an American Girl by Rieger, Aleena
Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine by Bartov, Omer
Der Film "Nackt unter Wölfen". Aspekte seiner Entstehungs- und Wirkungsgeschichte by Reidemeister, Sylvia
The Hotel on Place Vendome: Life, Death, and Betrayal at the Hotel Ritz in Paris by Mazzeo, Tilar J.
Hitler vs. Stalin.: El pacto Ribbentrop-Molotov: El acuerdo entre Satanás y Lucifer que precipitó el infierno de la II Guerra Mundial. by Droznes, Lazaro
Memory and Complicity: Migrations of Holocaust Remembrance by Sanyal, Debarati
Memory and Complicity: Migrations of Holocaust Remembrance by Sanyal, Debarati
Auschwitz Report by Levi, Primo, de Benedetti, Leonardo
Birth, Sex and Abuse: Women's Voices Under Nazi Rule (Winner: Canadian Jewish Literary Award, CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title and USA Nati by Chalmers (Dsc(med) Phd), Beverley
Stenia's Life Memories by Mannheim, Stenia
Separation: A Ukrainian WWII Survival Memoir by Fedenko, Stepan
Disrupting Pathways to Genocide: The Process of Ideological Radicalization by Murray, E.
Bitterness and Salvation by Daniels, Fred
The Fuehrer's Children: "Growing up as young Aryans" -a voice from Hitler's army of children, the generation of German youth raised under Nazi by Langhammer, Egon
Rena's Promise: A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz by Gelissen, Rena Kornreich, MacAdam, Heather Dune
Hollywood and Hitler, 1933-1939 by Doherty, Thomas
Poles in India 1942-1948: Second World War Story by
Visualizing Jews Through the Ages: Literary and Material Representations of Jewishness and Judaism by
Liberating Belsen Concentration Camp by
To Tell Our Stories: Holocaust Survivors of Southern Arizona by Moroz, Raisa, Fenwick, Richard
The Polish Experience through World War II: A Better Day Has Not Come by Ziólkowska-Boehm, Aleksandra
Scattered Stones, Shattered Seeds: The Story of a Shtetl and a Family Who Lived There by Neuringer Levy, Myrna
From Despair to Hope and Back by Feuer, Yehudit
Narrating the Holocaust in Jewish Communities at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century by Silverstein, Jordana
How Was It Possible?: A Holocaust Reader by
Balkan Genocides: Holocaust and Ethnic Cleansing in the Twentieth Century by Mojzes, Paul
Stawiski Memorial Book (Poland) - Translation of Stawiski; Sefer Yizkor by
A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy by Buergenthal, Thomas
Why the Germans? Why the Jews? by Aly, Götz
Motherland: Growing Up with the Holocaust by Goldberg, Rita
Children on Death Row: The Hate and the War by Lustig, Tommy O.
A Mother's Diary: Surviving the Holocaust in Ukraine, 1941-1944 by Zimmerman, Sosia Gottesfeld
Diary of Bergen-Belsen: 1944-1945 by Lavy-Hass, Hanna
My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me: A Black Woman Discovers Her Family's Nazi Past by Teege, Jennifer, Sellmair, Nikola, Sommer, Carolin
Explaining the Holocaust by Schreiber, Mordecai, Paldiel, Mordecai
Explaining the Holocaust by Schreiber, Mordecai, Paldiel, Mordecai
Jerzyk by Rudolf, Anthony
Franz Werfel Und Der Genozid an Den Armeniern by
Nazi Mad Science I: High Altitude Experiments by Gammon, CL
Auschwitz #34207 The Joe Rubinstein Story by Geise, Nancy Sprowell
Memorial Book of the Molchad (Maytchet) Jewish Community - Translation of Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Meytshet by Ayalon, Benzion H.
A World Without Jews: The Nazi Imagination from Persecution to Genocide by Confino, Alon
Do Not Go Gentle: A Memoir of Jewish Resistance in Poland, 1941-1945 by Gelman, Charles
Liberating Belsen: Remembering the Soldiers of the Durham Light Infantry by Lowther, David
Marking Evil: Holocaust Memory in the Global Age by
Judging 'Privileged' Jews: Holocaust Ethics, Representation, and the 'Grey Zone' by Brown, Adam
An Improbable Journey: A True Story of Courage and Survival During World War II by Schenkel, Susan
The Nazi Genocide of the Roma: Reassessment and Commemoration by
Izzy's Fire: Finding Humanity In The Holocaust by Beasley, Nancy Wright
Konrad Morgen: The Conscience of a Nazi Judge by Velleman, J., Pauer-Studer, H.
Anne Frank's Tree. Nature's Confrontation with Technology, Domination, and the Holocaust by Katz, Eric
Dancing with the Enemy: The Gripping Story of the Jewish Dance Instructor Who Survived Auschwitz by Teaching Dance to the Nazis by Glaser, Paul
Survivors and Exiles: Yiddish Culture After the Holocaust by Schwarz, Jan
The Sons of Scripture The Karaites in Poland and Lithuania in the Twentieth Century by Kizilov, Mikhail
The Forgotten Kindertransportees: The Scottish Experience by Williams, Frances
Apocalypse_3rdEdition by Camster, Paul
Teaching the Holocaust: Practical approaches for ages 11-18 by Gray, Michael
Teaching the Holocaust: Practical approaches for ages 11-18 by Gray, Michael
Oma: A Heroine of the Holocaust by Herschkowitsch, Cynthia E.
Stumbling Stone by Freestone, Julie, Raab, Rudi
Apocalypse_2ndEdition by Camster, Paul
The Polish Underground and the Jews, 1939-1945 by Zimmerman, Joshua D.
Post-Holocaust France and the Jews, 1945-1955 by
Comics, the Holocaust and Hiroshima by Sherif, Adam, Chapman, Jane L.
Jewish Honor Courts: Revenge, Retribution, and Reconciliation in Europe and Israel After the Holocaust by
Tamara Tracz - Three Books by Tracz, Tamara
On the Defensive: Reading the Ethical in Nazi Camp Testimonies by Marquart, Sharon
Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life: Its Measure and Form by Hoche, Alfred, Binding, Karl
Auschwitz #34207 The Joe Rubinstein Story by Geise, Nancy Sprowell
Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis by Allen, Arthur
Pure Soldiers Or Sinister Legion -The Ukrainian 14th Waffen-SS Division by Littman, Sol
The Hebrew Identity by Van Der Kooye, Rachael Ninon
Archive Thief: The Man Who Salvaged French Jewish History in the Wake of the Holocaust by Leff, Lisa Moses
Revisiting Holocaust Representation in the Post-Witness Era by
A Two Step Journey to Hell by Sonnenberg, Sven
De Hebreeuwse Identiteit: Een Onderzoek naar de Identiteit van Mensen van Afrikaanse Afkomst by Van Der Kooye, Rachael Ninon
Holocaust Scholarship: Personal Trajectories and Professional Interpretations by
My Mother's Wars by Faderman, Lillian
Jewish Ludmir: The History and Tragedy of the Jewish Community of Volodymyr-Volynsky: A Regional History by Muzychenko, Volodymyr
Popular Culture and the Shaping of Holocaust Memory in America by Mintz, Alan
Translating the Poetry of the Holocaust: Translation, Style and the Reader by Boase-Beier, Jean
Translating the Poetry of the Holocaust: Translation, Style and the Reader by Boase-Beier, Jean
Witnessing the Robbing of the Jews: A Photographic Album, Paris, 1940-1944 by Gensburger, Sarah, Chapman, Herrick, Paxton, Robert O.
Stories I Must Tell You by Ferrick, Frieda L.
Hitler's Brudervolk: The Dutch and the Colonization of Occupied Eastern Europe, 1939-1945 by Von Frijtag Drabbe Künzel, Geraldien
Tunnel, Smuggle, Collect: A Holocaust Boy by Gingold, Jeffrey N.
La historia del numero 48915: Memorias de supervivencia de una adolescente en el Holocaust by Roth, Rachel
The First to Be Destroyed: The Jewish Community of Kleczew and the Beginning of the Final Solution by Medykowski, Witold, Glowacka-Penczynska, Anetta
JEWS WITHOUT POWER (Newly Updated Edition): American Jewry During The Holocaust by Hurwitz, Ariel
Holocaust Remembrance Between the National and the Transnational: The Stockholm International Forum and the First Decade of the International Task For by Allwork, Larissa
Verdeckte soziale Netzwerke im Nationalsozialismus by Düring, Marten
Topographies of Suffering: Buchenwald, Babi Yar, Lidice by Rapson, Jessica
Un patto per la guerra: Antologia di testi su Ancona nel 1943-44 by D'Agostino, Massimo
Collect and Record!: Jewish Holocaust Documentation in Early Postwar Europe by Jockusch, Laura
Final Sale in Berlin: The Destruction of Jewish Commercial Activity, 1930-1945 by Kreutzmüller, Christoph
Tragic (but Interesting) History of Anti-Semitism and Persecution of Jews by Stehr, Emily
Reframing Holocaust Testimony by Shenker, Noah
When Europe Was a Prison Camp: Father and Son Memoirs, 1940-1941 by Schrag, Otto, Schrag, Peter, Bervoets, Marcel
Reframing Holocaust Testimony by Shenker, Noah
Goodbye for Always: The Triumph of the Innocents by Kaufer, Cecile, Allen, Joe
Jewish Responses to Persecution: 1944-1946 by Wolfson, Leah
Pioneers and Partisans: An Oral History of Nazi Genocide in Belorussia by Walke, Anika
The Choice of the Jews Under Vichy: Between Submission and Resistance by Rayski, Adam
Youth in Flames: A Teenager's Resistance and Her Fight for Survival in the Warsaw Ghetto by Vitis-Shomron, Aliza
When Their Memories Became Mine: Moving Beyond My Parents' Past by Goodman, Pearl
Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer by Stangneth, Bettina
THIRD REICH - Swastikas were "S" letters for "SOCIALIST" - the USA's Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of Hitler salutes & Nazi behavior by Crypto, Matt, Writers, Dead, Institute, Pointer
Rokitno-Wolyn and Surroundings - Memorial Book and Testimony Translation of Rokitno (Volin) ve-ha-seviva; Sefer Edut ve-Zikaron by
Salvaged Pages: Young Writers' Diaries of the Holocaust by
Suddenly Jews: The story of Christians whom the Nazi racial laws classified as Jews, and of the Good Samaritans who came to their aid by Ludwig, Hartmut
Arbeit als Hoffnung by Tauber, Joachim
Memorial Book of Bolekhov (Bolechów), Ukraine - Translation of Sefer ha-Zikaron le-Kedoshei Bolechow by Eshel, Y.
Venti metri sottoterra: La storia di Ancona che hanno voluto seppellire by D'Agostino, Massimo
Jewish Hit Squad: Armja Krajowa Jewish Raid Unit Partisans by Lavee, Simon
Nonconformist Writing in Nazi Germany: The Literature of Inner Emigration by Klapper, John
The Law of the United Nations as Applied to Intervention Within the Frame Work of Article 2, Paragraph 7 of the Un Charter: A Comparative Analysis of by Auma-Osolo, Agola
The Diary of Samuel Golfard and the Holocaust in Galicia by Lower, Wendy
Underground in Berlin: A Young Woman's Extraordinary Tale of Survival in the Heart of Nazi Germany by Simon, Marie Jalowicz
Holocaust Survivors in Canada: Exclusion, Inclusion, Transformation, 1947-1955 by Goldberg, Adara
Taboo Genocide: Holodomor 1933 & the Extermination of Ukraine by Dietrich, Kris
Taboo Genocide: Holodomor 1933 & the Extermination of Ukraine by Dietrich, Kris
Holocaust Survivors in Canada: Exclusion, Inclusion, Transformation, 1947-1955 by Goldberg, Adara
Poetik Des Überlebens: Kulturproduktion Im Konzentrationslager by
Summer Haven: The Catskills, the Holocaust, and the Literary Imagination by Levitsky, Holli, Brown, Phil
Lifesaving Letters: A Child's Flight from the Holocaust by Roth, Milena
The Holocaust and French Historical Culture, 1945-65 by Heuman, Johannes
Nada es para siempre: Novela histórica acerca del Holocausto by Vanstrien, Valeria Scherf
World War 2: A Chilling Testimony of a German Citizen Living during the War - The Personal Account of Hans Wagner by Miller, Suzy
Children during the Holocaust by Heberer, Patricia
Remembering the Holocaust: Generations, Witnessing and Place by Jilovsky, Esther
The Political Diary of Alfred Rosenberg and the Onset of the Holocaust by Bajohr, Frank, Matthäus, Jürgen
Amending the Past: Europe's Holocaust Commissions and the Right to History by Karn, Alexander
Memory Work: The Second Generation by Fischer, Nina
Siberian Yankee by Gordon, Lilian
We Dared to Live by Sabrin, Joe, Szabrinski, Abrashe
Before the Court of Heaven by Mayer, Jack
On the Edge of a Country: Memoir of a young girl under Nazi fascism by Hollenbaugh, Silvia
Of Endings and Beginnings: A Memoir of Discovery and Transformation by Speigel, Robert B.
A World of Pains: A Redemptive Parable? by Kaplinski, Solly
The Holocaust Memorial Museum: Sacred Secular Space by Alba, Avril
The Nazis Next Door: How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler's Men by Lichtblau, Eric
White Magnolia by Noble, Chloe Dee
The 51st Brigade - Personal stories of the Jewish Partisan group from the Slonim Ghetto by Shner-Nishmit, Sarah
Hitler's First Victims: The Quest for Justice by Ryback, Timothy W.
The Emergence of Holocaust Education in American Schools by Fallace, T.
Dachau 29 April 1945: The Rainbow Liberation Memoirs by
National Responses to the Holocaust: National Identity and Public Memory by
People in Auschwitz by Langbein, Hermann
Hollywood and the Holocaust by Gonshak, Henry
Auschwitz Spiegato a mia figlia by Di Benedetto, Graziano
Village of Secrets: Defying the Nazis in Vichy France by Moorehead, Caroline
False Gods by Eichmann, Adolf
The Eichmann Tapes by Eichmann, Adolf
The Eichmann Tapes by Eichmann, Adolf
False Gods by Eichmann, Adolf
The Works of Flavius Josephus by Josephus, Flavius
The Germans and the Holocaust: Popular Responses to the Persecution and Murder of the Jews by
By Train to Dachau by Raubitschek, Ernst
Auschwitz: The Complete Guide by Buck, Perry
Irma Grese & Auschwitz: Holocaust and the Secrets of the The Blonde Beast by Jennings, Raymond
The Fate of Holocaust Memories: Transmission and Family Dialogues by Roth, C.
The Philosophy of Life and Death: Ludwig Klages and the Rise of a Nazi Biopolitics by Lebovic, Nitzan
Intrecci d'Anime by Pileri, Bianca
Lacrime di memoria by Tagliabue, Alessia
Shoa and Experience: A Journey in Time by
The Journey of Markus Orbach by Orbach, Mark
Hell Before Their Very Eyes: American Soldiers Liberate Nazi Concentration Camps, April 1945 by McManus, John C.
Three Minutes in Poland: Discovering a Lost World in a 1938 Family Film by Kurtz, Glenn
The Armenian Genocide Legacy by
Sexual Myths of Modernity: Sadism, Masochism, and Historical Teleology by Moore, Alison M.
Memorial Book of Nowy Zmigrod - Galicia, Poland by Leibner, William
The Children of La Hille: Eluding Nazi Capture During World War II by Reed, Walter W.
The Children of La Hille: Eluding Nazi Capture During World War II by Reed, Walter W.
Iskorenjivanje Srba: u Bosni i Hercegovini 1992-1993. by Bundalo, Gordana, Govedarica, Milos, Jovanovic, Drago
Holocaust Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Images, Memory, and the Ethics of Representation by
Matters of Testimony: Interpreting the Scrolls of Auschwitz by Chare, Nicholas, Williams, Dominic
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