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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Holocaust in 2024

Radical Assimilation in the Face of the Holocaust: Otto Heller (1897-1945) by Navon, Tom
The Light of Learning: Hasidism in Poland on the Eve of the Holocaust by Dynner, Glenn
Liebesgrüße aus Auschwitz: Die inspirierende Geschichte des Überlebens, der Hingabe und des Triumphs zweier Schwestern. Erzählt von Manci Grunber by Seymour, Daniel
East German Film and the Holocaust by Ward, Elizabeth
Poland Under German Occupation, 1939-1945: New Perspectives by
Die deutschen Friedensnobelpreiskandidaten in der Besatzungszeit, in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in der DDR 1946-1961 by Sirges, Thomas
Aldo Izzo: Il custode della memoria e l'antico cimitero ebraico di Venezia by Agosin, Marjorie
Aldo Izzo: Il custode della memoria e l'antico cimitero ebraico di Venezia by Agosin, Marjorie
Haunted Laughter: Representations of Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich, and the Holocaust in Comedic Film and Television by Friedman, Jonathan C.
Sauvez mes enfants: Un étonnant récit de survie et de son héros improbable by Kleiner, Leon, Stepp, Edwin
The Apprentice of Buchenwald: The True Story of the Teenage Boy Who Sabotaged Hitler's War Machine by Schneider, Oren
The Apprentice of Buchenwald: The True Story of the Teenage Boy Who Sabotaged Hitler's War Machine by Schneider, Oren
Propaganda and Persecution by Poznanski, Renée
Testimonio de un Resistente by Heymann, Raymond
Lovers in Auschwitz: A True Story by Blankfeld, Keren
The Holocaust: An Unfinished History by Stone, Dan
Cold Crematorium: Reporting from the Land of Auschwitz by Debreczeni, József
The Counterfeit Countess: The Jewish Woman Who Rescued Thousands of Poles During the Holocaust by Sliwa, Joanna, White, Elizabeth B.
Mi Amiga Anne Frank / My Friend Anne Frank by Pick- Goslar, Hannah
Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis by Maass, Dave
Tarnopol Volume (Ternopil, Ukraine) by
The Unforgotten by Giacche, Robert
With Many Miracles: A Memoir of Holocaust Survival in Belgium by Cappell, Israel
Good Can Always Come From Adversity by Stein, Michael
The Lonka Project by Hollander, Jim
The Engineers: A memoir of survival through World War II in Poland and Hungary by Reiss, Henry
The Engineers: A memoir of survival through World War II in Poland and Hungary by Reiss, Henry
Żyjąc pośród umarlych or Żyjąc wśród umarlych: Historia o tym jak moja babcia, dzięki milości i sile, prze&#38 by Bernstein Astrowsky, Adena
The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Mass Atrocity, and Genocide by
Zentralen Des Terrors: Die Dienststellen Der Kommandeure Der Sicherheitspolizei Und Des SD Im Reichskommissariat Ukraine by Schmittwilken, Christian
How to Write about the Holocaust: The Postmodern Theory of History in PRAXIS by Pelekanidis, Theodor
Little Bird of Auschwitz: How My Mother Escaped Death and Found Our Family by Peretti, Alina
Perverse Memory and the Holocaust: A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Polish Bystanders by Borowicz, Jan
In the Wake of Madness: My Family's Escape from the Nazis by Denny, Bettie Lennett
In the Wake of Madness: My Family's Escape from the Nazis by Denny, Bettie Lennett
Mistress of Life and Death: The Dark Journey of Maria Mandl, Head Overseer of the Women's Camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau by Eischeid, Susan J.
Adieu: A Memoir of Holocaust Survival by Lakritz, Alfred J.
Adieu: A Memoir of Holocaust Survival by Lakritz, Alfred J.
Through the Morgue Door: One Woman's Story of Survival and Saving Children in German-Occupied Paris by Brull-Ulmann, Colette
The American Way: A True Story of Nazi Escape, Superman, and Marilyn Monroe by Stapinski, Helene, Siegler, Bonnie
Poland: General Government August 1941-1945 by
Postmemory Und Die Transformation Der Deutschen Erinnerungskultur by
My Kaddish: A Child Speaks from the Warsaw Ghetto by Masson
My Kaddish: A Child Speaks from the Warsaw Ghetto by Masson
The School That Escaped the Nazis: The True Story of the Schoolteacher Who Defied Hitler by Cadbury, Deborah
Israel and the Holocaust by Patt, Avinoam J.
The Holocaust Sites of Europe: An Historical Guide by Winstone, Martin
Perseverance: The Bridge to a Latina Mother's Dream by Fernandez, Iris V.
Before the Beginning and After the End by Anisman, Hymie
Before the Beginning and After the End by Anisman, Hymie
Holocaust Memory and Youth Performance by Hughes, Erika
Heinrich Himmler: La biografía del arquitecto de las SS, la Gestapo y el Holocausto durante la Alemania nazi by Library, United
Heinrich Himmler: The biography of the Architect of the SS, Gestapo, and Holocaust during Nazi Germany by Library, United
El Pacto Secreto: La Historia No Contada Entre El Gobierno Polaco Y Los Nazis Que Aseguró El Holocausto/ Jews in the Garden by Rakowsky, Judy
The Absent Moon: A Memoir of a Short Childhood and a Long Depression by Schwarcz, Luiz
Whistleblowers: Four Who Fought to Expose the Holocaust to America by Medoff, Rafael
Adolf Hitler: The biography of the Fuhrer, his Ascent to Power, and Domination over Nazi Germany as a Dictator by Library, United
Adolf Hitler: La biografía del Führer, su ascenso al poder y su dominio de la Alemania nazi como dictador by Library, United
Memorial book of Drohobycz, Boryslaw and Surroundings by
Jewish Cattle Traders in the German Countryside, 1919-1939: Economic Trust and Antisemitic Violence by Fischer, Stefanie
Jewish Cattle Traders in the German Countryside, 1919-1939: Economic Trust and Antisemitic Violence by Fischer, Stefanie
Newshawks in Berlin: The Associated Press and Nazi Germany by Herschaft, Randy, Heinzerling, Larry
Newshawks in Berlin: The Associated Press and Nazi Germany by Heinzerling, Larry, Herschaft, Randy
Postwar Stories: How Books Made Judaism American by Gordan, Rachel
Genocide Revealed by Veljic, Aleksandar
Zweierlei Zugehorigkeit: Der Judische Kommunist Leo Zuckermann Und Der Holocaust by Graf, Philipp
Where the Birds Never Sing: The True Story of the 92nd Signal Battalion and the Liberation of Dachau by Sacco, Jack
Holocaust History, Holocaust Memory: Jewish Poland and Polish Jews, During and After the Holocaust by
Empire of Rags and Bones: Waste and War in Nazi Germany by Berg, Anne
Holocaust Refugees in Oswego: From Nazi Europe to Lake Ontario by Allen, Ann Callaghan
The Cello Still Sings: A Generational Story of the Holocaust and of the Transformative Power of Music by Horvath, Janet
The Cello Still Sings: A Generational Story of the Holocaust and of the Transformative Power of Music by Horvath, Janet
Empire of Rags and Bones: Waste and War in Nazi Germany by Berg, Anne
Empire of Rags and Bones: Waste and War in Nazi Germany by Berg, Anne
El Holocausto Español: Odio Y Exterminio En La Guerra Civil Y Después / The Span Ish Holocaust: Hate and Extermination During the Civil War and After by Preston, Paul
World War II Memory and Contested Commemorations in Europe and Russia by Yoder, Jennifer A.
Takeover: Hitler's Final Rise to Power by Ryback, Timothy W.
The Watchmaker's Daughter: The True Story of World War II Heroine Corrie Ten Boom by Loftis, Larry
Elsie's Tune: One Last Song to Overcome by Watson, Jonathan
Children, Save Yourselves! by Berger, Ronald J.
Crowns, Crosses, and Stars: My Youth in Prussia, Surviving Hitler, and a Life Beyond by Niemoeller Baroness Von Sell, Sibylle Sa
Roma Artist Ceija Stojka: What Should I Be Afraid Of? by
Cinematically Transmitted Disease: Eugenics and Film in Weimar and Nazi Germany by Hales, Barbara
Finding My Father's Auschwitz File by Hershkowitz, Allen
Nein, Nein, Nein!: One Man's Tale of Depression, Psychic Torment, and a Bus Tour of the Holocaust by Stahl, Jerry
The Destruction of the European Jews: 1961 First Edition Facsimile by Hilberg, Raul
50 Cents for a Life: A True Story of Surviving by Synchronicity by Rosenfeld, Bernard, Rosenfeld, Nancy
Man's Search for Meaning by Frankl, Viktor E.
Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields by Lower, Wendy
Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields by Lower, Wendy
Postcards to Hitler: A German Jew's Defiance in a Time of Terror by Neuburger, Bruce
My Soul is a Witness by Souleyka, Gabriel
Hitlers Exekutive: Die Osterreichische Polizei Und Der Nationalsozialismus by Zerovnik, Martina
Un Grito de Protesta: Memorias del Holocausto by Steinberg, Manny
The Bielski Brothers: The True Story of Three Men Who Defied the Nazis, Built a Village in the Forest, and Saved 1,200 Jews by Duffy, Peter
A Brief History of Anne Frank - Unravelling a Tale of Courage and Survival in the Holocaust and World War II by Matthews, Scott
A Brief History of Anne Frank - Unravelling a Tale of Courage and Survival in the Holocaust and World War II by Matthews, Scott
Mein Marsch durch die Hölle: Die erschreckende Überlebensgeschichte eines jungen Mädchens by Kleiner, Halina, Stepp, Edwin
Moritz Bendit Und Die Kuranstalt Neufriedenheim: Der Psychiater Ernst Rehm Und Sein Jüdischer Patient by Lampe, Reinhard
Prisoners of Auschwitz: A Devastating and Gripping Story about the Holocaust, Dr. Mengele and the Survivors of Auschwitz Concentration Camp by Kennedy, Robert
On Bonifratrów Street: How a Boy from Lwów Escaped the Nazis, Based on the Life of Michael Katz by Swart, Mia
The Forbidden Daughter: The True Story of a Holocaust Survivor by Jakob, Zipora Klein
The Counterfeit Countess: The Jewish Woman Who Rescued Thousands of Poles During the Holocaust (Large Print Edition) by Sliwa, Joanna, White, Elizabeth B.
The Children of Bergen-Belsen by
The Boy Who Drew Auschwitz: A Powerful True Story of Hope and Survival by Geve, Thomas
Survival under Dictatorships: Life and Death in Nazi and Communist Regimes by Borhi, László
Final Verdict: The Holocaust on Trial in the 21st Century by Buck, Tobias
The Trial of a Nazi Doctor: Franz Lucas as Defendant, Opportunist, and Deceiver by Wisely, Andrew
Testimonial Montage: A Family of Israeli Holocaust Testimonies from the Cracow Ghetto Resistance by Jelen, Sheila E.
A Semblance of Justice: Based on true Holocaust experiences by Holles, Wolf
Evitchka: A True Story of Survival, Hope and Love by Smartschan, Stephanie, Levitt, Lawrence P.
I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name: Jacksonville's Stories of the Holocaust by Cox, Samuel
I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name: Jacksonville's Stories of the Holocaust by Cox, Samuel
Das Cello singt noch immer: Eine generationsübergreifende Geschichte vom Holocaust und der transformativen Macht der Musik by Horvath, Janet
The Last Consolation Vanished: The Testimony of a Sonderkommando in Auschwitz by Gradowski, Zalmen
All for You: A World War II Family Memoir of Love, Separation, and Loss by Romero, Dena Rueb
The Number on Your Forearm Is Blue Like Your Eyes: A Memoir by Umlauf, Eva
Lessons of History: The Holocaust and Soviet Terror as Borderline Events by Karlsson, Klas-Göran
The Last Secrets of Anne Frank: The Untold Story of Her Silent Protector by de Bruyn, Jeroen, Van Wijk-Voskuijl, Joop
Lessons of History: The Holocaust and Soviet Terror as Borderline Events by Karlsson, Klas-Göran
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Finkelstein, Norman G.
Lessons and Legacies XV: The Holocaust; Global Perspectives, National Narratives, Local Contexts by
Les Camps Nazis: Reflexions Sur La Reception Litteraire Francaise by Malgouzou, Yannick
The Dutchman's Suitcase: A young man's story of wartime forced labour in Nazi Germany by Seltzer, Brad &. Elisabeth
Space in Holocaust Research: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Spatial Thinking by
Eichmann Y El Holocausto / Eichmann and the Holocaust by Arendt, Hannah
Tracking the Jews: Ecumenical Protestants, Conversion, and the Holocaust by Sanzenbacher, Carolyn
Las 999 Mujeres de Auschwitz: La Extraordinaria Historia de Las Jóvenes Judías Q Ue Llegaron En El Primer Tren a Auschwitz / 999: The Extraordinary Yo by Dune MacAdam, Heather
Un Amor Imposible: La Conmovedora Historia Real de Una Joven Judía Y Un Poeta de la Resistencia Francesa, En El París Ocupado Por Los Nazis / Star Cro by Dune MacAdam, Heather, Worrall, Simon
Memories of My Life in a Polish Village, 1930-1949 by Knobel Fluek, Toby
Reading Shakespeare in Jewish Theological Frameworks: Shylock Beyond the Holocaust by Lion, Caroline Wiesenthal
Visitor Experience at Holocaust Memorials and Museums by
The Feldafing Boys: Uncovering My Father's Stolen Childhood at an Elite Nazi School by Munson, Helene
Antisemitism: Exploring the Issues by Jacobs, Steven Leonard
Postcards to Hitler: A German Jew's Defiance in a Time of Terror by Neuburger, Bruce
A Letter to My Family: A Journey through Persecution in Nazi Germany, Refuge in Shanghai, and New Life in America by Johnson, Lisa
Homes of the Past: A Lost Jewish Museum by Shandler, Jeffrey
The Holocaust: History and Memory by Black, Jeremy
Homes of the Past: A Lost Jewish Museum by Shandler, Jeffrey
Fatherland: A Memoir of War, Conscience, and Family Secrets by Bilger, Burkhard
The Holocaust: History and Memory by Black, Jeremy
The Sobibor Death Camp: History, Biographies, Remembrance by Webb, Chris
My Friend Anne Frank: The Inspiring and Heartbreaking True Story of Best Friends Torn Apart and Reunited Against All Odds by Pick-Goslar, Hannah
The Legacy of Ruth Klüger and the End of the Auschwitz Century by
Remembering the Holocaust in a Racial State: Holocaust Memory in South Africa from Apartheid to Democracy (1948-1994) by Mikel-Arieli, Roni
Gemeinsam Gegen Deutschland: Warschaus Jiddische Presse Im Kampf Gegen Den Nationalsozialismus (1930-1941) by Klotz, Anne-Christin
Hiding in Holland: A Resistance Memoir by Reinharz, Shulamit
Hiding in Holland: A Resistance Memoir by Reinharz, Shulamit
Traces of Memory: The Life and Work of Else Dormitzer (1877-1958) by Alfers, Sandra
Sebald's Jews: The Jew as Trope in the Narrative Fiction of W. G. Sebald by Selikowitz, Gillian
El Hombre Que Nunca Escapó de Auschwitz / The Man Who Never Escaped Auschwitz by Salinger, Gabriel
Traces of Memory: The Life and Work of Else Dormitzer (1877-1958) by Alfers, Sandra
Songs from the Suitcase: Inhabiting an Inheritance by Moseley Gore, Rosanna
The Rat Palace by Perry Dantes), (Translated Compiled, Rutha, Bogdan
From Cab Driver to Carnegie Hall by Singer, David
From Cab Driver to Carnegie Hall by Singer, David
The Roma and the Holocaust: The Romani Genocide Under Nazism by Sierra, María
The Holocaust: Country by Country by Bartrop, Paul R., Grimm, Eve E.
Accounting for the Holocaust: Enabling the Final Solution by
Museums in Israel After the Holocaust: A Multifaceted History of Cultural Heritage by Kochavi, Shir Gal
Our Townlet Swir (Svir, Belarus) by
Radical Assimilation in the Face of the Holocaust: Otto Heller (1897-1945) by Navon, Tom
Recognizing the Past in the Present: New Studies on Medicine Before, During, and After the Holocaust by
Camps: A Global History of Mass Confinement by Forth, Aidan
Transformationen Der Zedaka: Eine Erzahlung Von Wohlfahrt, Armenfursorge Und Sozialer Arbeit Der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Zwischen 1945 Und 20 by Jelinek, Esther
Bearing Witness: Prison Stories from a Woman's Fight Against Fascism by Targa, Mercedes Núñez
Irena's Gift: An Epic WWII Memoir of Sisters, Secrets, and Survival by Kirsten, Karen
Children of the Holocaust by Grimm, Eve E., Bartrop, Paul R.
Between Borders: The Great Jewish Migration from Eastern Europe by Brinkmann, Tobias
No Pierdas La Esperanza: Memorias de Una Madre Durante El Holocausto (Biografía de Supervivencia) / Don't Lose Hope (Survival Biography) by Reym, Dora
Between Ukraine and Russia: Working In America by Gold, Susan
Edge of Catastrophe: Erich Fromm, Fascism, and the Holocaust by Frie, Roger
Sophie's Voice: Voices of Triumph Over Trauma by Josephson, Tom, Goranson, Marcia
Everyday Silence and the Holocaust by Levin, Irene
Everyday Silence and the Holocaust by Levin, Irene
Dark Skies Over Budapest: Raoul Wallenberg, Resistance and Rescue of the Hungarian Jews, 1944-1945 by Hardi-Kovacs, Gellert
Between the Wires: The Janowska Camp and the Holocaust in LVIV by Beorn, Waitman Wade
Whitewash: Poland and the Jews: Jewish Quarterly 257 by Grabowski, Jan
The Auschwitz's Sonderkommando: Testimonies, Histories, and Artistries from the GreyZone of the Holocaust survivors by Woolery, Marty
Langeoog - Biographie Einer Deutschen Insel: Bd. 1: Das Nordseebad Zwischen Monarchie Und Republik Bd. 2: Tourismus Und Nationalsozialismus, 1933-1939 by Echternkamp, Jörg
Nazi Germany: Society, Culture, and Politics by Wiesen, S. Jonathan, Swett, Pamela E.
Nazi Germany: Society, Culture, and Politics by Swett, Pamela E., Wiesen, S. Jonathan
Book of Kielce by
Music of Exile: The Untold Story of the Composers Who Fled Hitler by Haas, Michael
The Shadow of the Past BOB KOWALSKI & MIKE MULLER: Story of Success World War II by Lendjandja, J. K.
Escaping Hitler: A Jewish Haven in Chile by Wyman, Eva Goldschmidt
From Schmelt Camp to "Little Auschwitz": Blechhammer's Role in the Holocaust by Barth, Susanne
From Schmelt Camp to "Little Auschwitz": Blechhammer's Role in the Holocaust by Barth, Susanne
Uncommon Allies: American Jews and Christians Uniting Against Hitler, 1933-1945 by Shore, Alan M.
Surreal Geographies: A New History of Holocaust Consciousness by Brackney, Kathryn L.
Crematorio Frío: Una Crónica de Auschwitz / Cold Crematorium by Debreczeni, József
The Holocaust in 100 Histories by Bartrop, Paul R.
The Second and Third Generation: The Legacy of Forced Migration from Nazi Europe by
The Holocaust in 100 Histories by Bartrop, Paul R.
War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust by Bergen, Doris L.
War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust by Bergen, Doris L.
Black Humor and the White Terror by Bodó, Béla
El Hombre Que Salvó a Primo Levi / The Man Who Saved Primo Levi by Greppi, Carlo
Two Roads Home: Hitler, Stalin, and the Miraculous Survival of My Family by Finkelstein, Daniel
Holocaust Heroines: Jewish Women Saving Jewish Children by Solomon, Dana, Chalmers, Beverley
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