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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Immigration & Refugees in 2005

Migration Policies and Political Participation: Inclusion or Intrusion in Western Europe? by Odmalm, P.
Limits of European Citizenship: European Integration and Domestic Immigration Policies by Vink, Maarten P.
International Labour Migration: Foreign Workers and Public Policy by Bartram, D.
Other Immigrants: The Global Origins of the American People by Reimers, David
Other Immigrants: The Global Origins of the American People by Reimers, David
Democracy in Immigrant America: Changing Demographics and Political Participation by Ramakrishnan, S. Karthick
Immigrants in Tudor and Early Stuart England by
Poles in Minnesota by Radzilowski, John
Environmental Change and Its Implications for Population Migration by
Romantic Colonization and British Anti-Slavery by Coleman, Deirdre
Foreign Affections: Essays on Edmund Burke by Deane, Seamus
Selecting by Origin: Ethnic Migration in the Liberal State by Joppke, Christian
Children of Palestine: Experiencing Forced Migration in the Middle East by
Children of Palestine: Experiencing Forced Migration in the Middle East by
Poverty, International Migration and Asylum by
Poverty, International Migration and Asylum by
Children and Youth on the Front Line: Ethnography, Armed Conflict and Displacement by
Faces of Community: Immigrant Massachusetts 1860-2000 by
Children of Global Migration: Transnational Families and Gendered Woes by Parreñas, Rhacel
Children of Global Migration: Transnational Families and Gendered Woes by Parreñas, Rhacel
Refugees and the Transformation of Societies: Agency, Policies, Ethics and Politics by
Sephardim of Sydney: Coping with Political Processes and Social Pressures by Gale, Naomi
Americans All: Race and Ethnic Relations in Historical, Structural, and Comparative Perspectives by Kivisto, Peter, Ng, Wendy
Migration Control in the North-Atlantic World: The Evolution of State Practices in Europe and the United States from the French Revolution to the Inte by
Feminist Review: Labour Migrations: Issue 77: Women on the Move by
Hungary and the Hungarian Minorities: Trends in the Past and in Our Times by Szarka, László
A Whole Empire Walking: Refugees in Russia During World War I by Gatrell, Peter
Italians of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania by Ciotola, Nicholas P.
Beyond the Gateway: Immigrants in a Changing America by
Worlds in Motion: Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium by Arango, Joaquin, Hugo, Graeme, Massey, Douglas S.
Controlling Frontiers: Free Movement Into and Within Europe by Guild, Elspeth
Migration and Identity by Skotnes, Andor
Beyond the Gateway: Immigrants in a Changing America by
International Migration and Security: Opportunities and Challenges by
Mexicans in Minnesota by Valdes, Dionicio
Slavery in History by Gurowski, Adam
'Ten Pound Poms': A Life History of British Postwar Emigration to Australia by Hammerton, A. James, Thomson, Alistair
International Labour Migration: Foreign Workers and Public Policy by Bartram, D.
International Migration and Globalization of Domestic Politics by
The Scottish Pioneers of Upper Canada, 1784-1855: Glengarry and Beyond by Campey, Lucille H.
Sewing Women: Immigrants and the New York City Garment Industry by Chin, Margaret
Race and Labor in the Hispanic Caribbean: The West Indian Immigrant Worker Experience in Puerto Rico, 1800-1850 by Chinea, Jorge L.
Fremde aus dem Norden by Israel, Uwe
Greek Soul: Memories of a Detroit Childhood by Sandris, Stelyani
Colonialism in Question: Theory, Knowledge, History by Cooper, Frederick
The Transnational History of a Chinese Family: Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration by Liu, Haiming
War and Migration: Social Networks and Economic Strategies of the Hazaras of Afghanistan by Monsutti, Alessandro
The Polish Singers Alliance of America 1888-1998: Choral Patriotism by Blejwas, Stanislaus A.
The First Dutch Settlement in Alberta: Letters from the Pioneer Years, 1903-14 by
Postcolonialisms by
Postcolonialisms by
Refugees in a Global Era by Marfleet, Philip
Refugees in a Global Era by Marfleet, Philip
Documenting Transnational Migration: Jordanian Men Working and Studying in Europe, Asia and North America by Antoun, Richard T.
Crossing Into America: The New Literature of Immigration by
Enemy Aliens: Double Standards and Constitutional Freedoms in the War on Terrorism by Cole, David
Crossing Over: Comparing Recent Migration in the United States and Europe by
The Uprooted: Improving Humanitarian Responses to Forced Migration by Fagen, Patricia Weiss, Jorgensen, Kari M., Martin, Susan F.
Migrant Cartographies: New Cultural and Literary Spaces in Post-Colonial Europe by
Irish Migrants in New Zealand, 1840-1937: 'The Desired Haven' by McCarthy, Angela
Erotic Journeys: Mexican Immigrants and Their Sex Lives by Gonzalez-Lopez, Gloria
In a New Land: A Comparative View of Immigration by Foner, Nancy
In a New Land: A Comparative View of Immigration by Foner, Nancy
Traffick: The Illicit Movement of People and Things by Bhattacharyya, Gargi
Limits of European Citizenship: European Integration and Domestic Immigration Policies by Vink, Maarten P.
Migrant Cartographies: New Cultural and Literary Spaces in Post-Colonial Europe by
Discurso Y Poder: El Inmigrante by Bohorquez, Luis Fernando Rios
Women in Motion: Globalization, State Policies, and Labor Migration in Asia by Oishi, Nana
Consuming Citizenship: Children of Asian Immigrant Entrepreneurs by Park, Lisa Sun-Hee
Settler Colonialism in the Twentieth Century: Projects, Practices, Legacies by
Consuming Citizenship: Children of Asian Immigrant Entrepreneurs by Park, Lisa Sun-Hee
British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates 1955-67: Last Outpost of a Middle East Empire by Mawby, Spencer
Why Does Immigration Divide America?: Public Finance and Political Opposition to Open Borders by Hanson, Gordon
Settler Colonialism in the Twentieth Century: Projects, Practices, Legacies by
The Devil's Highway: A True Story by Urrea, Luis Alberto
The Ellis Island Snow Globe by Rand, Erica
Migration and Colonization in Human Microevolution by Alan G., Fix, Fix, Alan
We Are All Suspects Now: Untold Stories from Immigrant Communities after 9/11 by Nguyen, Tram
Remaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary Immigration by Alba, Richard, Nee, Victor
Freeing Ali: The Human Face of the Pacific Solution by Gordon, Michael
A Sicilian in East Harlem by Mondello, Salvatore
The Salvadoran Americans by Cordova, Carlos
World of Our Fathers: The Journey of the East European Jews to America and the Life They Found and Made by Howe, Irving
American Gulag: Inside U.S. Immigration Prisons by Dow, Mark
Bosnian Refugees in America: New Communities, New Cultures by Owens-Manley, Judith, Coughlan, Reed
Refugee Community Organisations and Dispersal: Networks, Resources and Social Capital by Griffiths, David, Sigona, Nando, Zetter, Roger
Refugee Community Organisations and Dispersal: Networks, Resources and Social Capital by Griffiths, David, Sigona, Nando, Zetter, Roger
Fluid Borders: Latino Power, Identity, and Politics in Los Angeles by García Bedolla, Lisa
Working the Boundaries: Race, Space, and Illegality in Mexican Chicago by De Genova, Nicholas
Shades of Hiawatha: Staging Indians, Making Americans, 1880-1930 by Trachtenberg, Alan
International Migration, Remittances, and the Brain Drain by
The New Racism in Europe: A Sicilian Ethnography by Cole, Jeffrey
From What Struggle We Eat: An eight-month experience: Laboring in the cause of the United Farm Workers of America with Cesar Chavez 1974 by Connors, Joetta
The Southern Diaspora: How the Great Migrations of Black and White Southerners Transformed America by Gregory, James N.
Migration Policies and Political Participation: Inclusion or Intrusion in Western Europe? by Odmalm, P.
Memories of a Future Home: Diasporic Citizenship of Chinese in Panama by Siu, Lok C. D.
Democracy for All: Restoring Immigrant Voting Rights in the U.S. by Hayduk, Ron
Rebordering the Mediterranean: Boundaries and Citizenship in Southern Europe by Suárez-Navaz, Liliana
Contested Citizenship: Immigration and Cultural Diversity in Europe Volume 25 by Statham, Paul, Giugni, Marco, Koopmans, Ruud
Migration and Economy: Global and Local Dynamics by
Development-Induced Displacement: Problems, Policies and People by
Development-Induced Displacement: Problems, Policies and People by
Children of Ellis Island by Moreno, Barry
Children of Ellis Island by Moreno, Barry
Immigration Phobia and the Security Dilemma by Alexseev, Mikhail A.
Targeting Immigrants: Government, Technology, and Ethics by Inda, Jonathan Xavier
Migration and Social Mobility: The Life Chances of Britain's Minority Ethnic Communities by Platt, Lucinda
Migration Und Bildung: Über Das Verhältnis Von Anerkennung Und Zumutung in Der Einwanderungsgesellschaft by
Nurses on the Move: Migration and the Global Health Care Economy by Kingma, Mireille
Nurses on the Move: Migration and the Global Health Care Economy by Kingma, Mireille
Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Contemporary World by Whittaker, David J.
Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Contemporary World by Whittaker, David J.
The New Americans: Seven Families Journey to Another Country by Martinez, Ruben
Crossing European Boundaries: Beyond Conventional Geographical Categories by
Religion and Nation: Iranian Local and Transnational Networks in Britain by Spellman, Kathryn
Freemasonry As A Great School by Buck, Jirah Dewey
Masonic Symbolism Of The Oblong Square by Hunt, Charles Clyde
Migration And Transmigration by Dowd, Freeman B.
Inequality by Tolstoy, Leo
Phallic Emblems by Howard, Clifford
Is Corporal Punishment Degrading? by Ingersoll, Robert G.
Symbolism Of The Second Degree by Masonic Service Association
Freemasonry And Its Proofs Of Being Universal In All Early Cultures by Churchward, Albert
The Installing Of Masonic Lodge Officers by Macoy, Robert
The Secret Ritual Of The Nobles Of The Mystic Shrine by Blanchard, John
The History Of Masonic Persecution In Different Quarters Of The Globe by Oliver, George
Masonic Duels And Duelists by Denslow, Ray V.
Migration in Deutschland: Interregionale Migrationsmotivatoren by Geis, Martin
The Laying Of Masonic Corner Stones by Macoy, Robert
Rethinking Refugees: Beyond State of Emergency by Nyers, Peter
Rethinking Refugees: Beyond State of Emergency by Nyers, Peter
The British Empire in the 1950s: Retreat or Revival? by Lynn, M.
Mexican New York: Transnational Lives of New Immigrants by Smith, Robert
The Chinese in Silicon Valley: Globalization, Social Networks, and Ethnic Identity by Wong, Bernard P.
Illegal Immigration in Europe: Beyond Control by
Transnational Migration and Work in Asia by
The Chinese in Silicon Valley: Globalization, Social Networks, and Ethnic Identity by Wong, Bernard P.
The Italian Encounter with Tudor England by Wyatt, Michael
At Home in the World? International Migration and Development in Contemporary Ghana and West Africa by
The Vietnamese Boat People, 1954 and 1975-1992 by Vo, Nghia M.
Pilgrimage and the Jews by Davidson, Linda Kay, Gitlitz, David M.