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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Immigration & Refugees in 2018

Islamische Zuwanderung und ihre Folgen. Der neue Antisemitismus, Sicherheit und die neuen Deutschen by Tibi, Bassam
Love Undocumented: Risking Trust in a Fearful World by Quezada, Sarah
Museums in a Time of Migration: Rethinking Museum's Roles, Representations, Collections, and Collaborations by
Eine Analyse des Werkes "Flüchtlingsgespräche" von Bertolt Brecht mit der Bezugnahme auf die aktuelle Flüchtlingssituation in Deutschland und der Welt by Fetter, Kira
America's Arab Refugees: Vulnerability and Health on the Margins by Inhorn, Marcia C.
Pathways of Desire: The Sexual Migration of Mexican Gay Men by Carrillo, Héctor
Born to Bloom: From Hardship to Happiness by Tesic, Sanja
Africans and the Exiled Life: Migration, Culture, and Globalization by
Unravelling Europe's 'Migration Crisis': Journeys Over Land and Sea by Crawley, Heaven, Duvell, Franck, Jones, Katharine
To Belong in Buenos Aires: Germans, Argentines, and the Rise of a Pluralist Society by Bryce, Benjamin
Sikhs in the Deccan and North-East India by Singh, Birinder Pal
Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies: Turkey's Changing Migration Regime and Its Global and Regional Dynamics by
Demography of Refugee and Forced Migration by
Binnenmigration in China: Migrationspolitik, Muster und soziale Folgen by Zheng, Duanzhuang
Immigration by B, Jackson
The Indian Caribbean: Migration and Identity in the Diaspora by Roopnarine, Lomarsh
Beklenmeyen Misafirler: Suriyeli Siginmacilar Penceresinden Turkiye Toplumunun Gelecegi by Kartal, Bilhan
Toward a Cosmopolitan Ethics of Mobility: The Migrant's-Eye View of the World by Sager, Alex
National Institutions - International Migration: Labour Markets, Welfare States and Immigration Policy by Boräng, Frida
Menschen Auf Der Flucht Und Die Bedeutung Ihrer Dinge: Eine Gegenstandsbezogene Theoriebildung Im Doppelten Sinne by Höpfner, Elena
Bridging Two Worlds: Supporting Newcomer and Refugee Youth by Stewart, Jan, Martin, Lorna
Post-Unification Turkish German Cinema: Work, Globalisation and Politics Beyond Representation by Naiboglu, Gozde
Hope More Powerful Than the Sea by Fleming, Melissa
Political Asylum Deceptions: The Culture of Suspicion by Bohmer, Carol, Shuman, Amy
Still Moving: Recent Jewish Migration in Comparative Perspective by Weinfeld, Morton
German-Australian Encounters and Cultural Transfers: Global Dynamics in Transnational Lands by
Chinese Transnational Migration in the Age of Global Modernity: The Case of Oceania by Liu, Liangni Sally
Gender, Care and Migration in East Asia by
Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear by Kaemingk, Matthew
Well-Being of Youth and Emerging Adults Across Cultures: Novel Approaches and Findings from Europe, Asia, Africa and America by
Gerechtigkeitsfragen im Umgang mit Kinderflüchtlingen by Wirtz, Furin T.
Aussteiger auf La Gomera. Zwischen dem Streben nach einem exotischen Leben und der Last der Alltagsbewältigung by Schittko, Erik
Mexican Americans in Torrance by Solis, Alicia Duarte
Parallel Lives Revisited: Mediterranean Guest Workers and Their Families at Work and in the Neighbourhood, 1960-1980 by Bock, Jozefien de
Irregular Immigration in Southern Europe: Actors, Dynamics and Governance by Ambrosini, Maurizio
Der berufliche Übergang in den Ausbildungsmarkt. Berufsfindung und Chancen von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund by Roussi, Konstantina
Syria: The Making and Unmaking of a Refuge State by Chatty, Dawn
Scottish Trade with Colonial Charleston, 1683-1783 by Dobson, David
Jewish Agricultural Utopias in America, 1880-1910 by Herscher, Uri D.
Social Learning in Integrationskursen. Eine Konzeption zur Förderung des Spracherwerbs auf Facebook by Roussi, Konstantina
From Sofia to Jaffa: The Jews of Bulgaria and Israel by Haskell, Guy H.
For Our Soul: Ethiopian Jews in Israel by Wagaw, Teshome
From New Zion to Old Zion: American Jewish Immigration and Settlement in Palestine, 1917-1939 by Glass, Joseph B.
Jewish Immigrant Associations and American Identity in New York, 1880-1939: Jewish Landsmanshaftn in American Culture by Soyer, Daniel
Jewish Buenos Aires, 1890- 1939: In Search of an Identity by Mirelman, Victor A.
Mobility and Migration Choices: Thresholds to Crossing Borders by Velde, Martin Van Der, Naerssen, Ton Van
Migration, Risk and Uncertainty by Baláz, Vladimír, Williams, Allan M.
Migration, Settlement, and the Concepts of House and Home by Levin, Iris
Sex Work, Immigration and Social Difference by Ham, Julie
Reimagining North African Immigration: Identities in Flux in French Literature, Television, and Film by
Diaspora and Media in Europe: Migration, Identity, and Integration by
American Jewish Year Book 2017: The Annual Record of the North American Jewish Communities by
Flucht, Vertreibung, Migration. Einwanderung nach Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und heute by Anonym
Monday Morning Emails: Six months, twelve countries, a thousand thoughts - two mothers share the journey of living a global life by Parfitt, Jo, Wilson, Terry Anne
The Changing Soul of Europe: Religions and Migrations in Northern and Southern Europe by
Informal Urban Street Markets: International Perspectives by
Externalizing Migration Management: Europe, North America and the spread of 'remote control' practices by
Interkulturelle Kompetenzentwicklung durch Weiterbildung. (K)ein Angebot für Migrationsandere? by Exarchos, Wasiliki
Familie und Migration in Deutschland by Anonym
Life in Motion: Growing Through Transitions by Van Reken, Ruth E. E., Casteel, Amy
Manus Days: The Untold Story of Manus Island by Coates, Michael
Understanding the Multifaceted Management Problems of Refugee Resettlement in the United States of America: The Only War that the United States Is Unl by Mudekereza, Justin B.
Migration, Squatting and Radical Autonomy by
Stateless in the Gulf: Migration, Nationality and Society in Kuwait by Beaugrand, Claire
France, Mexico and Informal Empire in Latin America, 1820-1867: Equilibrium in the New World by Shawcross, Edward
Poor Participation: Fighting the Wars on Poverty and Impoverished Citizenship by Prysmakova-Rivera, Sofia, Bryer, Thomas A.
Integration und Zuwanderung von Muslimen in Deutschland. Hat Thilo Sarrazin mit seinen Thesen aus "Deutschland schafft sich ab" Recht?: Ein Erklärungs by Tiedemann, Sascha
Die Mohajir in Pakistan: Entwicklung einer ethnischen Identität und Ursachen des ethnischen Konflikts by Rausch, Stefan
Eltern Mit Migrationshintergrund in Der Stationären Kinder- Und Jugendhilfe: "Migrationshintergrund Ist Halt Auch Irgendwie Thema" by Norman, Anissa
The Criminal Victimization of Immigrants by McDonald, William F.
Entrapping Asylum Seekers: Social, Legal and Economic Precariousness by
Immigrant World of Ybor City: Italians and Their Latin Neighbors in Tampa, 1885-1985 by Mormino, Gary R., Pozzetta, George E.
Modern Greece and the Diaspora Greeks in the United States by Kaloudis, George
Living Elsewhere: Because a life overseas can be tough and, well, sometimes you just have to laugh by Brew, Cath
Aspekte der Migrationspolitik in den europäischen Sozialstaaten. Argumente für und gegen eine weitere Zuwanderung von Flüchtlingen by Julitz, Josi
Migration, Flucht Und Behinderung: Herausforderungen Für Politik, Bildung Und Psychosoziale Dienste by
The Postcolonial Moment in South and Southeast Asia by
People of Fife, 1600-1799 by Dobson, David
Sozialstrukturanalyse von Migrationsgesellschaften in Australien: Analyse und Bearbeitung der Migrationsgesellschaften und ihre Asyl- und Einreiserege by Mohsen, Nergis
Religion in the European Refugee Crisis by
Migrant Architects of the Nhs: South Asian Doctors and the Reinvention of British General Practice (1940s-1980s) by Simpson, Julian
Wasserkreislauf Vogelzug Migration: Rückkehr zu einer natürlichen Haltung by Stranz, Sebastian
Alt werden in Deutschland. Soziale Arbeit mit türkischstämmigen Migrantinnen und Migranten der 1. Generation by Kahraman, Ersin
Das Fremde in uns. Die Fremdenfeindlichkeit im pädagogischen Kontext by Wechsler, Dörte, Katzbach, Anne
Populistisches Prekariat? Zum Zusammenhang von zunehmend unsicheren Arbeitsverhältnissen und Fremdenfeindlichkeit in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Anonymous
Migration and (Im)Mobility: Biographical Experiences of Polish Migrants in Germany and Canada by Wieczorek, Anna Xymena
Migrations et errances by Academie Univ Cultures
Le regard des vainqueurs by Nair-S
Integrationsstrategien in Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen. Eine Soll-Ist-Analyse am Beispiel des Michaeliscamps in Darmstadt by Wagner, Miriam
Ethnische Einbettung Und Schulischer Erfolg: Zur Bedeutung Ethnisch Segregierter Lebenswelten Für Den Bildungserwerb Von Kindern Mit Zuwanderungshinte by Olczyk, Melanie
Postcolonial Portuguese Migration to Angola: Migrants or Masters? by Åkesson, Lisa
Transnational Social Work: Opportunities and Challenges of a Global Profession by
Community Organising Against Racism: 'Race', Ethnicity and Community Development by
America Classifies the Immigrants: From Ellis Island to the 2020 Census by Perlmann, Joel
Solidarity Mobilizations in the 'Refugee Crisis': Contentious Moves by
Wie gelingt die Integration von Flüchtlingen? Eine Analyse der Kontakthypothese in Bezug auf den Wohnungsmarkt by Pohlmann, Lea
Making Strangers: Outsiders, Aliens and Foreigners by Maazaoui, Abbes
Attorney Drafted B-2 Visitor Visa Application: Coming to the U.S. to Visit and How to Do it by Lerner, Attorney Brian David
Boats, Borders, and Bases: Race, the Cold War, and the Rise of Migration Detention in the United States by Loyd, Jenna M., Mountz, Alison
Boats, Borders, and Bases: Race, the Cold War, and the Rise of Migration Detention in the United States by Mountz, Alison, Loyd, Jenna M.
Watermelons and Thistles: Growing Up German from Russia in America by Germans from Russia, North Star Chapeter
Immigrant: A Bumpy or Smooth Road! by Sapene, Merling
Éviter les bosses lors du trajet d'intégration by Sapene, Merling
Armed Conflict and Forcible Displacement: Individual Rights Under International Law by
The New Immigrant Whiteness: Race, Neoliberalism, and Post-Soviet Migration to the United States by Sadowski-Smith, Claudia
The New Immigrant Whiteness: Race, Neoliberalism, and Post-Soviet Migration to the United States by Sadowski-Smith, Claudia
Voices from Mariel: Oral Histories of the 1980 Cuban Boatlift by García, José Manuel
California Calling: A Self-Interrogation by Singer, Natalie
Welchen Einfluss hat Interkulturalität auf die Erwachsenenbildung? Weiterbildung von Erwachsenen mit Migrationshintergrund by Fischer, Jenny
Die Aleviten zwischen Anonymität und Emanzipation in der Diaspora. 'Takiye' als Parallelismus by Kelekci, Eda
Environmental History and Tribals in Modern India by Saravanan, Velayutham
So Rugged and Mountainous: Blazing the Trails to Oregon and California, 1812-1848 by Bagley, Will
Race, Criminal Justice, and Migration Control: Enforcing the Boundaries of Belonging by Bosworth, Mary
Bilder aus der Dobrudscha 1916-118: Deutsche Etappen-Verwaltung in der Dobrudscha by
Politics of Precarity: Migrant Conditions, Struggles and Experiences by
America, as Seen on TV: How Television Shapes Immigrant Expectations Around the Globe by Rodríguez, Clara E.
America, as Seen on TV: How Television Shapes Immigrant Expectations Around the Globe by Rodríguez, Clara E.
Die aktuelle Zuwanderung und mögliche Auswirkungen auf die soziale Sicherung in Deutschland by Muhsin, Hajan
Calais and its Border Politics: From Control to Demolition by Ibrahim, Yasmin, Howarth, Anita
Rethinking the Irish Diaspora: After the Gathering by
Australian Media and the Politics of Belonging by
Diaspora's Homeland: Modern China in the Age of Global Migration by Chan, Shelly
Diaspora's Homeland: Modern China in the Age of Global Migration by Chan, Shelly
Emigrant Dreams, Immigrant Borders: Migrants, Transnational Encounters, and Identity in Spain by Vega-Durán, Raquel
Contemporary Conversations on Immigration in the United States: The View from Prince George's County, Maryland by Freidenberg, Judith Noemí
Narrating European Society: Toward a Sociology of European Integration by Trenz, Hans-Jörg
Bicultural Identity Integration and Biculturalism of the Large-Scale Refugee Population Crisis: How Immigration, Assimilation, and Acculturation Chang by Faber, James
Language, Vernacular Discourse and Nationalisms: Uncovering the Myths of Transnational Worlds by Ndhlovu, Finex
Shifting Boundaries: Immigrant Youth Negotiating National, State, and Small-Town Politics by Silver, Alexis M.
Shifting Boundaries: Immigrant Youth Negotiating National, State, and Small-Town Politics by Silver, Alexis M.
Keywords of Mobility: Critical Engagements by
American Jewish Year Book 2015: The Annual Record of the North American Jewish Communities by
Australia's New Migrants: International Students' History of Affective Encounters with the Border by Elena Indelicato, Maria
"Whom Shall We Welcome?" Das "Immigration Reform Movement" auf dem Weg zum "Hart-Celler-Act" by Konstanzer, Marc
The House of Early Sorrows: A Memoir in Essays by DeSalvo, Louise
Deportation in the Americas: Histories of Exclusion and Resistance by
Was Ist Ein Migrationsregime? What Is a Migration Regime? by
Holding the Earth Together: Youth Voices Speak for Our World by
Immigration Detention, Risk and Human Rights: Studies on Immigration and Crime by
Inter-Group Relations and Migrant Integration in European Cities: Changing Neighbourhoods by
Immigration Policy in the Age of Punishment: Detention, Deportation, and Border Control by
An Immigrant Nation Seeks Cohesion: Australia from 1788 by Jupp, James
Immigration Policy in the Age of Punishment: Detention, Deportation, and Border Control by
People of the Leeward Islands, 1620-1860 by Dobson, David
Uprooted: How 3000 Years of Jewish Civilization in the Arab World Vanished Overnight by Julius, Lyn
En Busca De Uno Mismo: Sin Selfis by Bianco, Victor V.
Chaldean Iraqi American Association of Michigan by Bacall, Jacob
Chaldean Iraqi American Association of Michigan by Bacall, Jacob
Retirement Home? Ageing Migrant Workers in France and the Question of Return by Hunter, Alistair
Social Movements and the Indian Diaspora by Reddy, Movindri
Migration and Disruptions: Toward a Unifying Theory of Ancient and Contemporary Migrations by
The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir by Bui, Thi
Attorney Drafted U.S. Sample Business Plan by Lerner, Brian D.
The League of Nations and the Refugees from Nazi Germany: James G. McDonald and Hitler's Victims by Burgess, Greg
Migration als kulturpolitisches Paradigma? Konzepte der Interkultur im Diskurs by Müller, Sarah
Exiled in Paradise: German Refugee Artists and Intellectuals in America from the 1930s to the Present Volume 16 by Heilbut, Anthony
The Paradox of Diversity: Why Does Interethnic Contact in Voluntary Organizations Not Lead to Generalized Trust? by Achbari, Wahideh
A Post-Colonial Enquiry Into Europe's Debt and Migration Crisis by Samaddar, Ranabir
They Take Our Jobs!: And 20 Other Myths about Immigration by Chomsky, Aviva
Colonial Phantoms: Belonging and Refusal in the Dominican Americas, from the 19th Century to the Present by Ramírez, Dixa
A Family Conspiracy: Honor Killing by Chesler, Phyllis
Colonial Phantoms: Belonging and Refusal in the Dominican Americas, from the 19th Century to the Present by Ramírez, Dixa
Bush Bound: Young Men and Rural Permanence in Migrant West Africa by Gaibazzi, Paolo
Small Tragedy (Tcg Edition) by Lucas, Craig
Global Change and Human Mobility by
Lietuvybe Down Under by Pranauskas, Grazina
Waiting for Elijah: Time and Encounter in a Bosnian Landscape by Hadzimuhamedovic, Safet
Migration Nach Deutschland Und Rückkehr in Den Kosovo: Abschiebung Und Freiwillige Ausreise - Vier Qualitative Analysen by Jaschick, Maria, Sautter, Kathrin, Biskup, Verena
Soziale Arbeit Und Politische Bildung in Der Migrationsgesellschaft by
Mobilising the Diaspora by Betts, Alexander, Jones, Will
The Other in Contemporary Migrant Cinema: Imagining a New Europe? by Rings, Guido
Der Fremd-Gemachte Mann: Zur Konstruktion Von Männlichkeiten Im Migrationskontext by Scheibelhofer, Paul
Britishness, Belonging and Citizenship: Experiencing Nationality Law by Prabhat, Devyani
Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation by
The Boundaries of Belonging: Online Work of Immigration-Related Social Movement Organizations by Jaworsky, Bernadette Nadya
Transient Mobility and Middle Class Identity: Media and Migration in Australia and Singapore by Gomes, Catherine
The Agendas of Tibetan Refugees: Survival Strategies of a Government-In-Exile in a World of International Organizations by Kauffmann, Thomas
today can take your breath away: Poems by Swan, Marc
Performing Citizenship: Undocumented Migrants in the United States by McThomas, Mary
Sirios en Venezuela: Siglo XX by Azrak Nakkoul, Samir
Words of Passage: National Longing and the Imagined Lives of Mexican Migrants by Dick, Hilary Parsons
The Cultural Construction of the British World by
Attorney Drafted L-1 Intracompany-Transferee Visa Application: Entreprenuer Visa For People Who Want Their Own U.S. Business Branch by Lerner, Brian D.
Attorney Drafted U.S. Petitions: H-1B Specialty Occupation Work Visa For College Graduates by Lerner, Brian D.
Attorney Drafted U.S. Petitions: F-1 Student Petition for Reinstatement by Lerner, Brian D.
Attorney Drafted E-2 Treaty-Investor Business Visa Application: The Entrepreneurs Visa for the Person Who Wants Their Own U. S. Business by Lerner, Brian D.
Alpha: Abidjan to Paris by Bessora
Flüchtlinge in der Schule: Rahmenbedingungen, Perspektiven und Möglichkeiten für eine Arbeit mit Kindern in besonderen Lebenslagen in der Primars by Thurau, Tobias
After They Closed the Gates: Jewish Illegal Immigration to the United States, 1921-1965 by Garland, Libby
Interpreting Immigration at Museums and Historic Sites by
Interpreting Immigration at Museums and Historic Sites by
Children and Forced Migration: Durable Solutions During Transient Years by
From Here and There: Diaspora Policies, Integration, and Social Rights Beyond Borders by Délano Alonso, Alexandra
Educating Refugee-Background Students: Critical Issues and Dynamic Contexts by
Educating Refugee-Background Students: Critical Issues and Dynamic Contexts by
Crossroads by Gest, Justin, Boucher, Anna K.
Crossroads by Boucher, Anna K., Gest, Justin
Beyond Hawai'i: Native Labor in the Pacific World by Rosenthal, Gregory
Beyond Hawai'i: Native Labor in the Pacific World by Rosenthal, Gregory
Borders, Bodies and Narratives of Crisis in Europe by Lekka, Vasia, Panoutsopoulos, Grigoris, Lagios, Thanasis
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