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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Holocaust in 2017

The History of the Holocaust in Romania by Ancel, Jean
The Holocaust Across Generations: Trauma and Its Inheritance Among Descendants of Survivors by Jacobs, Janet
The Holocaust Across Generations: Trauma and Its Inheritance Among Descendants of Survivors by Jacobs, Janet
Odyssey by Bierman, John
All the Dead Are Holy by Levy, Larry
But You Did Not Come Back: A Memoir by Loridan-Ivens, Marceline
Masha Bruskina by Lasserre, Henri
Aversion and Erasure: The Fate of the Victim After the Holocaust by Dean, Carolyn J.
The Pharmacist of Auschwitz: The Untold Story by Posner, Patricia
Holocaust Remembrance Between the National and the Transnational: The Stockholm International Forum and the First Decade of the International Task For by Allwork, Larissa
Translating Holocaust Lives by
La última mariposa del Gueto - Memoria a dos voces by Ribadeneira, Sonia Noboa
Three Tearless Histories: The Photographer of Auschwitz and Other Stories by Hackl, Erich
A City and the Dead; Zablotow Alive and Destroyed: Memorial Book of Zabolotov, Ukraine by
My Handwriting Saved Me: Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivor by Halm, Albert
Escape de los Balcanes: La Valiente Saga de los Konforti durante el Holocausto by Spitalnik Konforti, Dinah
American Sociology and Holocaust Studies: The Alleged Silence and the Creation of the Sociological Delay by Messina, Adele Valeria
The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story by Ackerman, Diane
Letters From The Ledermanns by Publishing, Afori
Listen to the Light: Stories of Interruptions, Intersections and Insights by Warrington, Freda S.
The Dead Years: Holocaust Memoirs by Schupack, Joseph
Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives: Norfolk women in the first half of the twentieth century by Meeres, Frank
The Journey of Abe and Renia Schwartz: From Darkness to the American Dream by Jaffe, Matt
Memorial Book of Brichany, Moldova - It's Jewry in the First Half of Our Century: Translation of Britshan: Britsheni ha-yehudit be-mahatsit ha-mea ha- by
The Sobibor Death Camp: History, Biographies, Remembrance by Webb, Chris
Remembering the Holocaust: Generations, Witnessing and Place by Jilovsky, Esther
Stefan Hanke: Concentration Camp Survivors by
Blood Stained Feathers: My Life Story By Mordechai Lustig from Nowy Sącz by Lustig, Mordechai
Shoah Through Muslim Eyes by Afridi, Mehnaz M.
Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland by Browning, Christopher R.
Shoah Through Muslim Eyes by Afridi, Mehnaz M.
Escape From The Killing Fields: The Cambodian Genocide by Farrington, Ken
More Than a Teardrop in the Ocean: Vol. II, More of the Tempestuous History of the War Refugee Board by Rolde, Neil
Confronting the Silence: A Holocaust Survivor's Search for God by Ziffer, Walter
Ordinary Jews: Choice and Survival During the Holocaust by Finkel, Evgeny
The Trial That Never Ends: Hannah Arendt's 'Eichmann in Jerusalem' in Retrospect by
The Word of Abusz Werber by Werber, Michel
Surviving Remnant: Memories of the Jewish Greenhorns in 1950s America by Marcus, Hanna Perlstein
Broken Heart / Broken Wholeness: The Post-Holocaust Plea for Jewish Reconstruction of the Soviet Yiddish Writer Der Nister by Kotlerman, Ber
Stealth Altruism: Forbidden Care as Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust by Shostak, Arthur B.
Stealth Altruism: Forbidden Care as Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust by Shostak, Arthur B.
Historia Proscrita IV: Holocausto judío, nuevo dogma de fe para la humanidad by Forner, Victoria
Historia Proscrita IV: Holocausto judío, nuevo dogma de fe para la humanidad by Forner, Victoria
Flight to Freedom by Oppenheimer, Ellen
German Rescuers of Jews: Individuals versus the Nazi System by Paldiel, Mordecai
Morir En Marruecos: La Mancha-Annual, 1909-1923 by Velasco Lizcano, Mariano
No Reply: A Jewish Child Aboard the MS St. Louis and the Ordeal That Followed by Sampson, Pamela
Saving One's Own: Jewish Rescuers During the Holocaust by Paldiel, Mordecai
Children in the Holocaust and Its Aftermath: Historical and Psychological Studies of the Kestenberg Archive by
Holocaust Chronicle by Publications International Ltd
Justice at Dachau: The Trials of an American Prosecutor by Greene, Joshua
The Story of the Last Thought by Hilsenrath, Edgar
The Crime of Complicity: The Bystander in the Holocaust by Guiora, Amos N.
Not in My Family: German Memory and Responsibility After the Holocaust by Frie, Roger
Jumping Over Shadows: A Memoir by Gendler, Annette
Last Stop Australia: A New Voice of the Holocaust by Altmann, Johanna
CIA Declassified: Adolf Hitler: A collection of Declassified CIA case files and reports by Central Intelligence Agency
Beneath White Stars: Holocaust Profiles In Poetry by Mandelkern, Holly
Running by Seller, David
Antisemitism Before and Since the Holocaust: Altered Contexts and Recent Perspectives by
World War 2 by Miller, Suzy
Incertidumbre en la Habana 2da Edicion: Mis experiencias durante la crisis de la Embajada del Peru en la Habana. 1980 by Berenguer, Carlos
I Love You My Child, I'm Abandoning You by Palacz, Ariela
After the Roundup: Escape and Survival in Hitler's France by Grose, Peter, Weismann, Joseph, Keneally, Thomas
After the Roundup: Escape and Survival in Hitler's France by Weismann, Joseph, Keneally, Thomas, Grose, Peter
Frozen Mud and Red Ribbons: A Romanian Jewish Girl's Survival Through the Holocaust in Transnistria and Its Rippling Effect on the Second Generati by Baruch, Avital E.
The Priest Barracks: Dachau 1938-1945 by Zeller, Guillaume
Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs: A Candle and a Promise by Donnelly, Deborah
Bound for Theresienstadt: Love, Loss and Resistance in a Nazi Concentration Camp by McLaughlin, Jeff, Schiff, Vera
Atrocity Speech Law: Foundation, Fragmentation, Fruition by Gordon, Gregory S.
From Things Lost: Forgotten Letters and the Legacy of the Holocaust by Gilbert, Shirli
From Things Lost: Forgotten Letters and the Legacy of the Holocaust by Gilbert, Shirli
The Jews of Nazi Vienna, 1938-1945: Rescue and Destruction by Offenberger, Ilana Fritz
Theresienstadt 1941-1945 by Adler, H. G.
Summary and Analysis of Man's Search for Meaning: Based on the Book by Victor E. Frankl by Worth Books
The Nazi Hunters by Nagorski, Andrew
British POWs and the Holocaust: Witnessing the Nazi Atrocities by Wallis, Russell
My Revenge by Wodzislawski, Yaakov
Book in German: Meine Rache (My Revenge - German Edition) by Yaakov, Wodzislawski
Books in Russian: My Revenge (Russian Edition) by Wodzislawski, Yaakov
Los Niños de Irena / Irena's Children: The Extraordinary Story of the Woman Who Saved 2.500 Children from the Warsaw Ghetto by Mazzeo, Tilar J.
The Greater German Reich and the Jews: Nazi Persecution Policies in the Annexed Territories 1935-1945 by
Topographies of Suffering: Buchenwald, Babi Yar, Lidice by Rapson, Jessica
A Tangled Tree: My Father's Path to Immortality by Sezak-Blatt, Aiyanna
Aufschrei gegen das Vergessen: Erinnerungen an den Holocaust by Steinberg, Manny
Army of Shadows by Kessel, Joseph
Among the Reeds: The true Story of how a Family survived the Holocaust by Bottner, Tammy
Souvenirs d'un survivant de la Shoah by Steinberg, Manny
Dear Andrew: Letters and Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivor to His Grandson by Ross, Andrew, Erna Oury, Deborah
Zabrze (Hindenburg) Yizkor Book by Leibner, William
Love in a Time of Hate: The Story of Magda and André Trocmé and the Village That Said No to the Nazis by Schott, Hanna
Part of the Family - Volume 2: Christadelphians, The Kindertransport, and Rescue from the Holocaust by Hensley, Jason
Les bourreaux du Diable: 1- Le Dragon de Birkenau by Salesse, Daniel
Ancestral Tales: Reading the Buczacz Stories of S.Y. Agnon by Mintz, Alan
The Drowned and the Saved by Levi, Primo
Yizkor Book of Ostrow Mazowiecka (Number 2): Translation of Ostrow Mazowiecka by Levin, Yehuda Leib
Pseudo-Euripides, Rhesus: Edited with Introduction and Commentary by Fries, Almut
The World Jewish Congress During the Holocaust: Between Activism and Restraint by Segev, Zohar
Nazi Crimes Against Jews and German Post-War Justice: The West German Judicial System During Allied Occupation (1945-1949) by Raim, Edith
Operation Yellow Star / Black Thursday by Rajsfus, Maurice
A Garden of Eden in Hell: The Life of Alice Herz-Sommer by Muller, Melissa, Piechocki, Reinhard
Shattering the Muses by Hanshe, Rainer J.
Vanished History: The Holocaust in Czech and Slovak Historical Culture by Sniegon, Tomas
Anxious Histories: Narrating the Holocaust in Jewish Communities at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century by Silverstein, Jordana
Brichah: (Hebrew for Escape or Flight) by Leibner, William
Long Shall You Live by Henderson, Marja D.
The Sleep Of Reason: Modernisation, Intention and Nazi Racial Policy by Rosling, Jon
Deutschland in Ägypten: Orientalistische Netzwerke, Judenverfolgung Und Das Leben Der Frankfurter Jüdin Mimi Borchardt by Kasper-Holtkotte, CILLI
Righteous Gentiles: Israel's Honoring of Rescuers of Jews by Paldiel, Mordecai
East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity by Sands, Philippe
Dreams of Re-Creation in Jamaica: The Holocaust, Internment, Jewish Refugees in Gibraltar Camp, Jamaican Jews and Sephardim by Cooper-Clark, Diana
Dreams of Re-Creation in Jamaica: The Holocaust, Internment, Jewish Refugees in Gibraltar Camp, Jamaican Jews and Sephardim by Cooper-Clark, Diana
Repentance for the Holocaust: Lessons from Jewish Thought for Confronting the German Past by Chung, C. K. Martin
Repentance for the Holocaust: Lessons from Jewish Thought for Confronting the German Past by Chung, C. K. Martin
Amending the Past: Europe's Holocaust Commissions and the Right to History by Karn, Alexander
Edith Stein: The Life and Legacy of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross by Ruiz Scaperlanda, Maria
Polish Hero Roman Rodziewicz: Fate of a Hubal Soldier in Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and Postwar England by Ziólkowska-Boehm, Aleksandra
Wartime Vignettes: A Boyhood Memoir of World War II and of Its Aftermath by Dolotta, T. a.
Journey to Happily Ever After by Ross, Rita B.
Run Rachel Run: The Thrilling, True Story of a Teen Girl's Daring Escape and Heroic Survival During the Holocaust by Blum, Rachel
Elie Wiesel: Messenger to All Humanity, Revised Edition by Brown, Robert McAfee
Perpetrators: The World of the Holocaust Killers by Lewy, Guenter
The Anatomy of Murder: Ethical Transgressions and Anatomical Science During the Third Reich by Hildebrandt, Sabine
When the Danube Ran Red by Ozsvath, Zsuzsanna
Bransk, Book of Memories - (Brańsk, Poland): Translation of Bransk, sefer hazikaron by
Jews in Breisach: From the Beginnings to the Shoah, 12th - 19th Century by
Among the Reeds: The True Story of How a Family Survived the Holocaust by Bottner, Tammy
Persecuted, Stateless, Free: One girl's flight from the Nazis by Mac Vittie, Donald W., Mac Vittie, Lisa
Les Bourreaux du Diable: 2- Aufseherinnen: femmes, gardiennes et nazies by Salesse, Daniel
Die Auswirkungen des Holocaust auf die mediale Berichterstattung in Deutschland vom Siedlungsbau in Israel by Spratte, Simon
The Politics of Jewishness in Contemporary World Literature: The Holocaust, Zionism and Colonialism by Hesse, Isabelle
Warrior, Entrepreneur, Lover of Life by Urman, Menachem
Witness by Tessler, Mendel
The Dead Years: Holocaust Memoirs by Schupack, Joseph
Memorial Book of Rokiskis: Rokiskis, Lithuania by
The Faith and Doubt of Holocaust Survivors by Brenner, Reeve Robert
The Children of Château de la Hille by Steiger, Sebastian
Compensation in Practice: The Foundation 'Remembrance, Responsibility and Future' and the Legacy of Forced Labour During the Third Reich by
Witnessing Unbound: Holocaust Representation and the Origins of Memory by
Evil That Surrounds Us: The WWII Memoir of Erna Becker-Kohen by
Carved in Stone: Holocaust Years - A Boy's Tale by Drukier, Manny
Final Sale in Berlin: The Destruction of Jewish Commercial Activity, 1930-1945 by Kreutzmüller, Christoph
You Can Free Yourself from the Karma of Chaos by Spalding, Tina Louise
The Germans and the Holocaust: Popular Responses to the Persecution and Murder of the Jews by
Invisible Jews: Surviving the Holocaust in Poland by Bielawski, Eddie
The Nazi Titanic: The Incredible Untold Story of a Doomed Ship in World War II by Watson, Robert P.
Zurück ins Leben. Die internationalen DP-Kinderzentren Kloster Indersdorf 1945 - 1948 by Andlauer, Anna
The Strange Ways of Providence In My Life: An Amazing WW2 Survival Story by Carmi, Krystyna
The Romanian Orthodox Church and the Holocaust by Popa, Ion
The Evil That Surrounds Us: The WWII Memoir of Erna Becker-Kohen by
The Holocaust, Corporations, and the Law: Unfinished Business by Bilsky, Leora Yedida
Night: Memorial Edition by Wiesel, Elie
Hess and the Penguins: The Holocaust, Antarctica and the Strange Case of Rudolf Hess by Farrell, Joseph P.
El Farmacéutico de Auschwitz by Posner
Nazi Eugenics: Precursors, Policy, Aftermath by Conroy, Melvyn
The Voices that Brought Us Here: The Weisberger-Weiss Family Story by Weisberger, Brian
Notes from the Other Side of Night by Geran Pilon, Juliana
The Terrible Secret: Suppression of the Truth About Hitler's "Final Solution" by Laqueur, Walter
The Armenian Genocide in Perspective by
Lunch with Charlotte by Berger, Leon
Lunch with Charlotte by Berger, Leon
Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 by Rummel, R. J.
Nazi Collaborators on Trial During the Cold War: Viktors Arājs and the Latvian Auxiliary Security Police by Plavnieks, Richards
Thoughts on the Holocaust by Feher, George
Young Lothar: An Underground Fugitive in Nazi Berlin by Orbach, Larry, Orbach-Smith, Vivien
Jewish Responses to Persecution, 1933-1946: A Source Reader by Matthäus, Jürgen
Journeys from the Abyss: The Holocaust and Forced Migration from the 1880s to the Present by Kushner, Tony
The Polish Underground and the Jews, 1939-1945 by Zimmerman, Joshua D.
Surviving 'Uncle Hitler': Journey of a German Girl by Null, Dorothea Wollin
Siberian Exile: Blood, War, and a Granddaughter's Reckoning by Sukys, Julija
The Participants: The Men of the Wannsee Conference by
The Participants: The Men of the Wannsee Conference by
Spies, Lies, and Citizenship: The Hunt for Nazi Criminals by Barbier, Mary Kathryn
History Flows Through Us: Germany, the Holocaust, and the Importance of Empathy by
Torah from the Years of Wrath 1939-1943: The Historical Context of the Aish Kodesh by Abramson, Henry
Jewish Masculinity in the Holocaust: Between Destruction and Construction by Carey, Maddy
Tote Jahre: Eine jüdische Leidensgeschichte by Schupack, Joseph
Judgment Unto Truth: Witnessing the Armenian Genocide by
Dokshitz-Parafianov Memorial (Yizkor) Book - (Dokshytsy, Belarus): Translation of Sefer Dokshitz-Parafianov by
The Vél d'Hiv Raid: The French Police at the Service of the Gestapo by Rajsfus, Maurice
The Vél d'Hiv Raid: The French Police at the Service of the Gestapo by Rajsfus, Maurice
Avrumele: A Memoir by Hepner, Albert
Memorias y confesiones de Albert Speer y Rudolf Hess by Lopez de Los Santos, Gloria
Wartime Vignettes: A Boyhood Memoir of World War II and of Its Aftermath by Dolotta, T. a.
Auschwitz-Birkenau: From Hell To Hope? by Bell, Simon
My Grandmother's Letters From Amsterdam by Kann, Raymond
Class of '31: A German-Jewish Émigré's Journey Across Defeated Germany by Jessel, Walter
Class of '31: A German-Jewish Émigré's Journey Across Defeated Germany by Jessel, Walter
Too Little, and Almost Too Late: The War Refugee Board and America's Response to the Holocaust by Medoff, Rafael
War, Pacification, and Mass Murder, 1939: The Einsatzgruppen in Poland by Matthäus, Jürgen, Böhler, Jochen, Mallmann, Klaus-Michael
Reconstructing the Old Country: American Jewry in the Post-Holocaust Decades by
Jewish Responses to Persecution, 1933-1946: A Source Reader by Matthäus, Jürgen
Henry: A Polish Swimmer's True Story of Friendship from Auschwitz to America by Shawver, Katrina
Henry: A Polish Swimmer's True Story of Friendship from Auschwitz to America by Shawver, Katrina
Saving Lives in Auschwitz: The Prisoners' Hospital in Buna-Monowitz by Bacon, Ewa K.
What! Still Alive?!: Jewish Survivors in Poland and Israel Remember Homecoming by Rice, Monika
What! Still Alive?!: Jewish Survivors in Poland and Israel Remember Homecoming by Rice, Monika
Yizkor Book of Our Birth Place: Bendery (Bender, Moldova): Translation of Kehilat Bendery; Sefer Zikaron by
Deutschsprachige Jüdische Migration Nach Schweden: 1774 Bis 1945 by
The Forgiveness to Come: The Holocaust and the Hyper-Ethical by Banki, Peter Jason
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