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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Holocaust in 2018

Why?: Explaining the Holocaust by Hayes, Peter
Reading Art Spiegelman by Smith, Philip
The Holocaust: An End to Innocence by Rossel, Seymour
The Right Wrong Man: John Demjanjuk and the Last Great Nazi War Crimes Trial by Douglas, Lawrence
Book of Gostynin, Poland: Translation of Pinkas Gostynin by
El soldado de las sombras: Simon Wiesenthal by Ollero, Juan Carlos Arjona
Zyklon B by Hunger, Hans
Holocaust Memoirs of a Bergen-Belsen Survivor & Classmate of Anne Frank by Blitz Konig, Nanette
Holocaust Public Memory in Postcommunist Romania by
Holocaust Public Memory in Postcommunist Romania by
Swiss Banks and Jewish Souls by Rickman, Gregg
Holocaust History and the Readings of Ka-Tzetnik by
Never Forget, Never Again: An Eyewitness to the Holocaust by Goldberg, Bernard
Die Judenverfolgung als Katz-und-Maus-Spiel? Die Darstellung des Holocaust in Art Spiegelmans Comic "Maus - Die Geschichte eines Überlebenden" by Henigin, Lisa
Nazism, the Holocaust, and the Middle East: Arab and Turkish Responses by
The Witness as Object: Video Testimony in Memorial Museums by Jong, Steffi de
Phenomenon of Anne Frank by Barnouw, David
A Roll of the Dice: A Memoir of a Hungarian Survivor by Schwartz, Agnes M.
The Phenomenon of Anne Frank by Barnouw, David
Witness Through the Imagination: Jewish American Holocaust Literature by Kremer, S. Lilian
Nazism, The Jews and American Zionism, 1933-1948 by Berman, Aaron
Fate Unknown: The Search for the Missing after the Holocaust: Exhibition catalogue by Stone, Dan
Le Chant de l'Aigle: ****** Martina by Salesse, Daniel
The Holocaust in Eastern Europe: At the Epicenter of the Final Solution by Beorn, Waitman Wade
The United States and the Nazi Holocaust: Race, Refuge, and Remembrance by Trachtenberg, Barry
To Tell Our Stories: Holocaust Survivors of Southern Arizona by Fenwick, Richard, Moroz, Raisa
Nazi Germany by Thompson, Robert Smith, Axelrod, Alan
Memorial Book of Nowy-Dwor: Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki, Poland by
Warsaw Is My Country: The Story of Krystyna Bierzynska, 1928-1945 by Holmgren, Beth
Resistance, Heroism, Loss: World War II in Italian Literature and Film by
Warsaw Is My Country: The Story of Krystyna Bierzynska, 1928-1945 by Holmgren, Beth
The Last Jews of Kalisz: David Kempner's Story of Tragedy and Triumph by Kempner, Irv, Fineblum, Deborah
Comment l'idée vint à M. Rassinier by Brayard-F
Les enfants de la Martellière by Deroo-D
Résistance chrétienne à l'antisémitisme by de Lubac-H
Ces parents qui vivent à travers moi by Gampel-Y
Gorky Tales: The Memories 1940 to 1946 by Prishvina, Svetlana ora
El gran dragón negro: Y los niños de Terezín. (Basada en hechos reales) by Fuertes, Clara, Jorques, Alexia
Le mensonge d'Ulysse & Ulysse trahi par les siens by Rassinier, Paul
Le mensonge d'Ulysse & Ulysse trahi par les siens by Rassinier, Paul
Le drame des Juifs européens & Les responsables de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale by Rassinier, Paul
Le drame des Juifs européens & Les responsables de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale by Rassinier, Paul
The German Secret Field Police in Greece, 1941-1944 by Muñoz, Antonio J.
Their Journey by Zweig, Milton
Escape from Vichy: The Refugee Exodus to the French Caribbean by Jennings, Eric T.
Fragments of Isabella: A Memoir of Auschwitz by Leitner, Isabella
The Egg Dealer from Nowy Wisnicz by Buchsbaum, Steve
Eveline: Tales of a War Bride by Chaz, Mac
Hell's Traces: One Murder, Two Families, Thirty-Five Holocaust Memorials by Ripp, Victor
AZ Endlösung Beteljesedése by Szinyeri, Tibor
Gendered Testimonies of the Holocaust: Writing Life by Schweitzer, Petra M.
Third-Generation Holocaust Narratives: Memory in Memoir and Fiction by
Les Bourreaux du Diable: La Bête Féroce by Salesse, Daniel
Pan Kapitan of Jordanow by Leibner, William
The Holocaust As Seen Through Film: Updated Version 2018: A teacher's guide to movies, documentaries, and short films that will impact your students a by Rosenberg, Rabbi Dr Bernhard
No One Bears Witness for the Witness: a memoir by Cohen, Baruch
Papst Pius XII und der Holocaust: "Ad maiora mala vitanda"? by Leu, Tabea
Korelitz - The Life and Destruction of a Jewish Community: Translation of Korelits: hayeha ve-hurbana shel kehila yehudit by Walzer-Fass, Michael
Miracle Child: The Journey of a Young Holocaust Survivor by Epstein, Anita
Miracle Child: The Journey of a Young Holocaust Survivor by Epstein, Anita
Witness Between Languages: The Translation of Holocaust Testimonies in Context by Davies, Peter
The Pain of Knowledge: Holocaust and Genocide Issues in Education by Auron, Yair
The Widening Circle of Genocide: Genocide - A Critical Bibliographic Review by Charny, Israel W.
Just Is in the Art of Samuel Bak by Phillips, Gary a.
Postcards from Auschwitz: Holocaust Tourism and the Meaning of Remembrance by Reynolds, Daniel P.
Revisiting the National Socialist Legacy: Coming to Terms with Forced Labor, Expropriation, Compensation, and Restitution by Rathkolb, Oliver
Memorial Book of 13 Shtetls of Galicia: The Jewish Communities of Dziedzilow, Winniki, Barszczowice, Pidelisek, Pidbaritz, Kukizov, Old Jarczow, Pekal by Leibner, William
This is not a Fairytale by Keller, Will
My Dear Ones: One Family and the Final Solution by Wittenberg, Jonathan
How Young Holocaust Survivors Rebuilt Their Lives: France, the United States, and Israel by Ouzan, Francoise S.
How Young Holocaust Survivors Rebuilt Their Lives: France, the United States, and Israel by Ouzan, Francoise S.
There Was A Shtetl In Lithuania: Dusiat Reflected In Reminiscences by
Holocaust Averted - Bulgarian Jews in World War II by Marinov Ph. D., Miroslav
Die Juden in Lemberg während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und im Holocaust 1939-1944. by
From Broken Glass: My Story of Finding Hope in Hitler's Death Camps to Inspire a New Generation by Steve Ross
A Survivor's Duty: Surviving the Holocaust and Fighting for Israel--A Story of Father and Son by Laufer, Gabriel
A Survivor's Duty: Surviving the Holocaust and Fighting for Israel--A Story of Father and Son by Laufer, Gabriel
Anna Frank Story: I Nemici Che Tolsero La Vita Ad Anna E Non Solo by Felleti, Sergio
Determined: A Memoir by Baranek, Martin
Sasha Pechersky: Holocaust Hero, Sobibor Resistance Leader, and Hostage of History by Leydesdorff, Selma
Ghost Writer: A Story about Telling a Holocaust Story by Hawkins Benedix, Beth
Nazi Ecology: The Oak Sacrifice of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust by Musser, R. Mark
Jüdischer Widerstand in Europa (1933-1945) by
1944 Diary by Keilson, Hans
Intimate Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms on the Eve of the Holocaust by Kopstein, Jeffrey S., Wittenberg, Jason
Les bourreaux du Diable: La petite Lizie by Salesse, Daniel
The Crate: A Story Of War, A Murder, And Justice by Levison, Deborah Vadas
We Remember Lest the World Forget: Memories of the Minsk Ghetto by
Un Saco de Canicas /A Bag of Marbles by Joffo, Joseph
Thrown upon the World: A True Story by Kolber, George, Kolber, Charles
Thrown upon the World: A True Story by Kolber, George, Kolber, Charles
Hiding in Plain Sight: My Holocaust Story of Survival by Sonders, Beatrice
Choices Under Duress of the Holocaust: Benjamin Murmelstein and the Fate of Viennese Jewry, Volume I: Vienna by Ehrlich, Leonard H., Ehrlich, Edith
Writing in Witness: A Holocaust Reader by
Pioneers and Partisans: An Oral History of Nazi Genocide in Belorussia by Walke, Anike
Mass Violence in Nazi-Occupied Europe by Kay, Alex J., Stahel, David
Something Beautiful Happened: A Story of Survival and Courage in the Face of Evil by Corporon, Yvette Manessis
Hiding in Plain Sight: My Holocaust Story of Survival by Sonders, Beatrice
Given A Reason To Kill: How to Justify Killing as a Rational Act by Jones, William
A Life Rebuilt: The Remarkable Transformation of a War Orphan by Gutmann, Sylvia Ruth
Witnessing the Holocaust: Six Literary Testimonies by Hughes, Judith M.
Witnessing the Holocaust: Six Literary Testimonies by Hughes, Judith M.
Post-Holocaust Studies in a Modern Context by
The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, Revised and Expanded Edition: Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka by Arad, Yitzhak
The Wedding Photo by Oren, Dan a.
Listen to the Light: The Daughter's a Farmer by Warrington, Freda S.
An Eternal Light: Brody, in Memoriam: Translation of Ner Tamid: Yizkor leBrody by
The Fiddle by Cumming, Natalie
Not Guilty At Nuremberg: The German Defense Case by Porter, Carlos Whitlock
The Holocaust: A New History by Rees, Laurence
Translating Holocaust Lives by
The Labyrinth of Dangerous Hours: A Memoir of the Second World War by Trzcinska-Croydon, Lilka
Croatia and the Rise of Fascism: The Youth Movement and the Ustasha During WWII by Miljan, Goran
Women Against Tyranny:: Poems of Resistance During the Holocaust by Walders, Davi
Who Will Write Our History?: Emanuel Ringelblum, the Warsaw Ghetto, and the Oyneg Shabes Archive by Kassow, Samuel D.
Archive Thief: The Man Who Salvaged French Jewish History in the Wake of the Holocaust by Leff, Lisa Moses
Memorial Book of Radzivilov: Translation of Radzivilov: Sefer Zikaron by
The Nazi, the Princess, and the Shoemaker: My Father's Holocaust Odyssey by Neuman, Scott M.
Antisemitism Before and Since the Holocaust: Altered Contexts and Recent Perspectives by
Miracles Do Happen by Rosenbloom, Fela And Felix
The Jews of Nazi Vienna, 1938-1945: Rescue and Destruction by Offenberger, Ilana Fritz
Nazi Collaborators on Trial During the Cold War: Viktors Arājs and the Latvian Auxiliary Security Police by Plavnieks, Richards
Hitler's Collaborators: Choosing Between Bad and Worse in Nazi-Occupied Western Europe by Morgan, Philip
They Will Not Be Forgotten by Lindemann, Ruth
Les Bourreaux du Diable: Elle s'appelait Drechsler by Salesse, Daniel
El mito de los 6 millones: El Fraude de los judíos asesinados por Hitler by Bochaca, Joaquín
You've Got to Tell Them: A French Girl's Experience of Auschwitz and After by Grinspan, Ida, Poirot-Delpech, Bertrand
On Being German: A Personal Journey Into the German Experience by Pena-Cruz, Doris
On Being German: A Personal Journey Into the German Experience by Pena-Cruz, Doris
Violence, Memory, and History: Western Perceptions of Kristallnacht by
Bitter Freedom: Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivor by Wallach, Jafa
The Italian Executioners: The Genocide of the Jews of Italy by Levis Sullam, Simon
The Pen Confronts the Sword: Exiled German Scholars Challenge Nazism by Zakai, Avihu
Mass Violence in Nazi-Occupied Europe by
How Much Further by Leybovich, Ilya
Three Tearless Histories: The Photographer of Auschwitz and Other Stories by Hackl, Erich
Surviving the Survivors: A Memoir by Klein, Ruth
The Book Smugglers: Partisans, Poets, and the Race to Save Jewish Treasures from the Nazis by Fishman, David E.
Survivor Café: The Legacy of Trauma and the Labyrinth of Memory by Rosner, Elizabeth
Zycie El resurgir de la bestia by Seguí, Laura Coll, Bertó, Vicente Tomás
Abandoned in Berlin: A True Story by Cammidge, John R.
Abandoned in Berlin: A True Story by Cammidge, John R.
Storia del Razzismo: Dalle origini alla Palestina di oggi by Ruggiero, Gianfredo
Let's Ask Betka: A Story of Survival by Eber, Regina Betty
Bonhoeffer's New Beginning: Ethics after Devastation by Decort, Andrew D.
Luther, Bonhoeffer, and Public Ethics: Re-Forming the Church of the Future by
Then They Came for Me: Martin Niemöller, the Pastor Who Defied the Nazis by Hockenos, Matthew D.
Book of Stryj (Ukraine): Translation of Sefer Stryj by
La Segunda Guerra Mundial: Sucesos Relevantes by Editorial, Nostica
Judy Glickman Lauder: Beyond the Shadows (Signed Edition): The Holocaust and the Danish Exception by
Judy Glickman Lauder: Beyond the Shadows: The Holocaust and the Danish Exception by
The Three Escapes of Hannah Arendt: A Tyranny of Truth by Krimstein, Ken
Visions of Community in Nazi Germany: Social Engineering and Private Lives by
German Jewish Literature After 1990 by
Teaching about Genocide: Insights and Advice from Secondary Teachers and Professors by
Teaching about Genocide: Insights and Advice from Secondary Teachers and Professors by
Komplexe Lebenswelten - Multidirektionale Erinnerungsdiskurse: Jugendliteratur Zum Nationalsozialismus, Zweiten Weltkrieg Und Holocaust Im Spiegel Des by Jung, Britta C.
We Are Here: Talking with Australia's Oldest Holocaust Survivors by Harari, Fiona
Reckonings: Legacies of Nazi Persecution and the Quest for Justice by Fulbrook, Mary
The Gambler: How Penniless Dropout Kirk Kerkorian Became the Greatest Deal Maker in Capitalist History by Rempel, William C.
Child of the Forest: Based on the Life Story of Charlene Perlmutter Schiff by Grossman, Jack L., Buchanan, James
El Diario de Anne Frank (Novela Gráfica) / Anne Frank's Dairy: The Graphic Adaptation by Frank, Anne
Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic Adaptation by
Diario de Anne Frank / Diary of a Young Girl by Frank, Anne
Child of the Forest: Based on the Life Story of Charlene Perlmutter Schiff by Grossman, Jack L., Buchanan, James
The Long Night by Drubinsky, Max
The Long Night by Drubinsky, Max
Of Mind and Murder: Toward a More Comprehensive Psychology of the Holocaust by Mastroianni, George R.
Les Bourreaux Du Diable: La Putain de Lucifer by Salesse, Daniel
Killing the SS: The Hunt for the Worst War Criminals in History by O'Reilly, Bill, Dugard, Martin
A Lublin Survivor: Life Is Like a Dream by Minars, Esther
Remembrance: The Second Generation: Remembering the Holocaust Through Second Generation Survivors by
Twilight in Danzig by Kra, Siegfried
Buried Rivers: A Spiritual Journey into the Holocaust by Mains, Ellen Korman
Justice Behind the Iron Curtain: Nazis on Trial in Communist Poland by Prusin, Alexander, Finder, Gabriel
Hitler: Could It Happen Again? by Lefort, Paul
Between Persecution and Participation: Biography of a Bookkeeper at J. A. Topf & Söhne by Schüle, Annegret, Sowade, Tobias
Between Persecution and Participation: Biography of a Bookkeeper at J. A. Topf & Söhne by Schüle, Annegret, Sowade, Tobias
Suzanne's Children: A Daring Rescue in Nazi Paris by Nelson, Anne
Debating Genocide by Pine, Lisa
Auschwitz: A History by Steinbacher, Sybille
Debating Genocide by Pine, Lisa
German Women's Life Writing and the Holocaust by Krimmer, Elisabeth
The Holocaust and North Africa by
The Holocaust and North Africa by
Elie Wiesel by
Elie Wiesel by
Night of the Mist by Heimler, Eugene
One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps by Pitzer, Andrea
Macht Arbeit Frei?: German Economic Policy and Forced Labor of Jews in the General Government, 1939-1943 by Medykowski, Witold
Macht Arbeit Frei?: German Economic Policy and Forced Labor of Jews in the General Government, 1939-1943 by Medykowski, Witold
The Jewish Community of Roman (Roman, Romania): Translation of Obstea evreiascaă din Roman by Pascal, Pincu
The Greatest Comeback: From Genocide to Football Glory: The Story of Bela Guttmann by Bolchover, David
The Holocaust in Greece by
The Holocaust and the Germanization of Ukraine by Steinhart, Eric C.
Marking Evil: Holocaust Memory in the Global Age by
Children in the Holocaust and Its Aftermath: Historical and Psychological Studies of the Kestenberg Archive by
I Am a Leftover from World War 2: A Memoir by Antar, Renee
Last Days of Theresienstadt by Noack-Mosse, Eva
Mother's Century: A Survivor, Her People and Her Times by Hermann, Richard L.
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