• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Horses in 2015

A Pony for Christmas: Memories of My Dad and Grandfathers by Baddeley, Anita Mello
Justice by Heckman, C. L.
A Modern Look At ... THE HOOF: Morphology Measurement Trimming Shoeing by Craig, Monique
Horsemanship: Myth Magic and Mayhem by Davis, Holly
Horse Images for Artist's Reference and Inspiration: Perfect Bound Edition by Tregay, Sarah
Horse Sense: Some not so common tips by Brooks, Burl L.
The Diary of Gypsy by Langille, Madison
How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk: One Cowboy's Journey to Victory by Cappel, Dennis
Eagle's View Horsemanship: Equestrian Psychology 101 by Cappel, Cindy, Cappel, Dennis
Quotes and Commentary: on the classical training of the horse and rider by Campbell, Mary Anne H., Stevens, Craig Patrick
Horsemanship: The Revelations by Davis, Holly
Falabella Miniature Horse. Falabella Miniature horse: purchase and care guide.: purchase and care guide. Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of buyi by Anderson, Julie
Hope . . . from the Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us about Presence, Strength, and Awareness by Pike, Kathy
Shetland Pony. Shetland Pony: purchase and care guide. Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of buying a new Shetland pony, stable management, care, by Anderson, Julie
From the Horse's Heart by Cuneo, T. D.
Welsh Pony. Welsh Pony: purchase and care guide. Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of buying a new Welsh Pony, stable management, care, co by Anderson, Julie
A Marvelous Mustang: : Tales from the Life of a Spanish Horse by Ladendorf, Janice M.
Horsemanship: Equine Communication The Mind Connection by Davis, Holly
Work Horse Handbook: second edition by Miller, Lynn R.
Park Trot by Heckman, C. L.
Helping your horse become more Farrier-Friendly: A guide for the horse owner. by Farcus, Bryan S.
Connemara Pony. Connemara Pony: purchase and care guide. Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of buying a new Connemara Pony, stable management, care by Anderson, Julie
Horses and Other Voices by Sanders, Letitia
Pony statt Plüschtier: Hilfe, mein Kind will ein eigenes Pferd by Drake, Celeste
Healing with Horses: Growth and Transformation through the Way of the Horse by Feel Alumni Association
Joe -- the Horse Nobody Loved by Kaseorg, Vicky S.
Pony and Mini Pony Owners Manual. Pony and Mini Pony purchase and care guide. Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of buying a new pony, stable manag by Anderson, Julie
Equine Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
World-Class Grooming for Horses: The English Rider's Complete Guide to Daily Care and Competition by Hill, Cat, Ford, Emma
Training and Riding with Cones and Poles: Over 35 Engaging Exercises to Improve Your Horse's Focus and Response to the Aids, While Sharpening Your Tim by Schöpe, Sigrid
Reitstall Trautberg: Ein neues Leben beginnt by Sein, Martina
The Pony Who Couldn't Hear: The true story of a deaf pony who heard her calling and found unexpected purpose in life! by Auer, J. L.
Sir Archy: Legend of the Roanoke Valley by Gray, Jennifer Gordon
My Heart, My Horse by Kemper, Darlene
Bist du verrückt genug für ein eigenes Pferd? by Drake, Celeste
What My Horse Teaches Me: Insights about life, love, healing, and happiness by Elkins, Katie, Gadd, Jessica Lea, Hicks, Valerie
Six Mini Horses On a Farm by LaCroix, Peggy Sue
It's For The Horses: An advocate's musings about their needs, spirit, gifts and care by Henry, Dutch
The Gentleman Stallion by Adams, Sandra
Wild and Free: Horses of the Outer Banks by Fisher, Garrett
Cross Training 101 Reining, Cutting, Cow Horse by Dennis, Richard E.
Reitstall Trautberg: Neue Bekanntschaften by Sein, Martina
The Origin and Influence of the Thoroughbred Horse by Ridgeway, William
Under Montana Skies by Gordon, Patrick
Sina und das Pony aus dem Schrebergarten: Ein Pferderoman by Lee, Sarah
Gelenkerkrankungen bei Pferden mit Alternativmedizin heilen: Wie Sie Ihr Pferd trotz Erkrankung am Bewegungsapparat vor einem vorzeitigen "Aus" als Re by Wilk, Silja
The Compassionate Equestrian: 25 Principles to Live by When Caring for and Working with Horses by Schoen, Allen, Gordon, Susan
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Chincoteage National Wildlife Refuge by Gruenberg, Bonnie U.
Reitstall Trautberg: Ein aufregender Winter by Sein, Martina
Stable Relation: A memoir of one woman's spirited journey home, by way of the barn by Blake, Anna M.
Dressage Q&A with Janet Foy: Hundreds of Your Questions Answered: How to Ride, Train, and Compete--And Love It! by Foy, Janet
Sugar: My Journey Home by Hamel, Heather
Sugar: My Journey Home by Hamel, Heather
Baraka Bakshis: A Horse in the Time of Jesus by Hutchens, Betty Ann
Nature in Horsemanship: Discovering Harmony Through Principles of Aikido by Rashid, Mark
Saving Simon: How a Rescue Donkey Taught Me the Meaning of Compassion by Katz, Jon
Sgt. Reckless: America's War Horse by Hutton, Robin
Amazing World of Horses: vol. #1 POSTER BOOK by Covington, Samantha
Horse Health: Tying-Up and Azoturia, a Metabolic Disorder: Tying-Up and Azoturia are Equine Exertional Rhabdomyolisis, the most comm by Biles, Amanda L.
'To Amaze the People with Pleasure and Delight": The horsemanship manuals of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle by Walker, Elaine
A Plain Treatise On Horse-Shoeing: With Illustrations by Miles, William
Notfall Hufrehe: Erste Hilfe im Akutfall - Schritt für Schritt erklärt by Asher, Anke
Schooling and Riding the Sport Horse: A Modern American Hunter/Jumper System by Cronin, Paul D.
Because We Wanted To!: Two women, a dream and a ranch called Singing Acres by Wilson, Carol Ann
"Centaur": Or The "turn out," a Practical Treatise on the (humane) Management of Horses, Either in Harness, Saddle, Or Stable; Wi by Gough, E. W.
living stones: life lessons learned on the farm by Perrigo, Laurel
Coloring Book of Horses - pocket size: Stress Reducing Art Therapy by Lodge, Lesley
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Ocracoke Island, NC by Gruenberg, Bonnie U.
Horses Never Lie: The Heart of Passive Leadership by Rashid, Mark
The Story of Figaro: The Story of My Real Black Stallion by Luszczek, Laura
The Story of Figaro: The Story of My Real Black Stallion by Luszczek, Laura
Reitstall Trautberg: Wandel ist Fortschritt by Sein, Martina
Reitstall Trautberg: Abschied von einem Freund by Sein, Martina
The Horse of My Heart: Stories of the Horses We Love by
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Shackleford Banks and Vicinity by Gruenberg, Bonnie U.
Natural Feeding for Horses by Wesker Msc, Alexandra
From The Other Side of The Rainbow by Cuneo, T. D.
Sina und die Hufspuren im Watt by Lee, Sarah
Over, Under, Through: Obstacle Training for Horses: 50 Effective, Step-By-Step Exercises for Every Rider by Bee, Vanessa
Posture and Performance: Principles of Training Horses from the Anatomical Perspective by Higgins, Gillian, Martin, Stephanie
Hoof Beats from Virginia and other Lands by Hichborn, Philip
The World of Horses and other Equines Past and Present by Bahr, Heidi L.
Reitstall Trautberg: Ein Unglück kommt selten allein by Sein, Martina
Der Fuß des Pferdes in Rücksicht auf Bau, Verrichtungen und Hufbeschlag by Leisering, Theodor
Mystical Horses Vol. #2 Poster: Poster Coloring Book by Covington, Samantha
A Tale of Two Horses: A Passion for Free Will Teaching by Gregory, Kathie
Reitstall Trautberg: Jeder Topf hat seinen Deckel by Sein, Martina
Elvis and Me by Wills, Gillian
The Meaning of Horses: Biosocial Encounters by
Equine Herbs & Healing - An Earth Lodge Pocket Guide to Holistic Horse Wellness by Cointreau, Maya
Balance in Movement: How to Achieve the Perfect Seat by Von Dietze, Susanne
World in a Shoe: My Journey With Horses by Lawrence, Nicole
Gidget -- The Horse I didn't Own by Kaseorg, Vicky S.
Do I Call the Vet?: And what to do in the meantime by Chapman Bvsc, Richard H.